How to get data from array [API/JSON] - php

I'm currently trying to get going with API's but i'm finding it really hard to extract the data from the api into my webpage.
I have tried using json_decode($, true), and it works OK, but some data I just cant extract.
Like, in this example, how would you get the name?
I have used for getting data from others, but cant really get it to work with types like this one.
//put json in array
$r = json_decode($r, true);
echo $r['champions'][1]['attackRank'];
Also, if anyone have some good JSON -> PHP Tutorials I would really appreciate.

In that example to access the name you just need to refer to $r['name'] e.g.
echo $r['name'];
After decoding the JSON string, do a var_dump on your array and it will show you the contents and how to access.
To get all with a certain magic rank as per your example, you'd need to loop through the array and test the value of the particular key:
$r = json_decode($r, true);
//loop through $r
foreach ($r['champions'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value['magicRank'] != 8) {
//if magicRankis not 8, ignore and move on to the next entry
//magicRank is 8, do something
echo $value['name'] . " has magic rank of 8<br />";


Parsing JSON in for each with increment PHP

I'm trying to parse a json file into a for each loop. The issue is the data is nested in containers with incremented numbers, which is an issue as I can't then just grab each value in the foreach. I've spent a while trying to find a way to get this to work and I've come up empty. Any idea?
Here is the json file tidied up so you can see what I mean -
I am trying to get values such as [number] but I also want to get deeper values such as [Driver][code]
// get ergast json feed for next race
$url = "";
// store array in $nextRace
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$nextRace = json_decode($json, TRUE);
$a = 0;
// get array for next race
// get date and figure out how many days remaining
$nextRaceDate = $nextRace['MRData']['RaceTable']['Races']['0']['Results'][' . $a++ . '];
foreach ($nextRaceDate['data'] as $key=>$val) {
echo $val['number'];
While decoding the json there's no need to flatten the object to an Associative array. Just use it how it is supposed to be used.
$nextRace = json_decode($json);
$nextRaceDate = $nextRace->MRData->RaceTable->Races[0]->Results;
foreach($nextRaceDate as $race){
echo 'Race number : ' . $race->number . '<br>';
echo 'Race Points : ' . $race->points. '<br>';
echo '====================' . '<br>';
CodePad Example
You are nearly correct with your code, you are doing it wrong when you try the $a++. Remove the $a = 0, you won't need it.
Till here you are correct
$nextRaceDate = $nextRace['MRData']['RaceTable']['Races']['0']['Results']
What you have to do next is this
$nextRaceDate = $nextRace['MRData']['RaceTable']['Races']['0']['Results'];
foreach($nextRaceDate as $key => $value){
foreach($value as $key2 => $value2)
So, in my code, you are stopping at Results, and then, you want to iterate over all the results, from 0 to X, the first foreach will do that, you have to access $value for that. So, add another foreach to iterate over all the content that $value has.
There you go, I added a print_r to show you that you are iterating over what you wanted.
The problem is how you access to the elements in the nested array.
Here a way to do it:
$mrData = json_decode($json, true)['MRData'];
foreach($nextRace['RaceTable']['Races'] as $race) {
// Here you have access to race's informations
echo $race['raceName'];
echo $race['round'];
// ...
foreach($race['Results'] as $result) {
// And here to a result
echo $result['number'];
echo $result['position'];
// ...
I don't know where come's from your object, but, if you're sure that you'll get everytime one race, the first loop could be suppressed and use the shortcut:
$race = json_decode($json, true)['MRData']['RaceTable']['Races'][0];
Your problem is that the index must be an integer because the array is non associative. Giving a string, php was looking for the key '$a++', and not the index with the value in $a.
If you need only the number of the first race, try this way
$a = 0;
$nextRaceDate = $nextRace['MRData']['RaceTable']['Races']['0']['Results'][$a];
echo "\n".$nextRaceDate['number'];
maybe you need to iterate in the 'Races' attribute
If you need all, try this way :
$nextRaceDate = $nextRace['MRData']['RaceTable']['Races'];
foreach ($nextRaceDate as $key => $val) {
foreach ($val['Results'] as $val2) {
echo "\nNUMBER " . $val2['number'];

