If I have an array:
$nav = array($nav_1, $nav_2, $nav_3);
and want to check if they are empty with a loop (the real array is much bigger), so that it checks each variable separately, how do I do it?
I want something like this;
$count = 0;
while(count < 3){
if(empty($nav[$count])) //the loops should go through each value (nav[0], nav[1] etc.)
//do something
$count = $count+1;
//do something
$count = $count+1;
Pretty straight-forward with a foreach loop:
$count = 0;
foreach ($nav as $value) {
if (empty($value)) {
// empty
} else {
// not empty
echo 'There were total ', $count, ' empty elements';
If you're trying to check if all the values are empty, then use array_filter():
if (!array_filter($nav)) {
// all values are empty
With the following code you can check if all variables are empty in your array. Is this what you are looking for?
$eachVarEmpty = true;
foreach($nav as $item){
// if not empty set $eachVarEmpty to false and go break of the loop
$eachVarEmpty = false;
// go out the loop
$empty = array_reduce($array, function(&$a,$b){return $a &= empty($b);},true);
i am trying to create function to check if array element is the last array element in one array. Original array looks like:
array('exam'=>true, 'index'=>10),
array('exam'=>true, 'index'=>20),
array('exam'=>true, 'index'=>30),
I this case to prove if "array('exam'=>true, 'index'=>30)" is the last.
I have index position of that element, but I do not know how to check if that is the last array element.
function is_last_exam_in_survey($array, $exam_position) {
foreach($array as $element) {
if(!is_numeric($element) {
// check if that is the last array element in array
//return true;
} else {
// return false;
I would be grateful for any advice:)
function get_last_exam_in_survey($array) {
$last = null;
foreach($array as $element) {
if(is_array($element) && !empty($element['exam'])) {
$last = $element;
return $last;
function is_last_exam_in_survey($array, $exam_position) {
$last_exam = get_last_exam_in_survey($array);
return !empty($last_exam) && ($last_exam['index']==$exam_position);
I think this would be the quickest solution:
function is_last_exam_in_survey($array, $exam_position) {
$last_index = array_key_last( $array );
if( $exam_position == $last_index ){
return true;
return false;
You can still change the conditional statement if you are trying to compare values from the last element, for example:
if( isset($last_index['index']) && $exam_position == $last_index['index'] ){
Also, if you want to get the latest array value instead of key, you could use this:
$last_index = end( $array );
I would reverse the array, and look for the first element. Something like:
function is_last_exam_in_survey($array, $exam_position) {
foreach(array_reverse($array) as $element) {
if(!is_numeric($element) {
return $element['index'] === $exam_position;
return false;
Seems like the most efficient and simplest solution to me.
this solution avoid loop. at first we find out the last index of array.Then we use is_array() function for check the last element is array or not.
function get_last_exam_in_survey(array $arr)
$lastOfset = count($arr) - 1;
return true;
return false;
I think you can use array_column function to do that
function is_last_exam_in_survey($array,$exam_position){
$ac = array_column($array, 'index'); // return array(10,20,30)
$la = $ac[count($ac) - 1]; // 30
foreach ($array as $element) {
if (!is_numeric($element)) {
// check if $element['index'] === 30
if($element['index'] === $la){
return true;
How about using array_slice to extract the values in the array that are after the position you are looking at, then array_filter to remove any values that are not arrays. If there are any values left, then the entry you are looking at is not the last array entry in the array.
