array not displaying the correct value - php

$data['results'] = $this->lawmodel->getuser($lastName);
$xp = array("lvl1" => 0, "lvl2" => 256, "lvl3" => 567);
foreach ($data['results'] as $row) {
$my_xp = $row->points; // the value is 300
for ($i = 0; $i < count($xp); $i++) {
if ($my_xp >= $xp[$i]) {
$data['level'] = $i+1;
else {
if (isset($xp[$i+1])) {
if ($my_xp > $xp[$i] && $my_xp <= $xp[$i + 1]) {
$data['next'] = $xp[$i+1],;
else {
$data['next'] = $xp[$i],
I have a problem the output of $data['level'] = $i+1 is always 1.. I want that it will output the key of an array that the value is equal or greater than $my_xp.
If the points of the user is 300 it should be at lvl2.
Plss..i need new in php..:(

Your array
$xp = array("lvl1" => 0, "lvl2" => 256, "lvl3" => 567);
has no integer keys
Try this code:
$data['results'] = $this->lawmodel->getuser($lastName);
$xp = array("lvl1" => 0, "lvl2" => 256, "lvl3" => 567);
$key_prefix = 'lvl';
foreach ($data['results'] as $row) {
$my_xp = $row->points; // the value is 300
$previous_xp = 0;
foreach ($xp as $lvl => $xp_value) {
if ($my_xp >= $xp_value) {
$data['level'] = $lvl;
} else {
if ($my_xp > $previous_xp && $my_xp <= $xp_value) {
$data['next'] = $xp_value;
} else {
$data['next'] = $previous_xp;
$previous_xp = $xp_value;


Why does this code take a long time to execute?

