So, here is my problem on login through steam id it creates an account on my website but it also decides on next login to skip an Auto Increment causing the next registered member to gain a ton of Auto Incremented member id's
require ("common.php");
class SteamSignIn
const STEAM_LOGIN = '';
public static function genUrl($returnTo = false, $useAmp = true)
$returnTo = (!$returnTo) ? (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : $returnTo;
$params = array(
'openid.ns' => '',
'openid.mode' => 'checkid_setup',
'openid.return_to' => $returnTo,
'openid.realm' => (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
'openid.identity' => '',
'openid.claimed_id' => '',
$sep = ($useAmp) ? '&' : '&';
return self::STEAM_LOGIN . '?' . http_build_query($params, '', $sep);
public static function validate()
$params = array(
'openid.assoc_handle' => $_GET['openid_assoc_handle'],
'openid.signed' => $_GET['openid_signed'],
'openid.sig' => $_GET['openid_sig'],
'openid.ns' => '',
$signed = explode(',', $_GET['openid_signed']);
foreach($signed as $item)
$val = $_GET['openid_' . str_replace('.', '_', $item)];
$params['openid.' . $item] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($val) : $val;
$params['openid.mode'] = 'check_authentication';
$data = http_build_query($params);
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' =>
"Accept-language: en\r\n".
"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" .
"Content-Length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n",
'content' => $data,
$result = file_get_contents(self::STEAM_LOGIN, false, $context);
preg_match("#^[0-9]{17,25})#", $_GET['openid_claimed_id'], $matches);
$steamID64 = is_numeric($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : 0;
return preg_match("#is_valid\s*:\s*true#i", $result) == 1 ? $steamID64 : '';
$steam_login_verify = SteamSignIn::validate();
// Grab Data From Steam API
$json = file_get_contents('' . $sapik . '&steamids='. $steam_login_verify .'&format=json');
//Decode Data From Steam API
$data = json_decode($json);
foreach($data->response->players as $player)
$query = "INSERT INTO steam (steamid, personaname, profileurl, avatar, avatarmedium, avatarfull ) VALUES ( :steamid, :personaname, :profileurl, :avatar, :avatarmedium, :avatarfull) ";
$query_params = array(
':steamid' => $player->steamid,
':personaname' => $player->personaname,
':profileurl' => $player->profileurl,
':avatar' => $player->avatar,
':avatarmedium' => $player->avatarmedium,
':avatarfull' => $player->avatarfull,
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$result = $stmt->execute($query_params);
catch(PDOException $ex)
switch( $ex->errorInfo[1] )
case 1062:
$ps = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `steam` WHERE steamid = :sid");
$ps->bindParam(':sid', $steam_login_verify);
foreach ($ps as $row)
$_SESSION['sid'] = $row['steamid'];
die('redirecting to'.$basedir);
$ps = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `steam` WHERE steamid = :sid");
$ps->bindParam(':sid', $steam_login_verify);
foreach ($ps as $row)
$_SESSION['sid'] = $row['steamid'];
die('redirecting to'.$basedir);
} else {
$steam_sign_in_url = SteamSignIn::genUrl();
I was working on another person's code and when I deployed the laravel app the login page works but when I input the testing credentials it spits out this error
Trying to get property 'id' of non-object
in helpers.php line 159
at HandleExceptions->handleError(8, 'Trying to get property \'id\' of non-object', '/var/www/html/first-project/app/Helpers/helpers.php', 159, array('fields' => object(Collection), 'fieldsValues' => object(Collection), 'htmlFields' => array(), 'startSeparator' => '<div style="flex: 50%;max-width: 50%;padding: 0 4px;" class="column">', 'endSeparator' => '</div>', 'field' => object(CustomField), 'dynamicVars' => array('$RANDOM_VARIABLE$' => 'var15931958241638660037ble', '$FIELD_NAME$' => 'phone', '$DISABLED$' => '', '$REQUIRED$' => '"required" => "required",', '$MODEL_NAME_SNAKE$' => 'user', '$FIELD_VALUE$' => '\'+136 226 5660\'', '$INPUT_ARR_SELECTED$' => '+136 226 5660'), 'gf' => object(GeneratorField), 'value' => object(CustomFieldValue)))
