I've been trying to accomplish this MySQL query for the past few days now with very little luck. I'd like to combine these multiple tables and their columns, then order by one that they have in common (not by name, but by content). I have the following database tables:
What I'm trying to accomplish is something among the lines of this:
Unfortunately I am beyond stumped on how to combine these MySQL tables together but also at the same time keeping them in separate categories - ordered by the _time columns in each table. How would I approach this? I have been unsuccessful with my attempts at retrieving them.. The closest I could get was combining just the _time columns of each, then giving it a value in the query as "date", however I cannot do much with the results. I would still need to call it as the individual rows, correct? I could probably use fetchAll but then I would be unable to add anything to the values..
$banq = $db->prepare('SELECT banned, banned_by, ban_reason, ban_time, ban_expires_on FROM '.BAN_TABLE.' ORDER BY ban_time DESC');
$kickq = $db->prepare('SELECT kicked, kicked_by, kick_reason, kick_time FROM '.KICK_TABLE.' ORDER BY kick_time DESC');
$muteq = $db->prepare('SELECT muted, muted_by, mute_reason, mute_time, mute_expires_on FROM '.MUTE_TABLE.' ORDER BY mute_time DESC');
$warnq = $db->prepare('SELECT warned, warned_by, warn_reason, warn_time FROM '.WARN_TABLE.' ORDER BY warn_time DESC');
Essentially I'd like to combine all of those queries together as one + the two _record tables. Any advice that could help me is greatly appreciated as I've spent countless hours trying to figure this out on my own.
Thanks in advance!
Try this:
SELECT * from (
SELECT banned as Punisher, banned_by as Punished, ban_reason as Reason, ban_expires_on as Expire, ban_time as Date FROM mb_bans
SELECT kicked as Punisher, kicked_by as Punished, kick_reason as Reason, NULL as Expire, kick_time as Date FROM mb_kicks
SELECT muted as Punisher, muted_by as Punished, mute_reason as Reason, mute_expires_on as Expire, mute_time as Date FROM mb_mutes
SELECT warned as Punisher, warned_by as Punished, warn_reason as Reason, NULL as Expire, warn_time as Date FROM mb_warnings
) d order by d.Date DESC;
how could I get the type of record? (IE. whether the returned result is from the bans table, mutes table, kicks table etc.)
SELECT * from (
SELECT banned as Punisher, banned_by as Punished, ban_reason as Reason, ban_expires_on as Expire, 'ban' as TableType, ban_time as Date FROM mb_bans
SELECT kicked as Punisher, kicked_by as Punished, kick_reason as Reason, NULL as Expire, 'kick' as TableType, kick_time as Date FROM mb_kicks
SELECT muted as Punisher, muted_by as Punished, mute_reason as Reason, mute_expires_on as Expire, 'mute' as TableType, mute_time as Date FROM mb_mutes
SELECT warned as Punisher, warned_by as Punished, warn_reason as Reason, NULL as Expire, 'warn' as TableType, warn_time as Date FROM mb_warnings
) d order by d.Date DESC;
The generic answer for this question is,
Now, do this in your huge scenario.
i need to create query with group by and order by, and i dont know how to do it.
query should return one record for the newest date for existing device_serial_number. enter image description here
so i would to get id 591 nad 592
solution can be in sql or the best way it will be in symfony, through query builder etc.
There are many ways to accomplish what you want.
First Way
The oldest way to select first, best, worst, whatever within a group is with a correlated subquery:
Select * from mytable outer
Where created_at = (
Select max(created_at)
from mytable inner
Where inner.device_serial_number = outer.device_serial_number
Second Way
Use a subselect to find earliest dates for all devices, them join back to the original table to filter:
Select a.*
From mytable a Inner Join
(Select device_serial_number, max(created_at) as latedate
From mytable b
Group By device_serial_number
) b
On a.device_serial_number=b.device_serial_number
And a.created_at=b.latedate
Third way
Use a window function to rank order all the dates and then pick the number one ranking.
Select * From (
Select *
, rank() Over (Partition By device_serial_number Order by created_at desc) as myrank
From mytable
Where myrank=1
Notice that while these 3 solutions use different aspects of SQL, they all have a common analytical approach. They are all two step processes whose first (inner) part involves finding the most recent created_at date for each device_serial_number and then reapplying that result back to the original table in the second (outer) part.