I would appreciate some guidance on the following issue. I am by no means an expert in php. The code below takes almost 10 seconds to execute! Is there anything I am doing that is wrong or bad practice?
$data = [];
$today = date("Y/m/d");
$ThisYear = Date('Y'); //get current Year
$ThisMonth = Date('m'); //get current month
$Tday = '01'; //first day of month
$Tmonth = '09'; //September
if (8 < $ThisMonth && $ThisMonth < 13) {
$AcYear = $ThisYear; }
else {
$AcYear = $ThisYear - 1; // sets start of academic year to be last year
$AcFullYear = $AcYear.'/'.$Tmonth.'/'.$Tday;
//find rank in all school
$students_rank = [];
$school_id = Student::model()->findByAttributes(['user_master_id' => Yii::app()->user->id])->school_master_id;
$criteria1 = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria1->with = array('user');
$criteria1->condition = "t.school_master_id=:school_master AND user.status ='1'";
$criteria1->params = array(':school_master' => $school_id);
$school_students_details = Student::model()->findAll($criteria1);
foreach ($school_students_details as $key => $value) {
$student_name = StudentDetails::model()->findByAttributes(['user_master_id' => $value->user_master_id]); //student details with year group
$criteria2 = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria2->with = array('homeworkMaster');
$criteria2->condition = "t.student_id=:student_id AND homeworkMaster.question_type_id<>:question_type_id";
$criteria2->params = array(':student_id' => $value->user_master_id, ':question_type_id' => 6);
$HW_assignment_track = HomeworkAssignmentTrack::model()->findAll($criteria2);
$total_HW = count((array)$HW_assignment_track);
$student_score = 0;
$student_rank = 0;
$student_total_score = 0;
$total_HW_marks = 0;
$under_deadline_HW = 0;
$criteria3 = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria3->condition = "student_id =:student_id AND status=:status AND created_at >= '$AcFullYear' AND created_at <= '$today'";
$criteria3->params = [':student_id' => $value->user_master_id, ':status' => 2];
$student_completed_HW = HomeworkStudentAnswere::model()->findAll($criteria3);
$i = 1;
foreach ($student_completed_HW as $s_c_h_K => $s_c_h_V) {
if ($s_c_h_V->homework->homework_type == 2) {
$total_HW -= 1;
} elseif ($s_c_h_V->homework->homework_type == 1) {
$HW_questions = HomeworkQuestion::model()->findAllByAttributes(['homework_master_id' => $s_c_h_V->homework_id, 'status' => 1]);
foreach ($HW_questions as $qKey => $qVal) {
if ($qVal->question_type_id ==3) {
$total_HW_marks += 2;
} else {
$total_HW_marks += $qVal->marks;
$assignment = HomeworkAssignmentTrack::model()->findByAttributes(['id' => $s_c_h_V->assignment_track_id]);
$homeworks_within_validate = Assignment::model()->findByPk($assignment->assignment_id);
if ($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '0' && $homeworks_within_validate->deadline >= date('Y-m-d')) {
$total_HW -= 1;
if ($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '1' || (($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '0') && ($homeworks_within_validate->deadline >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($s_c_h_V->created_at))) && ($homeworks_within_validate->deadline < date('Y-m-d')))) {
if ($s_c_h_V->review_status === '2') {
$student_total_score += $s_c_h_V->score;
$homework_submit = HomeworkCompleteNotification::model()->findByAttributes(['homework_id' => $s_c_h_V->homework_id, 'assignment_track_id' => $s_c_h_V->assignment_track_id, 'student_id' => $value->user_master_id]);
if (($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '0') && ($homeworks_within_validate->deadline >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($homework_submit->created_at))) && ($s_c_h_V->review_status === '2')) {
$under_deadline_HW += 10;
if ($total_HW_marks !=0) {
$student_score += round(($student_total_score / $total_HW_marks) * 100);
} else {
$student_score = 0;
$i += 1;
//add revision scores to rank score
$criteria4 = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria4->condition = "user_id =:user_id AND date_created >= '$AcFullYear' AND date_created <= '$today'";
$criteria4->params = [':user_id' => $value->user_master_id];
$revision_score = RevisionScores::model()->findAll($criteria4);
$sum = 0;
foreach($revision_score as $item) {
$sum += $item['score'];
} //end of adding revision scores
$students_rank[$key]['student_id'] = $value->user_master_id;
$students_rank[$key]['year_group'] = $student_name->year_group_id; //added year group to model array
if ($student_score > 0) {
$student_rank += round($student_score / $total_HW, 0) + $under_deadline_HW;
$students_rank[$key]['rank'] = $student_rank + $sum;
} else {
$students_rank[$key]['rank'] = $sum;
$model = $this->multid_sort($students_rank, 'rank');
$rank_score = round(array_column($model, 'rank', 'student_id')[Yii::app()->user->id],0);
$year_rank =[];
$current_st = StudentDetails::model()->findByAttributes(['user_master_id' => Yii::app()->user->id]);
$current_st_year = $current_st->year_group_id;
$rank_list = [];
foreach ($model as $key => $value) {
$rank_list[] = $value['student_id'];
if ($value['year_group'] == $current_st_year) {
$year_rank[] = $value['student_id'];
$user = Yii::app()->user->id;
$sch_position = array_search($user,$rank_list);
$yr_position = array_search($user,$year_rank);
$final_rank = $sch_position + 1;
$yr_rank = $yr_position + 1;
$sch_rank = $final_rank;
$ends = array('th','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th');
if (($sch_rank %100) >= 11 && ($sch_rank%100) <= 13) {
$sc_abbreviation = 'th';
$yr_abbreviation = 'th';
} else {
$sc_abbreviation = $ends[$sch_rank % 10];
$yr_abbreviation = $ends[$yr_rank % 10];
$models = UserMaster::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id);
$year_name = $models->studentDetails->yearGroup->name;
$data['type'] = 'success';
$data['score'] = '<div>Ranking Score: '.$rank_score.'</div>';
$data['yr_rank'] = '<div><i class="fa fa-trophy rank-i"></i><span class="rank-number">' .$yr_rank. '</span><sup class="script-top" id="year_rank_abb">' .$yr_abbreviation. '</sup></div><div id="year_name">In ' .$year_name. '</div>';
$data['school_rank'] = '<div><i class="fa fa-trophy rank-i"></i><span class="rank-number">' .$sch_rank. '</span><sup class="script-top" id="year_rank_abb">' .$sc_abbreviation. '</sup></div><div id="year_name">In School</div>';
$data['rank_revise'] ='<div>'.$rank_score.'</div>';
$data['yr_rank_revise'] = '<span>'.$yr_rank.'</span><sup class="superscript" style="left:0">'.$yr_abbreviation.'</sup>';
$data['sch_rank_revise'] = '<span>'.$sch_rank.'</span><sup class="superscript" style="left:0">'.$sc_abbreviation.'</sup>';
$_SESSION['rank'] = $rank_score;
$_SESSION['accuracy'] = $rank_score;
echo json_encode($data);
The above is used in an Yii application. It runs perfectly fine on localhost, but on live site, takes over 10 seconds to execute.
Your help and guidance is appreciated.

