Partially hide email address in PHP - php

I am building a simple friend/buddy system, and when someone tries to search for new friends, I want to show partially hidden email addresses, so as to give an idea about who the user might be, without revealing the actual details.
So I want to become abcdl******
As a test I wrote:
$email = "";
$em = explode("#",$email);
$name = $em[0];
$len = strlen($name);
$showLen = floor($len/2);
$str_arr = str_split($name);
$str_arr[$ii] = '*';
$em[0] = implode('',$str_arr);
$new_name = implode('#',$em);
echo $new_name;
This works, but I was wondering if there was any easier/shorter way of applying the same logic? Like a regex maybe?

here's something quick:
function obfuscate_email($email)
$em = explode("#",$email);
$name = implode('#', array_slice($em, 0, count($em)-1));
$len = floor(strlen($name)/2);
return substr($name,0, $len) . str_repeat('*', $len) . "#" . end($em);
// to see in action:
$emails = ['"Abc\#def"', ''];
foreach ($emails as $email)
echo obfuscate_email($email) . "\n";
uses substr() and str_repeat()

Maybe this is not what you want, but I would go for this:
Here's the logic:
We want to show X numbers.
If length of STR is less than X, hide all.
Else replace the rest with *.
function mask($str, $first, $last) {
$len = strlen($str);
$toShow = $first + $last;
return substr($str, 0, $len <= $toShow ? 0 : $first).str_repeat("*", $len - ($len <= $toShow ? 0 : $toShow)).substr($str, $len - $last, $len <= $toShow ? 0 : $last);
function mask_email($email) {
$mail_parts = explode("#", $email);
$domain_parts = explode('.', $mail_parts[1]);
$mail_parts[0] = mask($mail_parts[0], 2, 1); // show first 2 letters and last 1 letter
$domain_parts[0] = mask($domain_parts[0], 2, 1); // same here
$mail_parts[1] = implode('.', $domain_parts);
return implode("#", $mail_parts);
$emails = array(
foreach ($emails as $email){
echo '<b>'.$email.'</b><br>'.mask_email($email).'<br><hr>';

Here's my alternate solution for this.
I wouldn't use the exact number of mask characters to match the original length of the email, but rather use a fixed length mask for privacy reasons. I would also set the maximum allowed characters to show as well as never show more than half of the email. I would also mask all emails less than a minimum length.
With those rules in mind, here's my function with optional parameters:
function maskEmail($email, $minLength = 3, $maxLength = 10, $mask = "***") {
$atPos = strrpos($email, "#");
$name = substr($email, 0, $atPos);
$len = strlen($name);
$domain = substr($email, $atPos);
if (($len / 2) < $maxLength) $maxLength = ($len / 2);
$shortenedEmail = (($len > $minLength) ? substr($name, 0, $maxLength) : "");
return "{$shortenedEmail}{$mask}{$domain}";
$email = "";
$tests = [];
for ($i=0; $i < 22; $i++) {
$email .= chr(97 + $i);
$tests[] = $email . " -> " . maskEmail("{$email}");
[0] => a -> ***
[1] => ab -> ***
[2] => abc -> ***
[3] => abcd -> ab***
[4] => abcde -> ab***
[5] => abcdef -> abc***
[6] => abcdefg -> abc***
[7] => abcdefgh -> abcd***
[8] => abcdefghi -> abcd***
[9] => abcdefghij -> abcde***
[10] => abcdefghijk -> abcde***
[11] => abcdefghijkl -> abcdef***
[12] => abcdefghijklm -> abcdef***
[13] => abcdefghijklmn -> abcdefg***
[14] => abcdefghijklmno -> abcdefg***
[15] => abcdefghijklmnop -> abcdefgh***
[16] => abcdefghijklmnopq -> abcdefgh***
[17] => abcdefghijklmnopqr -> abcdefghi***
[18] => abcdefghijklmnopqrs -> abcdefghi***
[19] => abcdefghijklmnopqrst -> abcdefghij***
[20] => abcdefghijklmnopqrstu -> abcdefghij***
[21] => abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv -> abcdefghij***

For instance :
substr($email, 0, 3).'****'.substr($email, strpos($email, "#"));
Which will give you something like:

I'm using this:
function secret_mail($email)
$domain = substr(strrchr($email, "#"), 1);
return substr_replace($mailname, $start, 2, $name_l/$prop).substr_replace($domain, $end, 2, $domain_l/$prop);
Will output something like:

