I think there is something changed in the union between Laravel 4 and Laravel 4.1. I have 2 models.
$photos = DB::table('photos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at');
$videos = DB::table('videos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at');
I want to union the 2 querys and order the 2 querys with the created_at field.
$photos = $photos->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
$combined = $photos->union($videos);
With Laravel 4 it gives me this query:
select `id`, `name`, `created_at` from `videos`
select `id`, `name`, `created_at` from `photos`
order by `created_at` desc
This works ok, it sorts the results for both querys together. In Laravel 4.1 it gives me this query:
(select `id`, `name`, `created_at` from `videos`)
(select `id`, `name`, `created_at` from `photos` order by `created_at` desc)
This results in a list of videos and after that an ordered list of photos. I need to have a list where the to combined querys are sorted. I want Laravel to give me this query:
(select `id`, `name`, `created_at` from `videos`)
(select `id`, `name`, `created_at` from `photos`)
order by `created_at` desc
How do get this working in Laravel?
This i believe is a bug and is not fixed yet. I have the same issue when trying to sort union queries.
causes the order by clause to be added to $query 1 alone.
Adding orderBy individually to $query1 and $query2 and then doing a union like below
$query1->orderBy('foo desc');
$query2->orderBy('foo desc');
This obviously works but it does not produce the same result as doing a orderBy on the union's result.
For now, the workaround seem to be doing something like
$query = $query1->union($query2);
$querySql = $query->toSql();
$query = DB::table(DB::raw("($querySql order by foo desc) as a"))->mergeBindings($query);
This would produce a query like:
select * from (
(select a as foo from foo)
(select b as foo from bar)
) as a order by foo desc;
And that does the trick.
I don't really know Laravel, but I'll bet this will do it:
$photos = DB::table('photos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at');
$videos = DB::table('videos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at');
$combined = $photos->union($videos)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
It seems to be fixed in this pull request: https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/3901
It should work if you add orderBy methods in the chaining to both of them, like this:
$photos = DB::table('photos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
$videos = DB::table('videos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
$combined = $photos->union($videos);
Right now, as Barmar said, Laravel only knows that the photos query should be ordered, since you do that in your third line, which can be removed if you do it like above.
You can try with DB::query() like below:
DB::query('(Select id,name,created_at from photos)
(Select id,name,created_at from videos) order by created_at ASC');
I guess as of know it will work. Still looking for actual solution!
You can use fromSub to create a sub query of unions. I find this much cleaner than using mergeBindings.
$photos = DB::table('photos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at');
$videos = DB::table('videos')->select('id', 'name', 'created_at')->union($photos);
$result = DB::query()->fromSub($querySql, 'a')->orderBy('year', 'desc')->get();
Here is the code:
$f = DB::table("topics")
->join("recommends", "topics.id", "=", "recommends.courseid")
->where("recommends.re_type", "=", $re_type)
->where("recommends.re_location", "=", $re_location)
->orderBy("recommends.weigh", "desc");
$s = DB::table("topics")
->orderBy("topics.create_time", "desc");
I got a wrong SQL around key word union:
select * from `topics` inner join `recommends`
on `topics`.`id` = `recommends`.`courseid`
where `recommends`.`re_type` = ?
and `recommends`.`re_location` = ?
order by `recommends`.`weigh` desc
union //here!!!!!
select * from `topics` order by `topics`.`create_time` desc
The error info:
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1221
Incorrect usage of UNION and ORDER BY (SQL: ...)
(Bindings: array ( 0 => 3, 1 => 7, ))
What is the problem?
MySQL UNIONs expect the same columns in all statements. Because you're joining another table in $f, the columns between the two statements don't match.
See MySql SELECT union for different columns?
In this case, it might be less of a headache to use the PDO object directly.
$pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();
Found another problem with your query. You should relocate your first order by clause:
->orderBy("recommends.weigh", "desc");
It is producing the order by you before union and MySQL will not accept that.
I am trying to pull a list of Events, also seeing which members have paid for the Events. I then want to see if they are on the committee, to see if they have admin permissions.
I have successfully done this, using three SQL queries, then using three foreach loops to build the Array.
I am SURE this can be done with one SQL query and one foreach loop, however I have not yet mastered the JOIN technique.
I am using Expression Engine, Codeigniter Active Record, I will display to you the SQL output and also what my current EE functions look like.