Increment in fetch array while loop

I have trouble to increment correctly a variable in a while loop where I fetch data from my database.
This is the code:
while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
if ($row['month'] ==1){
if ($row['day_range'] == '01-07') {
$val1_1 = $row['duration'];
$int1_1 = $row['intensity'];
elseif ($row['day_range'] == '08-14') {
$val1_2 = $row['duration'];
$int1_2 = $row['intensity'];
elseif ($row['day_range'] == '15-21') {
$val1_3 = $row['duration'];
$int1_3 = $row['intensity'];
elseif ($row['day_range'] == '22-end') {
$val1_4 = $row['duration'];
$int1_4 = $row['intensity'];
//Avg intensity
$int1 = ($int1_1 + $int1_2 + $int1_3 + $int1_4)/4;
So I have this code for every month.
The problem here is that sometimes I don't have 4 values, so at the end when I calculate the AVG it is sometimes wrong because it always divides it by 4
What I've done :
I had the idea of incrementing a variable $i each time I have a value, like this
$i = 0;
while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
if ($row['month'] ==1) {
if ($row['day_range'] == '01-07') {
$val1_1 = $row['duration'];
$int1_1 = $row['intensity'];
elseif ($row['day_range'] == '08-14') {
$val1_2 = $row['duration'];
$int1_2 = $row['intensity'];
elseif ($row['day_range'] == '15-21') {
$val1_3 = $row['duration'];
$int1_3 = $row['intensity'];
elseif ($row['day_range'] == '22-end') {
$val1_4 = $row['duration'];
$int1_4 = $row['intensity'];
//Avg intensity
$int1 = ($int1_1 + $int1_2 + $int1_3 + $int1_4)/$i;
$i = 0;
//code for next month
But it doesn't work, I've echoed it and $i stays at 1.
I think it is because it fetch row by row so it never goes through all incrementations to reach the value desired.
How can I do that please?
// Here is an array to get the data of EACH month
$month = array();
$i = 0;
while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// This way, you will have $month[1] for January, $month[2] for February, etc.
$month[$row['month']][] = array(
"duration" => $row['duration'],
"intensity" => $row['intensity'];
// Now you get all the data, you can calculate the Avg intensity for each month
foreach ($month as $month_number => $data) {
$moy = count($month[$month_number]); // Will be 4 if you have 4 period, 3 if only 3, etc.
$sum = 0;
foreach ($data as $value) {
$sum += $value['intensity'];
$month[$month_number]['avg_intensity'] = $sum / $moy;
With this method you should get an array with all the data you want that look like this :
$month = array(
// January
1 => array(
0 => array(
'duration' => ...,
'intensity' => ...
1 => array(
'duration' => ...,
'intensity' => ...
'avg_intensity' => /* moy of all intensity of the month */
// February
2 => array(
Hope it helps you !
As suggested if the comment by Nigel Ren, you can replace
$sum = 0;
foreach ($data as $value) {
$sum += $value['intensity'];
$sum = array_sum(array_column($data, "intensity"));
Please try like
$int1_1 += $row['intensity'];
That means
$i = 0;
$int1_1 = 0;
while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
if($row['month'] ==1){
if($row['day_range'] == '01-07'){
$val1_1 = $row['duration'];
$int1_1 += $row['intensity'];
elseif($row['day_range'] == '08-14'){
$val1_2 = $row['duration'];
$int1_1 += $row['intensity'];
elseif($row['day_range'] == '15-21'){
$val1_3 = $row['duration'];
$int1_1 += = $row['intensity'];
elseif($row['day_range'] == '22-end'){
$val1_4 = $row['duration'];
$int1_1 += $row['intensity'];
//Avg intensity
$int1 = $int1_1/$i;
//code for next month

