Trying to get emails from database using Yiimail - php

A little background,
I'm creating a simple function that emails all users whenever the admin of a blog creates a new announcement. I want to gather all emails using an sql query and inputting them all inside the message body or perhaps looping sending the emails one at a time (though that may seem like it would take longer).
So far this is my code:
public function emailAll()
$message = new YiiMailMessage;
$request = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("
SELECT email FROM persons WHERE party_id
$message->subject = 'Star Cruises - Login Information';
$message->from = Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'];
private function set_mail_settings()
$sysParam = SystemParameters::model()->getSystemParameters(
array("smtp_host", "smtp_port", 'smtp_user','smtp_password')
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['username'] = $sysParam['smtp_user'];
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['password'] = $sysParam['smtp_password'];
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['host'] = $sysParam['smtp_host'];
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['port'] = $sysParam['smtp_port'];
The emailAll() function is called whenever an email is used.
My problem is the $request. I don't know how I would gather all the emails and putting them into the $message->addTo();
UPDATE: I was doing it fine until I reached this point:
public function emailAll()
$message = new YiiMailMessage;
$emails = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT group_concat(email) as em FROM persons")->queryRow();
$email_ids = explode(",",$emails["em"]);
$message->subject = 'New Announcement!';
$message->from = Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'];
private function set_mail_settings()
$sysParam = SystemParameters::model()->getSystemParameters(
array("smtp_host", "smtp_port", 'smtp_user','smtp_password')
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['username'] = $sysParam['smtp_user'];
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['password'] = $sysParam['smtp_password'];
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['host'] = $sysParam['smtp_host'];
Yii::app()->mail->transportOptions['port'] = $sysParam['smtp_port'];
Then I got an error on this line from YiiMail.php:
189 $msg = 'Sending email to '.implode(', ', array_keys($message->to))."\n".
And it stated that : array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given.
I understand what it wants, but I don't understand WHY this error occurred?

You can get all email ids with use of below query and use BCC instead of To for security reason.
$emails = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT group_concat(email) as em FROM persons WHERE party_id = $party_id")->queryRow();
$email_ids = explode(",",$emails["em"]);
$message->setBcc($email_ids); // use bcc to hide email ids from other users
$message->addTo(""); //as To is required, set some dummy id or your own id.


Laravel 4: Mail Send with array to CC gives error of does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2

This drive me crazy all the time...
I tried read all the stuff regarding SwiftMailer for Laravel including fixes from other errors base on subject, but I do not get how I am still getting error passing array of email address.
Is there a way to determine how the CC display my email addresses? Whenever I print_r it, it display “; “.
// current logged id
$user_id = $id;
// match all current logged id to all assets
// if investment type is present, get property id
$asset = ClientPropertyManagement::where('assets.client_id', '=', $user_id)->get();
foreach( $asset as $assets ) {
if( $assets->investment_type == "TIC" ) {
$properties[] = $assets->property_id;
// if property id is present, connect to property table
// if connected and match id, get property manager emails
if( !empty($properties) ){
$property = DB::table('property')->whereIn('id', $properties)->get();
foreach( $property as $p ){
$contact[] = $p->property_mgmt_contact;
// if property managers are present, filter
if( !empty($contact) ) {
$property_contact = implode(', ', array_filter(array_unique($contact)));
// output: "; "
//send email to owner and other property manager
Mail::send('_dash.emails.profile', $contacts, function ($message) {
$ownerEmail = "";
$ownerName = "WebMail Information";
$recipient_name = Request::get('firstname') .' '. Request::get('lastname');
$recipient_email = explode(';', Input::get('email'));
$message->cc($property_contact); // send property all managers
$message->to($ownerEmail,$ownerName)->subject("Profile Update");
Note: After I dump dd($property_contact) the value was null... how come? Even if I paste the code inside Mail::send still empty.
I forgot to add use ($variable) inside my Mail::send to pass my variable outside Mail::send.
