functions for crud operations without specifying database name - php

I have connected my php web app to mongodb with the help of simplemongophp library. Now what I want is ..the operations like read or update should perform without specifying the database name explicitly and all the crud operations should be in the form of functions.
here is a piece of code i have tried
include ('Db.php');
include ('Dbo.php');
// i dont want to specify the db name explicitly
Db::addConnection(new Mongo(),'two');
function non(){
echo "$this->name is . \n";
static function insertion()
This is showing error .so can anyone tell me how do i do it.Thankyou

If you don't tell MongoDB what database it needs then how does it know what database to write to? This goes for SQL techs as well.
There is currently no way of connecting to MongoDB without specifying a database name.


Passing function result into sqli

I'm new to this and I know I'm probably doing this entire thing the wrong way, but I've been at it all day trying to figure it out. I'm realizing there's a big difference between programming a real project of my own rather than just practicing small syntax-code online. So, I lack the experience on how to merge/pass different variables/scopes together. Understanding how to fit everything within the bigger picture is a completely different story for me. Thanks in advance.
What I'm trying to do, is to make the function "selectyacht" output data in a different location from where it's being called (in viewship.php). The output data (in viewship.php) needs to be only certain fields (not everything) returned and those results will be scattered all over the html page (not in a table). In addition to that, I have this variable: "$sqlstatement" (in sqlconn.php) that I'm trying to bring outside the function because I don't want to repeat the connection function every time. I tried a global variable, as much as I shouldn't, and it thankfully it gave me an error, which means I have to find a better way.
Basically my struggle is in understanding how I should structure this entire thing based on two factors:
To allow the second conditional statement in sqlconn.php to be typed
as least often as possible for different "selectyacht" functions
that will come in the future.
To allow the connection instance in sqlconn.php to reside outside the function since it will be used many times for different functions.
Returning data in a different place from where it's being called in viewship.php because the call will be a button press, not the results to be shown.
This is probably very simple, but yet it eludes me.
P.S. Some of this code is a copy/paste from other resources on the internet that I'm trying to merge with my own needs.
$servername = "XXXXXXXX";
$username = "XXXXXXXX";
$password = "XXXXXXXX";
$dbname = "XXXXXXXX";
// Instantiate the connection object
$dbconn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check if the connection works or show an error
if ($dbconn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $dbconn->connect_error);
// Create a query based on the ship's name
function selectyacht($shipname) {
global $sqlstatement;
$sqlstatement = "SELECT * FROM ships WHERE Name=" . "'" . $shipname . "'";
// Put the sql statement inside the connection.
// Additional sql statements will be added in the future somehow from other functions
$query = $dbconn->query($sqlstatement);
// Return the data from the ship to be repeated as less as possible for each future function
if ($query->field_count > 0) {
while($data = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
return $data;
else {
echo "No data found";
// Close the connection
<?php include 'sqlconn.php';?>
<!-- ship being selected from different buttons -->
<?php selectyacht("Pelorus");?>
<!-- This is the output result -->
<?php echo $data["Designer"];?>
<?php echo $data["Length"];?>
<?php echo $data["Beam"];?>
<?php echo $data["Height"];?>
Mate, I am not sure if I can cover whole PHP coding standards in one answer but I will try to at least direct you.
First of all you need to learn about classes and object oriented programming. The subject itself could be a book but what you should research is autoloading which basically allows you to put your functions code in different files and let server to include these files when you call function used in one of these files. This way you will be able to split code responsible for database connection and for performing data operations (fetching/updating/deleting).
Second, drop mysqli and move to PDO (or even better to DBAL when you discover what Composer is). I know that Internet is full of examples based on mysqli but this method is just on it's way out and it is not coming back.
Next, use prepared statements - it's a security thing (read about SQL injection). Never, ever put external variables into query like this:
"SELECT * FROM ships WHERE Name=" . "'" . $shipname . "'";
Anyone with mean intentions is able to put there string which will modify your query to do whatever he wants eg. erase your database completely. Using prepared statements in PDO your query would look like this:
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ships WHERE Name = :ship_name");
$stmt->bindValue(':ship_name', $shipname);
Now to your structure - you should have DB class responsible only for database connection and Ships class where you would have your functions responsible eg. for fetching data. Than you would pass (inject) database connection as an argument to class containing you selectYacht function.
Look here for details how implementation looks like: Singleton alternative for PHP PDO
'Returning data in a different place from where it's being called'
If I understand you correctly you would like to have some field to input ship name and button to show its details after clicking into it. You have 2 options here:
standard form - you just create standard html form and submit it with button click redirecting it to itself (or other page). In file where you would like to show results you just use function selectYacht getting ship name from POST and passing it to function selectYacht and then just printing it's results (field by field in places you need them)
AJAX form - if you prefer doing it without reloading original page - sending field value representing ship name via AJAX to other page where you use selectYacht function and update page with Java Script

Website (HTML/PHP) possible link to GraphDB?

