After I prepare mysqli statement, and bind parameters to it, can I pass this object to a function?
For example code like this
$prepSQL = "DELETE FROM tbl_limit_rates
WHERE prod_code = ? AND prod_type = ? AND prod_rate = ?";
$stmtDelLimO = $mysqli->prepare($prepSQL);
$stmtDelLimO->bind_param("isd", $prodCode, $prodType, $prodRate);
$prodCode = 2;
$prodType = "Food";
$prodRate = "15.4";
$quatity = 0;
$test = adjustLimit($quantity, $stmtDelLimO);
echo $test;
function adjustLimit ($quantity, $stmtDelLimO)
if ($quantity == 0)
return true;
return false;
The function is not working and I am not sure if it's even allowed to use it like this or if I have some other error.
How to implode and insert values into the database in CodeIgniter?
I am creating multiple choice quiz script using CodeIgniter framework. I want to store user results like this:
id userid q_id answer_id time_taken
1 1 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5,3 4,5,7,6,7
in my controller:
public function insert_result()
$bd = "$question_no";
switch ($bd) {
echo "something is wrong";
public function quiz_test()
foreach($quiz as $row){
$a = array("$qq_id","$qid");
$b = array("$answer_id","$ans");
$c = array("$time_taken","$time");
$comma = implode(",",$a);
$comma1 = implode(",",$b);
$comma2 = implode(",",$c);
and Model:
function insert_result($data)
function quiz_test()
$ses_id = $this->session->userdata('lastids');
$sql = "SELECT q_id, answer_id, time_taken FROM results WHERE id='$ses_id'";
$query = $this->dbb->query($sql);
$result = $query->result();
return $result;
function update_result($data){
$ses_id = $this->session->userdata('lastids');
when i run it nothing happened,not showing any error where do i mistake?
pls help me what am i doing wrong
First of all - i think you've a major problem in your DB structure
Normalize your Data
You should prevent to store your information in the table like that.
It should be possible to normalize your data properly. If you dont know
how to do that the following link could be interesting:
Normalization in MYSQL
However a possible solution would be to structure your data:
In order to do that - create a save Method in your Model to split between update and insert - this model could look like
class Quiz_Models
private $arrPostData;
public function save($arrPostData = false)
$this->arrPostData = (!$arrPostData) ? $this->input->post() : $arrPostData;
$id = $this->session->userdata("lastids");
if ($id)
$query = $this->db
if ($query->num_rows() == 1)
else return false;
if ($this->arrPostData['question_no'] == 10) $this->session->unset_userdata("lastids");
private function update($objData)
$objCollection = new Quiz_Collection();
$objCollection->userId = $objData->userid;
$objCollection->id = $objData->id;
$arrData = explode($objData->q_id);
foreach($arrData AS $key => $quizId)
$objQuiz = new stdClass();
$objQuiz->q_id = $quizId;
$objQuiz->answer_id = explode($objData->answer_id)[$key];
$objQuiz->time_taken = explode($objData->answer_id)[$key];
$objQuizFromPost = new stdClass();
$objQuizFromPost->q_id = $this->arrPostData["questionid"];
$objQuizFromPost->answer_id = $this->arrPostData['AnswerID'];
$objQuizFromPost->time_taken = $this->arrPostData['timetaken'];
private function insert()
$objCollection = new Quiz_Collection();
$objCollection->userId = $this->arrPostData['user_id'];
$objQuizFromPost = new stdClass();
$objQuizFromPost->q_id = $this->arrPostData["questionid"];
$objQuizFromPost->answer_id = $this->arrPostData['AnswerID'];
$objQuizFromPost->time_taken = $this->arrPostData['timetaken'];
$this->session->set_userdata("lastids", $this->db->insert_id());
as an addition you need a Collection Object (put this below your model)
class Quiz_Collection extends Array_Object
public $userId = 0;
public $id = 0;
public function addQuizFromPost($objQuiz)
if (intval($objQuiz->q_id) > 0)
foreach($this AS $key => $obj)
if ($obj->q_id == $objQuiz->q_id)
$this->offsetSet($key, $objQuiz);
return true;
return true;
return false;
public function sortQuizData($objA, $objB)
if ($objA->q_id == $objB->q_id) return 0;
return ($objA->q_id < $objB->q_id) ? -1 : 1;
public function getDbData()
$arrData = $this->getArrayCopy();
$arrDbData = [
"userid" => $this->userId,
"q_id" => implode(array_map(function($obj){ return $obj->q_id;},$arrData),","),
"answer_id" => implode(array_map(function($obj){ return $obj->answer_id;},$arrData),","),
"time_taken" => implode(array_map(function($obj){ return $obj->time_taken;},$arrData),","),
return $arrDbData;
pS: this is just an instruction how you can do that in a proper way. Pls study this code. If you still don't understand whats going on, feel free to ask.