I created a function can help someone
function hideEmail($email)
$mail_parts = explode("#", $email);
$length = strlen($mail_parts[0]);
$show = floor($length/2);
$hide = $length - $show;
$replace = str_repeat("*", $hide);
return substr_replace ( $mail_parts[0] , $replace , $show, $hide ) . "#" . substr_replace($mail_parts[1], "**", 0, 2);
hideEmail(""); // output: na**#**
hideEmail(""); // output: some*****#**
You can customize as you want .. something like this (if length is 4 or less display only the first)
function hideEmail($email) {
$mail_parts = explode("#", $email);
$length = strlen($mail_parts[0]);
if($length <= 4 & $length > 1)
$show = 1;
$show = floor($length/2);
$hide = $length - $show;
$replace = str_repeat("*", $hide);
return substr_replace ( $mail_parts[0] , $replace , $show, $hide ) . "#" . substr_replace($mail_parts[1], "**", 0, 2);
hideEmail(""); // output: n***#**
hideEmail(""); // output: some*****#**

Very simple RegExp way:
$email = preg_replace('/\B[^#.]/', '*', $email)
Results: j***#s*****.c** a*****#e******.o**
abcdef: a*****

Sometimes its good to show the last character too. becomes
I will suggest you keep things simple.
Maybe something like this is simple enough
Masks an email to show first 3 characters and then the last character before the # sign
function mask_email( $email ) {
Author: Fed
Simple way of masking emails
$char_shown = 3;
$mail_parts = explode("#", $email);
$username = $mail_parts[0];
$len = strlen( $username );
if( $len <= $char_shown ){
return implode("#", $mail_parts );
//Logic: show asterisk in middle, but also show the last character before #
$mail_parts[0] = substr( $username, 0 , $char_shown )
. str_repeat("*", $len - $char_shown - 1 )
. substr( $username, $len - $char_shown + 2 , 1 )
return implode("#", $mail_parts );

I m using femich answer above and tweak it a bit for my
function mask_email($email, $char_shown_front = 1, $char_shown_back = 1)
$mail_parts = explode('#', $email);
$username = $mail_parts[0];
$len = strlen($username);
if ($len < $char_shown_front or $len < $char_shown_back) {
return implode('#', $mail_parts);
//Logic: show asterisk in middle, but also show the last character before #
$mail_parts[0] = substr($username, 0, $char_shown_front)
. str_repeat('*', $len - $char_shown_front - $char_shown_back)
. substr($username, $len - $char_shown_back, $char_shown_back);
return implode('#', $mail_parts);
} -> t*****
you can pass in the number of character to show in the front and in the back

You can also try this....
$email = "";
$resultmob = substr($email,0,5);
$resultmob .= "**********";
$resultmob .= substr($email,strpos($email, "#"));
echo $resultmob;

Another variant that was heavily influenced by the answers already shared.
This has two key extra benefits:
It keeps the first characters after a defined set of delimiters, making it more readable while still preserving privacy.
It works with longer domain endings such as and
Example: becomes f********.l*******#e*****.c*.u*
function mask_email( $email ) {
$masked = '';
$show_next = true;
foreach ( str_split( $email ) as $chr ) {
if ( $show_next ) {
$masked .= $chr;
$show_next = false;
else if ( in_array( $chr, array('.', '#', '+') ) ) {
$masked .= $chr;
$show_next = true;
else {
$masked .= '*';
$show_next = false;
return $masked;

Try this function. This will work with valid emails, such as "Abc\#def"
function hideEmail($email){
$prefix = substr($email, 0, strrpos($email, '#'));
$suffix = substr($email, strripos($email, '#'));
$len = floor(strlen($prefix)/2);
return substr($prefix, 0, $len) . str_repeat('*', $len) . $suffix;
echo hideEmail('');
echo hideEmail('"abc\#def"');

I have a function
function hide_email($email){
$final_str = '';
$string = explode('#', $email);
$leftlength = strlen($string[0]);
$string2 = explode('.', $string[1]);
$string2len = strlen($string2[0]);
$leftlength_new = $leftlength-1;
$first_letter = substr($string[0], 0,1);
$stars = '';
$stars2 = '';
for ($i=0; $i < $leftlength_new; $i++) {
$stars .= '*';
for ($i=0; $i < $string2len; $i++) {
$stars2 .= '*';
return $final_str .= $first_letter.$stars.'#'.$stars2.'.'.$string2[1];
echo hide_email('');

There was an issue in case if there would be 1 character before #. I have fixed in below function.
function obfuscate_email($email)
$em = explode("#",$email);
return '*'.'#'.$em[1];
$name = implode(array_slice($em, 0, count($em)-1), '#');
$len = floor(strlen($name)/2);
return substr($name,0, $len) . str_repeat('*', $len) . "#" . end($em);

Here is version with only 2 lines (if you remove function stuff).
function censor_email($str,$amount=2, $char='*') {
list($local, $domain)=explode("#",$str);
return substr($local,0,$amount).str_repeat($char,strlen($local)-$amount)."#".$domain;

function maskEmail($email) {
preg_match('/^.?(.*)?.#.+$/', $email, $matches);
return str_replace($matches[1], str_repeat('*', strlen($matches[1])), $email);
echo maskEmail('')
echo maskEmail('')
echo maskEmail('')
echo maskEmail('')

