wp-cron vs server cron (max execution time) - php

I would like to ask you about differences between wp-cron and server cron. Basically I have a php script which takes some minutes to complete. If I run it through browser, browser shows error something about timeout.
So I put it into server cron (paid hosting) and it is working.
I was trying set_time_limit... when was accessing through browser but it did not work...
Anyway I want to execute this script lets say every 2 weeks. I know that wordpress has wp-cron, but my question is it is good as server cron? Will it work for long time scripts?
Because of my point of view the wp-cron is initialized by user (browser) so it should apply limits in php.ini right?
Because it is paid hosting I can not modify a lot of options...
So what is the difference between these crons?

Yes, wp-cron is initialized by the browser. Therefore, it will only execute for 30 seconds by default. Therefore, it is not meant for running scripts that may take longer than a few second.
Server cron runs your script from the command line which does not have same time constraint.
From everything you have said your script is a good candidate to run as a server cron.


Wordpress Cron function stops halfway but runs manually?

To give a bit of background to my project first, I have a Wordpress website of which I have turned off the cron by tweaking the wp-config to:
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
I then set up a cron to the wp-cron file on the server to call the file every minute and this has been working as expected and as I need it to.
I use a plugin called 'Wp-Crontrol' to set up my own cron calls on various functions within my functions file.
Memory Limit: 2048M
PHP max execution time: 2700
The Issue
I have one function in particular that takes a report from a remote source and loops through each line entering each line into the database using the $wpdb class. If i place the function on a php page and go to it the function works perfectly as expected and enters all 6900 rows into the database after some time.
The way I would like it to work is to run a cron on that function (like I do with so many other things with no problems) but the issue is that when I set it up via cron it only seems to insert around 3000 rows before it just stops with no errors logged?
I am struggling to work out why running it manually would work perfectly but a scheduled cron of the same function during the night would only do half the job and not finish, stopping half way through?
I have turned on all error logging I can think of but nothing shows?
WordPress "cron" jobs are not the same thing as a system cron job. For instance, unless you have a high traffic site, it's pretty much impossible to set a gaurenteed 60 second cron with WordPress. WordPress crons are activated when someone puts an HTTP request into the system. A system cron runs off a daemon that runs in system memory. They are just different concepts and work differently.
Issue was processing time but for some reason it would not flag at all in any error messages. After I thinned out long processes it started behaving as expected.

PHP script executes infinitely when called using Cron

I faced very strange problem on my hosting.
I have script and it can be triggered using URL like this
I need this script to be executed one time in two days.
So I created Cron job just like my hosting provider advised me.
wget -O /dev/null -q 'https://mywebsite.com/script.php'
It uses wget because script requires some extra scripts - so my hosting provider said that I need to create task like this.
It worked fine for about a month but for few weeks I have a problem.
For some reason that I and my hosting provider can't understand when I run script by opening URI in browser - script executed fine (I know it because of emails that are sended in 4 different steps of execution). But when Cron execute this scripts it executes infinitely - so I continue to receive emails for numerous times until I rename script or delete it.
Script execution time is about 2-3 minutes. So when I run it from URL and wait till it finishes - I get error on the screen that time of request (60 sec) is over. But I know that scripts executes fine till the last step.
What is the problem?
I had the same problem at some point with a php based cronjob. The Problem was, that wget itself can have a timeout. If this timeout is reached, wget will try again and again.
Try to use some wget options to make sure it runs as you want it to run.
wget -O /dev/null --tries=1 --timeout=600 'https://mywebsite.com/script.php'
--tries tells how many times it will try to execute if a timeout appears.
--timeout specifies the max exec. time in seconds.
Those options can be specified at cronjob level as well.
PHP Cronjobs
If possible it will may be a betther choice to let PHP run your cronjob directly. If you know the servers php directory you could create a cronjob like
/usr/bin/php /srv/www/yousite/html/script.php
In this case you have no third party programm like wget to rely on. If this helps depends on how the cronjob is built. If your cronjobs uses $_SERVER variables for example, this would not work.
There are some settings you want to check, before you use any PHP file as cronjob.
Keep in mind that the php configuration set within the php.ini could also have an impact on unwanted errors on PHP Cronjobs in general. In the php.ini there is a value called "max_execution_time" where the max seconds to process a php request is defined.
An other setting you might want to get your eye on is the "memory_limit" wich is also defined within the php.ini configuration. This configuration defines the max. memory a php request can use. As your cronjob seems to run for 2-3 minutes, that could mean that maybe a lot of data is stored in memory while you use it.
Be aware, that any request uses those limits. If you set them to high it may will cause problems with CPU load on your server, or with too many spawned php processes.
If you have a shared hosting service or something similar, you may not be able to change any of those settings.