I am new to codeigniter and working on a project where I need to add search filters on a page. The way its been setup under applications/core there is a MY_Model.php file and here it the get_result function it.
function get_result() {
$this->db->from($this->tableName . ' ' . $this->alias);
$this->db->select($this->selectFields, FALSE);
$this->db->join($this->arrJoins[$j][0], $this->arrJoins[$j][1], $this->arrJoins[$j][2]);
if(isset($this->custLikeStr) && count($this->custLikeStr) > 0){
$this->db->order_by($this->sortBy, $this->sortOrder);
$query = $this->db->get()->result();
//echo '<br>'.$this->db->last_query();
return $query;
There is a get_where function to build all where clauses
function get_where() {
foreach($this->arrWhereInputs as $arrWhereInput) {
if(isset($this->$arrWhereInput) && $this->$arrWhereInput != ''){
$this->arrWhere[$this->fieldAlias[$arrWhereInput].'.'.$arrWhereInput] = trim($this->$arrWhereInput);
return $this->arrWhere;
And in the model file for the application so under application/models here is there is a select function we need to call to get results.
function select(){
/* for search list */
$this->arrLikeInputs = array('stock_title', 'stock_id', 'price_band', );
$this->arrWhereInputs = array();
$this->arrWhere = array();
if ($this->input->post('record_per_page') != '') {
$records_per_page = $this->input->post('record_per_page');
} else {
$records_per_page = ROWS_PER_PAGE;
if (!(isset($this->record_per_page) && $this->record_per_page != '')) {
$this->record_per_page = ROWS_PER_PAGE;
$this->arrLike = $this->get_like();
$this->arrWhere = $this->get_where();
$this->arrWhere['SC.isDeleted'] = 0;
/* for search list */
if ($this->countQuery == 1) {
$this->db->from($this->tableName . ' ' . $this->alias);
$this->countSelectFields = 'COUNT(SC.stock_id) as cnt';
$result['count'] = $this->get_count();
$result['resultarr'] = $this->get_result();
$result['record_per_page'] = $records_per_page;
return $result;
Now I want to add where in to my query and I have tried a few ways but it just does not work.
I am getting confused on to where I am going wrong on such a simple thing.
So I have added a get_wherein function.
function get_wherein() {
foreach($this->arrWhereInInputs as $arrWhereInInput) {
if(isset($this->$arrWhereInInput) && $this->$arrWhereInInput != ''){
$this->arrWhereIn[$this->fieldAlias[$arrWhereInInput].'.'.$arrWhereInInput] = trim($this->$arrWhereInInput);
return $this->arrWhereIn;
So I added $this->arrWhereIn['Field'] = $arr which does not work and also tried to to call $this->db->where_in('field',$array) in the select function directly that does not work either. In both the cases it gets ignored and the query is build without the "and where in".
Where am I going wrong and how to build this query?
Here is the failure message I get in Terminal running 'phpunit tests':
1) StylistTest::test_find
null does not match expected type "object".
Here's my test method:
function test_find()
$name = "Stylist Jane";
$id = 1;
$name2 = "Stylist Bob";
$id2 = 2;
$test_stylist = new Stylist($name, $id);
$test_stylist2 = new Stylist($name2, $id2);
$result = Stylist::find($test_stylist->getId());
$this->assertEquals($test_stylist, $result);
And here's my method:
static function find($search_id)
$found_stylist = null;
$stylists = Stylist::getAll();
foreach($stylists as $stylist) {
$stylist_id = $stylist->getId();
if ($stylist_id == $search_id) {
$found_styist = $stylist;
return $found_stylist;
Here's my getAll method:
static function getAll()
$returned_stylists = $GLOBALS['DB']->query("SELECT * FROM stylists;");
$stylists = array();
foreach($returned_stylists as $stylist) {
$name = $stylist['name'];
$id = $stylist['id'];
$new_stylist = new Stylist($name, $id);
array_push($stylists, $new_stylist);
return $stylists;
If you'd like to see all my files here's the link to the git repository:
I've been staring at this for way too long and I'm totally stumped.
$found_styist = $stylist;
$found_stylist = $stylist;
You need a better IDE man. Simple static analysis could tell you about the unused variable.
class postQuery {
public function __construct($args = NULL){
$post_type = $args['post_type'];
$limit = $args['limit'];
$category = $args['cat'];
global $sql;
$sql = $sql->query('SELECT * FROM posts');
$sql = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function havePosts() {
global $sql;
global $rowNum;
$rowNum = 0;
$rowMax = count($sql);
while($rowNum <= $rowMax) {
return $rowNum;
the havePosts() function should run while $rowNum < $rowMax... everything ok this far...
but now, i want to create a while statement with this function, like this:
$con = new postQuery();
global $sql;
global $rowNum;
return $sql[$rowNum]['title'];
How can i return the data given by my WHILE inside the Function one by one?
