Editing a Drupal footer - php

I'm now maintaining a Drupal site that was built by someone else. I'm a total Drupal newb but have some coding experience. The site was last updated in 2011 and I have spent much of this evening, with some success, trying to edit the footer where it says "last update 2011" to "2014". I found a post here which directed me to some tpl.php files in the site's theme folder. There I found the hard-coded "2011" string in several different places (3 different files) and updated it.
Now on the website the new date string appears on every page except on the home page when I am not logged in as a user. That is, when I log in to edit the site in the normal way, then the home page displays my new "2014" string. When I log out and view the home page anonymously, then we're back to "2011". All other pages are good.
Can someone suggest a solution to this? Thanks in advance,

You can use "Footer Message" module for Drupal 7. Try it, I hope it will help: https://drupal.org/project/footer_message
It's said that "A configurable footer message, editable from the site-information form and displayed as a block, as well as a theme variable available in page.tpl.php and hook_preprocess_page()."
In Drupal 6 it should be a block responsible for footer. Also if you are logged in as administrator see this menu : Site Configuration > Site Information > Footer Message. You should be able to edit footer from there.

It does depend on how the site was built so a few things to look at:
a) Blocks. Have you got different block configured for different users/pages? Generally this is best practice as it is easy updated in the CMS.
b) Theme template files. You said you found this hardcoded in a few places but have you checked the all templates in all the themes? Bad practice anyway.
c) Modules. Is there a specific footer module in use?
d) Theme settings. Unlikely but possible there could be a config string in the theme.info


Wordpress Preview shows wrong Template

Recently, when I view a page in Wordpress Preview mode, it always loads the default template (theme page.php file) whereas when I look at the published page, it's the right template. I have around 10 different templates for my pages. Just keep in mind that I'm not talking about the theme itself, but the Wordpress template structure. I included three pictures. The admin panel one, shows different templates for my page.As shown, I chose Fixed-Width Clean Page. The second picture shows the page in Preview mode.As you can see it includes a sidebar which is included in the default template but not the one that I chose. And the last picture is the Live view of the website which is correct. As you can see the sidebar doesn't exist. I searched all over the internet and did some suggestions, but none of them work (like saving the permalinks again, changing the theme and changing it back again, etc). The only change that I recently made was upgrading to Wordpress 4.7.4 and blocking access to admin panel by ip using .htaccess file (I removed the .htaccess file, but still no luck). Any suggestions would be appreciated.
OK, after some time I figured out what the problem was. The "WP Subtitle" plugin version 2.9, breaks the preview functionality if you have multiple templates. I report the issue to them as well, but posted the answer if somebody came across the same problem. In order to fix the issue temporarily, i commented out the below line (line 74) on the plugin's main file (wp-subtitle.php):
//add_filter( 'the_preview', array( 'WPSubtitle', 'the_preview' ), 10, 2 );

Identifying which files to edit when using php based CMS

I'm trying to make some edits to a website. The website is based on a CMS and runs on PHP.
I have some html/css experience and have a thick guide to PHP into book to help me.
Among the many edits I'd like to make to the site which are out of the control from the CMS admin area, I'd like to add a Facebook link in the main nav.
Now, I would normally, if inheriting someone else's simpe HTMl/CSS site just use the inspect element feature in Chrome of FF and then see whereabout to edit the code.
Probably a classic rookie question but how does one do that with PHP? If I right click the nav on my site, how do I know which PHP file to edit? Is there a "best way" here?
Here's the site incidentally if it helps at all. I'd like to add (among many other things) a Facebook icon next to the RSS icon in the main nav. I just don't know which file to edit.
This all depends on which CMS you are using. It's like asking - I have a 'word processor', how do I add an image...
You should read the documentation that comes with the CMS that you are using. It will likely explain where the files are.
Typically, CMSs usually have a core directory with contain the files that make the CMS work itself, which you wont need to edit.
Then there is a themes directory which contains the files that make up the HTML that is actually rendered and supplemented with data from the CMS. In the admin area, it usually tells you which theme you are using and where it is located.
Wordpress is a popular CMS, and their documentation explains the basics: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes
-- Updated
Question relates to Ushahidi CMS which has documentation indicating theme HTML located in the 'themes' subdirectory.