How to get the label in the result of an array

The following code works as expected to get the number of patients per age group.
It also gets the highest (or most common) age group.
$count_0_19 = 0;
$count_20_29 = 0;
$count_30_39 = 0;
$count_40_49 = 0;
$count_50_59 = 0;
$count_above_60 = 0;
$curr_year = date('Y');
$sql= "SELECT pt_dob FROM ptlist WHERE mid=$userID";
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$result = $pdo->query($sql);
$pt_dob = $row[ 'pt_dob' ];
while($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$pt_dob = explode('-', $row['pt_dob']);
$year = $pt_dob[0];
$month = $pt_dob[1];
$day = $pt_dob
$temp = abs($curr_year - $year);
if($temp >= 0 && $temp <= 19) {
elseif($temp >= 20 && $temp <= 29) {
elseif($temp >= 30 && $temp <= 39) {
elseif($temp >= 40 && $temp <= 49) {
elseif($temp >= 50 && $temp <= 59) {
else {
echo '0-19: '.$count_0_19.'<br>';
echo '20-29: '.$count_20_29.'<br>';
echo '30-39: '.$count_30_39.'<br>';
echo '40-49: '.$count_40_49.'<br>'; // example output is > 40-49: 7 (i.e. 7 patients in age group 40-49)
echo '50-59: '.$count_50_59.'<br>';
echo '60+: '.$count_above_60.'<br>';
// getting highest value
$a = array($count_0_19, $count_20_29, $count_30_39, $count_40_49, $count_50_59, $count_above_60);
$res = 0;
foreach($a as $v) {
if($res < $v)
$res = $v;
echo $res;
^^ This tells me that e.g. 9 patients are in the 30-39 age group - i.e. the highest number of patients are in this age group.
But $res gives me only the number (e.g. 9).
What I am asking your help with is to get $res to give me the text(or label) "30-39", instead of the number 9.
Please help.
continue from comment... you need to store $key into a variable.
$a = array('0-19'=>$count_0_19, '20-29'=>$count_20_29, '30-39'=>$count_30_39, '40-49'=>$count_40_49, '50-59'=>$count_50_59, '60+'=>$count_above_60);
$res = 0;
$label = '';
foreach($a as $key => $v) {
if($res < $v){
$res = $v;
$label = $key; //get label from key and store in a variable
echo 'label = '.$label . ' , Number = '.$res;
You can archived this by creating the array of labels and then incrementing it according and then find the greatest value form the $label array to get the key.
$label = [
"0_19" => 0,
"20_29" => 0,
"30_39" => 0,
"40_49" => 0,
"50_59" => 0,
"above_60" => 0,
while ($row4 = $result4->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$pt_dob = explode('-', $row4['pt_dob']);
$year = $pt_dob[0];
$month = $pt_dob[1];
$day = $pt_dob$temp = abs($curr_year - $year);
if ($temp >= 0 && $temp <= 19) {
$label['0_19'] = $label['0_19'] +1;
elseif ($temp >= 20 && $temp <= 29) {
$label['20_29'] = $label['20_29'] +1;
elseif ($temp >= 30 && $temp <= 39) {
$label['30_39'] = $label['30_39']+1;
elseif ($temp >= 40 && $temp <= 49) {
$label['40_49'] = $label['40_49'] +1;
elseif ($temp >= 50 && $temp <= 59) {
$label['50_59'] = $label['50_59']+1;
else {
$label['above_60']= $label['above_60']+1;
echo $maxs = array_keys($label, max($label));
echo "<br/>";
foreach($label as $k => $v);
echo "key $k count $v <br/>";

