Upon executing a script, sometimes the variable will be set, and sometimes it won't. The times that it isn't, I'm given a notice that the variable is not defined.
In efforts to clear the notice, I simple added the following code
if(!isset($var)) {
$var = NULL;
That works just as needed because it tests if the variable isn't already set so that we don't set something that we need to NULL. But in a file where there are over 60 variables that are of this case and more to come, I thought creating a simple function to do so would be easier. So I started with this:
function init($var) {
if(!isset($var)) {
return $var = NULL;
Obviously that doesn't work and is also riddled with errors that will annoy most programmers out there (such as the !isset() inside a function, not supplying a return statement in case the if statement is false, etc.) but that's just to give you the basic jist of what I need so in the code I can just call init($var); to test if the variable isn't already set, and then creates one and sets it to NULL to avoid the notice.
Is this even possible? To use a function to test if a variable is already set outside of the function? Thanks in advance :)
You can't use a function to check if a variable exists without it being initialized in the process of passing it to the function as an argument. You can, however, define an array of variable names your script requires then loop through them and check if they exist one by one. Such as:
foreach(array('username','userid','userrole','posts','dob','friends') as $var)
Edit: Simplifying user4035's approach, you could get the function down to:
function init(&$var){}
Or even avoid a function altogether:
array(&$var1,&$var2,&$var3);//define several variables in one shot as NULL if not already defined.
Another approach would be to use extract:
extract($defaults, EXTR_SKIP);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Another approach would be to temporarily disable error reporting:
echo 'One';
echo $doh;//Use an undefined variable
echo ' Two';
I'd advise against this approach though because it is just hiding the errors rather than fixing them and will also hide errors worthy of your attention.
And my personal favorite would be to take advantage of namespaces.
Usually you'd put these into separate files but I put them into a single snippet for your convenience:
namespace //This is the global namespace
namespace MyScript
//Initialize all variables for our script
//anything not defined here will be inherited from the global namespace
namespace MyScript\Main
//Define only two variables for our script
//Everything else will be inherited from the parent namespace if not defined
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
If your intention is this:
if(variable is not set)
set variable to NULL
then it's quite easy to implement, using a reference:
function init(&$var) {
if(!isset($var)) {
$var = NULL;
function init(&$var) {
if(!isset($var)) {
$var = NULL;
I have this code:
$prefix = $_POST["prefix"];
if($_GET["act"] == "act")
echo $prefix;
Basically I've made a similar question before, thing is, HOW can I make the variable accessible? please mention if there is any way to do so, even with changing the way it's done (someone told me it's possible with a class but not quite sure how it can be done), or any other way to make it accessible.
PHP's variable scope is function-level. $prefix would be available in your second if() IF the other if()'s evaluated to true and actually executed that $prefix = ... code.
if (true) {
$foo = 'bar'; // always executes
if (false) {
$baz = 'qux'; // never executes
echo $foo; // works just fine
echo $baz; // undefined variable, because $baz='qux' never executed.
Also note that PHP is not capable of time travel:
echo $x; // undefined variable;
$x = 'y';
echo $y; // spits out 'y'
"earlier" code will not have "later" variables available, because the code that actually creates/assigns values to those variables won't have executed yet.
Ok, so I just finished off a function for validating the firstname field on a form.
This function works correctly on its own.
But since I want to make this function re-usable for more than one website, I added an if statement for whether or not to use it. The following code explain this:
Related PHP code:
//Specify what form elements need validating:
$validateFirstname = true;
//array to store error messages
$mistakes = array();
if ($validateFirstname=true) {
//Call first name validation function
$firstname = '';
if (!empty($_POST['firstname'])) {
$firstname = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes(trim($_POST['firstname'])));
$firstname = validFirstname($firstname);
if ($firstname === '') {
$mistakes[] = 'Your first name is either empty or Enter only ALPHABET characters.';
function validFirstname($firstname) {
if (!ctype_alpha(str_replace(' ', '', $firstname))) {
return '';
} else {
return $firstname;
So without this if ($validateFirstname=true) the code runs fine, but the moment I add it; I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function validFirstname()
Are you not able to use functions in if statements at all in PHP? I'm fairly new to using them in this way.
