Hi I'm trying to use a model that will generate dynamic table name from another database. I've managed to set the table name by overriding the tableName() function. But i'm getting an error saying
The table "powerDovakin_{FUS.THUM}" for active record class "PowersTransactions" cannot be found in the database
Here is the model class in question
class PowersTransactions
extends CActiveRecord {
public $symbol ;
public function __construct ($symbol) {
$this->symbol = $symbol;
* #return string the associated database table name
public function tableName () {
return "powerDovakin_{" . $this->symbol ."}";
* #return array relational rules.
public function relations () {
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array (
) ;
* Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
* Please note that you should have this exact method in all your CActiveRecord descendants!
* #param string $className active record class name.
* #return InsidersTransactions the static model class
public static function model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) {
return parent::model ( $className ) ;
* Overriding parent getDbConnection to allow for use of different database
public function getDbConnection () {
return Yii::app ()->powersDovakin ;
Now i've turned on logging and the trace shows that the error is being thrown when this query is being executed.. Here are some of the relevant lines from the stack trace
12:19:45.053172 trace system.db.CDbConnection
[ocak07jk4q3v8nfd535io8fdd4] Opening DB connection
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/models/PowersTransactions.php
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/models/PowersTransactions.php
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/views/realTime/_powerView.php
12:19:45.053564 trace system.db.CDbCommand
[ocak07jk4q3v8nfd535io8fdd4] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/models/PowersTransactions.php
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/views/realTime/_powerView.php
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/views/realTime/view.php (715)
12:19:45.053858 error system.db.CDbCommand
[ocak07jk4q3v8nfd535io8fdd4] CDbCommand::fetchAll() failed:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 SELECT command
denied to user 'user1'#'localhost' for table 'THUM}'. The SQL statement
executed was: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `powerDovakin_{FUS`.`THUM}`.
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/models/PowersTransactions.php
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/views/realTime/_powerView.php
in /var/www/html/PowerAnalysis/protected/views/realTime/view.php (715)
From the above trace what i could find out is that Yii is putting backticks (`) around the dots and maybe interpreting the portion after the dots as a column name.
My question is how can i make Yii use this sort of table names. I wish i could change the table names but my hands are tied at this moment. I just can't change them as they are not mine. So again the table names are like
powerDovakin_{FUS.THUM} , powerDovakin_{ROH.THUM}, etc
Is it possible to make the model accept such names. Please provide any sort of help as i can't find any solution to this problem. I would really appreciate any help i can get on this.
Thanks, In Advance,
the above code might give you the ability to fetch records from the tables but i don't think that you can insert any rows.
You need to call the constructor of the parent class in order to get the required functionality.
class PowersTransactions extends CActiveRecord {
public $symbol;
public function __construct ($symbol) {
$this->symbol = $symbol;
* other code goes here
Code above was tested and working
I have a database column called modified with ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP definition.
When I modify and persist existing object the column stays with old value, because it is already set in the object property. Is there a way to tell Doctrine not to set that object property when persisting?
I got the desired result using unset before persisting, but this will make the code messy as not all entities have that property.
Solved it by adding a LifecycleEvent.
In my ClassMetadataBuilder I have a method for creating the field:
public function addModifiedTimeField(): void {
$this->createField("modified", "timestamp")->build();
$this->addLifecycleEvent("unsetModified", "preFlush");
And entities that require modified field extend a Versionable class that defines the method.
abstract class Versionable extends JsonEncodable {
protected $modified;
public function getModified() {
return $this->modified;
public function unsetModified(): void {
$this->modified = null;
I need to get data from a different database in a relationship, like so:
Table1::development(1)->with([ 'column' => function($q) {
development is a local scope on my Table1 model, it just performs a where clause.
I'm getting an error with the above code which I can't figure out:
Error: BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::connection() in /var/www/vendor/illuminate/database/Query/Builder.php:2445
Can someone help me out?
Managed to figure it out, not sure if it's the best way. I just added my condition to the construct in my model and then swapped the connection there.