This is what I did, as I required exact number of string count same as plain email.
This function only shows first & last two characters before "#"
function mask_email($email)
$em = explode("#",$email);
$len = strlen($em[0]);
$substr_count = 1;
if($len > 6)
$substr_count = 2;
$first = substr($em[0], 0,$substr_count);
$last = substr($em[0], -$substr_count);
$no_of_star = $len - ($substr_count * 2);
return $first.str_repeat('*', $no_of_star).$last."#".end($em);

Though this is an old thread & has many answers already. I want to share my own snippet too.
Which checks if it's a valid email or not.
How much characters to censor & to show.
What character should be used to censor.
function get_censored_email($email, $show_chars = 3, $censor_char = '*'){
if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$char_length = strlen($email);
$censor_count = $char_length - $show_chars;
$return_email = substr($email, 0, $show_chars);
$return_email .= str_repeat("*", $censor_count);
return $return_email;
$email = '';
echo get_censored_email($email, 3, '*'); // returns nom***********************

Method 1:
function hideEmailAddress($email) {
if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
list($first, $last) = explode('#', $email);
$first = str_replace(substr($first, '3'), str_repeat('*', strlen($first)-3), $first);
$last = explode('.', $last);
$last_domain = str_replace(substr($last['0'], '1'), str_repeat('*', strlen($last['0'])-1), $last['0']);
$hideEmailAddress = $first.'#'.$last_domain.'.'.$last['1'];
return $hideEmailAddress;
$email = "";
echo hideEmailAddress($email);
Method 2:
function hideEmailAddress($email) {
$em = explode("#",$email);
$name = implode(array_slice($em, 0, count($em)-1), '#');
$len = floor(strlen($name)/2);
return substr($name,0, $len) . str_repeat('*', $len) . "#" . end($em);
$email = '';
echo hideEmailAddress($email);


Hide numbers of a phone number

How can I show and hide the some numbers of a phone number by replacing it with * like 0935***3256 by PHP?
09350943256 -> 0935***3256 09119822432 -> 0911***2432
09215421597 -> 0921***1597...
$number = '09350943256';
echo str_pad(substr($number, -4), strlen($number), '*', STR_PAD_LEFT);
Top php code result is as: *******3256 but i want result as: 0935***3256
How is it?
You could use substr and concat this way
to work for any $number with any number of n digit length
$number = "112222";
$middle_string ="";
$length = strlen($number);
if( $length < 3 ){
echo $length == 1 ? "*" : "*". substr($number, - 1);
$part_size = floor( $length / 3 ) ;
$middle_part_size = $length - ( $part_size * 2 );
for( $i=0; $i < $middle_part_size ; $i ++ ){
$middle_string .= "*";
echo substr($number, 0, $part_size ) . $middle_string . substr($number, - $part_size );
The output if you make $number = "1" is * and if $number = "12" is *2 and for $number = "112222" is 11**22. and it goes on.
In short:
$phone = 01133597084;
$maskedPhone = substr($phone, 0, 4) . "****" . substr($phone, 7, 4);
// Output: 0113****7084
You can use substr_replace() function
$mobnum ="09350943256";
$mobnum = substr_replace($mobnum,"*",$i,1);
echo $mobnum;
You can use substr() to fetch the first 4 and last 4, and add four * in the middle manually, and put it all together in a string.
$phone = "09350943256";
$result = substr($phone, 0, 4);
$result .= "****";
$result .= substr($phone, 7, 4);
echo $result;
The above would output
Live demo
function stars($phone)
for ($i=0; $i <$times ; $i++) {
return $star;
$result=str_replace(substr($phone, 4,5), stars($phone), $phone);
echo $result;
Instead of doing the math of calculating indices, I suggest this „declarative“ solution:
preg_match('/(\\d{4})(\\d+)(\\d{4})/', $number, $matches);