So I have two tables that displays values like a Facebook look-a-like feed. They both have a datetime column named date, but I want them to order them together by date DESC.
I think join is the correct way(?), but not quite sure. Can someone help me out?
Currently I have them in two different queries:
$status1 = "1";
$stmt1 = $link->prepare('
, ident_1
, ident_2
, date
, ident_1_points
, ident_2_points
FROM duel
WHERE active=?
BY date
$stmt1-> bind_param('s', $status1);
$status2 = "OK";
$stmt2 = $link->prepare('SELECT id, ident, pp, date FROM sales WHERE status=? AND team IN (2, 3) ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 20');
$stmt2->bind_param('s', $status2);
How should I do this?
If you want one continuous list containing data from both tables, and the whole thing ordered by date overall, then you might need a UNION query in a subquery, and then order the outer query, something like this:
SELECT id, ident_1, ident_2, date, ident_1_points, ident_2_points
FROM duel
WHERE active=?
SELECT id, ident, pp, date, NULL, NULL
FROM sales
WHERE status=?
AND team IN (2, 3)
) list
The requirement isn't 100% clear to be honest from your description (sample data and expected results always helps when asking SQL questions), but I think this is pretty close to what you need.
JOIN doesn't seem appropriate, unless you want a result set where items from each table are linked to each other by some common field, and you combine them such that you get all the columns side by side, showing the data from one table next to the data which matches from the other table.
If you're unsure, I suggest looking at tutorials / examples / documentation which show what JOIN does, and what UNION does.
Using this query,
SELECT username, MAX(wordpermin) as maxword,date_created FROM user_records where DATE(date_created) = CURDATE() GROUP BY(username) ORDER BY maxword DESC LIMIT 20
I am trying to query a limit of 20 of the top wordpermin by their username and the time created and that by calling date_created in the current 24 hours.
The problem I have is when I have a new high wordpermin. Instead of giving me also the new date_created, it keeps the old value of date_created. I even looked into my database and I made sure I have date_created updated. How can this happen?
I mean, I have two values from different rows.
The following query gives you the last date where a user has the maxword.
Your query would not run when you activated ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.
You should always specify for every column which aggregation function you want to use, because SQL rows don't have any order and every column will be selected on its own.
I selected Max (date_created), so that MySQL knows which date to show, because if there were more than one date with the same maximum word, MySQL would show all.
u.username, u1.maxword, MAX(u.date_created)
user_records u
username,DATE(date_created) date_created, MAX(wordpermin) AS maxword
GROUP BY username,DATE(date_created)) u1 ON u.username = u1.username
AND u.wordpermin = u1.maxword AND Date(u.date_created) = DATE(u1.date_created)
DATE(u.date_created) = CURDATE()
GROUP BY (username)
Examole http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/857355/2
I have this SQL query here that grabs the 5 latest news posts. I want to make it so it also grabs the total likes and total news comments in the same query. But the query I made seems to be a little slow when working with large amounts of data so I am trying to see if I can find a better solution. Here it is below:
`id` as `newscode`,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `likes` WHERE `type`="newspost" AND `code`=`newscode`) as `total_likes`,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `news_comments` WHERE `post_id`=`newscode`) as `total_comments`
Here is a SQLFiddle as well: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/d3ecbf/1
I would recommend adding a total_likes and total_comments fields to the news table which gets incremented/decremented whenever a like and/or comment is added or removed.
Your likes and news_comments tables should be used for historical purposes only.
This strenuous counting should not be performed every time a page is loaded because that is a complete waste of resources.