PHP JSON foreach Array Issue

I'm trying to use PHP to display some JSON data from an API. I need to use foreach to return all my results but nested within them is an array. The array is "highlights" which sometimes has "description" and sometimes "content" and sometimes both. I need to do a foreach within a foreach or something along those lines but everything I try just returns "Array".
Here's the JSON...
Here's my PHP...
$json_returned = file_get_contents("JSON_URL");
$decoded_results = json_decode($json_returned, true);
echo "Number Found:".$decoded_results['numFound']."</br> ";
echo "Start:".$decoded_results['start']."</br>";
echo "Max Score:".$decoded_results['maxScore']."</br>";
foreach($decoded_results['docs'] as $results){
echo "Parent Link T:".$results['parent_link_t']."</br>";
echo "Description:".$results['highlights']['description']."</br>";
Obviously the working version I'm using has a lot more fields programmed in but I cut them out to keep this code short and simple and show how I have everything else besides the "hightlights" field in one foreach. The JSON returns require that I keep everything in that foreach, so how to I display the array inside of it?
Thanks for any help and thanks for taking the time to read this even if you can contribute.
The 'description' is array with one element so you can use this.
echo 'Description:' . $results['highlights']['description'][0];
If it sometimes has 'description' and sometimes 'content'. Use isset to check which one it is, or even if there are both and print accordingly.
// for description
if(isset($results['highlights']['description'])) {
echo 'Description:' . $results['highlights']['description'][0];
// for content
if(isset($results['highlights']['content'])) {
echo 'Content:' . $results['highlights']['content'][0];
Hope this helps.
Look into the php array_column() function:

Using "array_values" with "foreach" data?

