Laravel get my friend list query - php

I am using laravel to create a friend list. Now I want to get all of my friends with the name and avatar and stuff from the USER table.
My schema:
`cid`, `uid_by`, `uid_to`, `status`
uid_by (the inviting user)
uid_to (to be friend user)
status (accepted or ignored)
I only have 1 row per friendship. meaning its a 2 way friendship.
I tried to make a query:
$contacts = DB::table('contacts')
->leftJoin('users', 'contacts.uid_by', '=', 'users.uid')
->where('uid_by', $me)
->orWhere('uid_to', $me)
->where('contacts.status', 'accepted')
But its giving me some wrong information. Like instead of giving me the friend user info. its giving me my own info. All I want is to get the friends info.
Should I redesign the db? or am I missing something?
technically the thing is if uid_by is my user_id then check the uid_to else if the uid_by is not my user_id then check uid_by then use those to get the data from the users table uid column.
So my uid could be on uid_by and my friend on uid_to or vice versa.
But I can't get the query right.

See Advanced wheres:
$contacts = DB::table('contacts')
->join('users', 'contacts.uid_by', '=', 'users.uid')
->where('contacts.status', 'accepted')
$query-->where('uid_by', $me)
->orWhere('uid_to', $me)


How to combine two sql table in laravel 5.8

I am trying to compare two tables to check is user data already exits in another table. I show some posts they talk about whereRaw but details is not enough i was try to run query but i am not getting which i want.
I have 2 tables one is for challenges between two people
Challenge Table id,user_one, user_two, data_one, data_two,winner_id
And my second table is
vote Table id, user_id, battle_id, voted_user
I want to check is user already votes the table or not, If yes skip that challenge table and show remain table data to user.
$challenges = DB::table('challenges')->whereRaw([
['challenges.user_one', '!=', $uid],
['', '!=', ''],
['challenges.user_one', '!=', $uid],
['', '!=', ''],
You can achieve it by using crossJoin
$challenges = DB::table('challenges')->crossJoin('vote')
->where('challenges.user_one', '!=', $uid)
->where('', '!=', '')
->orWhere('challenges.user_one', '!=', $uid)
->orWhere('', '!=', '')->get();

Querying multiple table columns with the the same id but reversing them

I have a to and from columns which are integers from the users in my messages table, as I was building a chat like application on this part.
So I want to fetch all the messages of the currently logged on user. so this is the query
$all_messages = Message::where('from',$logged_user)->orWhere('to',$logged_user)->with('owner')->orderBy('created_at','desc')->get();
note that $logged_user variable is an integer / the authenticated users id
so from that,
but also I want to get also the messages between the logged_user and also the respondent_id or the id of the respondent or the user that I am trying to connect also.
So for example the currently logged on user_id is 2 and the respondent id is 3 I want the messages that have a from of 2 or 3 and also the respondent_id of 2 and 3 something like that
If I've understood the question right you're looking for the messages belonging to the conversation between two users, so what you're looking for should be following:
$loggedInUserId = 2;
$contactUserId = 3;
$messages = Message::query()
->where(function ($query) use ($loggedInUserId, $contactUserId) {
$query->where('sender_id', $loggedInUserId)
->where('recipient_id', $contactUserId);
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($loggedInUserId, $contactUserId) {
$query->where('recipient_id', $loggedInUserId)
->where('sender_id', $contactUserId);
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
Also, if you're heavily relying on having to track "conversations" between two or more users you might think to aggregate them as threads.

How to get 2 primary ids of 2 tables using join query in Laravel 5.2?

I have a query that will get the data from a joined tables. I successfully fetched the data from the 2 tables but for a long time, I did not notice that only one primary id of a certain table has been returned. I made adjustments but still never figure it out. What would I do? Please help. Thanks a lot guys. Here is my code.
$purchase = Purchase::where('purchases.purchase_order_id', $id)
->join('products', 'purchases.product_id', '=', '')
->select('purchases.*', 'products.*')
It only returns the primary id of a product, primary id of the table purchases is not included. What is the problem of the query above?
You can use select as:
->select('purchases.*', ' as purchase_id', 'products.*', ' as product_id')
This query returns the IDs of Survey Table as surveys_id as well as IDs of industries table along with all other data:
surveydata = Survey::select(
' as surveys_id',
' as industries_id'
)->where('surveys.active_status', '=','1')
-> join (

Laravel Table Joining

I have three tables .
id name
id name
id user_id role_id
I want to join them like
id name name(role) user_id role_id
My vision is to show the role name of the user.
I have tried this :
->join('role_user', '', '=', 'role_user.user_id')
->join('roles', 'role_user.role_id', '=', '')
->select('', 'role_user.role_id', '')
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong or if I am going thru a bad way.
Thanks in Advance
The name field is "double". This is not a problem for your database but it will not display well. Try the following code:
$result = DB::table('..etc.')->get(['users.*','role_user.role_id',' as role_name']);
foreach($result as $row) {
As you can see I've changed the get() call to make sure that the user's "name" field does not clash with the role's "name" field.

Sort mysql results based on data from another table in Kohana

I inherited this Kohana project and have little experience with it and ORM.
Table structure is like this:
The thing is, I need to get users sorted by whether they have a certain role (login in this case) but have no idea how to do that with ORM.
Current query is:
$users = ORM::factory('user')
->order_by('last_login', 'DESC')
and then when outputting it's printed like this:
$row['status'][] = ($user->has('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')))
? '<span class="green">Active</span>'
: '<span class="red">Blocked</span>');
So the question would be how to alter the query to be able to sort by whether users are allowed to login or not.
$users = ORM::factory('user')
->join('roles_users', 'LEFT')
->on('roles_users.user_id', '=', '')
->join('roles', 'LEFT')
->on('roles_users.role_id', '=', DB::expr(" AND = 'login'"))
->order_by('IFNULL("", \'2000\')', 'ASC')
I hope you don't have 2000 roles, but active users should come first using this query
Maybe you could just get the users for the login role?
$login_users = ORM::factory('role', array('name'=>'login'))->users->find_all();