Validate IBAN PHP

As designing a new platform we tried to integrate the IBAN numbers. We have to make sure that the IBAN is validated and the IBAN stored to the database is always correct. So what would be a proper way to validate the number?
As the logic was explained in my other question, I've created a function myself. Based on the logic explained in the Wikipedia article find a proper function below. Country specific validation.
Algorithm and character lengths per country at
function checkIBAN($iban)
if(strlen($iban) < 5) return false;
$iban = strtolower(str_replace(' ','',$iban));
$Countries = array('al'=>28,'ad'=>24,'at'=>20,'az'=>28,'bh'=>22,'be'=>16,'ba'=>20,'br'=>29,'bg'=>22,'cr'=>21,'hr'=>21,'cy'=>28,'cz'=>24,'dk'=>18,'do'=>28,'ee'=>20,'fo'=>18,'fi'=>18,'fr'=>27,'ge'=>22,'de'=>22,'gi'=>23,'gr'=>27,'gl'=>18,'gt'=>28,'hu'=>28,'is'=>26,'ie'=>22,'il'=>23,'it'=>27,'jo'=>30,'kz'=>20,'kw'=>30,'lv'=>21,'lb'=>28,'li'=>21,'lt'=>20,'lu'=>20,'mk'=>19,'mt'=>31,'mr'=>27,'mu'=>30,'mc'=>27,'md'=>24,'me'=>22,'nl'=>18,'no'=>15,'pk'=>24,'ps'=>29,'pl'=>28,'pt'=>25,'qa'=>29,'ro'=>24,'sm'=>27,'sa'=>24,'rs'=>22,'sk'=>24,'si'=>19,'es'=>24,'se'=>24,'ch'=>21,'tn'=>24,'tr'=>26,'ae'=>23,'gb'=>22,'vg'=>24);
$Chars = array('a'=>10,'b'=>11,'c'=>12,'d'=>13,'e'=>14,'f'=>15,'g'=>16,'h'=>17,'i'=>18,'j'=>19,'k'=>20,'l'=>21,'m'=>22,'n'=>23,'o'=>24,'p'=>25,'q'=>26,'r'=>27,'s'=>28,'t'=>29,'u'=>30,'v'=>31,'w'=>32,'x'=>33,'y'=>34,'z'=>35);
if(array_key_exists(substr($iban,0,2), $Countries) && strlen($iban) == $Countries[substr($iban,0,2)]){
$MovedChar = substr($iban, 4).substr($iban,0,4);
$MovedCharArray = str_split($MovedChar);
$NewString = "";
foreach($MovedCharArray AS $key => $value){
if(!isset($Chars[$MovedCharArray[$key]])) return false;
$MovedCharArray[$key] = $Chars[$MovedCharArray[$key]];
$NewString .= $MovedCharArray[$key];
if(bcmod($NewString, '97') == 1)
return true;
return false;
Slight modification of #PeterFox answer including support for bcmod() when bcmath is not available,
function isValidIBAN ($iban) {
$iban = strtolower($iban);
$Countries = array(
$Chars = array(
if (strlen($iban) != $Countries[ substr($iban,0,2) ]) { return false; }
$MovedChar = substr($iban, 4) . substr($iban,0,4);
$MovedCharArray = str_split($MovedChar);
$NewString = "";
foreach ($MovedCharArray as $k => $v) {
if ( !is_numeric($MovedCharArray[$k]) ) {
$MovedCharArray[$k] = $Chars[$MovedCharArray[$k]];
$NewString .= $MovedCharArray[$k];
if (function_exists("bcmod")) { return bcmod($NewString, '97') == 1; }
$x = $NewString; $y = "97";
$take = 5; $mod = "";
do {
$a = (int)$mod . substr($x, 0, $take);
$x = substr($x, $take);
$mod = $a % $y;
while (strlen($x));
return (int)$mod == 1;
The accepted answer is not the preferred way of validation. The specification dictates the following:
Check that the total IBAN length is correct as per the country. If not, the IBAN is invalid
Replace the two check digits by 00 (e.g. GB00 for the UK)
Move the four initial characters to the end of the string
Replace the letters in the string with digits, expanding the string as necessary, such that A or a = 10, B or b = 11, and Z or z = 35. Each alphabetic character is therefore replaced by 2 digits
Convert the string to an integer (i.e. ignore leading zeroes)
Calculate mod-97 of the new number, which results in the remainder
Subtract the remainder from 98, and use the result for the two check digits. If the result is a single digit number, pad it with a leading 0 to make a two-digit number
I've written a class that validates, formats and parses strings according to the spec. Hope this helps some save the time required to roll their own.
The code can be found on GitHub here.
top rated function does NOT work.
Just try a string with '%' in it...
I'm using this one :
function checkIBAN($iban) {
// Normalize input (remove spaces and make upcase)
$iban = strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '', $iban));
if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{1,30}$/', $iban)) {
$country = substr($iban, 0, 2);
$check = intval(substr($iban, 2, 2));
$account = substr($iban, 4);
// To numeric representation
$search = range('A','Z');
foreach (range(10,35) as $tmp)
$numstr=str_replace($search, $replace, $account.$country.'00');
// Calculate checksum
$checksum = intval(substr($numstr, 0, 1));
for ($pos = 1; $pos < strlen($numstr); $pos++) {
$checksum *= 10;
$checksum += intval(substr($numstr, $pos,1));
$checksum %= 97;
return ((98-$checksum) == $check);
} else
return false;
I found this solution in cakephp 3.7 validation class. Plain beautiful php realization.
* Check that the input value has a valid International Bank Account Number IBAN syntax
* Requirements are uppercase, no whitespaces, max length 34, country code and checksum exist at right spots,
* body matches against checksum via Mod97-10 algorithm
* #param string $check The value to check
* #return bool Success
public static function iban($check)
if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{1,30}$/', $check)) {
return false;
$country = substr($check, 0, 2);
$checkInt = intval(substr($check, 2, 2));
$account = substr($check, 4);
$search = range('A', 'Z');
$replace = [];
foreach (range(10, 35) as $tmp) {
$replace[] = strval($tmp);
$numStr = str_replace($search, $replace, $account . $country . '00');
$checksum = intval(substr($numStr, 0, 1));
$numStrLength = strlen($numStr);
for ($pos = 1; $pos < $numStrLength; $pos++) {
$checksum *= 10;
$checksum += intval(substr($numStr, $pos, 1));
$checksum %= 97;
return ((98 - $checksum) === $checkInt);
This function check the IBAN and need GMP activate
function checkIban($string){
$to_check = substr($string, 4).substr($string, 0,4);
$converted = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($to_check); $i++){
$char = strtoupper($to_check[$i]);
$char = ord($char)-55;
$converted .= $char;
// prevent: "gmp_mod() $num1 is not an integer string" error
$converted = ltrim($converted, '0');
return strlen($converted) && gmp_strval(gmp_mod($converted, '97')) == 1;
enjoy !