* Create a new Eloquent model instance.
* #param array $attributes
* #return void
public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
if (env('MODE') === 'mode2') {
I'm being bugged by an issue that seems very very puzzling. FYI - I know and I have read most of the doctrine questions around here, so I know the basics of doctrine and specifying relationships.
Below is how my data model looks (posting relevant sections of code)
class Sample
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Analysis", mappedBy="sample", cascade={"persist"})
protected $analyses
public function addAnalysis(Analysis $analysis)
$this->analyses[] = $analyses;
And Analysis
class Analysis
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Sample", inverseBy="analyses", cascade={"persist"})
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="sample_id", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $sample
public function setSample(Sample $sample)
$this->sample = $sample;
So one Sample can have multiple Analysis. While creating a new Analysis however, it is not letting me create one. It is throwing a NOT NULL constraint exception.
Below is the code I tried.
$analysis = new Analysis
$sample = $sample->addAnalysis($analysis)
I have gone through many links and the doctrine documentation
Doctrine One-To-Many Relationship Won't Save - Integrity Constraint Violation
Symfony 2 doctrine persist doesn't work after updating Relationship Mapping
Doctrine entities relationship
After going through this Doctrine "A new entity was found through the relationship" error, I tried to persist $analysis before persisting sample, but it gave an 'a new entity was found' error and then this official doctrine documentation
Not sure what I'm missing. Can anyone shed any light on this?
An exception occurred while executing
INSERT INTO analysis (id, uuid, type, status, submission_at, sample_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?) with params [202066, "seeebbbfg", "temp", 2, "2016-5-22 12:16:39", null]
null value in column "sample_id" violates not-null constraint
I think you should add analysisto the Analyses collection before set Sample.
I guess $this->analyses is an ArrayCollection so, use the ArrayCollection::add() method to add a new object.
Please, try this part of code and let me know the result
class Sample
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Analysis", mappedBy="sample", cascade={"persist"})
protected $analyses
public function __construct()
$this->analyses = new ArrayCollection();
public function addAnalysis(Analysis $analysis)
return $this;
Thanks for this... Doctrine is not very clear how these are constructed.
I actually modified your code to create a instance of "related field" (analyese) as an Array Collection # _construct and then you can populate that Array with the actual Entity by passing it to the addAnalysis() function.
So the order of operations is: (as I understand it)
Construct an instance of Sample w/ an "related field" (analyese) Array
Construct an instance of Analysis and populate the Array
Pass the Analysis Array to the Sample analyese Array
Then flush the sample which will save the Analysis data to the database.
This worked for me.
class Sample
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Analysis", mappedBy="sample", cascade={"persist"})
protected $analyses
public function __construct()
$this->analyses = new ArrayCollection();
public function addAnalysis(Analysis $analysis)
return $this;
Basic question How can I fetch the 'type' column as integer value from inside the table mapper?
I have a PHP Zend Framework 1.12 application running a website. Inside MySQL are multiple tables with multiple columns.
Inside two tables I use the SET type. The column is named 'type' and as 'set('LOCAL','EXTERNAL')'. Don't mix up this field type with the ENUM please!
So far no problems, querying the table and fetching the type column as INT or STRING is not a problem:
$Sql = $Db->select()->from('tablename', ['type_as_int' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('type+0')]); //returns INT (if both are selected: 3)
$Sql = $Db->select()->from('tablename', ['type']); //returns STRING (if both are selected: LOCAL,EXTERNAL)
But, in this application also has table mappers that extend Zend_Db_Table_Abstract.
Inside the mapper resides the 'find()' method. Default built in into the abstract to find records by their primary key.
But.. When I use the object to fetch a record , I find the following response inside my populate method:
array([type] => LOCAL,EXTERNAL)
Querying it by hand (and defining the columns myself) would be an options ($this->select()->from...), but isn't there a more elegant way?
(I know that I am using an older version of ZF, but upgrading would cost too much time at this moment.)