in helpers.php line 159
The actual function referred to is the following
function generateCustomField($fields, $fieldsValues = null)
$htmlFields = [];
$startSeparator = '<div style="flex: 50%;max-width: 50%;padding: 0 4px;" class="column">';
$endSeparator = '</div>';
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$dynamicVars = [
'$RANDOM_VARIABLE$' => 'var' . time() . rand() . 'ble',
'$FIELD_NAME$' => $field->name,
'$DISABLED$' => $field->disabled === true ? '"disabled" => "disabled",' : '',
'$REQUIRED$' => $field->required === true ? '"required" => "required",' : '',
'$MODEL_NAME_SNAKE$' => getOnlyClassName($field->custom_field_model),
'$FIELD_VALUE$' => 'null',
$gf = new GeneratorField();
if ($fieldsValues) {
foreach ($fieldsValues as $value) {
if ($field->id === $value->customField->id) {
$dynamicVars['$INPUT_ARR_SELECTED$'] = $value->value ? $value->value : '[]';
$dynamicVars['$FIELD_VALUE$'] = '\'' . addslashes($value->value) . '\'';
$gf->validations[] = $value->value;
// dd($gf->validations);
$gf->htmlType = $field['type'];
$gf->htmlValues = $field['values'];
$gf->dbInput = '';
if ($field['type'] === 'selects') {
$gf->htmlType = 'select';
$gf->dbInput = 'hidden,mtm';
$fieldTemplate = HTMLFieldGenerator::generateCustomFieldHTML($gf, config('infyom.laravel_generator.templates', 'adminlte-templates'));
if (!empty($fieldTemplate)) {
foreach ($dynamicVars as $variable => $value) {
$fieldTemplate = str_replace($variable, $value, $fieldTemplate);
$htmlFields[] = $fieldTemplate;
// dd($fieldTemplate);
foreach ($htmlFields as $index => $field) {
if (round(count($htmlFields) / 2) == $index + 1) {
$htmlFields[$index] = $htmlFields[$index] . "\n" . $endSeparator . "\n" . $startSeparator;
$htmlFieldsString = implode("\n\n", $htmlFields);
$htmlFieldsString = $startSeparator . "\n" . $htmlFieldsString . "\n" . $endSeparator;
// dd($htmlFieldsString);
$renderedHtml = "";
try {
$renderedHtml = render(Blade::compileString($htmlFieldsString));
// dd($renderedHtml);
} catch (FatalThrowableError $e) {
return $renderedHtml;
its usage is as follows in the controllers. It is used many times in almost all controllers for example in the UserController.php file I think this is the calling method. I am not that well versed in laravel sorry for any noob mistakes in advance.
public function profile()
$user = $this->userRepository->findWithoutFail(auth()->id());
$customFields = false;
$role = $this->roleRepository->pluck('name', 'name');
$rolesSelected = $user->getRoleNames()->toArray();
$customFieldsValues = $user->customFieldsValues()->with('customField')->get();
$hasCustomField = in_array($this->userRepository->model(), setting('custom_field_models', []));
if ($hasCustomField) {
$customFields = $this->customFieldRepository->findByField('custom_field_model', $this->userRepository->model());
$customFields = generateCustomField($customFields, $customFieldsValues);
return view('settings.users.profile', compact(['user', 'role', 'rolesSelected', 'customFields', 'customFieldsValues']));
You have to change this line
$user = $this->userRepository->findWithoutFail(auth()->id());
$user = $this->userRepository->findWithoutFail(auth()->user()->id());
My first guess, change this $user = $this->userRepository->findWithoutFail(auth()->id()); to $user = $this->userRepository->findWithoutFail(auth()->user()->id);
Added auth()->user()->id;
Previously i was used http server for my linkedin login. Now I changed https server for my entire site. But now i cannot show login details after changed that. Here i post my function, In this fuction i also changed https. But yet not i show the details. I use this function in codeigniter.