php how can i hide a part of the email adress?

i currently have this:
$value = preg_replace('', '***********', $value);
$value = preg_replace('', '***********', $value);
$value = preg_replace('', '***********', $value);
$value = preg_replace('', '***********', $value);
$value = preg_replace('', '***********', $value);
$value = preg_replace('', '***********', $value);
but how can i show e email adress like this: juliankuit******** ?
email is:
and without having to replace all the email providers like with *'s
thanks in advance!
echo preg_replace('/(?<=.).(?=.*#)/u','*','');
Will return
I'm using this function
function maskEmail($email, $minLength = 3, $maxLength = 10, $mask = "***") {
$atPos = strrpos($email, "#");
$name = substr($email, 0, $atPos);
$len = strlen($name);
$domain = substr($email, $atPos);
if (($len / 2) < $maxLength) $maxLength = ($len / 2);
$shortenedEmail = (($len > $minLength) ? substr($name, 0, $maxLength) : "");
return "{$shortenedEmail}{$mask}{$domain}";
This an example
echo maskEmail(''); // abcd***
My PhP is too rusty to put code example, but here's the logic I would use :
find # symbol index in string 2)
truncate string to X characters , X being the number found on step 1 minus a certain
number of characters (up to you to decide)
Add a certain amount of * to the string you obtained in step 2
Note that during step 2, if X <= 0, then the whole string should be replace by * characters
Sometimes its good to show the last character too.
I will suggest you keep things simple.
Maybe something like this is simple enough
Masks an email to show first 3 characters and then the last character before the # sign becomes
function mask_email( $email ) {
Author: Fed
Simple way of masking emails
$char_shown = 3;
$mail_parts = explode("#", $email);
$username = $mail_parts[0];
$len = strlen( $username );
if( $len <= $char_shown ){
return implode("#", $mail_parts );
//Logic: show asterisk in middle, but also show the last character before #
$mail_parts[0] = substr( $username, 0 , $char_shown )
. str_repeat("*", $len - $char_shown - 1 )
. substr( $username, $len - $char_shown + 2 , 1 )
return implode("#", $mail_parts );

