Get table value using PHP Simple HTML DOM - php

I'm writing this PHP to read the data from the following website, and the write it into database.
Here's the code:
$html = file_get_html('');
$data = $html->find('.table tr td[1]');
foreach($data as $result)
echo $result->plaintext . '<br />';
I intended to get all the data in the tds and even the attribute inside the trs.
So, I tried by getting them in plain text first.
By far the code returns:
Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object
How can I solve and improve the code?

The following code is working for your example.
It could be the memory limit for your executing script that's causing trouble.
$url = '';
$html = new simple_html_dom();
$data = $html->find('.table tr td[1]');
foreach($data as $result)
echo $result->plaintext . '<br />';


Getting Notice: Undefined offset error: 1 when using file_get_contents and explode

I am trying to figure out some things about getting data from an external page using the PHP file_get_contents function.
This is the PHP code I am trying to get to work:
$url = '';
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$first_step = explode('<div class="listing">',$content);
$second_step = explode("</div>",$first_step[1]);
echo $second_step[0];
It's a simple code to get the content of the divs with class 'listing' to echo on a page. For one reason or another, I keep getting the
notice Undefined offset error: 1
and can't figure out a way to fix this. When I turn off error reporting, it just returns an empty page. I already read it has something to do with empty arrays or something, but not sure how to fix this.
Thanks in advance!
You can get element by class name using DOMDocument :
$url = '';
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
if (!$doc->loadHTML($content)) {
die ('error');
$a = new DOMXPath($doc);
$class = 'listing';
$divs = $a->query("//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(#class), ' '), ' $class ')]");
// $divs contains every divs with "listing" in his class
// you can get content like that :
foreach ($divs as $div) {
echo $div->nodeValue;
// or
echo $div->textContent;
More info with this question from stackoverflow : Get all elements by class name using DOMDocument

Fetching image from google using dom

I want to fetch image from google using PHP. so I tried to get help from net I got a script as I needed but it is showing this fatal error
Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\nq\qimages.php on line 7**
Here is my script:
include "simple_html_dom.php";
$search_query = "car";
$search_query = urlencode( $search_query );
$html = file_get_html( "$search_query&tbm=isch" );
$image_container = $html->find('div#rcnt', 0);
$images = $image_container->find('img');
$image_count = 10; //Enter the amount of images to be shown
$i = 0;
foreach($images as $image){
if($i == $image_count) break;
// DO with the image whatever you want here (the image element is '$image'):
echo $image;
I am also using Simple html dom.
Look at my example that works and gets first image from google results:
$url = "";
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$images_dom = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img');
foreach ($images_dom as $img) {
$image_url = $img->getAttribute('src');
//this is first image on url
echo $image_url;
This error usually means that $html isn't an object.
It's odd that you say this seems to work. What happens if you output $html? I'd imagine that the url isn't available and that $html is null.
Edit: Looks like this may be an error in the parser. Someone has submitted a bug and added a check in his code as a workaround.

why is this php code not working?

This is the code I am using to scrape specific data from
however I keep getting this error (Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\webScraping\PartyHouseDecorations.php on line 8 )and I am stuck and can't seem to be able to fix it.
This is my code:
$url = ''.$serv;
$output = file_get_html($url);
$arrOfStuff = $output->find('div[class=product-grid]', 0)->children();
foreach( $arrOfStuff as $item )
echo "Party House Decorations".'<br>';
echo $item->find('div[class=name]', 0)->find('a', 0)->innertext.'<br>';
echo '<img src="'.$item->find('div[class=image]', 0)->find('img', 0)->src.'"><br>';
echo str_replace('KWD', 'AED', $item->find('div[class=price]',0)->innertext.'<br>');
Looks like $output->find('div[class=product-grid]', 0) doesn't return an object with a method called children(). Maybe it's returning null or something that's not an object. Put it in a separate variable and look what the value of that variable is.
$what_is_this = $output->find('div[class=product-grid]', 0);
I debugged your program, and apart from the simple html dom parser seemingly expecting classes to be given as 'div.product-grid' instead of 'div[class=x]' it also turns out that the webpage responds by returning a product list instead of a product grid. I've included a working copy below.
$url = '';
$output = file_get_html($url);
$arrOfStuff = $output->find('div.product-list', 0)->children();
foreach( $arrOfStuff as $item )
echo "Party House Decorations".'<br>';
echo $item->find('', 0)->find('a', 0)->innertext.'<br>';
echo '<img src="'.$item->find('div.image', 0)->find('img', 0)->src.'"><br>';
echo str_replace('KWD', 'AED', $item->find('div.price',0)->innertext.'<br>');