Conditional functions (functions defined inside the conditions) must be defined before they are referred. Here's what manual says:
Functions need not be defined before they are referenced, except when
a function is conditionally defined as shown in the two examples
When a function is defined in a conditional manner such as the two
examples shown. Its definition must be processed prior to being
So if you want to use it that way, you should put it either at the beginning of the if condition or outside the condition.
// Either:
if ($validateFirstname==true) {
function validFirstname($firstname) {}
// Or, and I'd rather do it this way, because function is
// created during "compilation" phase
function validFirstname($firstname) {}
if ($validateFirstname==true) {
// ...
Also not that function (even if created inside the condition) is pushed to global scope:
All functions and classes in PHP have the global scope - they can be called outside a function even if they were defined inside and vice versa.
So once code is evaluated it doesn't matter if it's declared inside condition or intentionally in global scope.
Functions that are declared in a conditional context (like if body), you can only use after their declaration.
if ($validateFirstname == true) {
//Call first name validation function
function validFirstname($firstname) {
// function body
// $firstname initialisation
$firstname = validFirstname($firstname);
// ...
(P.s.: changed $validateFirstname = true to $validateFirstname == true which should be what you want)
you are assigning the value "true" to $validateFirstname here
you should use a "==" for comparison e.g
that might help your "if" problem
From the php manual
Include_once may help avoid problems such as function redefinitions, variable value reassignments, etc.
Ok, so include_once solves issues with function redefinitions, variable value reassignments, etc. but why are they an issue in the first place ?
I'm trying to understand what kind of risks are involved in redefining functions or reassigning variable values except for a decline in performance due to additional input/output and processing ?
Is it because php parser gets confused which version of function to load/use or is the original version of the function lost once redefined? What else and what about variable reassignments?
I do understand where to use include vs include_once.
Imagine the following include file, hello.php:
function hello()
return 'Hello World';
$a = 0;
Now imagine the following file, index.php:
include 'hello.php';
$a = 1;
include 'hello.php';
echo $a; // $a = 0, not 1
Your code would now have a fatal error, since the function has been defined twice. Using include_once would avert this, since it would only include hello.php once. Also, to do with variable value reassignment, $a (should the code compile) would be reset to 0.
From the comments, please consider this a side answer - If you're looking for something where resetting a set of variables many times was required, I'd look to use a class for this with a method like Reset, you can even make it static if you didn't want to have to instantiate it, like so:
public class MyVariables
public static $MyVariable = "Hello";
public static $AnotherVariable = 5;
public static function Reset()
self::$MyVariable = "Hello";
self::$AnotherVariable = 5;
Usage like:
MyVariables::$MyVariable = "Goodbye";
echo MyVariables::$MyVariable; // Hello
Let's say you have an include script vars.inc.php:
$firstname = 'Mike';
$lastname = 'Smith';
And then you have a script script.php:
echo "$firstname $lastname"; // no output
echo "$firstname $lastname"; // Mike Smith
$firstname = "Tim";
$lastname = "Young";
echo "$firstname $lastname"; // Tim Young
echo "$firstname $lastname"; // Mike Smith
What happens is that if you modify your vars in code exection and then you include once again the file defining them, you are changing their content. include_once will ensure that this will never happens throwing an error.
It will stop you loading pages more than once. Typically you'll use this at the top of your pages to bring in your init, function, class files etc.
Especially useful if you are loading pages within pages dynamically.
Is it possible to have return statements inside an included file that is inside a function in PHP?
I am looking to do this as I have lots of functions in separate files and they all have a large chunk of shared code at the top.
As in
function sync() {
include_once file.php;
echo "Test";
return "Something";
At the moment the return something appears to break out of the include_once and not the sync function, is it possible for the included file's return to break out?
Sorry for the slightly odly worked question, hope I made it make sense.
You can return data from included file into calling file via return statement.
return array("code" => "007", "name => "James Bond");
$result = include_once "include.php";
But you cannot call return $something; and have it as return statement within calling script. return works only within current scope.
I am looking to do this as I have lots
of functions in separate files and
they all have a large chunk of shared
code at the top.
