I am returning response from onBootStrap() this way..
$app = $e->getApplication();
$em->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE, function($e) use ($app) {
$response = $e->getResponse();
$jsonValue = json_encode(array(
'error' => 12345,
'message' => 'You are not authorized for this request',
return $response;
But the problem is I am getting status code 200 even if I am passing different ones.
I am running this API from Advanced rest API client.
You need to interrupt the normal course of processing a request. See module BjyAuthorize. It generates an error: https://github.com/bjyoungblood/BjyAuthorize/blob/master/src/BjyAuthorize/Guard/Route.php#L69 Here it is processed: https://github.com/bjyoungblood/BjyAuthorize/blob/master/src/BjyAuthorize/View/UnauthorizedStrategy.php#L53
In the onBootstrap method you can add a listener for the event MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR. It will check whether the error is an Auth error and the need to set the status code of the response and its contents. Auth code will trigger an event MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR and set "event error" $event->setError(static::ERROR)
This is not the best question is not the best answer. The best answer would be "use standard modules". Nevertheless , there is such a thing as "the ultimate complexity of the system". A sign that the system has reached the limit of complexity is that users find it easier to write your own code and not use the standard. However, there is an objective and a subjective complexity. Objective - standard modules are not very complex. Nevertheless, they are not documented in the best way . Therefore, I believe that my answer aims to reduce the complexity for you a subjective standard system , in this case - the module BjyAuthorize. You can specify your own strategy as follows: 'unauthorized_strategy' => 'MyModule\Listener\UnauthorizedStrategy'
Given the following pest test:
it('allows admins to create courses', function () {
$admin = User::factory()->admin()->create();
$this->followingRedirects()->post('/courses', [
'course-name' => 'WebTechnologies',
The above should fully work; however, the second request post('/courses')...
fails saying that:
Failed asserting that <...> contains "WebTechnologies".
If I remove the first request:
it('allows admins to create courses', function () {
$admin = User::factory()->admin()->create();
$this->followingRedirects()->post('/courses', [
'course-name' => 'WebTechnologies',
The test passes.
If I remove the second request instead:
it('allows admins to create courses', function () {
$admin = User::factory()->admin()->create();
It also passes.
So why should the combination of the two cause them to fail? I feel Laravel is caching the original response, but I can't find anything within the documentation supporting this claim.
I have created an issue about this on Laravel/Sanctum as my problem was about authentication an stuff...
One of the maintainers of Laravel Said:
You can't perform two HTTP requests in the same test method. That's not supported.
I would have wanted a much clearer explanation on why it's not supported.
but I guess, we would never know. (Unless we dive deep into the Laravel framework and trace the request)
My guess is that, knowing how Laravel works, for each REAL request Laravel initializes a new instance of the APP...
but when it comes to Test, Laravel Initializes the APP for each Test case NOT for each request, There for making the second request not valid.
here is the file that creates the request when doing a test...
it's on the call method line: 526 (Laravel v9.26.1)
as you can see...
Laravel only uses 1 app instance... not rebuilding the app...
Line 528: $kernel = $this->app->make(HttpKernel::class);
the $kernel Variable is an instance of vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php
My guess here is that the HttpKernel::class is a singleton.
P.S. I can do a little more deep dive, but I've procrastinated too much already by answering this question, it was fun thou.
You can't perform two HTTP requests in the same test method. That's not supported.
I was not able to stop myself...
I found Laravel initializing Kernel as a singleton
Please make sure to not use any classic singleton pattern which isn't invoked with singleton binding or facades.
$this->app->singleton(Transistor::class, function ($app) {
return new Transistor($app->make(PodcastParser::class));
The Laravel app won't be completely restarted during tests unlike different incoming HTTP requests - even if you call different API endpoints in your tests
If the incoming request was an AJAX request, no redirect will be
generated. Instead, an HTTP response with a 422 status code will be
returned to the browser containing a JSON representation of the
validation errors.
This is not working! I am trying to access the route via an ajax request and it redirects back.
If validation passes, your code will keep executing normally. However, if validation fails, an Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidationException will be thrown. This exception is automatically caught and a redirect is generated to the user's previous location. The validation errors are even automatically flashed to the session!
Now I want to know where does laravel catch this exception so that I can modify it?
This is handled inside the FormRequest class:
protected function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
throw new HttpResponseException($this->response(
You can override this function in your own Request object and handle a failed validation any way you like.
After been researching for a while I will post my results so anyone with this problem saves a lot of time.
#Faiz, you technically shouldn't change a thing if you want to stick to laravel behavior (I'll always try to follow taylor's recommendations). So, to receive a 422 response code status you need to tell phpunit you will send a XMLHttpRequest. That said, this works on laravel 5
$response = $this->call('POST', $url, [], [], [],
['HTTP_X_Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest']);
More information at Github Issues. Besides, if you look at Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request#isXmlHttpRequest you will find that this header is used by "common JavaScript frameworks" and refers to this link
Haven't tested on the browser yet, but I think this should work too.
I have a php application that gets requests for part numbers from our server. At that moment, we reach out to a third party API to gather pricing information to make sure we have the latest pricing for that particular request. Sometimes the third party API is slow or it might be down, so we have a database that stores the latest pricing requests for each particular part number that we can use as a fallback. I'd like to run the request to the third party API and the database in parallel using Gearman. Here is the idea:
Receive request
Through gearman, create two jobs:
Request to third party API
MySQL database lookup
Wait in a loop and return the results based on the following conditions:
If the third party API has completed return that result, return that result immediately
If an elapsed time has passed, (e.g. 2 seconds) and the third party API hasn't responded, return the MySQL lookup data
Using gearman, my thoughts were to either run the two tasks in the foreground and break out of runTasks() within the setCompleteCallback() call, or to run them in the background and check in on the two tasks within a separate loop and check in on the tasks using jobStatus().