PHP Simple HTML DOM Scrape External URL

I'm trying to build a personal project of mine, however I'm a bit stuck when using the Simple HTML DOM class.
What I'd like to do is scrape a website and retrieve all the content, and it's inner html, that matches a certain class.
My code so far is:
//use curl to get html content
$url = '';
$html = file_get_html($url);
//Get all data inside the <div class="item-list">
foreach($html->find('div[class=item-list]') as $div) {
//get all div's inside "item-list"
foreach($div->find('div') as $d) {
//get the inner HTML
$data = $d->outertext;
echo "END";
All I get with this is a blank page with "END", nothing else outputted at all.
It seems your $data variable is being assigned a different value on each iteration. Try this instead:
$data = "";
foreach($html->find('div[class=item-list]') as $div) {
//get all divs inside "item-list"
foreach($div->find('div') as $d) {
//get the inner HTML
$data .= $d->outertext;
I hope that helps.
I think, you may want something like this
$url = '';
$html = file_get_html($url);
foreach ($html->find('div.item-list div.item') as $div) {
echo $div . '<br />';
This will give you something like this (if you add the proper style sheet, it'll be displayed nicely)

simplexml load on google weather api prooblem

Hi I have been having problems with the google weather api having errors Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 2: parser error ....
I tried to use the script of the main author(thinking it was my edited script) but still I am having this errors I tried 2
The weird part is sometimes it fixes itself then goes back again to the error I have been using it for months now without any problem, this just happened yesterday. Also the demo page of the authors are working but I have the same exact code any help please.
this is my site
#Mike I added your code
$xml = file_get_contents(''); if (! simplexml_load_string($xml)) { file_put_contents('malformed.xml', $xml); }
$xml = simplexml_load_file('');
$information = $xml->xpath("/xml_api_reply/weather/forecast_information");
$current = $xml->xpath("/xml_api_reply/weather/current_conditions");
$forecast_list = $xml->xpath("/xml_api_reply/weather/forecast_conditions");
and made a list of the error but I can't seem to see the error cause it's been fixing itself then after sometime goes back again to the error
here is the content of the file
<?php include_once('simple_html_dom.php'); // create doctype $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
// display document in browser as plain text
// for readability purposes //header("Content-Type: text/plain");
// create root element
$xmlProducts = $dom->createElement("products");
$pages = array( '', '', '' ) foreach($pages as $page) { $product = array(); $source = file_get_html($page); foreach($source->find('img') as $src) { if (strpos($src->src,"") === false) { $product['image'] = "$src->src"; } } foreach($source->find('p[class*=imAlign_left]') as $description) { $product['description'] = $description->innertext; } foreach($source->find('span[class*=fc3]') as $title) { $product['title'] = $title->innertext; } //debug perposes! echo "Current Page: " . $page . "\n"; print_r($product); echo "\n\n\n"; //Clear seperator } ?>
When simplexml_load_string() fails you need to store the data you're trying to load somewhere for review. Examining the data is the first step to diagnose what it causing the error.
$xml = file_get_contents('');
if (!simplexml_load_string($xml)) {
file_put_contents('malformed.xml', $xml);
