On laravel 4 I could generate a url with query strings using the route() helper. But on 4.1 instead of:
$url = url('admin.events', array('lang' => 'en'));
// admineventsurl/?lang=en
I get:
$url = url('admin.events', array('lang' => 'en'));
// admineventsurl/en
I did some research and all laravel methods to generate url are using the parameters like that. How can I generate the url with query strings?
Laravel's route() and action() helper methods support URL query params. The url() helper method, unfortunately does not.
Simply provide an array with key => value pairs to the route parameters. For example:
route('products.index', ['manufacturer' => 'Samsung']);
// Returns 'http://localhost/products?manufacturer=Samsung'
You can also still include your route parameters (such as ID's and models) to accompany these parameters:
route('products.show', [$product->id, 'model' => 'T9X']);
// Returns 'http://localhost/products/1?model=T9X'
Basically, any elements in the array that contain string keys will be treated as query parameter (/products?param=value). Anything with an integer array key will be treated as a URL argument (/products/{arg}).
This is also supported in action methods:
action('ProductController#index', ['manufacturer' => 'Samsung']);
You can also supply query parameters inside the link_to_route() and link_to_action() methods:
link_to_route('products.index', 'Products by Samsung', ['model' => 'Samsung');
link_to_action('ProductController#index', 'Products by Samsung', ['model' => 'Samsung']);
2019 - EDIT:
If you can't use route() or action(), you can generate a URL with query params using the Arr::query() helper:
url('/products?').\Illuminate\Support\Arr::query(['manufacturer' => 'Samsung']);
// Returns 'http://localhost/products?manufacturer=Samsung'
url('/products?').http_build_query(['manufacturer' => 'Samsung'], null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
// Returns 'http://localhost/products?manufacturer=Samsung'
Or create a simple helper function:
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
function url_query($to, array $params = [], array $additional = []) {
return Str::finish(url($to, $additional), '?') . Arr::query($params);
Then call it:
url_query('products', ['manufacturer' => 'Samsung']);
// Returns 'http://localhost/products?manufacturer=Samsung'
url_query('products', ['manufacturer' => 'Samsung'], [$product->id]);
// Returns 'http://localhost/products/1?manufacturer=Samsung'
Side note.
I disagree with #Steve Bauman's idea (in his answer) that one rarely needs querystring urls, and think that Laravel should at least consider adding querystring functionality (back) in. There are plenty of cases when you want a querystring url rather than a param based "pretty url". For example, a complex search filter...
...may potentially refer to the same exact set of rodents as...
...but any way you look at it (programming, marketing analytics, SEO, user-friendliness), it's kinda terrible. Even though...
...is longer and "uglier", it actually is better in this not-so-rare case. Net: Friendly URLs are great for some things, querystrings are great for others.
Answer to the original question...
I needed a "querystring" version of url() -- so I copied the function, modified it, and stuck it in /app/start/global.php:
* Generate a querystring url for the application.
* Assumes that you want a URL with a querystring rather than route params
* (which is what the default url() helper does)
* #param string $path
* #param mixed $qs
* #param bool $secure
* #return string
function qs_url($path = null, $qs = array(), $secure = null)
$url = app('url')->to($path, $secure);
if (count($qs)){
foreach($qs as $key => $value){
$qs[$key] = sprintf('%s=%s',$key, urlencode($value));
$url = sprintf('%s?%s', $url, implode('&', $qs));
return $url;
$url = qs_url('sign-in', array('email'=>$user->email));
Note: It appears that the url() function is pluggable, that is, you can replace it. Look in vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php: the url function is wrapped in a if ( ! function_exists('url')) conditional. But you would probably have to jump through hoops to do it (i.e. have laravel load it before its version.)
The following was what I needed to do:
I handle all of my routing in a service provider, where I had defined the following function:
private function registerRestfulController($prefix, $controllerClass)
Route::controller($prefix, $controllerClass, $controllerClass::getRouteNames());
getRouteNames is a static method on my BaseController that conventionally returns routes so that RESTful controllers can have automatic named routes.