After the bounty was started I noticed that there wasn't a really simple anwer, so I began looking deeper into Zend Framework 1.12 and the mapper objects that I use.
I noticed that the 'find()' method just uses the primary key columns to build a query.
So starting with that knowledge I built my own 'find()' method which resides in the 'abstract model mapper' and uses the 'find()' mapper inside the class that extends \Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
/* sample abstract mapper class with find */
abstract class MapperAbstract {
* Zend db table abstract object
* #var \Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
private $DbTable;
public function find($id, $Model) {
$Select = $this->$DbTable->select(\Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::SELECT_WITH_FROM_PART);
//Fetch record and populate model if we got
//a result
$Row = $this->$DbTable->fetchRow($Select);
//do some extra shizzle
if ($Row !== null) {
return $Model->populate((array)$Row);
Now I need to add a method that overrides the default columns.
So I created a method called 'overrideColumns()' that return an array filled with column names that need to be selected or must be overriden.
* Returns array with columns that need to be overridden
* or selected as extra
* #return array
public function overrideColumns() {
return ['type' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('type+0')];
And from that point I only needed to adjust the $Select query so it would use the 'overrideColumns()' method.
So the full class becomes something like:
/* sample abstract mapper class with find */
abstract class MapperAbstract {
* Zend db table abstract object
* #var \Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
private $DbTable;
* Returns array with columns that need to be overridden
* or selected as extra
* #return array
private function overrideColumns() {
return ['type' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('type+0')];
public function find($id, $Model) {
$Select = $this->DbTable->select(\Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::SELECT_WITH_FROM_PART);
//Check if we need to override columns in the select query
$overrideColumns = $this->getOverrideColumns();
if (!empty($overrideColumns)) {
$Select->columns($overrideColumns); //overrides the columns
//Add where clause to the query
//I know there can also be a compound primary key, but
//I'm just ignoring that in this example
$Select->where($this->DbTable->getPrimaryKeyColumn() . ' = ?', $id);
//doing some extra shizzle
//that is not important when I want to explain stuff
//Fetch record and populate model if we got a result
$Row = $this->DbTable->fetchRow($Select);
if ($Row !== null) {
return $Model->populate((array)$Row);
So.. after a while I found the answer I was looking for, without having to declare all columns.
In controller A, I load a model not associated with this controller. I'm interested in managing the model name of controller B with a single variable, so I don't have to manually change many lines if the table/model B's name changes.
For example below is the controller A's code:
public $modelBName = 'ModelB';
public function controller_a_function() {
$this->loadModel($this->modelBName); // I use the variable here for model B
$this->ModelB->model_b_function(); // COMMENT #1
For the line commented "COMMENT #1," how do I use the variable name instead of explicitly written out word 'ModelB'? This line appears multiple times throughout the code, and I would like to use the variable $modelBName if possible. ModelB will likely not change, but if it does for some reason, it would be nice to just change one variable instead of editting multiple lines.
The simple answer; use this:
Note the curly brackets {} around the property name. more information can be found in the manual;
A cleaner approach may be a sort of 'factory' method;
* Load and return a model
* #var string $modelName
* #return Model
* #throws MissingModelException if the model class cannot be found.
protected function model($modelName)
if (!isset($this->{$modelName})) {
return $this->{$modelName};
Which can be used like this;
$result = $this->model($this->modelBName)->find('all');
And, if you don't want to specify the model, but want it to return a '$this->modelBName' automatically;
* Load and return the model as specified in the 'modelBName' property
* #return Model
* #throws MissingModelException if the model class cannot be found.
protected function modelB()
if (!isset($this->{$this->modelBName})) {
return $this->{$this->modelBName};
Which can be used like this:
$result = $this->modelB()->find('all');
I think you are confused between model name and table name. You can set a model to use a different database table by using the $useTable property, for example:
class User extends AppModel {
public $useTable = 'users_table'; // Database table used
class Product extends AppModel {
public function foo() {
You should never need to change the name of the model, and if the name of the database table changes you can simply update the $useTable property in the model.