In the course of a master's thesis I developed an ontology which I imported into Ontotext GraphDB. At this point I need to connect a website (HTML / PHP) with the ontology I imported into Ontotext GraphBD. My technical knowledge is not high so I wondered if it is possible to connect these two components and if yes how can I do it?
I have on one side a website and on the other an ontology in GraphDB. Now I need that in this website it is possible for example to do CRUD operations so that these operations are also done in the ontology that is in Ontotext GraphDB.
Example: Consult through my website all the individuals present in the ontology.
I in the Ontotext GraphDB workbench through the Sparql queries I get these operations, but I want to do it through the website that I'm doing in HTML, PHP and CSS.
Thanks for your attention.
Best regards
I think I solved my problem with this here.
In general, you need to download Semsol's ARC2 library.
Then you create the php file with a structure like this:
/* ARC2 static class inclusion */
$dbpconfig = array(
"remote_store_endpoint" => "",
$store = ARC2::getRemoteStore($dbpconfig);
if ($errs = $store->getErrors()) {
echo "<h1>getRemoteSotre error<h1>" ;
$query = '...';
/* execute the query */
$rows = $store->query($query, 'rows');
if ($errs = $store->getErrors()) {
echo "Query errors" ;
/* display the results in an HTML table */
echo "..."
I thank everyone who tried to help me.
You need to somehow query your GraphDB from your PHP application using a remote sparql service. If this is what you want, in java, this can be easily done using Jena QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService method.
However, a simple googling for PHP results in A PHP forward proxy for remote access to SPARQL endpoints. Where you can send queries and receive results from a SPARQL endpoint, I guess this is what you actually need.
Furthermore, this link gives you multiple options for SPARQL implementations including some php ones.

Where to place and how to access db_connect info for MySQL and PHP

I'm working on a project that needs to have users log into a MySQL database. I'm working through making an authentication system(auth/user table with their names, email, hashed password etc, php session), its more work than I realized but am making my way through it. I'm a little confused on the initial connection to the database though. I've read to keep it outside of the document root for the site, which I can do, but not sure how to reference it. Here is what I was thinking:
Document root for site:
/var/www/public/ {index.html,css,img,etc}
Could I safely place the db_connect info here:
/var/www/public/ securephpfunctions.php
I'd then have one line in all my php files:
// include in all files that need to do stuff
Inside examplecom_fns.php is:
// include in all files
After this, I assume I can call my DB connect function to insert new users info into the DB, use for not signed in users searching public entires, etc. Is that correct/OK? Is there a better or more secure way to do what I'm trying? Am I way off base?
You can reference your document root with the following:
Then, by adding a relative path, you can get your private path:
realpath($_ENV['document_root'] . '../private');
Then add to that the name of your private config file:
realpath($_ENV['document_root'] . '../private/securephpfunctions.php');