public function login(){
$client_id = $this->config->item('linkedin_app_id');
$redirect_uri = base_url().'linkedinLogin';
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
echo $_GET['error'] . ': ' . $_GET['error_description'];
} elseif (isset($_GET['code'])) {
$user = $this->login_fetch('GET', '/v1/people/~:(id,firstName,lastName,email-address,picture-url)');//get name
$email = $user->emailAddress;
$user_name = $user->firstName;
$last_name = $user->lastName;
$social_id = $user->id;
$profile_image_url = 'user-thumb.png';
echo "<pre>";print_r($user); die;
if($email != '')
$googleLoginCheck = $this->user_model->googleLoginCheck($email);
if($googleLoginCheck > 0)
//echo "login";
$getGoogleLoginDetails = $this->user_model->google_user_login_details($email);
//echo "<pre>";print_r($getGoogleLoginDetails);die;
$userdata = array(
'fc_session_user_id' => $getGoogleLoginDetails['id'],
'session_user_email' => $getGoogleLoginDetails['email']
//echo "<pre>";print_r($userdata);die;
if($this->data['login_succ_msg'] != '')
$lg_err_msg = $this->data['login_succ_msg'];
$lg_err_msg = 'You are Logged In ...';
$google_login_details = array('social_login_name'=>$user_name,'social_login_unique_id'=>$social_id,'screen_name'=>$user_name,'social_image_name'=>'','social_email_name'=>$email,'loginUserType'=>'google');
//echo "<pre>";print_r($google_login_details);die;
//echo "redirect to registration page";
$social_login_name = $user_name;
$firstname = $user_name;
$lastname = $last_name;
$orgPass = time();
$pwd = md5($orgPass);
$Confirmpwd = $orgPass;
$username = $user_name;
$condition = array ('email' => $email);
$duplicateMail = $this->user_model->get_all_details ( USERS, $condition );
$expireddate = date ( 'Y-m-d', strtotime ( '+15 days' ) );
$dataArr = array('firstname'=>$firstname,'lastname'=>$lastname,'user_name'=>$firstname,'group'=>'User','image'=>$profile_image_url,'email'=>$email,'password'=>$pwd,'status'=>'Active','expired_date'=>$expireddate,'is_verified'=>'No','loginUserType'=>'linkedin','google'=>'Yes','created'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$lstID = $this->db->insert_id();
//echo $this->db->last_query(); die;
$userdata = array (
'quick_user_name' => $firstname,
'quick_user_email' => $email,
'fc_session_user_id' => $lstID,
'session_user_email' => $email
$this->session->set_userdata ( $userdata );
$this->setErrorMessage('success','Registered & Login Successfully');
}else {
public function loginAccessToken() {
$params = array(
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'client_id' => $this->config->item('linkedin_app_id'),
'client_secret' => $this->config->item('linkedin_app_key'),
'code' => $_GET['code'],
'redirect_uri' => base_url().'linkedinLogin'
// Access Token request
$url = '' . http_build_query($params);
// Tell streams to make a POST request
$context = stream_context_create(
array('https' =>
array('method' => 'POST',
// Retrieve access token information
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
// Native PHP object, please
$token = json_decode($response);
// Store access token and expiration time
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $token->access_token; // guard this!
$_SESSION['expires_in'] = $token->expires_in; // relative time (in seconds)
$_SESSION['expires_at'] = time() + $_SESSION['expires_in']; // absolute time
return true;
public function login_fetch($method, $resource, $body = '') {
$opts = array(
'https' => array(
'method' => $method,
'header' => "Authorization: Bearer " .
$_SESSION['access_token'] . "\r\n" .
"x-li-format: json\r\n"
$url = '' . $resource;
// if (count($params)) {
// $url .= '?' . http_build_query($params);
// }
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
return json_decode($response);
Here look the login() fuction. I print the user details. But i got empty window only
echo "<pre>";print_r($user); die;
But when i use http, i got the user details. Can help me anyone?
I'm currently implementing smartrecruiter api in my project. I'm using two endpoints namely /jobs-list and /job-details. The problem is that every time I'm extracting the details in the second endpoint which is the /job-details, the execution time is so slow.