//send email to owner and other property manager
Mail::send('_dash.emails.profile', $contacts, function ($message) use ($property_contact) {
$ownerEmail = "";
$ownerName = "WebMail Information";
$recipient_name = Request::get('firstname') .' '. Request::get('lastname');
$recipient_email = explode(';', Input::get('email'));
$message->cc($property_contact); // send property all managers
$message->to($ownerEmail,$ownerName)->subject("Profile Update");

PHP Sleep Is Breaking Foreach

I have this following code:
$participants_db = "test_test_test_test_test_test_Sticky_Sticky_Sticky_Sticky_";
$participants = array_unique(explode("_", $participants_db));
foreach($participants as $user)
echo $user . '\n';
I spent hours debugging this script, it actually get each username and send email to each one,
the thing is it was sending emails for each user but $user didn't change... Im wondering Why Sleep Break the Foreach and How to fix this..
here's the Full Code:
foreach($participants as $user)
if($user == '')
//echo 'broken';
break 1;
//get each user's email address
$sql3 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?");
while($a = $sql3->fetch())
$email = $a['email'];
$username = $a['username'];
$message = str_replace("{USERNAME}", $username.'_'.$user, $message);
sendemail($email, $cc, $from, $subject, $message, $filename, $filepath);
the array (participants) contains usernames , each user has different email address.
this script gets executed by a cron job. after the execution it sent emails to 2 emails (for example), and it's saying Hello Test_test to Both Emails That have Different Usernames
Im just wondering, how did it get the email and the username still the same???
The problem was str_replace
it replaced the {USERNAME} with a username, then after the exection $message doesn't contain {USERNAME} Which caused the main problem of it...

Creating a Craigslist Anonymous Email Forwarding Program

The following program is intended to match incoming email aliases with those in the database, and forward the email to the right address, like Craigslist does.
I am now getting this error:
Error: [1] You must provide at least one recipient email address.
in anon-email.php at line number: sending the email
Here is the code:
$mailboxinfo = imap_mailboxmsginfo($connection);
$messageCount = $mailboxinfo->Nmsgs; //Number of emails in the inbox
for ($MID = 1; $MID <= $messageCount; $MID++)
$EmailHeaders = imap_headerinfo($connection, $MID); //Save all of the header information
$Body = imap_qprint(imap_fetchbody($connection, $MID, 1)); //The body of the email to be forwarded
$MessageSentToAllArray = $EmailHeaders->to; //Grab the “TO” header
$MessageSentToAllObject = $MessageSentToAllArray[0];
$MessageSentToMailbox = $MessageSentToAllObject->mailbox ."#". $MessageSentToAllObject->host; //Everything before and after the “#” of the recipient
$MessageSentFromAllArray = $EmailHeaders->from; //Grab the “FROM” header
$MessageSentFromAllObject = $MessageSentFromAllArray[0];
$MessageSentFromMailbox = $MessageSentFromAllObject->mailbox ."#". $MessageSentFromAllObject->host; //Everything before and after the “#” of the sender
$MessageSentFromName = $MessageSentFromAllObject->personal; //The name of the person who sent the email
$toArray = searchRecipient($MessageSentToMailbox); //Find the correct person to send the email to
if($toArray == FALSE) //If the alias they entered doesn’t exist…
$bounceback = 'Sorry the email in your message does not appear to be correct';
/* Send a bounceback email */
$mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php “mail()”
$mail -> ContentType = 'text/plain'; //Plain email
$mail -> IsHTML(false); //No HTML
$the_body = wordWrap($bounceback, 70); //Word wrap to 70 characters for formatting
$from_email_address = '';
$mail->AddReplyTo($from_email_address, "domain.Com");
$mail->SetFrom($from_email_address, "domain.Com");
$address = $MessageSentFromMailbox; //Who we’re sending the email to
$mail->AddAddress($address, $MessageSentFromName);
$mail->Subject = 'Request'; //Subject of the email
$mail->Body = $the_body;
if(!$mail->Send()) //If the mail fails, send to customError
customError(1, $mail->ErrorInfo, "anon-email.php", "sending the email");
else //If the candidate address exists, forward on the email
$mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php “mail()”
$mail -> ContentType = 'text/plain'; //Plain E-mail
$mail -> IsHTML(FALSE); //No HTML
$the_body = wordwrap($Body, 70); //Wordwrap for proper email formatting
$from_email_address = "$MessageSentFromMailbox";
$address = $toArray[1]; //Who we’re sending the email to
$mail->AddAddress($address, $toArray[0]); //The name of the person we’re sending to
$mail->Subject = $EmailHeaders->subject; //Subject of the email
$mail->Body = ($the_body);
if(!$mail->Send()) //If mail fails, go to the custom error
customError(1, $mail->ErrorInfo, "anon-email.php", "sending the email");
/* Mark the email for deletion after processing */
imap_delete($connection, $MID);