getting a substring(charset independent) between given two offsets

I just want to know if there is any built in php function where I can get a substring between given two keywords (keyword1 and keyword2). Note that keywords may repeat in the string so I must be able to get the substring between xth keyword1 and yth keyword2. Moreover, I mainly use unicode characters so the function should be charset independen.
Please help me out to handle this problem.
E.g. $string=This is their cat with a hat in the theater.
$keyword1="is"; $keyword2="the";
Task: how to get substring between 2nd occurance of "is" and 3nd occurance of "the" in the given string above.
Answer: " the cat with a hat in the "
You can use regular expressions:
$string = "This is their cat with a hat in the theater";
$regex1 = "/.*? is |^is/";
$regex2 = "/ the .*| the$/";
echo preg_replace($regex1, '', preg_replace($regex2, ' the', $string));
EDIT Here is more generic code:
function find($text, $str, $offset) {
$len = strlen($text);
$search_len = strlen($str);
$count = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$len; ++$i) {
if (substr($text, $i, $search_len) == $str) {
if (++$count == $offset) {
return $i;
return -1;
function between($text, $word1, $offset1, $word2, $offset2) {
$start = find($text, $word1, $offset1);
$end = find($text, $word2, $offset2);
if ($start != -1 && $end != -1) {
return substr($text, $start + strlen($word1), $end-$start-strlen($word2));
} else {
return '';
$string = "This is their cat with a hat in the theater";
echo between($string, 'is', 2, 'the', 3);
echo between($string, 'at', 1, 'at', 3);
Combination of following two functions work for any string including unicode characters:
//Gets the position of a given substring with its offset;
function strposOffset($string, $search, $offset)
/*** explode the string ***/
$arr = explode($search, $string);
/*** check the search is not out of bounds ***/
switch( $offset )
case $offset == 0:
return false;
case $offset > max(array_keys($arr)):
return false;
return mb_strlen(implode($search, array_slice($arr, 0, $offset)), "utf-8");
} //Source:
//Extracts a substring between given two given substrings with their offsets.
function extractMiddleSubstr($string, $substr1, $offset1, $substr2, $offset2){
$strlen_substr1 = mb_strlen($substr1, "utf-8"); //length of substr1;
$strpos_substr1 = strposOffset($string, $substr1, $offset1); //position of substr1;
$strpos_substr2 = strposOffset($string, $substr2, $offset2); //position of substr2;
if($strpos_substr1!==null && $strpos_substr2!==null && $strpos_substr1!==false && $strpos_substr2!==false){
$strpos_substr = $strlen_substr1+$strpos_substr1; //position of substr;
$strlen_substr = $strpos_substr2-$strpos_substr; //length of substr;
$substr = mb_substr($string, $strpos_substr, $strlen_substr, "utf-8"); //substr;
$substr = trim($substr); // removes whitespaces;
return $substr;
return false;
return false;

How to generate excerpt with most searched words in PHP?