PHP - Find turning points in array data (high and low) based on range

$data = array(5,0,15,20,22,14,13,15,12,22,40,25);
Hi , i want to traverse the data points above and find the turning points based on a range.
The way i'm tackling it so far is simply taking the $array[$i] - $array[$i-1] , and if the absolute difference is greater than the range - i'm taking it as a turning point . however - the logic is flawed as if it moved slightly up and then back down - it breaks the cycle.
The 3 down values should have been enough to make X , a turning point downwards , but because they individually do not meet the range - they are discarded .
Any solutions ?
if($diff >= 0)
$diff_up = $diff_up + $diff;
$diff_down = $diff_down + abs($diff);
if((($diff_up-$diff_down) >=$range) && ($pivot_type != "UP"))
echo "Pivot UP at : ".$current;
else if((($diff_down-$diff_up) >$range) && ($pivot_type != "DOWN"))
echo "Pivot DOWN at : ".$current;
What you are looking for is all local minima and maxima, This is a good article.
I made this (with inspiration from:
get extremes from list of numbers):
$data = array(5,0,15,20,22,14,13,15,12,22,40,25);
function minima_and_maxima(array $array){
$maxima = [];
$minima = [];
$maxima[] = $array[0];
for($i = 1; $i < count($array) - 1; $i++){
$more_than_last = $array[$i] > $array[$i-1];
$more_than_next = $array[$i] > $array[$i+1];
$next_is_equal = $array[$i] == $array[$i+1];
if($next_is_equal) {
if ($i == 0) {
if ($more_than_next) {
$maxima[] = $array[$i];
} else {
$minima[] = $array[$i];
} elseif ($i == count($array)-1) {
if ($more_than_last) {
$maxima[] = $array[$i];
} else {
$minima[] = $array[$i];
} else {
if ($more_than_last && $more_than_next) {
$maxima[] = $array[$i];
} elseif (!$more_than_last && !$more_than_next) {
$minima[] = $array[$i];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($maxima); $i++) {
$current_maxima = $maxima[$i];
$next_maxima = $maxima[$i+1];
if ($current_maxima > $next_maxima) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($minima); $i++) {
$current_minima = $minima[$i];
$next_minima = $minima[$i+1];
if ($next_minima < $current_minima) {
return [
'maxima' => array_values($maxima),
'minima' => array_values($minima),
function get_turning_points($data)
$mins_and_maxs = minima_and_maxima($data);
$turning_points = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mins_and_maxs['maxima']) - 1; $i++) {
$turning_points[] = $mins_and_maxs['maxima'][$i];
$turning_points[] = $mins_and_maxs['minima'][$i];
$turning_points[] = $mins_and_maxs['maxima'][count($mins_and_maxs['maxima'])-1];
return $turning_points;
This gives you:
[0] => 5
[1] => 0
[2] => 22
[3] => 12
[4] => 40
Hope this helps :)

Laravel 5.2 job jammed in database?