imap_expunge($connection); // Expunge processes all of the emails marked to be deleted
function searchRecipient() // function to search the database for the real email
global $MessageSentToMailbox; // bring in the alias email
$email_addr = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM tbl WHERE source='$MessageSentToMailbox'"); // temp store of the real email
$row = mysql_fetch_array($email_addr); //making temp store of data for use in program
return FALSE;
else /* Else, return find the person's name and return both in an array */
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE email = '$email_addr'"); // temp store of both queries from this function
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results, $email_addr); //making temp store of data for use in program
$name = $row['author']; // taking the author data and naming its variable
return array($name, $email_addr); // this is the name and the real email address to be used in function call
function customError($errno, $errstr, $file, $line)
error_log("Error: [$errno] $errstr in $file at line number: $line",1, "","From:");
Here is the first thing I would try:
It would appear that your function searchRecipient isn't being passed a parameter. Rather than use the global keyword, I would define it in your function call. Also, mysql_fetch_array does not pass back an associative array, which is what you are using in your next step. I would change that to mysql_fetch_assoc (it's the same thing essentially). There are also a few other minor syntax corrections in this function. Here are my proposed changes to that function. I think this should fix your problem. Or at least get you moving forward.
function searchRecipient($MessageSentToMailbox) // function to search the database for the real email
$email_addr = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM tbl WHERE source='$MessageSentToMailbox'"); // temp store of the real email
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($email_addr); //making temp store of data for use in program
return FALSE;
else /* Else, return find the person's name and return both in an array */
$email_addr = $row['email'];
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE email = '$email_addr'"); // temp store of both queries from this function
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results); //making temp store of data for use in program
$name = $row['author']; // taking the author data and naming its variable
return array($name, $email_addr); // this is the name and the real email address to be used in function call
You could also combine this into one query and make it a little easier. Here is that solution.
function searchRecipient($MessageSentToMailbox)
$results = mysql_query("SELECT email, author FROM tbl WHERE source='$MessageSentToMailbox'");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);
if(empty($row['email']) || empty($row['author'])) return false;
return array($row['email'], $row['author']);

Retrieve the 3 most recent email using imap and php

I'm trying to figure out how to get the latest 3 emails (SEEN and UNSEEN) using imap and php. It need to be ressource-efficient since the mailbox as 1 000 emails inside. Getting all header may need too much ressources I think.
I just need the sender, the subject and the date...
Any idea? Thanks for any syggestion/help/explaination/hint...
I did it like that:
$mbox = imap_open("{}INBOX", "username", "password");
// get information about the current mailbox (INBOX in this case)
$mboxCheck = imap_check($mbox);
// get the total amount of messages
$totalMessages = $mboxCheck->Nmsgs;
// select how many messages you want to see
$showMessages = 5;
// get those messages
$result = array_reverse(imap_fetch_overview($mbox,($totalMessages-$showMessages+1).":".$totalMessages));
// iterate trough those messages
foreach ($result as $mail) {
// if you want the mail body as well, do it like that. Note: the '1.1' is the section, if a email is a multi-part message in MIME format, you'll get plain text with 1.1
$mailBody = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mail->msgno, '1.1');
// but if the email is not a multi-part message, you get the plain text in '1'
if(trim($mailBody)=="") {
$mailBody = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mail->msgno, '1');
// just an example output to view it - this fit for me very nice
echo nl2br(htmlentities(quoted_printable_decode($mailBody)));
What about
imap_search($res, 'RECENT');
$msgnos = imap_search($mbox, "UNSEEN", SE_UID);
foreach($msgnos as $msgUID) {
$msgNo = imap_msgno($mbox, $msgUID);
$head = imap_headerinfo($mbox, $msgNo);
$mail[$i][] = $msgUID;
$mail[$i][] = $head->Recent;
$mail[$i][] = $head->Unseen;
$mail[$i][] = $head->from[0]->mailbox."#".$head->from[0]->host;
$mail[$i][] = utf8_decode(imap_utf8($head->subject));
$mail[$i][] = $head->udate;
return $mail;
Will do the job.

Update existing ticket in VTiger

I am a newbie to VTiger, I am using the 5.2.0 version to try, learn implementing Issue Tracking.