SQL to select ALL events which are active
SELECT `id` as event_ID, `name` as event_name, `description` as event_description
FROM (`events`)
WHERE `events_category_id` = '1'
AND `active` = 1
ORDER BY `name` asc
EE CODE to achieve this:
$query = $this->theDb->select('id as event_ID, name as event_name, description as event_description')
->order_by("name", "asc")
->get_where('events', array('event_category_id'=>$event_type,'active'=>1));
SQL to find what EVENT IDs the user has paid for
SELECT DISTINCT `products`.`event_ID` as joinedID
FROM (`transactions_items`)
JOIN `transactions` ON `transactions`.`id` = `transactions_items`.`id`
JOIN `products` ON `products`.`id` = `transactions_items`.`product_id`
JOIN `events` ON `events`.`id` = `products`.`event_ID`
WHERE `transactions`.`member_id` = 27500
AND `events`.`active` = 1
AND `event_category_id` = '1'
ORDER BY `events`.`name` asc
EE CODE to achieve this
$query = $this->theDb->select('products.event_ID as joinedID')
->order_by("events.name", "asc")
->join('transactions', 'transactions.id = transactions_items.id')
->join('products', 'products.id = transactions_items.product_id')
->join('events', 'events.id = products.event_ID')
->get_where('transactions_items', array('transactions.member_id' => $memberID, 'events.active' => 1,'activity_category_id'=>$activity_type));
SQL to find ADMIN rights
SELECT `events`.`id` as event_ID, `admins`.`admin_role_id` as role_id, `admins_roles`.`name` as role_description
FROM (`admins`)
JOIN `admins_roles` ON `admins`.`admin_role_id` = `admins_roles`.`id`
JOIN `events` ON `events`.`id` = `admins`.`event_ID`
WHERE `admins`.`member_id` = 27500
AND `events`.`active` = 1
EE CODE to achieve this
$query = $this->theDb->select('events.id as event_ID, admins.admin_role_id as role_id, admins_roles.name as role_description')
->join('admins_roles', 'admins.admin_role_id = admins_roles.id')
->join('events', 'events.id = admins.event_ID')
->get_where('admins', array('admins.member_id' => $memberID, 'events.active' => 1));
// Create list of Events setting defaults
foreach($events_list as $row)
$combinedEvents[$row->event_ID] = array(
'eventID' => $row->event_ID,
'eventName' => $row->event_name,
'eventDescription' => $row->event_description,
'isJoined' => 0,
'roleID' => 0,
'roleDescription' => "",
// Add Committee roles
foreach($admin_list as $row)
$combinedEvents[$row->event_ID]['roleID'] = $row->role_id;
$combinedEvents[$row->event_ID]['roleDescription'] = $row->role_description;
// Add Transactions
foreach($transaction_list as $row)
$combinedEvents[$row->joinedID]['isJoined'] = 1;
I don't quite understand the FOREACH part because I've never touched PHP - but you should be able to solve the multiple SQL queires using the ;with clause. I have created an example in response to another question here and here. Is this what you're looking for?
I have the following query:
`t`.`id` AS `id`,
`rm`.`role_id` AS `role_id`,
`t`.`id` AS `sequence`,
`t`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`,
`t`.`label` AS `label`,
`t`.`order` AS `order`,
when isnull(`rm`.`id`) then 0
else 1
end) AS `description`,
`tb`.`label` AS `parent_label`
((`tbl_menu` `t`
left join `tbl_menu` `tb` ON ((`t`.`parent_id` = `tb`.`id`)))
left join `tbl_role_menu` `rm` ON ((`rm`.`menu_id` = `t`.`id`))) and rm.role_id = $role_id
union select
`t`.`id` AS `id`,
`rm`.`role_id` AS `role_id`,
`t`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`,
`t`.`parent_id` AS `sequence`,
`t`.`label` AS `label`,
`t`.`order` AS `order`,
when isnull(`rm`.`id`) then 0
else 1
end) AS `description`,
`tb`.`label` AS `parent_label`
((`tbl_menu` `t`
left join `tbl_menu` `tb` ON ((`t`.`parent_id` = `tb`.`id`)))
left join `tbl_role_menu` `rm` ON ((`rm`.`menu_id` = `t`.`id`))) and rm.role_id = $role_id
(`tb`.`label` is not null)
order by `sequence` , `parent_id` , `label`
On both queries, on the second left join I have to pass a variable $role_id. Currently, I have this query on a view but if a try passing a criteria condition, the resulting query is
select * form menu_links where role_id = $role_id
Being menu_links the name of the view. This doesn't give me the result I want. I need a way to add this parameter to this query and transform it into a CDbCriteria in order to pass it to a CGridView. Any help?
Consider using CArrayDataProvider.
CArrayDataProvider acts as a wrapper around a simple associative array and CGridView won't know the difference. You can even apply pagination, sorting etc. An example showcasing these features can be found in the documentation:
$rawData=Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM tbl_user')->queryAll();
$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($rawData, array(
'id', 'username', 'email',
I give you a simple example you will figure out how to apply it to you case
$sql= "select * form menu_links where role_id = :role_id";
$role_id='Something you will get from your could';
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
// And finally the command you can replace the role id with varibale is
$command->bindParam(":role_id", $role_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$result = $command->queryAll();
I hope this was what you were asking.