Magento - Customizing a page?

I just started using Magento, and to me, it seems like a big mess in there...
I'm looking to edit my home page that I got from a template. It looks great but I took out a bunch of useless static blocks inside of it and now I have wholes everywhere. Check the link:
What I don't seem to find is where is my actual page structure? I went into the admin and just found this for my home page:
{{widget type="flexiblewidget/list" column_count="3" limit_count="9"
if="em_feature_product=1" header="Favorite products" order_by="name asc"
Which is basically a tiny part of the page.
So the question is, where can I find the rest of my page content and structure (ie the slideshow, the top offers, ...) so that I can try to re-organise it to look like a website and not cheese?
Magento is different than most other CMS solutions. You may be used to seeing the raw HTML in the CMS page, or at least a good portion of it. However, Magento uses PHP to render blocks onto the page. It gets it's instructions from XML documents inside of your theme. If this is your first time working with Magento, it may be good to check out this post before you get too frustrated. It will walk you through some basics.
Most likely, the HTML for your slider and top offers are in files inside of your theme directory. Your theme directory will be at app/design/frontend/PACKAGE/THEME/ - your php and html will be in the template folder, and the XML instructions will be in the layout folder. The home page, like many other pages on your site are using a main template to load site-wide HTML and CSS. There are 4 of these main templates by default: 1 column, 2 columns with left sidebar, 2 columns with right sidebar, and 3 columns. These main templates can be found in the templates folder under the "page" directory. If you open one of these templates, you will find a line that looks like this:
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('content') ?>
This line is asking the XML instructions for anything under the block named "content". That is most likely where the slider is being assigned. You will have to find the XML file this is being defined in. You may want to familiarize yourself with the layout folder and Magento's fallback hierarchy. Check out this post.
Hopefully this will help you out with the issues you're having with your page!

How to access files on Joomla?

I am in a critical condition. I was paying a developer in India who left the project but now I need to access the php pages.
I have explored the joomla site using the admin login but i can't find how he is displaying the html/php pages.
Please help!
I assume you're looking for the front-end template for the website.
Using FTP or whatever control panel go to the Joomla folder, look for a folder called templates - it should be one of the folders in there.
To check what the name of the current template is, go to the admin panel and look in the template menu.
If your developer has also made any custom components, the front-end part would be somewhere in the components folder, and the backend bit would be in administrator->components.
You need to read some Joomla tutorials. There are many places that can be used to "display the html/php".
First you have the template files that determine how the site looks and what module positions are available to be used. Generally there is one template in use but there can be multiples.
Next you will have components where the content is entered. At a minimum it is likely that you are using the com_content (articles/categories) and it is very likely there are others being used.
You will also have various modules that will display content in areas outside of the main content area. This will generally include menus, login forms, and other similar content.
Last, plugins can also have an effect on the content. In some cases plugins inject content and in others they replace placeholders with content.
There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle that all come together to display the resulting web page, it's not just a simple question of accessing some files.

Incorporating phpBB 3.0 into our HTML page rather than in a whole page for itself?

Having a bit of difficulty trying to incorporate the phpBB forum within a on our own page. Does anyone know if this is actually possible?
It might be that phpBB is not the correct product for the job but I had to start somewhere. Looking for a low quantity Message Forum to incorporate into our website. Rather than have it in it's own page I would like to build it into our standard page layout with our own Header, Menu, Quick links panel, floating Footer etc.
Can this be done, if so is phpBB the right Forum to use or should I be looking at something else.
You can create a phpBB board style which matches your regular page layout. See e.g. http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article/how-to-create-a-style-basics/ for some details.
Note that phpBB updates can introduce changes to the default board style - when this happens, you will need to update your board style accordingly to make sure everything works as expected.
You could try modifying the phpBB template files (.tpl) to pull in your website framework and then the forum will be surrouned with your actual website e.g. header, menu, footer, etc.
Here's a little more info: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/archive/index.php/t-518275.html