Your postQuery class may look like this:
class postQuery() {
private $currentRow = 0;
public function havePosts() {
global $sql;
if ($this->currentRow == count($sql) - 1)
return FALSE;
return $this->currentRow - 1;
And then you can loop through posts:
while(($rowNum = $conn->havePosts()) !== FALSE) {
echo $sql[$rowNum]['title'];
Note that my example is not best practice at all. You should avoid using global variables and lot of data you can store to class member variables (e.g. count($sql)). You should also fix my arithmetic to avoid using magic operations like $this->currentRow + 1.
Put results in array and the return that array that you can access later
public function havePosts() {
global $sql;
global $rowNum;
$rowNum = 0;
$rowMax = count($sql);
global $sql;
global $rowNum;
$titles[]= $sql[$rowNum]['title'];
return $titles;
I am developing a CMS which works on template page system in a different approach.
I have this object:
$structure = new stdClass;
$structure->homepage->news->method = 'get_articles_by_page_name';
$structure->homepage->news->lang_key = translate('home_news');
$structure->homepage->news->lang = $lang;
$structure->homepage->news->add_media = true;
$structure->homepage->news->media_type = 'ibs';
$structure->homepage->news->limit = '5';
$structure->homepage->news->order_by = 'a.logical_date';
$structure->homepage->news->asc_des = 'desc';
$structure->homepage->news->result_type = 'result';
This helps to get contents as following:
foreach ($structure as $page_template => $page_contents)
// Call Customized Content for Homepage
if($this->data['page_data']->page_view == $page_template) // homepage comes ok.
foreach ($page_contents as $view_var_name => $page_cdata)
$method = $page_cdata->method; // method names comes
$page_cdata = substr(implode(",",(array) $page_cdata),(strlen($method)+1)) . '\'';
//Returns as expected:
$this->data[$view_var_name] = $this->publish->$method($page_cdata);
It suppose to call them model function of:
function get_articles_by_page_name( $lang_key='',$lang='en',$add_media=true,
However, there is a problem with. When I return to last worked query it says:
SELECT * FROM (`page`) JOIN `page_lang` ON `page`.`id_page` = `page_lang`.`id_page` WHERE `page_lang`.`title` = '\'News\',\'tr\',\'1\',\'ibs\',\'5\',\'a.logical_date\',\'desc\',\'result\''
It souldn't be like this. every thing between commas are parameters of the method function. What cause this, any idea?
Content of get_articles_by_page_name:
function get_articles_by_page_name ($lang_key='',$lang='tr',$add_media=true,$media_type='ibs',$limit='0',$order_by='a.logical_date',$asc_desc='desc',$result_type='result')
// Define variables
$id_page = '';
$result = '';
// Get Page Data
$page_name = $lang_key;
$get_page = $this->vayes->getJoined('page','page_lang','id_page','','',array('page_lang.title'=>$page_name),'row');
$id_page = $get_page->id_page;
$result = $this->publish->get_articles($lang,$id_page,null,false,'',$order_by,$asc_desc,$limit,'result');
$result = array('No id_page specified');
return $result;
Content of get_articles:
function get_articles($lang='tr',$id_page,$id_article=null,$incl_media=true,$media_type='',$order_by='a.logical_date',$asc_desc='desc',$limit='0',$result_type='result')
$this->db->from('article a');
$this->db->join('article_lang b','b.id_article=a.id_article','left outer');
if($incl_media) {
$this->db->join('article_media c','c.id_article=b.id_article','left outer');
$this->db->join('media d','d.id_media=c.id_media','left outer');
if($id_article == null) { $this->db->where('a.id_page',$id_page); }
else /*------------->*/ { $this->db->where('a.id_article',$id_article); }
if(($incl_media == true) AND $media_type != '' ) $this->db->where('c.usage',$media_type);
// Order Results
// Limit Results
if ($limit) $this->db->limit($limit);
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows() > 0)
$result = $query->$result_type();
return $result;
return false;
try stripslashes()
Attempting to use stripslashes on an array in 5.2.17 returns the string "Array", but in 5.3.6 it returns NULL. So using stripslashes() on an array you will need to do it recursively;
function stripslashes_deep($value)
$value = is_array($value) ?
array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) :
return $value;
// Example
$array = array("f\\'oo", "b\\'ar", array("fo\\'o", "b\\'ar"));
$array = stripslashes_deep($array);
// Output