Here is an excerpt function:
function excerpt($text, $phrase, $radius = 100, $ending = "...") {
270 if (empty($text) or empty($phrase)) {
271 return $this->truncate($text, $radius * 2, $ending);
272 }
274 $phraseLen = strlen($phrase);
275 if ($radius < $phraseLen) {
276 $radius = $phraseLen;
277 }
279 $pos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($phrase));
281 $startPos = 0;
282 if ($pos > $radius) {
283 $startPos = $pos - $radius;
284 }
286 $textLen = strlen($text);
288 $endPos = $pos + $phraseLen + $radius;
289 if ($endPos >= $textLen) {
290 $endPos = $textLen;
291 }
293 $excerpt = substr($text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos);
294 if ($startPos != 0) {
295 $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, 0, $phraseLen);
296 }
298 if ($endPos != $textLen) {
299 $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, -$phraseLen);
300 }
302 return $excerpt;
303 }
Its drawback is that it doesn't try to match as many searched words as possible,which only matches once by default.
How to implement the desired one?
The code listed here thus far has not worked for me so I spent some time thinking of an algorithm to implement. What I have now works decently, and it does not appear to be a performance problem - feel free to test. Results are not as snazzy Google's snippets as there is no detection for where sentences start and end. I could add this but it'd be that much more complicated and I'd have to throw in the towel on doing this in a single function. Already its getting crowded and could be better coded if, for example, the object manipulations were abstracted to methods.
Anyhow, this is what I have and it should be a good start. The most dense excerpt is determined and the resulting string will approximately be the span you have specified. I urge some testing of this code as I have not done a thorough job of it. Surely there are problematic cases to be found.
I also encourage anyone to improve on this algorithm, or simply the code to execute it.
// string excerpt(string $text, string $phrase, int $span = 100, string $delimiter = '...')
// parameters:
// $text - text to be searched
// $phrase - search string
// $span - approximate length of the excerpt
// $delimiter - string to use as a suffix and/or prefix if the excerpt is from the middle of a text
function excerpt($text, $phrase, $span = 100, $delimiter = '...') {
$phrases = preg_split('/\s+/', $phrase);
$regexp = '/\b(?:';
foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
$regexp .= preg_quote($phrase, '/') . '|';
$regexp = substr($regexp, 0, -1) . ')\b/i';
$matches = array();
preg_match_all($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$matches = $matches[0];
$nodes = array();
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$node = new stdClass;
$node->phraseLength = strlen($match[0]);
$node->position = $match[1];
$nodes[] = $node;
if (count($nodes) > 0) {
$clust = new stdClass;
$clust->nodes[] = array_shift($nodes);
$clust->length = $clust->nodes[0]->phraseLength;
$clust->i = 0;
$clusters = new stdClass;
$clusters->data = array($clust);
$clusters->i = 0;
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$lastClust = $clusters->data[$clusters->i];
$lastNode = $lastClust->nodes[$lastClust->i];
$addedLength = $node->position - $lastNode->position - $lastNode->phraseLength + $node->phraseLength;
if ($lastClust->length + $addedLength <= $span) {
$lastClust->nodes[] = $node;
$lastClust->length += $addedLength;
$lastClust->i += 1;
} else {
if ($addedLength > $span) {
$newClust = new stdClass;
$newClust->nodes = array($node);
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->length = $node->phraseLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$clusters->i += 1;
} else {
$newClust = clone $lastClust;
while ($newClust->length + $addedLength > $span) {
$shiftedNode = array_shift($newClust->nodes);
if ($shiftedNode === null) {
$newClust->i -= 1;
$removedLength = $shiftedNode->phraseLength;
if (isset($newClust->nodes[0])) {
$removedLength += $newClust->nodes[0]->position - $shiftedNode->position;
$newClust->length -= $removedLength;
if ($newClust->i < 0) {
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->nodes[] = $node;
$newClust->length += $addedLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$clusters->i += 1;
$bestClust = $clusters->data[0];
$bestClustSize = count($bestClust->nodes);
foreach ($clusters->data as $clust) {
$newClustSize = count($clust->nodes);
if ($newClustSize > $bestClustSize) {
$bestClust = $clust;
$bestClustSize = $newClustSize;
$clustLeft = $bestClust->nodes[0]->position;
$clustLen = $bestClust->length;
$padding = round(($span - $clustLen)/2);
$clustLeft -= $padding;
if ($clustLeft < 0) {
$clustLen += $clustLeft*-1 + $padding;
$clustLeft = 0;
} else {
$clustLen += $padding*2;
} else {
$clustLeft = 0;
$clustLen = $span;
$textLen = strlen($text);
$prefix = '';
$suffix = '';
if (!ctype_space($text[$clustLeft]) && isset($text[$clustLeft-1]) && !ctype_space($text[$clustLeft-1])) {
while (!ctype_space($text[$clustLeft])) {
$clustLeft += 1;
$prefix = $delimiter;
$lastChar = $clustLeft + $clustLen;
if (!ctype_space($text[$lastChar]) && isset($text[$lastChar+1]) && !ctype_space($text[$lastChar+1])) {
while (!ctype_space($text[$lastChar])) {
$lastChar -= 1;
$suffix = $delimiter;
$clustLen = $lastChar - $clustLeft;
if ($clustLeft > 0) {
$prefix = $delimiter;
if ($clustLeft + $clustLen < $textLen) {
$suffix = $delimiter;
return $prefix . trim(substr($text, $clustLeft, $clustLen+1)) . $suffix;
I came up with the below to generate excerpts. You can see the code here It works by finding all the locations of the matching words, then takes an excerpt based on which words are the closest. In theory this does not sound very good but in practice it works very well.
Its actually very close to how Sphider (for the record it lives in searchfuncs.php from line 529 to 566) generates its snippets. I think the below is much easier to read and is without bugs which exist in Sphider. It also does not use regular expressions which makes it a bit faster then other methods I have used.
I blogged about it here
// find the locations of each of the words
// Nothing exciting here. The array_unique is required
// unless you decide to make the words unique before passing in
function _extractLocations($words, $fulltext) {
$locations = array();
foreach($words as $word) {
$wordlen = strlen($word);
$loc = stripos($fulltext, $word);
while($loc !== FALSE) {
$locations[] = $loc;