I am trying to organize an array of data to be sent in an email. I have no problem getting the data, but I am not sure how to organize it.
Foreach: Here outputs a list of questions generated by the user in the backend
$message = array();
foreach($questions['questions'] as $key => $value){
if(is_array($value) && isset($value[ 'questionlist'])){
foreach($value as $key => $subquestion){ //line 119
foreach ($subquestion as $key => $value){
$message[] = $value['a-question'];
I am trying to conjoin the data with each other, the data from the foreach and the $_POST data which is check values.
My logic for doing it this way is because one comes from the database, one is just form data (that does not need to be saved to the database it comes from the front end unlike the data from the database that is generated via backend) That said there perhaps is a better way, but I pretty much got this I am just not sure how to join the data so it looks like
//The form input data '0', '1' values
$checks = $_POST['personalization_result'];
//Putting that data into array_values
$checkValues = array_values($checks);
//Then passing the array_values into 'implode' and organizing it with a list (<li>)
$checkString = '<li>'.implode('</li><li>',$checkValues).'</li>';
//Then testing with var_dump outputs a nice list of '0','1' values
var_dump ($checkString);
Trying the same method but trying to conjoin the foreach array and the check values does not work, here is an example.
//Similar to $checkValues I pass the data from the foreach into "array_values"
var_dumping this works fine.
$arrayValues = array_values($message);
//This is obvious it's the same as above it "implodes" the data nicely into a list(<li>)
$arrayString = '<li>'.implode('</li><li>',$arrayValues).'</li>';
//This var dumps the "$arrayString" nicely
var_dump ($arrayString)
Again the actual question is here, how do I conjoin each piece of data?
My Attempts: Here are my attempts for "conjoining" the data.
// This does not work well (maybe by cleaning up it can work) but it outputs 2 separate lists
var_dump ($arrayString.'_'.$checkString);
//I tried to run it inside one implode variable this is invalid arguments
$checkString = '<li>'.implode('</li><li>',$arrayValues.'_'.$checkValues).'</li>';
//Modified one implode variable this outputs see below
$checkString = '<li>'.implode('</li>'.$arrayValues.'<li>',$checkValues).'</li>';
var_dump results: Here is the var_dump result of each array, I want to combine these into one list
$_POST array
// Var dump of form $_POST DATA
var_dump ($checkString);
1 //This is generated through the $_POST method not on database
0 //This is generated through the $_POST method not on database
1 //This is generated through the $_POST method not on database
0 //This is generated through the $_POST method not on database
// Var dump of datbase generated from backend
var_dump ($arrayString);
I am 1 //This is generated in the backend and is stored on a database
Hi I am 2 //This is generated in the backend and is stored on a database
civil is 3 //This is generated in the backend and is stored on a database
THIS IS FOURTA //This is generated in the backend and is stored on a database
The Goal
I am 1 - 1 //This is checked
Hi I am 2 - 0 //This is NOT checked
civil is 3 - 1 //This is checked
THIS IS FOURTA - 0 //This is NOT checked
The Answer: Thanks to #xdim222
I didn't understand it at first, because of the increment, but now I understand it all, initially it would have worked but my variables were under the foreach statement and that was causing it not to return the array.
At least in my opinion thats what it was, because when I added the variable above the foreach it worked.
I modified the answer to suit my code.
//$messages = array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5');
//Instead of using this array I used the array generated in my foreach above.
// Instead of this $checks = array(1,0,1,0); I take the $_POST value which generates an array, you can see above.
$checkValues = array_values($checks);
$checkString = implode($checkValues);
foreach($messages as $msg) {
echo $msg . ' - ' . ( isset($checkString[$i])? $checkString[$i] : 0 ) . '<br>';
Again thanks to #xdim222 for being patient, reading my long question, and most importantly helping me learn, by asking this question and finding a solution this stuff really sticks and is in my opinion the best way to learn (by asking). :)
To make it easier, I assign $messages and $checks directly, I have tried this code and it works. You might have different elements of your arrays, but I think you can figure it out from my code below:
$messages = array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5');
$checks = array(1,0,1,0);
foreach($messages as $msg) {
echo $msg . ' - ' . ( isset($checks[$i])? $checks[$i] : 0 ) . '<br>';
PS: I made a mistake in my previous answer by incrementing $i before echoing things out, array element should start by 0.
While waiting for your reply to my comment above, I'm trying to write some code here..
I assume you want to display the questions that were pulled from database and it should be displayed based on what user chose in the form. So you may use this code:
foreach($questions['questions'] as $key => $value){
if(is_array($value) && isset($value[ 'questionlist'])){
foreach($value as $key => $subquestion){ //line 119
foreach ($subquestion as $key => $value){
$message[$key] = $value['a-question'];
I added $key in $message in the code above, with an assumption that $key is the index of a question, and this index will be matched with what user chose in the form. Then we can list all the questions that a user have chosen:
foreach($checks as $check)
echo '<li>'.$check . ' - ' . $message[$check].'</li>';
Is this what you want?
Based on your update:
foreach($message as $msg) {
echo '<li>'. $msg . ' - ' . ( isset($checks[$i])? $checks[$i] : 0 ) . '</li>';
Maybe this is what you want.
As I said, there should be a relation between the $message and $checks, otherwise the above code looks a bit weird, because how do we know that a question is selected by user? Maybe you should show how you get that $_POST['personalization_result'] in your HTML.

