I am a newbee to zf and my project requires to integrate hybrid auth social login with zf1.
Unfortunately I could find any hybrid auth for zf1. can anyone please help me for this?
Struggling for this past two days.
Thanks in advance.
In order to do authentication in Zend you should review Zend_Auth documentation to make sure you understand the how things works...
To implement custom authentication in Zend you will have to create your own authentication adapter and pass instance of your adapter to Zend_Auth::authenticate. Implementing a custom adapter is very easy, you only have to implement one interface with one function and define your constructor - see example of custom adapter in Zend documentation and example of how to pass adapter to Zend_Auth instance.
I am not familiar with hybridauth but looks like hybridauth already has bunch of plugins including ZF2. Also, take a look at existing plain PHP hybridauth examples in the repo.
I have developed a project using zend and neo4j db. Till now I haven't used sessions now I have requirement of applying authorization to various types of users. I don't know whether Zend Acl can be directly implemented with neo4j. If any one used ACL with neo4j and can provide some examples then I would be very grateful to that person. On searching I came up with this link..
Graph Acl
Is it helpful ?
There are no built-in ZendAcl Neo4j backed plugins. Note that ZendAcl does not have any built-in persistence features at the core.
You'll need to write an ACL plugin that will then create the necessary Cypher queries.
An example with Doctrine : https://monzee.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/developing-a-doctrine-backed-acl-helper-tdd-style-part-1/
I am using Symfony framework in my project and now I am trying to add Steam Authentication to my project, so I could use Steam account informations in my project. Earlier is used only plain PHP, no frameworks and I found this https://github.com/SmItH197/SteamAuthentication and it worked well, but I am not sure that can I use it with Symfony? I mean, how to include it in my controller? Or is there another way to Steam Authenticate with Symfony?
You should write a custom authenticator for this. This way, you can easily adapt it into the current Symfony security system. Take a look at the documentation for this at: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/security/custom_authentication_provider.html
Indeed you could, as many others already have, one such example for Symfony2 is here: https://github.com/SirWaddles/SteamAuthBundle :) good luck.
Whenever I Google things like "php authentication library" I continue to come up with a ton of results of authentication libraries designed for Code Igniter.
What I am looking for is things like the following,
A robust library that handles login, logout, registration, login retrieval etc...
Very secure authentication possibly using sha-256+?
Library that can be integrated into any code, framework or not
Active project and community so that I can rely on it in the future.
Compatible with MySQL
Maybe some things I do not know about?
I am hoping my answer fits your needs , its in two parts :
1- Zend Acl + Zend + Auth :
very robust code and 100% unit tested
it could support any encryption method or create your own method
it can support any backend you like [mysql , msssql , or even a session based auth]
custom acl to fits your application needs
you may choose php5.2 version = ZF 1.11 or the php5.3 = ZF2 beta released the last week
in ZF2 beta you could use the pyrus to package the required classes only , not the whole library http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/Packaging-and-distribution-of-ZF2-td3597632.html
its very active project
2-symfony2 security component :
in sf2 you combine the [ACL , AUTH] in very powerful library called security
symfony2 has the support of bundles , and the FOS UserBundle its the ideal match for my usage
you can use it in your own project as its
Symfony's security component is available as a standalone PHP library for use inside any PHP project. http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/book/security.html
it support many backend solutions , they called providers you my see even create your own custom provider
you can even create many protected areas , in case you need it via firewalls , its basically as DMZs
support any encryption method you might need , or create your own
its very active project too
probably you can try this link: php user authentication libraries / frameworks ... what are the options?
zend_auth & codeigniter
it seems that the zend framework has good tools but it is overkill to do authentication only
ulogin, http://ulogin.sourceforge.net/
using social media login might also be another way
is it possible to create a custom oAuth server with the Zend Framework Zend_Oauth? For example i want to create a REST service and have oAuth authentication? Does the zend framework have support for this out of the box?>
Currently, there is no working OAuth server/auth adapter. There are a few of us (including myself) working to meld the existing Zend_Oauth into a Zend_Auth_Adapter.
Find me on twitter #onyxraven and we can discuss. I should have an idea of what needs done before the end of the week.
Have you taken a look at http://oauth.net/code/ ?
There is a community contribution:
I'm developing a web app with zend framework and i'd like to discuss what is the best way to intergrate all the JS and FBML in a ZF project, anyone have some experience.
For example, which may be a good solution for have the Facebook istante in every controllers, a front controller plugin?
For all those still landing on this POST: There is a Facebook PHP SDK on github, offered by facebook now.
It is quite helpfull and has a good documentation and examples.
The other Projects listed above are mostly stopped or in alpha status.
Since JS and FBML is part of the presentation layer, these would have to go into ViewHelpers. Fetching data from FB via their APIs would go into a service, like Zend_Service_Facebook. There is a proposal for both components in Ready for Review state for some time now:
There's a Zend Framework Library that you can use to access all Facebook Methods at GitHub from your controllers and Models.
For the views, it's better to add the facebook JS file with the APPID and XFBML parameters to your layout/template so that you can use tags anywhere.
If you are using zend framework 2 you can use this tutorial...