$loc = stripos($fulltext, $word, $loc + $wordlen);
$locations = array_unique($locations);
return $locations;
// Work out which is the most relevant portion to display
// This is done by looping over each match and finding the smallest distance between two found
// strings. The idea being that the closer the terms are the better match the snippet would be.
// When checking for matches we only change the location if there is a better match.
// The only exception is where we have only two matches in which case we just take the
// first as will be equally distant.
function _determineSnipLocation($locations, $prevcount) {
// If we only have 1 match we dont actually do the for loop so set to the first
$startpos = $locations[0];
$loccount = count($locations);
$smallestdiff = PHP_INT_MAX;
// If we only have 2 skip as its probably equally relevant
if(count($locations) > 2) {
// skip the first as we check 1 behind
for($i=1; $i < $loccount; $i++) {
if($i == $loccount-1) { // at the end
$diff = $locations[$i] - $locations[$i-1];
else {
$diff = $locations[$i+1] - $locations[$i];
if($smallestdiff > $diff) {
$smallestdiff = $diff;
$startpos = $locations[$i];
$startpos = $startpos > $prevcount ? $startpos - $prevcount : 0;
return $startpos;
// 1/6 ratio on prevcount tends to work pretty well and puts the terms
// in the middle of the extract
function extractRelevant($words, $fulltext, $rellength=300, $prevcount=50, $indicator='...') {
$textlength = strlen($fulltext);
if($textlength <= $rellength) {
return $fulltext;
$locations = _extractLocations($words, $fulltext);
$startpos = _determineSnipLocation($locations,$prevcount);
// if we are going to snip too much...
if($textlength-$startpos < $rellength) {
$startpos = $startpos - ($textlength-$startpos)/2;
$reltext = substr($fulltext, $startpos, $rellength);
// check to ensure we dont snip the last word if thats the match
if( $startpos + $rellength < $textlength) {
$reltext = substr($reltext, 0, strrpos($reltext, " ")).$indicator; // remove last word
// If we trimmed from the front add ...
if($startpos != 0) {
$reltext = $indicator.substr($reltext, strpos($reltext, " ") + 1); // remove first word
return $reltext;
function excerpt($text, $phrase, $radius = 100, $ending = "...") {
$phraseLen = strlen($phrase);
if ($radius < $phraseLen) {
$radius = $phraseLen;
$phrases = explode (' ',$phrase);
foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
$pos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($phrase));
if ($pos > -1) break;
$startPos = 0;
if ($pos > $radius) {
$startPos = $pos - $radius;
$textLen = strlen($text);
$endPos = $pos + $phraseLen + $radius;
if ($endPos >= $textLen) {
$endPos = $textLen;
$excerpt = substr($text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos);
if ($startPos != 0) {
$excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, 0, $phraseLen);
if ($endPos != $textLen) {
$excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, -$phraseLen);
return $excerpt; }
I could not contact erisco, so I am posting his function with multiple fixes (most importantly multibyte support).
* #param string $text text to be searched
* #param string $phrase search string
* #param int $span approximate length of the excerpt
* #param string $delimiter string to use as a suffix and/or prefix if the excerpt is from the middle of a text
* #return string
public static function excerpt($text, $phrase, $span = 100, $delimiter = '...')
$phrases = preg_split('/\s+/u', $phrase);
$regexp = '/\b(?:';
foreach($phrases as $phrase)
$regexp.= preg_quote($phrase, '/') . '|';
$regexp = mb_substr($regexp, 0, -1) .')\b/ui';
$matches = [];
preg_match_all($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$matches = $matches[0];
$nodes = [];
foreach($matches as $match)
$node = new stdClass;
$node->phraseLength = mb_strlen($match[0]);
$node->position = mb_strlen(substr($text, 0, $match[1])); // calculate UTF-8 position (#see
$nodes[] = $node;
if(count($nodes) > 0)
$clust = new stdClass;
$clust->nodes[] = array_shift($nodes);
$clust->length = $clust->nodes[0]->phraseLength;
$clust->i = 0;
$clusters = new stdClass;
$clusters->data =
$clusters->i = 0;
foreach($nodes as $node)
$lastClust = $clusters->data[$clusters->i];
$lastNode = $lastClust->nodes[$lastClust->i];
$addedLength = $node->position - $lastNode->position - $lastNode->phraseLength + $node->phraseLength;
if($lastClust->length + $addedLength <= $span)
$lastClust->nodes[] = $node;
$lastClust->length+= $addedLength;
if($addedLength > $span)
$newClust = new stdClass;
$newClust->nodes =
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->length = $node->phraseLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$newClust = clone $lastClust;
while($newClust->length + $addedLength > $span)
$shiftedNode = array_shift($newClust->nodes);
if($shiftedNode === null)
$removedLength = $shiftedNode->phraseLength;
$removedLength+= $newClust->nodes[0]->position - $shiftedNode->position;
$newClust->length-= $removedLength;
if($newClust->i < 0)
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->nodes[] = $node;
$newClust->length+= $addedLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$bestClust = $clusters->data[0];
$bestClustSize = count($bestClust->nodes);
foreach($clusters->data as $clust)
$newClustSize = count($clust->nodes);
if($newClustSize > $bestClustSize)
$bestClust = $clust;
$bestClustSize = $newClustSize;
$clustLeft = $bestClust->nodes[0]->position;
$clustLen = $bestClust->length;
$padding = intval(round(($span - $clustLen) / 2));
$clustLeft-= $padding;
if($clustLeft < 0)
$clustLen+= $clustLeft * -1 + $padding;
$clustLeft = 0;
$clustLen+= $padding * 2;
$clustLeft = 0;
$clustLen = $span;
$textLen = mb_strlen($text);
$prefix = '';
$suffix = '';
if($clustLeft > 0 && !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft, 1))
&& !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft - 1, 1)))
while(!ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft, 1)))
$prefix = $delimiter;
$lastChar = $clustLeft + $clustLen;
if($lastChar < $textLen && !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $lastChar, 1))
&& !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $lastChar + 1, 1)))
while(!ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $lastChar, 1)))
$suffix = $delimiter;
$clustLen = $lastChar - $clustLeft;
if($clustLeft > 0)
$prefix = $delimiter;
if($clustLeft + $clustLen < $textLen)
$suffix = $delimiter;
return $prefix . trim(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft, $clustLen + 1)) . $suffix;