echo parts of json returned in php

my returned json looks like this
I want to echo
body->airTicketListResponse->routings->trips->segments->departureTime //only the time here
for each routings.
How do I do this? Here is what I have but I am lost and I know it is way off.
$result = data returned here
$airTicketListResponse = $result->body->airTicketListResponse;
$routings = $result->body->airTicketListResponse->routings;
$trips = $result->body->airTicketListResponse->routings->trips;
$segments = $result->body->airTicketListResponse->routings->trips->segments;
foreach($airTicketListResponse as $item){
echo '<span style="font-weight:bold;">Airline - '.$item->routings[i]->mainAirlineName.' Price - '.$item->routings[i]->adultBasePrice.'</span><br />'.$item->routings[i]->trips[i]->segments[i]->departureAirportCode.' '.$item->routings[i]->trips[i]->segments[i]->departureTime.'<br /><br />';
Please help if you can.
Before working with JSON you should be familiar with working with arrays and objects since JSON is nothing more than that.
It seems you already know these two concepts
To access an object property in PHP you use obj->property
To access a value of an array you specify the index inside brackets array[0]
With JSON you just have to keep in mind that some of your object properties will be arrays.
Now, since your data comes in a multi-level three-like structure you should also be familiar with traversing arrays, PHP offers an implementation of a foreach loop that is ideal for traversing dynamically generated arrays
using foreach($array as $index => $var) the $index and $var variables are automatically set to the index and value of each element in the array as they are being traversed, so you don't manually need to keep track of the index (i.e. $i)
Now let's start going through your data:
First we find your routings array
$result = json_decode($data);
$airTicketListResponse = $result->body->airTicketListResponse;
$routings = $airTicketListResponse->routings;
Now we use foreach to loop through every routing and print the needed properties
foreach($routings as $routing){ //$routing will hold the object value in each loop
echo 'Airline '.$routing->mainAirlineName.'<br>';
echo 'Adult Base Price '.$routing->adultBasePrice.'<br>';
Getting single properties like the above is pretty straight forward, but for the information of the segments we would first need a nested foreach since we have multiple trips for each routing and then a second nested foreach since each trip has multiple segments
foreach($routings as $routing){ //$routing will hold the object value in each loop
echo 'Airline '.$routing->mainAirlineName.'<br>';
echo 'Adult Base Price '.$routing->adultBasePrice.'<br>';
foreach($routing->trips as $trip){
foreach($trip->segments as $index => $segment){
echo 'Segment '.$index.':<br>'
echo 'Depart From '.$segment->departureAirportCode.'<br>';
echo 'Departure Time '.$segment->departureTime.'<br>';
echo 'Duration '.$segment->duration.'<br>';
And that would be it. I hope my explanation was clear and you got the idea of how to traverse JSON objects
If you feel more comfortable working with an array than with an object to access your data [which might be where you're getting confused here] then you can use json_decode with an additional argument:
$data = json_decode($result, true);
This will leave you with an array ($data) containing all your flight information, you can then var_dump() it and see the hierarchy you're dealing with and loop through it.

Domain index checking using Google API

I am trying to build website where a user can enter his website and check his indexed pages in google.
Just like we do by
I am using a google API, here is the link to API (I know it's deprecated)
when I use a code like
function getGoogleCount($domain) {
$content = file_get_contents('' .
'search/web?v=1.0&filter=0&q=site:' . urlencode($domain));
$data = json_decode($content);
return ($data->responseData->cursor->estimatedResultCount);
echo getGoogleCount('');
good as far as I want to know about the result counts
But the next thing I want is to list all the results on my website. I am unable to grab the results because when we write
It goes straight
But when we try to get results. I don't know how to do, just to print the idea
$data->responseData->results->[url & title & content here]
Because here results is an array. and I don't know how can I store info in an array in this case.
Have been searching for a long time but can't find anything related.....
Thanks in advance...
The easiest way is to use:
$data = json_decode($content, true);
That will convert objects to normal associative arrays which are probably easier to handle.
Then you access your values by something like this:
$results = $data['responseData']['results']; //array
$googleCount = $data['responseData']['cursor']['estimatedResultCount'];
Then with the results you can do something like this:
foreach ($results as $result) {
echo $result['title'].' -> '.$result['url'] . '<br />';
But of course if you don't like associative arrays and you prefer objects, you could do it also this way:
$data = json_decode($content);
foreach ($data->responseData->results as $result) {
echo $result->title .' -> '.$result->url.'<br />';
If you want to check which properties has the $result, just use print_r or var_dump.