Here's what I've done so far:
function getContext()
$opts = array(
'http'=> array(
'method' => 'GET',
'header' => 'X-SmartToken: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
return $context = stream_context_create($opts);
function getSmartRecruitmentJob($city, $department)
$tmp = array();
$results= array();
$limit = 100; //max limit for smartrecruiter api is 100
// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$file = file_get_contents(''.$limit.'&city='.$city.'&department='.$department, false, $this->getContext());
$lists= json_decode($file, true);
foreach($lists['content'] as $key => $list)
if ($list['status'] == 'SOURCING' || $list['status'] == 'INTERVIEW' || $list['status'] == 'OFFER')
$results['id'] = $list['id'];
$tmp[] = $this->getSmartRecruitmentJobDetails($results['id']);
return $tmp;
function getSmartRecruitmentJobDetails($id)
$results = array();
$file = file_get_contents(''.$id, false, $this->getContext());
$lists= json_decode($file, true);
$results['title'] = isset($lists['title']) ? $lists['title'] : null;
$results['department_label'] = isset($lists['department']['label']) ? $lists['department']['label'] : null;
$results['country_code'] = isset($lists['location']['countryCode']) ? $lists['location']['countryCode'] : null;
$results['city'] = isset($lists['location']['city']) ? $lists['location']['city'] : null;
$results['url'] = isset($lists['actions']['applyOnWeb']['url']) ? $lists['actions']['applyOnWeb']['url'] : null;
return $results;
Solved it by caching the function for extracting the data:
function getCache()
if ($this->cache === null)
$cache = \Zend\Cache\StorageFactory::factory(
'adapter' => array(
'name' => 'filesystem',
'options' => array(
'ttl' => 3600 * 7, // 7 hours
'namespace' => 'some-namespace',
'cache_dir' => 'your/cache/directory'
'plugins' => array(
'clear_expired_by_factor' => array('clearing_factor' => 10),
$this->cache = $cache;
return $this->cache;
function getSmartRecruitmentJobDetails($id)
$cache = $this->getCache();
$key = md5(''.$id);
$lists = unserialize($cache->getItem($key, $success));
$results = array();
if($success && $lists)
header('Debug-cache-recruit: true');
header('Debug-cache-recruit: false');
// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$file = file_get_contents(''.$id, false, $this->getContext());
$lists= json_decode($file, true);
$cache->addItem($key, serialize($lists));
$results['title'] = isset($lists['title']) ? $lists['title'] : null;
$results['department_label'] = isset($lists['department']['label']) ? $lists['department']['label'] : null;
$results['country'] = isset($lists['location']['country']) ? $lists['location']['country'] : null;
$results['country_code'] = isset($lists['location']['countryCode']) ? $lists['location']['countryCode'] : null;
$results['city'] = isset($lists['location']['city']) ? $lists['location']['city'] : null;
$results['url'] = isset($lists['actions']['applyOnWeb']['url']) ? $lists['actions']['applyOnWeb']['url'] : null;
return $results;
I want to run explain on a query that is slow but I don't know how to view the raw sql so I can run it in phpmyadmin and debug it. Here is the function.
private function getAttImages($limit, $forumIds = 0, $fidsReverse = false, $topicIds = 0, $membersIds = 0, $order = 'attach_date', $sort = 'desc', $group = null)
$fids = '';
if ($forumIds)
$r = '';
if ($fidsReverse)
$r = ' NOT ';
if (is_array($forumIds))
$forumIds = implode(',', $forumIds);
$fids = ' AND forums_topics.forum_id ' . $r . ' IN (' . $forumIds . ')';
$tids = '';
if ($topicIds)
$tids = ' AND forums_topics.tid IN (' . $topicIds . ')';
$mids = '';
if ($membersIds)
$mids = ' AND core_attachments.attach_member_id IN (' . $membersIds . ')';
$whereT = array();
$joinsT = array();
$findInPosts = ' AND ' . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet('queued', array('0'));
$joinsT[] = array(
'select' => 'forums_posts.*',
'from' => 'forums_posts',
'where' => array("" . $findInPosts),
$findInTopics = ' AND ' . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet('approved', array('1'));
$joinsT[] = array(
'select' => 'forums_topics.*',
'from' => 'forums_topics',
'where' => array("forums_topics.tid=forums_posts.topic_id" . $findInTopics . $fids . $tids),
$select = 'core_attachments.attach_id AS custom_data, core_attachments.*';
if ($group)
$select = 'core_attachments.attach_id AS custom_data, COUNT(attach_is_image) as cnt_images, SUM(attach_hits) as summ_attach_hits, core_attachments.*';
$joinsT[] = array(
'select' => $select,
'from' => 'core_attachments',
'where' => array('core_attachments.attach_is_image=1 AND core_attachments.attach_is_archived=0 AND core_attachments.attach_id=core_attachments_map.attachment_id' . $mids),
$joinsT[] = array( 'select' => 'core_members.member_id, core_members.member_group_id, core_members.mgroup_others,, core_members.members_seo_name',
'from' => 'core_members',
'where' => array('core_attachments.attach_member_id=core_members.member_id' . $mids),
$joinsT[] = array( 'select' => 'core_permission_index.perm_id',
'from' => 'core_permission_index',
'where' => array("'forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_topics.forum_id"),
$groupT = $group;
$whereT[] = array(
"core_attachments_map.location_key='forums_Forums' AND " .