A client sends an email to say, Mail Converter or Mail Scanner.. scans for the new email and if found creates a new ticket.
If admin sees a new ticket which is being raised in Trouble Tickets, makes some changes such as assigning it to someone, or making a comment etc.. VTiger CRM sends an email to a client saying that admin has made modifications to the ticket.
Lets say Client wants some changes, so he replies to, a new ticket is raised because a new mail as arrived and mail scanner creates a new ticket.
Instead of updating an existing ticket which the client has sent before, creating a new ticket everytime duplicates the problem by making many tickets for one issue, which is a big problem.
When ever a client sends a mail to, Subject of email goes as Title of the Ticket and Body of Email as Description of Ticket.
Lets say
Title of Ticket is SubjectClientSent
Client didnot like something after admin makes some modifications and the client decides to reply to the email which VTiger has sent him, it is generally in this manner.
Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re : SubjectClientSent
I dont want Mail Scanner to create a new ticket with the title of ticket as Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re : SubjectClientSent , I want it to update the exiting ticket with title SubjectClientSent
I tried to do that with creating a new rule something like this..
But, its still creating a new ticket.
Could you help me correct this?
Is there a better way of updating the existing ticket?
Thanks for the help and support.
Found the solution!
The entire answer was written stealing information from the VTiger PDF document, VTiger Forum, VTiger Bug Link
The below pictures shows the basic process involved in automating ticketing with MailScanner or MailConverter
![Mail Scanner Basic Process][4]
Customer (having a Contact/Account record) sends email to, with subject
“Test Trouble Ticket”
Mail Scanner creates ticket, links it to matching contact/account record filtered by emailid
HelpDeskHandler will send a acknowledgment email with more information on how to respond
further to Customer. The email subject looks like “TT15 [Ticket Id: 1483] Test Trouble Ticket”
Customer replies to the acknowledgment email keeping part of the subject intact to As mail scanner is configured with Regex rule on subject and finds a
matching Trouble Ticket linked to Customer, it updates the comments with the email body.
When support team update their comment, an email is sent to Customer again.
The following steps will help us achieve this functionality
Step 1: Setup Outgoing Mail Server
If your Outgoing Mail Server is Gmail, the following settings should work for you
Mail Server Settings (SMTP)
Server Name ssl://
User Name
Password ******
From Email
Requires Authentication? Yes
Step 2: Setup MailScanner or MailConverter
DEFAULT Information
Scanner Name DEFAULT
Server Name
Protocol imap4
User Name
SSL Type ssl
SSL Method novalidate-cert
Connect URL {}
Status Enabled
Scanning Information
Look for All Messages from lastscan
After scan Mark message as Read
Step 3: Setup Rules to create & update tickets in MailScanner or MailConverter
Rules For Mail Converter [DEFAULT]
Subject Regex Ticket Id[^:]?: ([0-9]+)
Match All Condition
Action Update Ticket
Match Any Condition
Action Create Ticket
Step 4: Configure
update the following variables in your
FROM address information to be used when sending mails
FROM name to be used for purpose of display for emails sentout.
Example: Automated Reply
$HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME = 'Company Support';
REPLY-TO address to be set in the email sent.
Setting this information is one of the important step for autoticketing.
When user tries to Reply for the automated emails the TO
address will be set by the mail-client and reaches the MailBox for
which we have setup the scanning.
Step 5: Create HelpDeskHandler.php in VTigerCRM/modules/HelpDesk/
* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
* The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
* All Rights Reserved.
class HelpDeskHandler extends VTEventHandler {
function __getSendToEmail($crmid) {
if(empty($crmid)) return false;
$sendtoemail = false;
global $adb;
$metaresult = $adb->pquery("SELECT setype FROM vtiger_crmentity WHERE crmid=? AND deleted = 0", array($crmid));
if($metaresult && $adb->num_rows($metaresult)) {
$metaresultrow = $adb->fetch_array($metaresult);
$emailres = false;
if($metaresultrow['setype'] == 'Contacts') {
$emailres = $adb->pquery("SELECT email,yahooid FROM vtiger_contactdetails WHERE contactid = ?", array($crmid));
} else if($metaresultrow['setype'] == 'Accounts') {
$emailres = $adb->pquery("SELECT email1,email2 FROM vtiger_account WHERE accountid = ?", array($crmid));
if($emailres && $adb->num_rows($emailres)) {
$emailresrow = $adb->fetch_array($emailres);
if(!empty($emailresrow[0])) $sendtoemail = $emailresrow[0];
if(!empty($emailresrow[1])) $sendtoemail = $emailresrow[1];
return $sendtoemail;
function handleEvent($eventName, $entityData) {
global $log, $adb;
if($eventName == 'vtiger.entity.aftersave') {
$moduleName = $entityData->getModuleName();
// Event not related to HelpDesk - IGNORE
if($moduleName != 'HelpDesk') {
// Take action if the service running is MailScanner (either via Cron/Scan Now)
if(isset($_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['service'] == 'MailScanner' ) {
$focus = $entityData->focus;
$sendToEmail = $this->__getSendToEmail($focus->column_fields['parent_id']);
// If the entity is create new and we know whom to send the mail proceed.
