Creating XML code using image source from SlideshowPro Album using PHP - php

I used the code from this website with a copy of the code below called images.php with audio but I don't really need audio. This PHP script just retrieves the image source of photos in a directory of a folder to an XML file. Instead, I'd like to write an XML file that would get the image source directly from a SlideshowPro Album. The first code below lists the images from an album directly from SlideShowPro. How do I combine the two scripts?
// gallery.php
$director = new Director('api', 'key');
$album = $director->album->get(440);
echo $album->name . '<br /><br />';
// Loop through album content
$contents = $album->contents[0];
foreach($contents as $content) {
echo $content->src . '<br />';
// images.php
XML Generator for SlideShowPro
Brad Daily -
For instructions, see the wiki:
This script is governed by the following license:
// Name of the folder in each album's folder that contains the full size imagery
$large_folder = 'lg';
// Name of the folder in each album's folder that contains the thumbnails
$thumb_folder = 'tn';
// Name of your album preview image. placed at the root of each album's folder (optional)
$album_preview_name = 'albumPreview.jpg';
/* Audio addition
$audio_folder = 'audio';
// Set up paths
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$server = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$rel_path = str_replace('images.php', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$path = $server . $rel_path;
$iptc = is_callable('iptcparse');
/*$width = "thumbnailWidth=auto thumbnailHeight=78"; */
// Find all folders in this directory
$albums = array();
$d = dir($dir);
while (false !== ($folder = $d->read())) {
if ($folder != '.' && $folder != '..' && is_dir($dir . DS . $folder . DS . $large_folder))
$albums[] = $folder;
// Start writing XML
$o = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n<galleries>\n";
// Cycle through albums
foreach($albums as $album) {
// Path variables
$loc_path = $path . $album . '/';
$full_path = $dir . DS . $album;
// Find images in the large folder
$images = array();
$d2 = dir($full_path . DS . $large_folder);
while (false !== ($image = $d2->read())) {
if (eregi('.jpg|.gif|.png|.swf|.flv|.mov', $image)) {
$images[] = $image;
/* Audio addition
// Find audios in the audio folder
$audios = array();
$d2 = dir($full_path . DS . $audio_folder);
while (false !== ($audio = $d2->read())) {
if (eregi('.mp3|.ra|.wav', $audio)) {
$audios[] = $audio;
Audio addition */
// Only write the album to XML if there are images
if (!empty($images)) {
// Pretty up the title
$title = ucwords(preg_replace('/_|-/', ' ', $album));
// See if there is an album thumb present, if so add it in
if (file_exists($full_path . DS . $album_preview_name)) {
$atn = ' tn="' . $loc_path . $album_preview_name . '"';
} else {
$atn = '';
// Only write tnPath if that folder exists
if (is_dir($full_path . DS . $thumb_folder)) {
$tn = ' tnPath="' . $loc_path . $thumb_folder . '/"';
/* Audio addition
$audio = '';
if (0 < count($audios)) {
$audio = sprintf(' audio="%s" audioCaption="%s"',
$loc_path . $audio_folder . '/' . $audios[0],
substr(ucwords(preg_replace('/_|-/', ' ', $audios[0])), 0, -4));
Audio addition */
// Album tag
$o .= "\t" . '<imagegroup title="' . $title . '" thumbnailPath="' . $loc_path .
$large_folder . '/"' . $width . $atn . $audio . '>' . "\n";
// Cycle through images, adding tag for each to XML
foreach($images as $i) {
$link = $caption = '';
$title = '';
if ($iptc) {
$file = $full_path . DS . $large_folder . DS . $i;
$path_info = pathinfo($file);
$extensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png');
if (in_array(strtolower($path_info['extension']), $extensions)) {
getimagesize($file, $info);
if (!empty($info['APP13'])) {
$iptc = iptcparse($info['APP13']);
if (isset($iptc['2#005'])) {
$title = $iptc['2#005'];
if (is_array($title)) {
$title = htmlentities($title[0], ENT_COMPAT);
if (isset($iptc['2#120'])) {
$caption = $iptc['2#120'];
if (is_array($caption)) {
$caption = htmlentities($caption[0], ENT_COMPAT);
if (isset($_GET['link'])) { $link = $loc_path . $large_folder . '/' . $i; }
$o .= "\t\t" . '<img src="' . $i . '" title="' . $title . '" />' . "\n";
// Close the album tag
$o .= "\t</imagegroup>\n";
// Close gallery tag, set header and output XML
$o .= "</galleries>";
header('Content-type: text/xml');
I'd like my result to appear like this:
<imagegroup title="2013 In Review" thumbnailPath="2013Review/thumb.jpg" thumbnailWidth="auto" thumbnailHeight="78">
<img src="2013Review/JLP09509_01_026.jpg" title="Paul Walker by Jeff Lipsky"/>
<img src="2013Review/NAB10003_01_001.jpg" title="Nelson Mandela by Nabil"/>
<img src="2013Review/MMU13110_41_001.jpg" title="Lindsey Vonn by Michael Muller"/>
<imagegroup title="Awards Season" thumbnailPath="AwardSeason/thumb.jpg" thumbnailWidth="56" thumbnailHeight="78">
<img src="AwardSeason/GBE07090_04_007.jpg" title="Tom Hanks by Giuliano Bekor - "Captain Phillips""/>
<img src="AwardSeason/DTI12009_02_001.jpg" title="Amy Adams by Darren Tieste - "American Hustle" "/>
<img src="AwardSeason/NPA11013_01_005.jpg" title="Idris Elba by Nigel Parry - "Mandela-Long Walk to Freedom" "/>