Unfortunately, I can't get either route to work for me while still getting access to the resulting data. Is there a a better way, or are there some existing examples of how someone has made this work?
I think you've described a single blocking problem, namely the results of an 3rd-party API lookup. There's two ways you can handle this from my point of view, either you could abort the attempt altogether if you decide that you've run out of time or you could report back to the client that you ran out of time but continue on with the lookup anyway, just to update your local cache just in case it happens to respond slower than you would like. I'll describe how I would go about the former problem because that would be easier.
From the client side:
$request = array(
'productId' => 5,
$client = new GearmanClient( );
$client->addServer( '', 4730 );
$results = json_decode($client->doNormal('apiPriceLookup', json_encode( $request )));
if($results && property_exists($results->success) && $results->success) {
// Use local data
} else {
// Use fresh data
This will create a job on the job server with a function name of 'apiPriceLookup' and pass it the workload data containing a product id of 5. It will wait for the results to come back, and check for a success property. If it exists and is true, then the api lookup was successful.
The idea is to set the timeout condition then in the worker task, which completely depends on how you're implementing the API lookup. If you're using cURL (or some wrapper around cURL), you can see the answer to how to detect a timeout here.
From the worker side:
$worker= new GearmanWorker();
$worker->addFunction("apiPriceLookup", "apiPriceLookup", $count);
while ($worker->work());
function apiPriceLookup($job) {
$payload = json_decode($job->workload());
try {
$results = [
'data' => PerformApiLookupForProductId($payload->productId),
'success' => true,
} catch(Exception $e) {
$results = ['success' => false];
return json_encode($results);
This just creates a GearmanWorker object and subscribes it the function of apiPriceLookup. It will call the function apiPriceLookup whenever a client submits a task to the job server. That function calls out to another function, PerformApiLookupForProductId, which should be written so as to throw an exception whenever a timeout condition occurs.
I don't think this would be considered using exceptions to control logic flow, I think timeout conditions generally are exceptional (or should be) events. For instance, Guzzle will throw a GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException when it has decided to timeout.
I am calling one function from onBootStrap() to authorize user, in that function I am using header information to verify the user.
If this is not correct, I want to stop execution here(onBootStrap()) without even calling the actual API and return some response to the user .
User should get some response because then only user can know what's the problem.
How I can return response from there?
Simply said, onBootstrap is not sufficient for this. Usually, you have two stages in your application. The first is bootstrapping, the second is running. During run you can authorize users and return responses, during bootstrap this is not possible.
The reason is simple, you might have another module overriding it's behaviour. If you stop bootstrapping after your module, you can stop the execution of these modules. It's better to move the logic to run. This run stage is defined with various listeners, of which the first is route. There isn't much going on after bootstrap and before route, so in terms of performance it's neglectable.
A code example:
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use Zend\Json\Json;
class Module
public function onBootstrap($e)
$app = $e->getApplication();
$em = $app->getEventManager();
$em->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE, function($e) use ($app) {
// your auth logic here
if (!$auth) {
$response = $e->getResponse();
'error' => 12345,
'message' => 'You are not authorized for this request',
return $response;
The listener is attached at an very early stage (PHP_INT_MAX) so the check happens as first in the complete route stage. You can also choose for quite a high number (like, 1000) so you can hook in this event before user authorization.
I just discovered SensioLabsInsight and found very interesting tips on how to write good code. It would be great if there was some explanation on why (or why not) something should be used - even for basic stuff like exit and die. It would help me to explain things to people I work with.
So my question is specifically for AccessDeniedHttpException - it says:
Symfony applications should not throw AccessDeniedHttpException
So how do I return 403 Forbidden from the application controller or EventListener?
What is the best practice?
To be honest I thought it would be
throw new AccessDeniedHttpException()
Since for 404 you have
throw $this->createNotFoundException()
But it looks like I was wrong.
I think it means that you must throw AccessDeniedException instead of directly throwing AccessDeniedHttpException.
Main reason is that AccessDeniedException is catched by the event listener in Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ExceptionListener and then you can make some stuff with it. Check onKernelException function.
That sentence has to be considered with the whole architecture of Symfony in mind.
In the Symfony framework there is a whole subsystem devoted to security applying the 2 step Authentication + Authorization process.
That said in the architecture of Symfony the Controllers, that are what basically the framework leaves to you to develop and so they are "the application", will be called only if the Authentication + Authorization has been passed.
So that sentence say that you should not need to throw that Exception becouse that is the work for the Security component. Doing that it is not forbidden or even made impossible but it is not the way which the framework has been normally thinked to work.
This can happen in two situations:
Your application is particular and you need to do that way
You are doing the security work out of the framework way of doing. It is your choice, just evaluate cost/benefits of not using the framework features and write your own ones.
Looking here http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/security/custom_authentication_provider.html it seems like you might be able to throw an AuthenticationException which returns a 403 Response (?)
Here is Controller::createNotFoundException() implementation:
public function createNotFoundException($message = 'Not Found', \Exception $previous = null)
return new NotFoundHttpException($message, $previous);
It throws a bit different exception.
I don't know the reason for this tip. Maybe its because in controller or event listener You can directly return the Response, without throwing exception and thus triggering other event listeners.
Symfony uses event listeners to handle exceptions. You can create your own listeners and manage the response. Might be useful for API. For example I have used it to return pretty json responses in dev environment (with stack trace and additional debugging info).