You could rewrite this using joins, MySQL has known issues with subqueries, especially when dealing with large data sets:
`id` as `newscode`,
COALESCE(l.TotalLikes, 0) AS `total_likes`,
COALESCE(c.TotalComments, 0) AS `total_comments`
FROM `news` n
( SELECT Code, COUNT(*) AS TotalLikes
FROM `likes`
WHERE `type` = "newspost"
) AS l
ON l.`code` = n.`id`
( SELECT post_id, COUNT(*) AS TotalComments
FROM `news_comments`
GROUP BY post_id
) AS c
ON c.`post_id` = n.`id`
The reason is that when you use a join as above, MySQL will materialise the results of the subquery when it is first needed, e.g at the start of this query, mySQL will put the results of:
SELECT post_id, COUNT(*) AS TotalComments
FROM `news_comments`
GROUP BY post_id
into an in memory table and hash post_id for faster lookups. Then for each row in news it only has to look up TotalComments from this hashed table, when you use a correlated subquery it will execute the query once for each row in news, which when news is large will result in a large number of executions. If the initial result set is small you may not see a performance benefit and it may be worse.
Examples on SQL Fiddle
Finally, you may want to index the relevant fields in news_comments and likes. For this particular query I think the following indexes will help:
CREATE INDEX IX_Likes_Code_Type ON Likes (Code, Type);
CREATE INDEX IX_newcomments_post_id ON news_comments (post_id);
Although you may need to split the first index into two:
CREATE INDEX IX_Likes_Code ON Likes (Code);
CREATE INDEX IX_Likes_Type ON Likes (Type);
First check for helping indexes on columns id, post_id and type,code.
I assume this is T-SQL, as that is what I am most familiar with.
First I would check indexes. If that looks good, then I'd check statement. Take a look at your query map to see how it's populating your result.
SQL works backward, so it starts with your last AND statement and goes from there. It'll group them all by code, and then type, and finally give you a count.
Right now, you're grabbing everything with certain codes, regardless of date. When you stated that you want the latest, I assume there is a date column somewhere.
In order to speed things up, add another AND to your WHERE and account for the date. Either last 24 hours, last week, whatever.
dear php and mysql expertor
i have two table one large for posts artices 200,000records (index colume: sid) , and one small table (index colume topicid ) for topics has 20 record .. have same topicid
curent im using : ( it took round 0.4s)
+do get last 50 record from table:
SELECT sid, aid, title, time, topic, informant, ihome, alanguage, counter, type, images, chainid FROM veryzoo_stories ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 0,50
+then do while loop in each records for find the maching name of topic in each post:
while ( .. ) {
SELECT topicname FROM veryzoo_topics WHERE topicid='$topic'"
I going to use Inner Join for speed up process but as my test it took much longer from 1.5s up to 3.5s
SELECT a.sid, a.aid, a.title, a.time, a.topic, a.informant, a.ihome, a.alanguage, a.counter, a.type, a.images, a.chainid, t.topicname FROM veryzoo_stories a INNER JOIN veryzoo_topics t ON a.topic = t.topicid ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 0,50
It look like the inner join do all joining 200k records from two table fist then limit result at 50 .. that took long time..
Please help to point me right way doing this..
eg take last 50 records from table one.. then join it to table 2 .. ect
Do not use inner join unless the two tables share the same primary key, or you'll get duplicate values (and of course a slower query).
Please try this :
SELECT a.sid, a.aid, a.title, a.time, a.topic, a.informant, a.ihome, a.alanguage, a.counter, a.type, a.images, a.chainid
FROM veryzoo_stories a
LIMIT 0 , 50
INNER JOIN veryzoo_topics t ON b.topic = t.topicid
I made a small test and it seems to be faster. It uses a subquery (nested query) to first select the 50 records and then join.
Also make sure that veryzoo_stories.sid, veryzoo_stories.topic and veryzoo_topics.topicid are indexes (and that the relation exists if you use InnoDB). It should improve the performance.
Now it leaves the problem of the ORDER BY LIMIT. It is heavy because it orders the 200,000 records before selecting. I guess it's necessary. The indexes are very important when using ORDER BY.
Here is an article on the problem : ORDER BY … LIMIT Performance Optimization
I'm just give test to nested query + inner join and suprised that performace increase much: it now took only 0.22s . Here is my query:
SELECT a.*, t.topicname
FROM (SELECT sid, aid, title, TIME, topic, informant, ihome, alanguage, counter, TYPE, images, chainid
FROM veryzoo_stories
LIMIT 0, 50) a
INNER JOIN veryzoo_topics t ON a.topic = t.topicid
if no more solution come up , i may use this one .. thanks for anyone look at this post