The problem I was running into was that this defined the set of wildcard matchers on the route itself - in order to avoid that, I add the following to the private function above:
foreach ($controllerClass::getRoutesNames() as $name) {
$route = Route::getRoutes()->getByName($name);
$cleanUri = preg_replace('/\/\{\w*\?\}/', '', $route->getUri());
This loads all the routes you are registering at the time and immediately removes wildcards from the URI. You could easily pass a boolean or "white-list" of route names that you want to preserve wildcards for, so that it doesn't stomp all over the Laravel default without the intention. Once you run this, it automatically starts working with query string variables, which I find far preferable to path variables in this instance.
A simple way to do this, specially to use with jQuery Autocomplete, it's modify the Controller with a condition to check if has 'term' in the $request:
(Controller file)
public function list_for_autocomplete(Request $request)
if ($request->has('term')) {
return YourModel::select('column_name as value')
->where('column_name', 'like', '%' . $request->input('term') . '%')
I am trying to use the google indexer api with symfony and therefore i need to generate the same URLs dynamically from my job-entity (in the database) like i am already using in the frontend.
My controller function looks (reduced) like this
* #Route({
* "de": "/profile/{name}-{id}/career/{jobname}-{jobid}",
* }, name="somename")
public function detailfunction($name, $id, $jobname, $jobid)
{ // some code
In my frontend i get the following url rendered by twig (path function):
So now i need to send the exact same url to google so it updates the index whenever this page is modified.
I try to generate this url in the controller of my "google indexer" function like this:
$job = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Jobs::class)->findBy(....);
$url = $this->generateUrl('somename', array('name' => $job->getCompany()->getName(),
'id' => $job->getCompany()->getid(),
'jobname" => $job->getTitle(),
'jobid' => $job->getId()));
// Debug
echo $url;
Unfortunately it outputs "ERROR : Parameter "jobname" for route "somename" must match "[^/]++" ("Worker Montage (m/w/d)" given) to generate a corresponding URL"
So it doesn´t encode the data that comes from the database for the url generator. I have been wondering how symfony (or twig as well) actually encodes internally but i am completely lost and very thankful for a hint.
Although i am still not sure of how exactly symfony / twig encodes the url, i wrote a small workaround function and call it before passing it to the generateURL function.
array('name' => $this->urlcleaner($job->getCompany()->getName()),
'id' => $job->getCompany()->getId(),
private function urlcleaner($string){
$string = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-ığşçöüÖÇŞİıĞ()\/]/', ' ', $string);
$string = str_replace("/","",$string);
$string = str_replace("-","",$string);
$string = urlencode($string);
return $string;
So I have a route defined in my web.php, like so....
Route::any('/items/{id}/{slug}', 'Items\ItemController#item')->name('items.item');
I am trying to make a function where I can get the string pattern for the URL, '/items/{id}/{slug}' from the route by calling it's name...
I assumed this would work.. but it doesn't (it tells me I'm missing the parameters id and slug).
// Should assign the string 'items/{id}/{slug}' to the variable.
$url_pattern = route('items.item');
I'm using Laravel 5.3.
You can access the Route's uri as follows:
$url_pattern = app('router')->getRoutes()->getByName('items.item')->uri;
// will return:
// "items/{id}/{slug}"
You can always create a faux route. When you are invoking route(), one has to assume you know the params it expects.
If you would like to get it as a string (to be used in JS for example), just pass the names of the params as the params. For example:
$url_pattern = route('items.item', ['id' => '{id}', 'slug' => '{slug}']);
// will generate:
// items/{id}/{slug}
you need to add the parameters in the router function, for example:
$url_pattern = route('items.item', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]);
I'm a Cake newbie, and I'm looking to post a querystring value into a controller method, but always reload the view with the querystring intact. Currently I have the below snippet.
public function something()
if($this->request->query !=null )
$date = $this->request->query["date"];
<?php echo $this->Form->create('setup',array('action' => 'something?date=2013','id'=>'setup-form','role'=>'form') ); ?>
Any advice on why something() doesn't redirect to something?date=2013 on its default render? Do I need to do some special routing?
In CakePHP 2, you can include query string parameters in $url parameters like so:
array('action' => 'something', '?' => array('date' => '2013'))
CakePHP will build the query string and append it to the matched URL in your routing configuration.