I am using LARAVEL queues with jobs to insert a large excel in my database and some jobs are getting jammed and not executing.
I chunk the file contents(250 rows per job) and it inserts most of them until it stops.
Insert Code (job that inserts 250 or less rows)
public function handle()
$uuid = Uuid::generate(4);
$defaultsSize = 0;
$customSize = 0;
$defaultsIdFields = [];
$customFields = [];
if (sizeof($this->matrixDefaultFields) > 0) {
$defaultsSize = sizeof($this->matrixDefaultFields[0][0]); //size of one of the vecs in default values
$defaultsIdFields = $this->matrixDefaultFields[0][0]; // all default fields id
if (sizeof($this->matrixCustomFields) > 0) {
$customSize = sizeof($this->matrixCustomFields[0][0]); //sizeof one of the vecs in custom values
$customFields = $this->matrixCustomFields[0][0]; // all custom fields id
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->matrixContacts); $i++) {
$contact = Contact::create(['UUID' => $uuid, 'id_contact_list' => $this->matrixContacts[$i][1],
'nome' => $this->matrixContacts[$i][2], 'email' => $this->matrixContacts[$i][3], 'unsub_code' => $this->matrixContacts[$i][4]]);
for ($j = 0; $j < $defaultsSize; $j++) {
$defaultsValuesFields = $this->matrixDefaultFields[$i][1]; //field value
CompanyListFieldValues::create(['company_id' => $this->idCompany,
'contact_id' => $contact->id,
'field_id' => $defaultsIdFields[$j],
'isDefault' => 1,
'value' => $defaultsValuesFields[$j]]);
for ($k = 0; $k < $customSize; $k++) {
$customValuesFields = $this->matrixCustomFields[$i][1]; //field value
CompanyListFieldValues::create(['company_id' => $this->idCompany,
'contact_id' => $contact->id,
'field_id' => $customFields[$k],
'isDefault' => 0,
'value' => $customValuesFields[$j]]);
Code from the generator of the jobs(this one works fine)
for ($row = $this->startFrom; $row <= $highestRow; $row++) {
if ($rowMatrix == $chunksize) {
// $job = (new importExcelInsert($matrixContacts, $matrixDefaultFields, $matrixCustomFields, $this->idCompany))->delay($jobDelay)->onQueue('excelInserts');
// var_dump($matrixContacts);
$job = (new importExcelInsert($matrixContacts, $matrixDefaultFields, $matrixCustomFields, $this->idCompany, $rowMatrix))->delay($jobDelay)->onQueue('excelInserts');
$matrixContacts = [];
$matrixDefaultFields = [];
$matrixCustomFields = [];
$rowMatrix = 0;
$userEmail = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($posEmail, $row)->getValue();
if ($userEmail == '' || !filter_var($userEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
} else if (Contact::where('email', '=', $userEmail)->where('id_contact_list', '=', $this->idList)->count()) {
} else {
// $uuid = Uuid::generate(4);
$matrixContacts[$rowMatrix][1] = $this->idList; //CONTACT_LIST_ID
$matrixContacts[$rowMatrix][2] = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($posNome, $row)->getValue(); //Name
$matrixContacts[$rowMatrix][3] = $userEmail; //Email
$matrixContacts[$rowMatrix][4] = $unsubCode; //Unsubscribe Code
$vecFieldId = [];
$vecValues = [];
$i = 0;
if (!$this->arrayDefaultFields[0] == null) {
for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($this->arrayDefaultFields); $j += 2) {
$vecFieldId[$i] = $this->arrayDefaultFields[$j];
$vecValues[$i] = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($this->arrayDefaultFields[$j + 1], $row)->getValue();
$matrixDefaultFields[$rowMatrix][0] = $vecFieldId;
$matrixDefaultFields[$rowMatrix][1] = $vecValues;
$i = 0;
if (!$this->arrayCustomFields[0] == null) {
for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($this->arrayCustomFields); $j += 2) {
$vecFieldId[$i] = $this->arrayCustomFields[$j];
$vecValues[$i] = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($this->arrayCustomFields[$j + 1], $row)->getValue();
$matrixCustomFields[$rowMatrix][0] = $vecFieldId;
$matrixCustomFields[$rowMatrix][1] = $vecValues;
if (!empty($matrixContacts)) {
$job = (new importExcelInsert($matrixContacts, $matrixDefaultFields, $matrixCustomFields, $this->idCompany, $rowMatrix + 1))->delay($jobDelay)->onQueue('excelInserts');
EDIT - Print screen of the database
Any insight or help with what the problem might be would be much appreciated.
Change the driver to 'sync' to see errors in the job. This way, you can discard problems in your code or see what happen