\IPS\Db::i()->findInSet('perm_view', array_merge(array(\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id), array_filter(explode(',', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->mgroup_others)))) . " OR perm_view='*'" .
$fids . $tids . $mids
$table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Db(
\IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=core&module=system&controller=nbattachpictures', 'front', 'nbattachpictures'),
$table->joins = $joinsT;
$table->sortBy = $order;
$table->sortDirection = $sort;
$table->limit = $limit;
$table->rowsTemplate = array(\IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate('plugins', 'core', 'global'), 'nbAttachmentsBlocksRows');
$table->parsers = array(
'custom_data' => function( $val, $row )
return array(
'topic_data' => \IPS\Http\Url::internal("app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id={$row['tid']}", 'front', 'forums_topic', array($row['title_seo'])),
'summ_attach_hits' => $row['summ_attach_hits'],
'jewel' => $this->attachJewel($row['summ_attach_hits']),
return $table;
Anybody know how I can see the SQL query only that is produced by this function? email is better than echo as I want to grab query from live site.
You could var_dump($table) and write the result in an email using the native php mail function or write it in a log file (this option is better).
Is that framework open-source? Because I couldn't find any documentation about the class \IPS\Helpers\Table\Db. Probably there's a method in it to build the query, you could look for it at that class source code and put the result of that method into the email message or log file instead of var_dump the table.
Hi i have a counter code. I want to stop when (example) 11 result. how can i stop curl when script count 11 result?
class instaAuth
public function _userlistesi() {
$klasor = opendir("cookieboq/");
while(false !== ($veriler = readdir($klasor))) {
if(strstr($veriler,'selco')) {
$bir_veri = str_replace('.selco','',$veriler);
$user_ekle .= "$bir_veri,";
$userler = substr($user_ekle,0,-1);
$users_arr = explode(",",$userler);
return $users_arr;
public function _authLike($_ID,$userlist, $DELETE = NULL)
if ( !empty($userlist) )
$type = ($DELETE == TRUE) ? 'unlike' : 'like';
$members = array();
$params = array();
foreach ( $userlist as $username )
$_cookie = $this->_cookieFolder . $username . $this->_cookieExtension;
$randomProxy = ( count($this->_proxy) > 0 ) ? $this->_proxy[rand(0, (count($this->_proxy) - 1))] : NULL;
if ( !file_exists($_cookie) )
$members[] = $username;
$fake_ip = $this->fakeIP();
$header = array(
"Accept: */*",
"Accept-Language: tr;q=1",
"HTTP_CLIENT_IP" => $fake_ip,
"HTTP_FORWARDED" => $fake_ip,
"HTTP_PRAGMA" => $fake_ip,
"HTTP_XONNECTION" => $fake_ip,);
$options = array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $this->signed(json_encode(array())),
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->_useragent,
$params[] = array(
'url' => "{$_ID}/{$type}/",
'options' => $options
} else {
throw new Exception('Error: _authLike() - Beğeni yaptırabilmeniz için {cookies} tanımlamalısınız.');
$multiCURL = new \RollingCurl\RollingCurl();
foreach ($params as $param) {
$request = new \RollingCurl\Request($param['url'], 'POST');
$this->_result = 0;
->setCallback(function(\RollingCurl\Request $request, \RollingCurl\RollingCurl $rollingCurl) {
$result = $request->getResponseText();
if ( is_string($result) )
$result = json_decode($result);
if ( is_object($result) )
if ($result->status == 'ok') $this->_result++;
$result = array(
'success' => $this->_result,
'errors' => NULL
return json_decode(json_encode($result));
and this insterested other code page
<form action="" method="POST">
Pictures ID : <input type="text" name="apifotoId">
Limits : <input type="text" name="limit">
<input type="submit" value="Like Send">
if(isset($_POST['apifotoId'])) {
$start = time();
$y = new instaAuth();
$user_list = $y->_userlistesi();
$limit = $_POST["limit"];
$_ID = $_POST['apifotoId'];
$fark = round(time()-$start)/60;
echo "Likes Complete (".$fark." dk.)";
I want to stop when (example) 11 result. how can i stop curl when script count 11 result?
you can make an if statement only in function "authLike" condition if(result ==11) break;
and you if you clear your answer to help you more .