PHP - Displaying directory folders in random order

The code works perfectly. Just don't know how to get it to display the content randomly without using Jquery.
Got it to display a random image from the current directory, but not sure how to get the directory to display randomly.
$dir = 'img/series_thumbnail/';
$dh = opendir($dir);
while (($fileName = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (!in_array($fileName, array('.', '..'))) {
$images = glob($dir . $fileName . '/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
$imgMax = count($images)-1;
$imgNum = rand(0, $imgMax);
$imgUrl = $images[$imgNum];
echo '<li>';
echo '<img src="' . $imgUrl . '"/>';
echo '<div class="info"><p>' . $fileName . '</p></div>';
echo '</li>';
Thank you.
Figured it out! Thanks for your help everyone.
$dir = glob("img/series_thumbnail/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($dir as $folder) {
if (!in_array($folder, array(".", ".."))) {
$folderName = basename($folder).PHP_EOL;
$images = glob($folder . "/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}", GLOB_BRACE);
echo "<li>";
echo '<img src="' . $images[0] . '"/>';
echo "<div class='info'><p>" . $folderName . "</p></div>";
echo "</li>";
If you want to display a single random image from each directory, with the directories in random order, you can use this code:
$dir = 'img/series_thumbnail/';
$directories = glob("$dir*", GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$images = glob($dir . $directory. '/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
$imgMax = count($images)-1;
$imgNum = rand(0, $imgMax);
$imgUrl = $images[$imgNum];
echo '<li>';
echo '<img src="' . $imgUrl . '"/>';
echo '<div class="info"><p>' . $fileName . '</p></div>';
echo '</li>';