In this case why don't you put this "shared code" into separate functions instead -- that will do the job nicely as one of the purposes of having functions is to reuse your code in different places without writing it again.
return will not work, but you can use the output buffer if you are trying to echo some stuff in your include file and return it somewhere else;
function sync() {
include "file.php";
$output = ob_get_clean();
// now what ever you echoed in the file.php is inside the output variable
return $output;
I don't think it works like that. The include does not simply put the code in place, it also evaluates it. So the return means that your 'include' function call will return the value.
see also the part in the manual about this:
Handling Returns: It is possible to
execute a return() statement inside an
included file in order to terminate
processing in that file and return to
the script which called it.
The return statement returns the included file, and does not insert a "return" statement.
The manual has an example (example #5) that shows what 'return' does:
Simplified example:
$var = 'PHP';
return $var;
$foo = include 'return.php';
echo $foo; // prints 'PHP'
I think you're expecting return to behave more like an exception than a return statement. Take the following code for example:
return true;
throw new exception();
When you execute the following code:
function testReturn() {
echo 'Executing testReturn()...';
echo 'testReturn() executed normally.';
function testException() {
echo 'Executing testException()...';
echo 'testException() executed normally.';
echo "\n\n";
try {
catch (exception $e) {}
...you get the following output as a result:
Executing testReturn()...testReturn() executed normally.
Executing testException()...
If you do use the exception method, make sure to put your function call in a try...catch block - having exceptions flying all over the place is bad for business.
Rock'n'roll like this :
function foo() {
return (include 'bar.php');
echo "I will call the police";
return array('WAWAWA', 'BABABA');
I will call the police
[0] => WAWAWA
[1] => BABABA
just show me how
like this :
return (include 'bar.php');
Have a good day !
So the senario is that I want to have a custom function for requiring libraries. Something like:
define('E_ROOT', str_replace('//','/',dirname(__FILE__)));
/* ... */
function e_load($fn, $allowReloading = FALSE) {
$inc = E_ROOT.'/path/here/'.$fn.'.php';
require $inc; // !!!
require_once $inc; // !!!
The problem being that require and require_once will load the files into the namespace of the function, which doesn't help for libraries of functions, classes, et cetera. So is there a way to do this?
(Something avoiding require and require_once altogether is fine, as long as it doesn't use eval since it's banned on so many hosts.)
Technically include() is meant to act as though you're inserting the text of included script at that point in your PHP. Thus:
$test = "Hello, World!";
echo $test;
Should be the exact same as:
/* INSERTED FROM includeMe.php */
$test = "Hello, World!";
echo $test;
Realizing this, the idea of making a function for dynamically including files makes about as much sense (and is about as easy to do) as having dynamic code all-together. It's possible, but it will involve a lot of meta-variables.
I'd look into Variable Variables in PHP as well as the get_defined_vars function for bringing variables into the global scope. This could be done with something like:
define('E_ROOT', str_replace('//','/',dirname(__FILE__)));
/* ... */
function e_load($fn, $allowReloading = FALSE) {
$prev_defined_vars = get_defined_vars();
$inc = E_ROOT.'/path/here/'.$fn.'.php';
require $inc; // !!!
require_once $inc; // !!!
$now_defined_vars = get_defined_vars();
$new_vars = array_diff($now_defined_vars, $prev_defined_vars);
for($i = 0; $i < count($new_vars); $i++){
// Pull new variables into the global scope
global $$newvars[$i];
It may be more convenient to just use require() and require_once() in place of e_load()
Note that functions and constants should always be in the global scope, so no matter where they are defined they should be callable from anywhere in your code.
The one exception to this is functions defined within a class. These are only callable within the namespace of the class.
I just tested this myself. Functions are declared in the global scope. I ran the following code:
function test(){
function test2(){
echo "Test2 was called!";
//test2(); <-- failed
test2(); // <-- succeeded this time
So the function was only defined after test() had been run, but the function was then callable from outside of test(). Therefore the only thing you should need to pull into the global scope are your variables, via the script I provided earlier.
require_once E_ROOT.$libName.'.php';
Instead of doing this...
$test = "Hello, World!";
... you could consider doing this ...
$GLOBALS[ 'test' ] = "Hello, World!";
Which is safe and consistent in both local function context, and global include context. Probably not harmful to visually remind the reader that you are expecting $test to become global. If you have a large number of globals being dragged in by your libraries maybe there's justification for wrapping it in a class (then you have the benefit of spl_autoload_register which kind of does what you are doing anyhow).