(Note: You may need to pass FormHelper::create an entire URL, generated from HtmlHelper::url, instead of using the "shorthand" technique.)
In CakePHP 3.0 named parameters have been removed (thank god) in favour of standard query string parameters inline with other application frameworks.
What I'm still struggling to get my head around though is that in other MVC frameworks, for example ASP.NET you would pass the parameters in the ActionResult (same as function):
Edit( int id = null ) {
// do stuff with id
And that method would be passed the id as a query string like: /Edit?id=1 and you'd use Routing to make it pretty like: /Edit/1.
In CakePHP however anything passed inside the function parameters like:
function edit( $id = null ) {
// do stuff with $id
Must be done as a passed parameter like: /Edit/1 which bypasses the query string idea and also the need for routing to improve the URL.
If I name the params in the link for that edit like:
$this->Html->link('Edit', array('action' => 'edit', 'id' => $post->id));
I then have to do:
public function edit() {
$id = $this->request->query('id');
// do stuff with $id
To get at the parameter id passed. Would of thought it would pick it up in the function like in ASP.NET for CakePHP 3.0 but it doesn't.
I prefer to prefix the passed values in the edit link instead of just passing them so I don't have to worry about the ordinal as much on the other end and I know what they are etc.
Has anyone played with either of these ways of passing data to their methods in CakePHP and can shed more light on the correct ways of doing things and how the changes in version 3.0 will improve things in this area...
There are a few types of request params in CakePHP 3.0. Let's review them:
The Query String: are accessed with $this->request->query(), are not passed to controller functions as arguments and in order to make a link you need to do Html->link('My link', ['my_query_param' => $value])
Passed arguments: The special type of argument is the one that is received by the controller function as an argument. They are accessed either as the argument or by inspecting $this->request->params['pass']. You Build links with passed args depending on the route, but for the default route you just add positional params to the link like Html->link('My link', ['action' => view, $id, $secondPassedArg, $thirdPassedArg])
Request Params: Passed arguments are a subtype of this one. A request param is a value that can live in the request out of the information that could be extracted from the route. Params can be converted to other types of params during their lifetime.
Consider this route:
Router::connect('/articles/:year/:month/:day', [
'controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'archive'
We have effectively created 3 request params with that route: year, month and day and they can be accessed with $this->request->year $this->request->month and $this->request->day. In order to build a link for this we do:
'My Link',
['action' => 'archive', 'year' => $y, 'month' => $m, 'day' => $d]
Note that as the route specify those parameters, they are not converted as query string params. Now if we wanted to convert those to passed arguments, we connect this route instead:
['controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'archive'],
['pass' => ['year', 'month', 'day']]
Our controller function will now look like:
function archive($year, $month, $day) {
I have the latest codeigniter version, and was wondering how can i get the segments in a url by their parameter name. For instance, here is a sample url:
now lets say i want to get the value for 'param1', which is 'something', how would i do so using the uri class?
Because by default the uri class only gets segments by number, or the order in which they appear, but i want to get segments by the parameter name in that segment. Or in general just get the parameter value. Hope that makes sense...
You could do $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(n) which will give something like the following
'name' => 'joe'
'location' => 'UK'
'gender' => 'male'
Then just just the param name you would like.
Source: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/uri.html
You could actually put them as GET vars and use the Input Class:
$param = $this->input->get('param1'); // something
or you can do:
$params = $this->input->get(); // array('param1' => 'something', 'param2' => 'somethingelse')
to get all the parameters
I'm not sure this is what you're asking, but in many applications, URLs follow the form www.domain.com/controller/method/key1/value1/key2/value2. So I decided to extend the CI_URI class to return the value of any "key".
If you put this in your application/core folder, in a file named, MY_URI.php, it extends the built-in URI class:
class MY_URI extends CI_URI {
/* call parent constructor */
function __construct() {
/* return value of the URI segment
which immediately follows the named segment */
function getNamed($str=NULL) {
$key = array_search($str, $this->segments);
if ($key && isset($this->segments[$key+1])) {
return $this->segments[$key+1];
return false;
Then if your URLs are in the form
you can call this function as follows:
$this->uri->getNamed('param1) - returns "something"
$this->uri->getNamed('param2) - returns "somethingelse"