Download link over random php image

I am displaying a number of random images from a folder, however I'm not very good with PHP (Code sourced from the internet), how would I go about having a "download" link display on top of the image?
Display random image from folder using PHP:
function random_image($directory)
$leading = substr($directory, 0, 1);
$trailing = substr($directory, -1, 1);
if($leading == '/')
$directory = substr($directory, 1);
if($trailing != '/')
$directory = $directory . '/';
if(empty($directory) or !is_dir($directory))
die('Directory: ' . $directory . ' not found.');
$files = scandir($directory, 1);
$make_array = array();
foreach($files AS $id => $file)
$info = pathinfo($dir . $file);
$image_extensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'ico');
if(!in_array($info['extension'], $image_extensions))
$file = str_replace(' ', '%20', $file);
$temp = array($id => $file);
array_push($make_array, $temp);
if(sizeof($make_array) == 0)
die('No images in ' . $directory . ' Directory');
$total = count($make_array) - 1;
$random_image = rand(0, $total);
return $directory . $make_array[$random_image][$random_image];
echo "<img src=" . random_image('css/images/avatars') . " />";
I've tried looking around google for an answer but I can't find anything, any help would be appreciated
You should save the image location in a variable then use it to create a link, plus display it.
$imageUrl = random_image('css/images/avatars');
echo "<a href=" . $imageUrl . ">";
echo "<img src=" . $imageUrl . " />";
echo "</a>";
or if you want to show the text link above, seperately then
$imageUrl = random_image('css/images/avatars');
echo "Click Here<br />";
echo "<img src=" . $imageUrl . " />";
you could use simple javascript to do so, like onclick event for example :
just add this to img tag onclick=''". random_image('css/images/avatars') ."')'
echo "<img onclick=''". random_image('css/images/avatars') ."')' src='" . random_image('css/images/avatars') . "' />";

No error when creating zip, but it doesn't get created inside directory

I wrote this code to create a ZIP file of my uploaded attachment, wp application has an option to uploads pdf , those upload pdf will stored under upload directory , i got the result success with no error's but still zip is not get created inside the directory server . Here's the code:
// Code for Getting links (Path)of Attachements
$list = array();
// $count = 1;
foreach($applicants as $key=>$val) {
$cat_id =explode("-", $key);
foreach($val as $appkey=>$appval) {
// if(($appval['name'])=='Navn') {
// $names = $count . '_' . $cat_id[1] . '_' . stripslashes($appval['value']) ;
// }
if(($appval['name']) == ' (PDF)') {
$attach = stripslashes($appval['value']) ;
$list[] = $cat_id[0].'-'. $cat_id[1].'/' . $attach; // Attaching ID and Category to attachement file name
// $count++;
$paths = array();
foreach ($list as $list) {
$data = explode('/',$list);
$pdfpath='../../' . $data[7] . '/' . $data[8] . '/' . $data[9] . '/' . $data[10];
$name=(string)$data[0] . '_' . $data[10];
$paths[] = $pdfpath."*".$name;
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$rand = rand(0,5000);
// Generating random file name for zipcode
if ($zip->open($rand . '', ZipArchive::CREATE)) {
// add files to zip from the path i.e uplaods(Folder) if file exists
foreach ($paths as $value ) {
$path=explode("*", $value);
if(file_exists($path[0])) {
Finally got a fix on the issue , update the changes on the pdf path .
Here is the changes on the code :
$paths = array();
foreach ($list as $list) {
$data = explode('/',$list);
$pdfpath='../../' . $data[6] . '/'. $data[7] . '/' . $data[8] . '/' . $data[9] ;

How to count files inside a folder using PHP?

