Magento - Programatically retrieve and set admin users status - php

For a custom extension I'm building I need to be able to set and retrieve the status of an administrator user (not a customer) in Magento. I imagine you could achieve this like so;
$id; // ID of user stored here
$user = $mage->getadminuser($id); // store the user as an object or array in a variable with ID
$user->getStatus(); // return either true or false?
$user->setStatus(active or not active); // activate or deactivate the user
If anyone could provide me with the code to do this or documentation where I can find this easily?

$id = 5;
$admin = Mage::getModel('admin/user')->load($id);
if ($admin->getId()){
$admin->setIsActive(1);//or 0


How to update custom user fields on Drupal 8

I try to update/save a custom Field of User Profile on Drupal 8.
I am lucky to get Values but not to save them back.
Here is my Code, any1 knows why this won’t work?
I've tried different variations of these already.
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load(1); // Load USER of ID=1
$user->set(‚field_user_curpage‘,38); //set my custom field = 38 !!!
$user->save(); // save …
This is how I Load these fields:
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load(1); // Load user with id = 1
$curpage_load = $user->get(‚field_user_curpage‘); // Load custom field from User Profile
$curpage = preg_replace(‚/[^0-9]/‚, ‚‘, $curpage_load->value); // filter for No. only
return $curpage; // return output this
The Entity Load function returns a static object.
Try loading the user with this instead.

How to add credit by default in WHMCS

How can I add default credit in WHMCS?
I mean when a user signup with WHMCS, they will receive some predefined credit balance in their account (credits can be used to purchase products)
I did search but didn't get any result.
You could use WHMCS hook system together with the API.
I haven't tested this code, but it should work more or less out of the box.
Create a file in includes/hooks/
add_hook('ClientAreaRegister', 1, function($vars) {
$command = "addcredit";
$adminuser = "admin";
$values["clientid"] = $vars['userid];
$values["description"] = "Adding credits via ClientAreaRegister hook";
$values["amount"] = "40.00";
$results = localAPI($command,$values,$adminuser);
Make sure you have a user "admin" or create a new user and change above code to match.

setting persistent plugin parameters in Joomla 3

I'm developing a Joomla 3.x plugin, and want to be able to change the plugin parameter set in the plugin's manifest file programmatically. I believe I need to use a JRegistry object, but I'm not sure about the syntax.
Here's the issue:
// token A is set in plugin params as defined in plugin's XML manifest
var_dump($this->params->get('token')); // prints token "A" as expected
// do some stuff to get a fresh access token, called token "B"
$tokenB = $function_to_get_fresh_token();
// set the new token
if ($tokenB) $this->params->set('token', $tokenB);
var_dump($this->params->get('apptoken')); // prints token "B" as expected
the problem is that on subsequent page reloads, the token reverts to tokenA rather than what I assumed would be the stored value of tokenB.
How do I store the tokenB value in the plugin's parameters in the database?
This is a working example of how to change plugin params from within the plugin (J! 3.4):
// Load plugin called 'plugin_name'
$table = new JTableExtension(JFactory::getDbo());
$table->load(array('element' => 'plugin_name'));
// Params can be changed like this
$this->params->set('new_param', 'new value'); // if you are doing change from a plugin
$table->set('params', $this->params->toString());
// Save the change
Note: If new params are added by plugin dynamically and the plugin is saved afterwards, these new params gets deleted. So one way to deal with it is to add those params as hidden fields to plugin's config XML.
This is just an outline, but something along these lines
$extensionTable = new JtableExtension();
$pluginId = $extensionTable->find('element', 'my_plugin');
$pluginRow = $extensionTable->load($pluginId);
// Do the jregistry work that is needed
// do some stuff to get a fresh access token, called token "B"
$tokenB = $function_to_get_fresh_token();
// set the new token
if ($tokenB) $this->params->set('token', $tokenB);
// more stuff
I spent a lot of time googling and reading and found no real answer to this. Oddly enough this doesn't seem to have been provided for in Joomla. So here's what I ended up doing:
1) build a function to get your plugin ID, since it will change from one installation to another
private function getPlgId(){
// stupid hack since there doesn't seem to be another way to get plugin id
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$sql = 'SELECT `extension_id` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `element` = "my_plugin" AND `folder` = "my_plugin_folder"'; // check the #__extensions table if you don't know your element / folder
if( !($plg = $db->loadObject()) ){
return false;
} else {
return (int) $plg->extension_id;
2) use the plugin id to load the table object:
$extension = new JTableExtension($db);
$ext_id = $this->getPlgId();
// get the existing extension data
3) when you're ready to store the value, add it to the params, then store it:
$this->params->set('myvalue', $newvalue);
$extension->bind( array('params' => $this->params->toString()) );
// check and store
if (!$extension->check()) {
return false;
if (!$extension->store()) {
return false;
If anyone knows a better way to do this please let me know!

how to obtain quiz id a user is currently playing in moodle

/* In moodle **/
Like we obtain user id using $USER->id dynamically who is logged in ,how can we obtain the quiz id of which the user is currently playing ? is there any option like $QUIZ->id or something else ?.Please help
In theory, if its been set up correctly, you can get the course module from the $PAGE object.
$cm = $PAGE->cm
Then grab the quiz record from the $cm object
$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $cm->instance));

Please help me guess this hybridAuth code

Can somebody help me guess out this code..this is just a snippet and I think I included all the codes needed for my question. Actually this code is from hybridAuth. My question is, where does "user_id" from the last line came from? I wanted to know because $_SESSION["user"] gives the value of the "id". And I wanted to make another $_SESSION[" "] where I can place the value of email-add from the database (same location where that user_id's "id" exist)
// create an instance for Hybridauth with the configuration file path as parameter
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $hybridauth_config );
// try to authenticate the selected $provider
$adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate( $provider );
// grab the user profile
$user_profile = $adapter->getUserProfile();
// load user and authentication models, we will need them...
$authentication = $this->loadModel( "authentication" );
$user = $this->loadModel( "user" );
# 1 - check if user already have authenticated using this provider before
$authentication_info = $authentication->find_by_provider_uid( $provider, $user_profile->identifier );
# 2 - if authentication exists in the database, then we set the user as connected and redirect him to his profile page
if( $authentication_info ){
// 2.1 - store user_id in session
$_SESSION["user"] = $authentication_info["user_id"];
The call to $authentication->find_by_provider_uid() returns an associative array, one key of which is user_id.
To see what other columns are returned by that call:
If the email is among the keys in that array, you may then set it in $_SESSION:
// Store the email into session if it is present in $authentication_info
// Use whatever the appropriate key you find, be it email, email_address, user_email, whatever...
$_SESSION['user_email'] = $authentication_info['email'];