if($entityData->isNew() && $sendToEmail) {
include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Mailer.php';
$mailer = new Vtiger_Mailer();
$mailer->initFromTemplate('Auto Ticket First Response Template');
// Update the email subject
$mailer->Subject = sprintf("%s [ Ticket Id : %s ] Re : %s",
$mailer->SendTo( $sendToEmail, '', false, false, true );
Step 6: Create email template named as "Auto Ticket First Response"
This is an acknowledgement email Company Support automatically sends after client sends email to
To create Email Template go to Settings/E-Mail Templates; Select New Template and name it as "Auto Ticket First Response"
Step 7: Create a new PHP file and name it as RegisterHelpDeskHandler.php
Place the following code & execute the file
* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
* The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
* All Rights Reserved.
$Vtiger_Utils_Log = true;
include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Event.php';
$moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('HelpDesk');
Vtiger_Event::register($moduleInstance, 'vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'HelpDeskHandler', 'modules/HelpDesk/HelpDeskHandler.php');
To execute, simply type the following URL
You should see the following output in the browser
Registering Event vtiger.entity.aftersave with [modules/HelpDesk/HelpDeskHandler.php] HelpDeskHandler ... DONE
Step 9: Check for the bug!
If you are on VTiger 5.2.0, the bug is already fixed!
If not, go to modules/Settings/MailScanner/core/MailScannerAction.php and replace the entire code with the following code
** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
* The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Mail Scanner Action
class Vtiger_MailScannerAction {
// actionid for this instance
var $actionid = false;
// scanner to which this action is associated
var $scannerid = false;
// type of mailscanner action
var $actiontype= false;
// text representation of action
var $actiontext= false;
// target module for action
var $module = false;
// lookup information while taking action
var $lookup = false;
// Storage folder to use
var $STORAGE_FOLDER = 'storage/mailscanner/';
/** DEBUG functionality */
var $debug = false;
function log($message) {
global $log;
if($log && $this->debug) { $log->debug($message); }
else if($this->debug) echo "$message\n";
* Constructor.
function __construct($foractionid) {
* Initialize this instance.
function initialize($foractionid) {
global $adb;
$result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM vtiger_mailscanner_actions WHERE actionid=? ORDER BY sequence", Array($foractionid));
if($adb->num_rows($result)) {
$this->actionid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'actionid');
$this->scannerid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'scannerid');
$this->actiontype = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'actiontype');
$this->module = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'module');
$this->lookup = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'lookup');
$this->actiontext = "$this->actiontype,$this->module,$this->lookup";
* Create/Update the information of Action into database.
function update($ruleid, $actiontext) {
global $adb;
$inputparts = explode(',', $actiontext);
$this->actiontype = $inputparts[0]; // LINK, CREATE
$this->module = $inputparts[1]; // Module name
$this->lookup = $inputparts[2]; // FROM, TO
$this->actiontext = $actiontext;
if($this->actionid) {
$adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_mailscanner_actions SET scannerid=?, actiontype=?, module=?, lookup=? WHERE actionid=?",
Array($this->scannerid, $this->actiontype, $this->module, $this->lookup, $this->actionid));
} else {
$this->sequence = $this->__nextsequence();
$adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_mailscanner_actions(scannerid, actiontype, module, lookup, sequence) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
Array($this->scannerid, $this->actiontype, $this->module, $this->lookup, $this->sequence));
$this->actionid = $adb->database->Insert_ID();
$checkmapping = $adb->pquery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS ruleaction_count FROM vtiger_mailscanner_ruleactions
WHERE ruleid=? AND actionid=?", Array($ruleid, $this->actionid));
if($adb->num_rows($checkmapping) && !$adb->query_result($checkmapping, 0, 'ruleaction_count')) {
$adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_mailscanner_ruleactions(ruleid, actionid) VALUES(?,?)",
Array($ruleid, $this->actionid));
* Delete the actions from tables.