PHP + Mysql queries for a real Beginner

After years of false starts, I'm finally diving head first into learning to code PHP. After about 10 failed previous attempts to learn, it's getting exciting and finally going fairly well.
The project I'm using to learn with is for work. I'm trying to import 100+ fixed width text files into a MySql database.
So far so good
I'm getting comfortable with sql, and I'm learning some php tricks, but I'm not sure how to tie all the pieces together. The basic structure for what I want to do goes something like the following:
Name the text file I want to import
Do a LOAD DATA INFILE to import the data into one field it to a temporary db
Use substring() to separate the fixed width file into real columns
Remove lines I don't want (file identifiers, subtotals, etc....)
Add the files in the temp db, to the main db
Drop the temp db and start again
As you can see in the attached code, thigns are working fine. It gets the new file, imports it to the temp table, removes unwanted lines and then moves the content to final main database. Perfect.
Questions three
My two questions are:
Am I doing this 'properly'? When I want to run a pile of queries one after anohter, do I keep assinging mysql_query to random variables?
How would I go about automating the script to loop through every file there and import them? Rather than have to change the file name and run the script every time.
And, last, what PHP function would I use to 'select' the file(s) I want to import? You know, like attaching a file to an email -> Browse for file, upload it, and then run the script on it?
Sorry for this being an ultra-beginner question, but I'm having trouble seeing how all the pieces fit together. Specifcally I'm wondering how multiple sql queries get strung together to form a script? The way I've done it below? Some other way?
Thanks x 100 for any insights!
// 1. Create db connection
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root","root") or die("DB connection failed:" . mysql_error());
// 2. Select the database
$db_select = mysql_select_db("pd",$connection) or die("Couldn't select the database:" . mysql_error());
// 3. Perform db query
// Drop table import if it already exists
$q="DROP table IF EXISTS import";
//4. Make new import table with just one field
if ($newtable = mysql_query("CREATE TABLE import (main VARCHAR(700));", $connection)) {
echo "Table import made successfully" . "<br>";
} else{
echo "Table import was not made" . "<br>";
$load_data = mysql_query("LOAD DATA INFILE '/users/terrysutton/Desktop/importmeMay2010.txt' INTO table import;", $connection) or die("Load data failed" . mysql_error());
//6. Cleanup unwanted lines
if ($cleanup = mysql_query("DELETE FROM import WHERE main LIKE '%GRAND%' OR main LIKE '%Subt%' OR main LIKE '%Subt%' OR main LIKE '%USER%' OR main LIKE '%DATE%' OR main LIKE '%FOR:%' OR main LIKE '%LOCATION%' OR main LIKE '%---%' OR `main` = '' OR `main` = '';")){
echo "Table import successfully cleaned up";
} else{
echo "Table import was not successfully cleaned up" . "<br>";
// 7. Next, make a table called "temp" to store the data before it gets imported to denominators
$temptable = mysql_query("CREATE TABLE temp
SUBSTR(main,1,10) AS 'Unit',
SUBSTR(main,12,18) AS 'Description',
SUBSTR(main,31,5) AS 'BD Days',
SUBSTR(main,39,4) AS 'ADM',
SUBSTR(main,45,4) AS 'DIS',
SUBSTR(main,51,4) AS 'EXP',
SUBSTR(main,56,5) AS 'PD',
SUBSTR(main,100,5) AS 'YTDADM',
SUBSTR(main,106,5) AS 'YTDDIS',
SUBSTR(main,113,4) AS 'YTDEXP',
SUBSTR(main,118,5) AS 'YTDPD'
FROM import;");
// 8. Add a column for the date
$datecolumn = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE temp ADD Date VARCHAR(20) AFTER Unit;");
$date = mysql_query("UPDATE temp SET Date='APR 2010';");
// 8. Move data from the temp table to its final home in the main database
// Append data in temp table to denominator table
$append = mysql_query("INSERT INTO denominators SELECT * FROM temp;");
// 9. Drop import and temp tables to start from scratch.
$droptables = mysql_query("DROP TABLE import, temp;");
// 10. Next, rename the text file to be imported and do the whole thing over again.
// 5. Close connection
If you have access to the command like, you can do all your data loading right from the mysql command line. Further, you can automate the process by writing a shell script. Just because you can do something in PHP doesn't mean you should.
For instance, you can just install PHPMyAdmin, create your tables on the fly, then use mysqldump to dump your database definitions to a file. like so
mysqldump -u myusername -pmypassword mydatabase > mydatabase.backup.sql
later, you can then just reload the whole database
mysql -u myusername -pmypassword < mydatabase.backup.sql
It's cool that you are learning to do things in PHP, but focus on doing the stuff you will do in PHP regularly rather than doing RDBMS stuff in PHP which is not where you should do it most of the time anyway. Build forms, and process the data. Learn how to build objects, and why you might want to do that. Head over and check out Symphony and Doctrine. Learn about the Front Controller pattern.
Also, look into PDO. It is very "bad form" to use the direct mysql_query() functions anymore.
Finally, PHP is great for templating and including disparate parts to form a cohesive whole. Practice making a left and top navigation html file. Figure out how you can include that one file on all your pages so that your same navigation shows up everywhere.
Then figure out how to look at variables like the page name and highlight the navigation tab you are on. Those are the things PHP is well suited for.
Why don't you load the files and process them in PHP, and use it to insert values in the actual table?
$data = file_get_contents('somefile');
// process data here, say you dump it into a 2d array like
// $insert[$rows][$cols]
// then you can insert these into the db, ie:
$query = '';
foreach ($insert as $row) {
$query .= "INSERT INTO table VALUES ({$row[1]}, {$row[2]}, {$row[3]});";
The purpose behind setting mysql_query to a variable is so that you can get the data you were querying for. In the case of any other query than SELECT, it only returns true or false.
So in the case where you are using if ($var = mysql...) you do not need the variable assingment there at all as the function returns true or false.
Also, I feel like doing all your substring and data file processing would be MUCH better suited in PHP. you can look into the fopen function and the related functions on the left side of that page.

Web page installer - database deployment

I have the website written in PHP (Kohana) and MySQL. I want to create the installer which would run all the environment tests and, what is the most important (and the most misterious) for me, will deploy the database. What is more, I would like to choose the prefix of the tables in the database and specify the username and password for the admin. Would you please give my some hints how to do it? Or some link to some tutorial? I was trying to google that but when I searched for terms like "PHP website installer" I have found only how to install PHP.
The most important for me is the process of deploying database with user-defined tables prefix. How should I store the database structure in the file. Should I name the tables using some keyword for the prefix, for example:
And what then? Change all the keywords using regular expresions? Is it correct way or is it any better?
A simple way would be to store the SQL queries in PHP files and have PHP inject the prefix into the SQL and return the string.
Like, if you had a PHP file like this for each of your CREATE TABLE queries:
/** get_myTable.php **/
return <<<SQL
CREATE TABLE `{$prefix}myTable` ( ... )
You could do this in your main code:
$prefix = 'dbprefix_';
$create_queries = array();
$create_queries[] = include('get_myTable.php');
$create_queries[] = include('get_otherTable.php');
foreach($create_queries as $_query) {
mysql_query($_query) or trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
Wordpress has its famous '5-minute install'. It's a great benchmark for simplicity, usability, and power and it does most, if not all, of the things you outlined in your question.