Make PHP script call itself after some time

I have some limitations with my host and my scripts can't run longer than 2 or 3 seconds. But the time it will take to finish will certainly increase as the database gets larger.
So I thought about making the script stop what it is doing and call itself after 2 seconds, for example.
Firstly I tried using cURL and then I made some attempts with wget. But there is always a problem with waiting for the response and timeouts (with cURL, for example, I just need to ping the script, not wait for a response) or permissions with the server (functions that we use to run wget such as exec seems to be disabled on my server, or something like that).
What do you think is the best idea to make a PHP script ping/call itself?
On Unix/LInux systems I would personally recommend to schedule CRON JOBS to keep running the scripts at certain intervals
May be this SO Link will help you
Php scripts generally don't call other php scripts. It is possible to spawn a background process as illustrated here, but I don't think that's what you're after. If, so you'd be better off using cron as was discussed above.
Calling a function every X amount of seconds with the same script is certainly possible, but this does the opposite of what you want since it would only extend the run time of the script in question.
What you seem to be asking is, contrary to your comment, somewhat paradoxical. A process that calls method() every so often is still a long running process and is subject to the same restrictions as any other process on the server, regardless of the fact that it may be sitting idle for short intervals.
As far as I can see your options are:
Extend the php max_execution_time directive, or have your sysadmin do so if they are willing
Revise your script so that it completes within the time limit
Move to a new server

Run a line of PHP code from user defined start time to end time without using CRON jobs

I have a line of code that needs to be executed from an user-defined start time to an user defined end time.
The problem is that a normal loop from start to end doesn't work because PHP gives me an error of "Execution Time Limit Exceeded".
How do I get this done without using CRON jobs? (I need to run my server on a Windows PC)
Windows or not it's not excuse. Any platform features tools to let you do scheduled tasks. So does Windows. Here is tutorial about setting up Scheduled Tasks on Windows to achieve same results like you can with cron.
I need to do this on a web-browser. It needs to be platform independent.
You can't really. The only trick to do something close to cron w/o cron is to check dates on each request users made to your scripts and if the time is right, fire do some job. But if noone visit your site then you start nothing.
Other option is to setup cron which would do the request to your page (i.e. using wget, lynx, HEAD etc). But it still needs the "driving force" like cron or equivalent
Try to change your "Execution Time Limit" in your PHP.ini
I solved the problem. Using javascript and the setTimeout() function, I sent a GET request to the necessary php script and the line of code was executed after that delay.

Heavy CRON Tasks

I have to run a pretty heavy task on PHP once a week (script that curls to various locations (websites, API's), gathers, sorts data and inserts it into a db). The whole script takes about 10 to 15 mintues to run on my mac (localhost) - guessing it'll run a bit faster on a server. Nevertheless - I'm currently looping through with AJAX, so when each task is finished, next one is launched. Now I need to run it weekly, automatically. So I think I can't do it with AJAX Anymore.
Do I have to just set the php.ini to let a script run for 30 mintues or there is a better way to do it ?
The maximum execution time of the PHP script is determined by the amount of time in which no output has been generated. So writing data into STDOUT (e.g. to a logfile) will keep the script running.
However, if you're running the script from command line, the max-execution-time will be defaulted to zero anyway and as already suggested, I'd start the script with a cronjob instead of an AJAX-Request or similar methods. I actually do that for most of my php-scripts performing administrative tasks like synchronizing data across several databases or similar purposes.
php.ini has nothing to do with scheduling jobs. It's simply definining PHP's startup settings. What you want is a cron job, as your title says.
For OSX cron setup, see http://hintsforums.macworld.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39005
