get KEY & VALUE from array in PHP? - php

You can easily get an key from a array but if I have the value, and I have the key,In array And wants boths, whats the best way to get it?
like :
$controller = $request->get('_controller');
$home = array('XXX\ABCBundle\Controller\PageHomeController::indexAction'=>5, 'XXX\ABCBundle\Controller\RegistrationController::confirmedAction'=>10);
First time I want key for compression and when this is inter then want to key:-
echo "blabla";
$point = $home[$controller];
But this is not working.

in_array searches for a value, but you're looking for a key. You should use array_key_exists for this, or isset($home[$controller]).
if (isset($home[$controller])) {
echo "blablah";
$point = $home[$controller];


Looking for an element in an array in PHP

I don't know if I'm managing this array in the best way.
The array I have is this:
$bass = $_POST['bass'];
$selected_scale = $_POST['scale'];
$major_scales = array
$bass is a string, like the one inside the arrays. The $selected_scale is just a number.
What I'm trying to do is to find the $bass in one of those array in the position of $selected_scale. Basically, $bass = $major_scales[$selected_scale]. Therefore I want to create a loop in order to get the elements after that.
But I don't know how to manage in this case the situation. I've looked everything in internet and try various solutions without success. I'd like to know how can I do it. Thanks
Try to use next loop:
// if value exists in mentioned index
if (in_array($bass,$major_scales[$selected_scale])){
// index of that value in that array
$tmp_ind = array_search($bass,$major_scales[$selected_scale]);
// length of the array
$len = count($major_scales[$selected_scale]);
// store values after this value
$res = [];
for ($i=$tmp_ind;$i<$len;$i++){
$res[$i] = $major_scales[$selected_scale][$i];
If you need to find value by index $selected_scale in one of these arrays and also store values after this position:
foreach($major_scales as $ar){
if ($ar[$selected_scale] == $bass){
// length of the array
$len = count($ar);
// store values after this value
$res = [];
for ($i=$selected_scale;$i<$len;$i++){
$res[$i] = $ar[$i];

Random value in php using array_rand

I have two values: #FFF & #000
I want to echo randomly anyone, for that I tried:
$color = array('#FFF','#000');
$color = array_rand($color);
$color = $color[$color];
echo $color;
But it doesn't display anything.
You must need to take care of 2 things,
One, if you overwrite the variable with same name then, it will not produce your desired result.
Second, array_rand() will generate the random key
Why your code is not working, because, your initial array is $color:
$color = array('#FFF','#000');
After this, you are using array_rand(), which will give random key
$color = array_rand($color);
Now, your $color is overwrite from array to integer value. it means when you try to access $color[$color] this will give you nothing because, its not defined or overwritten.
Solution: just change your variable name specially array. using proper variable name is a good approach and this will help to others who will work on your work after you.
$colorArray = array('#FFF','#000');
$colorKey = array_rand($colorArray);
$colorName = $colorArray[$colorKey];
echo $colorName;
Capture random index in other variable let say $key.
$color = array('#FFF','#000');
$key = array_rand($color);
echo $color[$key];
Note: array_rand — Pick one or more random keys out of an array
You had a good idea using array_rand
array_rand — Pick one or more random keys out of an array
However you are overwriting your array. ($color)
Try that instead :
$arrayRand = array_rand($color);
$randomColor= $color[$arrayRand];

Search multi-dimesional array and return specific value

Hard to phrase my question, but here goes. I've got a string like so: "13,4,3|65,1,1|27,3,2". The first value of each sub group (ex. 13,4,3) is an id from a row in a database table, and the other numbers are values I use to do other things.
Thanks to "Always Sunny" on here, I'm able to convert it to a multi-dimensional array using this code:
$data = '13,4,3|65,1,1|27,3,2';
$return_2d_array = array_map (
function ($_) {return explode (',', $_);},
explode ('|', $data)
I'm able to return any value using
echo $return_2d_array[1][0];
But what I need to be able to do now is search all the first values of the array and find a specific one and return one of the other value in i'ts group. For example, I need to find "27" as a first value, then output it's 2nd value in a variable (3).
You can loop through the dataset building an array that you can use to search:
$data = '13,4,3|65,1,1|27,3,2';
$data_explode = explode("|",$data); // make array with comma values
foreach($data_explode as $data_set){
$data_set_explode = explode(",",$data_set); // make an array for the comma values
$new_key = $data_set_explode[0]; // assign the key
unset($data_set_explode[0]); // now unset the key so it's not a value..
$remaining_vals = array_values($data_set_explode); // use array_values to reset the keys
$my_data[$new_key] = $remaining_vals; // the array!
if(isset($my_data[13])){ // if the array key exists
echo $my_data[13][0];
// echo $my_data[13][1];
// woohoo!
Here it is in action:
Run one more foreach loop like this:
$value_to_search = 27;
foreach($return_2d_array as $array){
if($array[0] == $value_to_search){
echo $array[1]; // will give 3
Here's the live demo.

array_key_exist() with array as key

I'm trying to check if in an array there is any value of another array. The function array_key_exist() looks like what I'm searching for, but I don't understand how to give the key value at the function as an array. Here's the code:
$risultato_query_controllo_numero = mysql_query($query_controllo_numero);
$voucher_esistenti = array();
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($risultato_query_controllo_numero))) {
$voucher_esistenti[] = $row['numero'];
Which populates the first array with numbers:
$voucher = range($numero, $numero + $quantita);
Which populates the second array with numbers.
What I need to do now is to check if any of the value in $voucher is present in $voucher_presenti.
You can use the array_intersect function:
$overlap = array_intersect($voucher, $voucher_presenti);
You can find more examples in the documentation.
You could use the in_array() function to get the result you are looking for.
$arrayOne = range(1, 10);
$arrayTwo = range(5, 15);
foreach ($arrayOne as $value) {
if (in_array($value, $arrayTwo)) {
echo 'value '.$value.' is in the first and second array.<br />';
in_array() - Manual
in_array could be a good solution for your need, for example you can assign $voucher_esistenti only when you have a new value in the sql row.
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($risultato_query_controllo_numero))){
if(!in_array($row['numero'], $voucher_esistenti) {
$voucher_esistenti[] = $row['numero'];
} // this solution isn't optimal, because you will check subarrays with each new value
There's a better way to achieve that, by using a hashmap which has a complexity of O(1) ( best complexity :) )
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($risultato_query_controllo_numero))){
// here is what we changed, instead of key = value, we actually append keys
if(!isset($voucher_esistenti[$row['numero']]) {
$voucher_esistenti[$row['numero']] = true;
The second implementation is a lot faster due to the algorithm, but you will have to change the reading of $voucher_esistenti array. */

How to get the value by matching a string in an array of name-value pairs

I'm new to PHP. I have an array of name value pairs as shown below.
Now I need to find whether the given string is in the array and give its value.
Suppose given string is 2lakh then I should get 200000.0 from the list. How to do this
$array = array('1lakh'=>'100000.0','2lakh'=>'200000.0','3lakh'=>'300000.0','4lakh'=>'400000.0','5lakh'=>'500000.0','6lakh'=>'600000.0');
echo $array['2lakh'];
if (array_key_exists('2lakh', $array)) {
$value = $array['2lakh'];
$value = isset($array['2lakh']) ? $array['2lakh'] : null;
$string = "2lakh";
$check = array_key_exists($string,$array);
if ($check) {
echo $array["2lahk"];
array_key_exists will check if the array key is in the array specified, and then with the check you can assign the value to whatever you want.
If you want to get fancy and condense it..
if (array_key_exists("2lahk",$array)) echo $array["2lakh"];