Hi I want to convert my normal mysql query to zend.db.select;
I want to use this script:
$select = $db->select();
// Add a FROM clause
$select->from( ...specify table and columns... )
// Add a WHERE clause
$select->where( ...specify search criteria... )
// Add an ORDER BY clause
$select->order( ...specify sorting criteria... );
$select->limit(20, 10);
for my query below
IF(derived_messages.toid = '$user', derived_messages.fromid,
derived_messages.toid) friend1,c.UserName,
derived_messages.message, derived_messages.fromid, derived_messages.toid,
derived_messages.is_read,derived_messages.type,derived_messages.id as mesid,
(SELECT M.message_id FROM messagesmapped M where M.message_id= derived_messages.id AND M.user_id ='$user' AND M.important = 1) as MesMapid
FROM messages
WHERE messages.deleted_by NOT
IN ( $user )
) derived_messages
INNER JOIN Users c ON c.MemberID = IF(derived_messages.toid = '$user', derived_messages.fromid,
WHERE (derived_messages.id IN
(SELECT M.message_id FROM messagesmapped M where M.message_id= derived_messages.id AND M.user_id ='$user' AND M.important = 1)
(derived_messages.toid='$user' OR derived_messages.fromid='$user'))
GROUP BY friend1 ASC
ORDER BY derived_messages.date DESC, derived_messages.id DESC LIMIT $limit $offset
I hope someone can help m on this.
Thank you.
It's possible but unlikely someone will write the query for you.
My recommendation on tackling such a query is to write each individual subquery as its own Zend_Db_Select object and then build the final query using the subqueries that you already have objects for.
Zend_Db_Select doesn't directly support the IF function, so for that you will need to use Zend_Db_Expr to add that statement into your select.
Here is a basic example of what I am talking about. Let's build the following query:
SELECT IF(msg.toId = 'drew010', msg.fromId, msg.toId), id, name, age, history.ip
FROM users
JOIN history ON users.id = history.userId
WHERE users.id = (
SELECT id FROM users WHERE loginCount > 1000
First build the subselect that select users where loginCount > 1000.
$subquery1 = $db->select()
->from('users', array('id'))
->where('loginCount > ?', 1000);
Next, build the outer query with the IF function:
$cols = array(
new Zend_Db_Expr('IF(' . $db->quoteInto('msg.toId = ?', 'drew010') . '), msg.fromId, msg.toId'),
'id', 'name', 'age'
$query = $db->select()
->from('users', $cols)
->join('history', 'users.id = history.userId', array('ip'))
->where('id = ?', $subquery1)
->order('age DESC');
echo $query;
The output:
IF(msg.toId = 'drew010', msg.fromId, msg.toId),
FROM `users`
INNER JOIN `history`
ON users.id = history.userId
WHERE id = (
(SELECT `users`.`id`
FROM `users`
WHERE (loginCount > 1000))
So the way to go is break the entire query into individual queries first, and then construct the outer query. Just have patience and take it slow. That and read over the Zend_Db_Select docs to get a full picture of what you have available to you.
$query = $this->db->query("
SELECT *, SUM(views.times) AS sum
FROM channel
ON channel.channel_id = video.channel_id
ON channel.user_id = user.user_id
ON channel.channel_id = views.channel_id
GROUP BY channel.channel_name
I have a query that returns a list of items.
function getfrontpage(){
$this->db->join('video', 'channel.channel_id = video.channel_id' , 'right');
$this->db->join('user', 'channel.user_id = user.user_id');
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
Now i'm trying to order these with the SUM from another table, how can i achieve this?
Here is a picture from that table:
I want the results to be sorted by the SUM of the total of "times" for each "channel_id"
thanks in advance
I would suggest to run this through $this->db->query() instead.
It's nice to fetch simple values through CodeIgniters AR functions. But at some situations it's simply easier to build query strings instead.
In your case:
$query = $this->db->query("
SELECT channel_id, SUM(times) AS sum
FROM channel
GROUP BY channel_id
You can also escape most values through db->query()!
FROM table_name
WHERE id = ?
", array(1));
Isn't it as simple as $this->db->order_by("channel_id", "desc");? this orders the results by channel_id in descending order.
Assuming the table displayed in your question is called times_table, and has a key of user_id, channel_id, you can use the following code to join the times_table into your query so the "times" column is available to sort by.
$this->db->join("times_table", "times.user_id=channel.user_id, times.channel_id=channel.channel_id", "left");
// You've already grouped by channel_name, so grouping by channel_id is probably not necessary.
$this->db->order_by("SUM(times_table.times) DESC");
N.B. I just guessed the name of your displayed table is times_table.