This may not be very efficient if you are calling it a lot of times with a large array. It may be better to rethink the way the data is stored or loaded into the array.
function is_last_exam_in_survey($array, $exam_position)
return isset($array[$exam_position])
&& is_array($array[$exam_position])
&& !array_filter(array_slice($array, $exam_position + 1), 'is_array');
i want to compare array $list_matkul which is from database to a string inside php
why my response "adalah" always showing false in my comparison
this is my code
require_once 'DB_Functions.php';
$response = array();
$db = new DB_Functions();
if (isset($_POST['no']) && isset($_POST['semester'])) {
$no = $_POST['no'];
$semester = $_POST['semester'];
$list_matkul = array();
$response['error'] = false;
$sks = $db->getSks($no,$semester-1);
$list_matkul = $db->getAllMatkulMhs($no,$semester);
$response['matkul_list'] = array_values($list_matkul);
for ($x = 0; $x < count($list_matkul); $x++) {
if (array_values($list_matkul[$x]) == "matkul_1"){
$response['adalah'] = true;
} else {
$response['adalah'] = false;
echo json_encode($response,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
here is my json response
"error": false,
"matkul_list": [
"nama_matkul": "matkul_1"
"nama_matkul": "matkul_2"
"nama_matkul": "matkul_4"
"nama_matkul": "matkul_3"
"adalah": false
Without a Loop
Firstly, you can do this without using a loop at all.
//convert your array to a flat array of just names
$names = array_column($list_matkul, 'nama_matkul');
//set `adalah` value based on if the name was found in the array
$response['adalah'] = in_array('matkul_1', $names);
//echo json
echo json_encode($response,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
With a Loop
If you insist on using a loop, in my opinion it would be easier to see what is going on if you use a foreach loop instead of a for loop. With a for loop, you need to keep up with the $x variable, but this isn't necessary in a foreach loop.
Also, you can get rid of your else statement by just ending the loop early.
//value defaults to false
$response['adalah'] = false;
//loop through all rows of array
foreach($list_matkul as $row) {
//if name in array is "matkul_1"
if($row['nama_matkul'] == 'matkul_1') {
//set value to true if the above statement is true
$response['adalah'] = true;
//end loop, we know `adalah` is true, no need to loop anymore
echo json_encode($response,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Your logic seems wrong:
if (array_values($list_matkul[$x]) == "matkul_1"){
The function array_values returns an array and you are comparing it to a string. Maybe you meant to write
array_values($list_matkul)[$x] == "matkul_1"
Also, instead of $x+=999999; you could simply write break; ;)
Manual references:
I need to start a for each loop at certain value, ex foreach($somedata as $data) Here I want to start doing some stuff only when the value of that data is "something"
I want to start doing something only after a specific value.
foreach($somedata as $data){
if($data == 'Something'){
//start processing, ignore all the before elements.
I tried break continue nothing seems to work as I wanted
For clarity, it's probably better to pre-process your array before looping over it. That way the logic inside your loop can purely focus on what it's supposed to do.
$arr = ['foo', 'something', 'bar'];
$toProcess = array_slice($arr, array_search('something', $arr));
foreach ($toProcess as $element) {
echo $element, PHP_EOL;
How about using a indicator variable to achieve this.
$starter = 0;
foreach($somedata as $data){
if($data == 'Something'){
$starter = 1;
if(starter == 1){
//start processing, ignore all the before elements.
You'll need to keep a flag whether you have already encountered the desired value or not:
$skip = true;
foreach (... as $data) {
if ($data == 'something') {
$skip = false;
if ($skip) {
// do something
$skip = true;
foreach($somedata as $data){
if($data == 'Something'){
$skip = false;
if($skip) {
//start processing, ignore all before $skip == false.
If you want to process the values only from the moment you identify one value, then you can use a flag :
$flag = false;
foreach($somedata as $data){
if($flag OR $data == 'Something'){
$flag = true;
// processing some stuff
Once the flag is reset to true, whatever the current value is, the content of your if will be executed.
How do I find if an array has one or more elements?
I need to execute a block of code where the size of the array is greater than zero.
if ($result > 0) {
// Here is the code body which I want to execute
else {
// Here is some other code
You can use the count() or sizeof() PHP functions:
if (sizeof($result) > 0) {
echo "array size is greater than zero";
else {
echo "array size is zero";
Or you can use:
if (count($result) > 0) {
echo "array size is greater than zero";
else {
echo "array size is zero";
count — Count all elements in an array, or something in an object
int count ( mixed $array_or_countable [, int $mode = COUNT_NORMAL ] )
Counts all elements in an array, or something in an object.