function delete() {
global $adb;
if($this->actionid) {
$adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_mailscanner_actions WHERE actionid=?", Array($this->actionid));
$adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_mailscanner_ruleactions WHERE actionid=?", Array($this->actionid));
* Get next sequence of Action to use.
function __nextsequence() {
global $adb;
$seqres = $adb->pquery("SELECT max(sequence) AS max_sequence FROM vtiger_mailscanner_actions", Array());
$maxsequence = 0;
if($adb->num_rows($seqres)) {
$maxsequence = $adb->query_result($seqres, 0, 'max_sequence');
return $maxsequence;
* Apply the action on the mail record.
function apply($mailscanner, $mailrecord, $mailscannerrule, $matchresult) {
$returnid = false;
if($this->actiontype == 'CREATE') {
if($this->module == 'HelpDesk') {
$returnid = $this->__CreateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord);
} else if($this->actiontype == 'LINK') {
$returnid = $this->__LinkToRecord($mailscanner, $mailrecord);
} else if($this->actiontype == 'UPDATE') {
if($this->module == 'HelpDesk') {
$returnid = $this->__UpdateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord,
return $returnid;
* Update ticket action.
function __UpdateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord, $regexMatchInfo) {
global $adb;
$returnid = false;
$usesubject = false;
if($this->lookup == 'SUBJECT') {
// If regex match was performed on subject use the matched group
// to lookup the ticket record
if($regexMatchInfo) $usesubject = $regexMatchInfo['matches'];
else $usesubject = $mailrecord->_subject;
// Get the ticket record that was created by SENDER earlier
$fromemail = $mailrecord->_from[0];
$linkfocus = $mailscanner->GetTicketRecord($usesubject, $fromemail);
$relatedid = $linkfocus->column_fields[parent_id];
// If matching ticket is found, update comment, attach email
if($linkfocus) {
$timestamp = $adb->formatDate(date('YmdHis'), true);
$adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_ticketcomments(ticketid, comments, ownerid, ownertype, createdtime) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
Array($linkfocus->id, $mailrecord->getBodyText(), $relatedid, 'customer', $timestamp));
// Set the ticket status to Open if its Closed
$adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_troubletickets set status=? WHERE ticketid=? AND status='Closed'", Array('Open', $linkfocus->id));
$returnid = $this->__CreateNewEmail($mailrecord, $this->module, $linkfocus);
} else {
// TODO If matching ticket was not found, create ticket?
// $returnid = $this->__CreateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord);
return $returnid;
* Create ticket action.
function __CreateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord) {
// Prepare data to create trouble ticket
$usetitle = $mailrecord->_subject;
$description = $mailrecord->getBodyText();
// There will be only on FROM address to email, so pick the first one
$fromemail = $mailrecord->_from[0];
$linktoid = $mailscanner->LookupContact($fromemail);
if(!$linktoid) $linktoid = $mailscanner->LookupAccount($fromemail);
/** Now Create Ticket **/
global $current_user;
if(!$current_user) $current_user = new Users();
$current_user->id = 1;
// Create trouble ticket record
$ticket = new HelpDesk();
$ticket->column_fields['ticket_title'] = $usetitle;
$ticket->column_fields['description'] = $description;
$ticket->column_fields['ticketstatus'] = 'Open';
$ticket->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $current_user->id;
if($linktoid) $ticket->column_fields['parent_id'] = $linktoid;
// Associate any attachement of the email to ticket
$this->__SaveAttachements($mailrecord, 'HelpDesk', $ticket);
return $ticket->id;
* Add email to CRM record like Contacts/Accounts
function __LinkToRecord($mailscanner, $mailrecord) {
$linkfocus = false;
$useemail = false;
if($this->lookup == 'FROM') $useemail = $mailrecord->_from;
else if($this->lookup == 'TO') $useemail = $mailrecord->_to;
if($this->module == 'Contacts') {
foreach($useemail as $email) {
$linkfocus = $mailscanner->GetContactRecord($email);
if($linkfocus) break;
} else if($this->module == 'Accounts') {
foreach($useemail as $email) {