The following code counts the number of files inside a folder.
function folderlist(){
$directoryist = array();
$startdir = './';
//get all image files with a .jpg extension.
$ignoredDirectory[] = '.';
$ignoredDirectory[] = '..';
if (is_dir($startdir)){
if ($dh = opendir($startdir)){
while (($folder = readdir($dh)) !== false){
if (!(array_search($folder,$ignoredDirectory) > -1)){
if (filetype($startdir . $folder) == "dir"){
$directorylist[$startdir . $folder]['name'] = $folder;
$directorylist[$startdir . $folder]['path'] = $startdir;
$folders = folderlist();
$total_files = 0;
foreach ($folders as $folder){
$path = $folder['path'];
$name = $folder['name'];
$count = iterator_count(new DirectoryIterator($path . $name));
$total_files += $count;
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="' .$path .'index.php?album=' .$name . '" class="style1">';
echo '<strong>' . $name . '</strong>';
echo ' (' . $count . ' files found)';
echo '</a>';
echo '</li>';
echo "Total Files:". $total_files;
However for some reason the count is off by 2. I have a folder with 13 files but this code returns count as 15. For an empty folder, this returns a count of 2.
Can someone point to me the issue with the above snippet?
I'm doing it with DirectoryIterator
$files_in_directory = new DirectoryIterator($path_to_folder);
$c = 0;
foreach($files_in_directory as $file)
// We want only files
if($file->isDot()) continue;
if($file->isDir()) continue;
For use as function :
function folderlist($directories = array(), $extensions = array())
return false;
$result = array();
$total_count = 0;
foreach($directories as $directory)
$files_in_directory = new DirectoryIterator($directory);
$c = 0;
foreach($files_in_directory as $file)
// We want only files
if($file->isDot()) continue;
if($file->isDir()) continue;
// This is for php < 5.3.6
$file_extension = pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// If you have php >= 5.3.6 you can use following instead
// $file_extension = $fileinfo->getExtension()
if(in_array($file_extension, $extensions)){
$result['directories'][$directory]['files'][$c]['name'] = $file->getFilename();
$result['directories'][$directory]['files'][$c]['path'] = $file->getPath();
$result['directories'][$directory]['count'] = $c;
$total_count += $c;
$result['total_count'] = $total_count;
return $result;
Displaying results based on GET superglobal:
if(isset($_GET['album']) && !empty($_GET['album']) && !isset($_GET['listfiles']))
// We are in directory view mode
$album = $_GET['album'];
// View all directories and their file count for specified album
$view_directory = folderlist(array($album), array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'log'));
// Loop the folders and display them with file count
foreach ($view_directory['directories'] as $folder_name => $folder_files){
$count = $folder_files['count'];
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="files.php?album=' . $folder_name . '&listfiles=1" class="style1">';
echo '<strong>' . basename($folder_name) . '</strong>';
echo ' (' . $count . ' files found)';
echo '</a>';
echo '</li>';
echo "Total Files:". $get_dir_info['total_count'];
elseif(isset($_GET['album'], $_GET['listfiles']) && !empty($_GET['album']))
// We are in file view mode for folder
$album = $_GET['album'];
// View all files in directory
$view_files = folderlist(array($album), array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'log'));
echo 'Showing folder content of: <b>'.basename($album).'</b>';
foreach($view_files['directories'][$album]['files'] as $file)
$path = $file['path'];
$name = $file['name'];
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="files.php?file=' . $name . '&path=' . $path . '" class="style1">';
echo '<strong>' . $name . '</strong>';
echo '</a>';
echo '</li>';
This line is still returning the '.' and '..' vars.
if (!(array_search($folder,$ignoredDirectory) > -1))
if (!array_search($folder,$ignoredDirectory))
Also change this:
$ignoredDirectory[] = '.';
$ignoredDirectory[] = '..';
$ignoredDirectory = array( '.', '..' );

Strange PHP issue

My function looks like that
protected function make_js_link($list, $folder, $parentdir = "js") {
$links = array();
$list = explode(',', $list);
foreach ($list as $name) {
$dir = $parentdir . "/";
if (is_string($folder))
echo $folder . "/";
$links[] = '<script src="' . $dir . trim($name) . '.js"></script>' . "\n";
echo implode(" ", $links);
So when js file located in $parentdir I'm calling like that
$this->make_js_link('ckeditor', 0, 'incl/editor');
If file located in parentdir/another_dir, then calling like that
$this->make_js_link('jquery', 'adapters', 'incl/editor');
The problem is, PHP escapes this part in both cases: even if I have folder variable with exact string value:
if (is_string($folder))
echo $folder . "/";
Where I did wrong?
You did echo instead of
$dir = $parentdir . "/";
if (is_string($folder))
$dir.= $folder . "/";