$a[0] = 1;
$a[1] = 3;
$a[2] = 5;
$result = count($a);
// $result == 3
In your case, it is like:
if (count($array) > 0)
// Execute some block of code here
If you want to only check if the array is not empty, you should use empty() - it is much faster than count(), and it is also more readable:
if (!empty($result)) {
// ...
} else {
// ...
You could avoid length retrieve and check using a simple foreach:
foreach($result as $key=>$value) {
echo $value;
#Sajid Mehmood in PHP we have count() to count the length of an array,
when count() returns 0 that means that array is empty
Let’s take an example for your understanding:
$arr1 = array(1); // With one value which will give 1 count
$arr2 = array(); // With no value which will give 0 count
// Now I want that the array which has greater than 0 count should print other wise not so
if (count($arr1)) {
else {
echo "Sorry, array1 has 0 count";
if (count($arr2)) {
else {
echo "Sorry, array2 has 0 count";
Pro Tip:
If you are sure that:
the variable exists (isset) AND
the variable type is an array (is_array) ...might be true of all is_iterables, but I haven't researched that extension of the question scope.
Then you don't need to call any functions. An array with one or more elements has a boolean value of true. An array with no elements has a boolean value of false.
Code: (Demo)
echo "\n";
var_export((bool)['not empty']);
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
$noElements = [];
if ($noElements) {
echo 'not empty';
} else {
echo 'empty';
For those who start with the array in PHP presented it this way:
more information here
$result = array(1,2,3,4);
//Count all the elements of an array or something of an object
if (count($result) > 0) {
// Or
// Determines if a variable is empty
if (!empty($result)) {
// Or
// sizeof - Alias of count ()
if (sizeof($result)) {
$ii = 1;
$arry_count = count($args);
foreach ( $args as $post)
if( $ii == $arry_count )
$last = 'blog_last_item';
echo $last;
I am trying to check if a value is in an array. If so, grab that array value and do something with it. How would this be done?
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
$the_array = array("buejcxut->10", "jueofi31->20", "nay17dtt->30");
if (in_array('20', $the_array)) {
// If found, assign this value to a string, like $found = 'jueofi31->20'
$found_parts = explode('->', $found);
echo $found_parts['0']; // This would echo "jueofi31"
This should do it:
foreach($the_array as $key => $value) {
if(preg_match("#20#", $value)) {
$found_parts = explode('->', $value);
echo $found_parts[0];
And replace "20" by any value you want.
you might be better off checking it in a foreach loop:
foreach ($the_array as $key => $value) {
if ($value == 20) {
// do something
if ($value == 30) {
//do something else
also you array definitition is strange, did you mean to have:
$the_array = array("buejcxut"=>10, "jueofi31"=>20, "nay17dtt"=>30);
using the array above the $key is the element key (buejcxut, jueofi31, etc) and $value is the value of that element (10, 20, etc).
Here's an example of how you can search the values of arrays with Regular Expressions.
$the_array = array("buejcxut->10", "jueofi31->20", "nay17dtt->30");
$items = preg_grep('/20$/', $the_array);
if( isset($items[1]) ) {
// If found, assign this value to a string, like $found = 'jueofi31->20'
$found_parts = explode('->', $items[1]);
echo $found_parts['0']; // This would echo "jueofi31"
You can see a demo here: http://codepad.org/XClsw0UI
if you want to define an indexed array it should be like this:
$my_array = array("buejcxut"=>10, "jueofi31"=>20, "nay17dtt"=>30);
then you can use in_array
if (in_array("10", $my_array)) {
echo "10 is in the array";
// do something