$linkfocus = $mailscanner->GetAccountRecord($email);
if($linkfocus) break;
$returnid = false;
if($linkfocus) {
$returnid = $this->__CreateNewEmail($mailrecord, $this->module, $linkfocus);
return $returnid;
* Create new Email record (and link to given record) including attachements
function __CreateNewEmail($mailrecord, $module, $linkfocus) {
global $current_user, $adb;
if(!$current_user) $current_user = new Users();
$current_user->id = 1;
$focus = new Emails();
$focus->column_fields['parent_type'] = $module;
$focus->column_fields['activitytype'] = 'Emails';
$focus->column_fields['parent_id'] = "$linkfocus->id#-1|";
$focus->column_fields['subject'] = $mailrecord->_subject;
$focus->column_fields['description'] = $mailrecord->getBodyHTML();
$focus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $linkfocus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'];
$focus->column_fields["date_start"]= date('Y-m-d', $mailrecord->_date);
$to = $mailrecord->_to[0];
$cc = (!empty($mailrecord->_cc))? implode(',', $mailrecord->_cc) : '';
$bcc= (!empty($mailrecord->_bcc))? implode(',', $mailrecord->_bcc) : '';
$flag=''; // 'SENT'/'SAVED'
//emails field were restructured and to,bcc and cc field are JSON arrays
$focus->column_fields['from_email'] = $from;
$focus->column_fields['saved_toid'] = $to;
$focus->column_fields['ccmail'] = $cc;
$focus->column_fields['bccmail'] = $bcc;
$emailid = $focus->id;
$this->log("Created [$focus->id]: $mailrecord->_subject linked it to " . $linkfocus->id);
// TODO: Handle attachments of the mail (inline/file)
$this->__SaveAttachements($mailrecord, 'Emails', $focus);
return $emailid;
* Save attachments from the email and add it to the module record.
function __SaveAttachements($mailrecord, $basemodule, $basefocus) {
global $adb;
// If there is no attachments return
if(!$mailrecord->_attachments) return;
$userid = $basefocus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'];
$setype = "$basemodule Attachment";
$date_var = $adb->formatDate(date('YmdHis'), true);
foreach($mailrecord->_attachments as $filename=>$filecontent) {
$attachid = $adb->getUniqueId('vtiger_crmentity');
$description = $filename;
$usetime = $adb->formatDate($date_var, true);
$adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_crmentity(crmid, smcreatorid, smownerid,
modifiedby, setype, description, createdtime, modifiedtime, presence, deleted)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
Array($attachid, $userid, $userid, $userid, $setype, $description, $usetime, $usetime, 1, 0));
$issaved = $this->__SaveAttachmentFile($attachid, $filename, $filecontent);
if($issaved) {
// Create document record
$document = new Documents();
$document->column_fields['notes_title'] = $filename;
$document->column_fields['filename'] = $filename;
$document->column_fields['filestatus'] = 1;
$document->column_fields['filelocationtype'] = 'I';
$document->column_fields['folderid'] = 1; // Default Folder
$document->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $userid;
// Link file attached to document
$adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_seattachmentsrel(crmid, attachmentsid) VALUES(?,?)",
Array($document->id, $attachid));
// Link document to base record
$adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_senotesrel(crmid, notesid) VALUES(?,?)",
Array($basefocus->id, $document->id));
* Save the attachment to the file
function __SaveAttachmentFile($attachid, $filename, $filecontent) {
global $adb;
$dirname = $this->STORAGE_FOLDER;
if(!is_dir($dirname)) mkdir($dirname);
$description = $filename;
$filename = str_replace(' ', '-', $filename);
$saveasfile = "$dirname$attachid" . "_$filename";
if(!file_exists($saveasfile)) {
$this->log("Saved attachement as $saveasfile\n");
$fh = fopen($saveasfile, 'wb');
fwrite($fh, $filecontent);
$mimetype = MailAttachmentMIME::detect($saveasfile);
$adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_attachments SET attachmentsid=?, name=?, description=?, type=?, path=?",
Array($attachid, $filename, $description, $mimetype, $dirname));
return true;
Step10: If you still face problems, and still cant get the update ticket functionality;
Check out the VTiger Forums.
[4]: text*emphasized text*
