MYSQL : Selecting from Multiple Databases (an error occured) [duplicate] - php

This question already has answers here:
mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc... expects parameter 1 to be resource
(31 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have three databases in the same server.. They are margoplatinum, detos and plaza.
They also have the same structure of tables. One of the table is called movie.
Here is the table structure of movie table:
id_movie int(11) PK, AI;
movie_title varchar(100);
status varchar(30);
Data from margoplatinum in movie table are:
id_movie | movie_tittle | status
1 | Frozen | Now Playing
2 | The-Amazing-Spidey2 | Coming Soon
Data from detos in movie table are :
id_movie | movie_tittle | status
1 | Comic8 | Now Playing
2 | Godzilla | Coming Soon
and data from plaza in movie table are :
id_movie | movie_tittle | status
1 | The Killer | Now Playing
2 | Godzilla | Coming Soon
So what i want to do is to select from the three databases above (in my php code and convert it into JSON) for table movie where the status = "Now Playing"..
Here is my php code :
$db_host = "";
$db_uid = "root";
$db_pass = "";
$db_con = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_uid,$db_pass) or die('could not connect');
$q = mysql_query('SELECT DISTINCT a.id_movie, b.id_movie, c.id_movie, a.movie_tittle,
b.movie_tittle, c.movie_tittle FROM `margoplatinum`.movie a
INNER JOIN `detos`.movie b ON a.id_movie = b.id_movie
INNER JOIN `plaza`.movie c ON b.id_movie = c.id_movie
WHERE a.status = "Now Playing"');
$v = '{"info" : [';
$ob = array("<br>","<b>","</b>");
$v .= '{"id_movie" : "'.$r['id_movie'].'", "movie_tittle" :
$v .= ',{"id_movie" : "'.$r['id_movie'].'", "movie_tittle" :
$v .= ']}';
echo $v;
echo mysql_error();
But when I execute the php above, an error occured..Here is the error message :
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\CinemaInfo\list_movie.php on line 17
{"info" : []}Unknown column 'a.status' in 'where clause'
Is my query above correct? or i did something wrong with my query..
Can anyone help me to write the correct query based on my case above?
I really appreciate any help from you.
Thank you :)

I think that what you need is a UNION not a JOIN, a join operation will find movies with same ID but different names.
So, I would go for:
As you mentioned that you only want two columns, here is what you need.
select id_movie, movie_tittle
select id_movie, movie_tittle, status
from `margoplatinum`.movie
select id_movie, movie_tittle, status
from `detos`.movie
select id_movie, movie_tittle, status
from `plaza`.movie
) as a
where a.status = 'Now Playing'

First make sure your query is working by running it in mysql query editor directly.
If it is working then there is something wrong with the way query is executed using php.
The below query worked for me
select from `test1`.app_user a
inner join `test2`.app_user r on
inner join `test`.app_user f on
where a.Status="ACTIVE"
So, i'm guessing the column name might be different or something like that

Try changing your query for the following:
$q = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT a.id_film, b.id_film, c.id_film, a.judul_film,
b.judul_film, c.judul_film FROM `margoplatinum`.film a
INNER JOIN `detos21`.film b ON a.id_film = b.id_film
INNER JOIN `depokplaza21`.film c ON b.id_film = c.id_film
WHERE a.status = 'Now Playing'");
Strings in SQL use simple ' not double "

It would be better to have a single database to handle this. The table structures could be:
CREATE TABLE `movies` (
movie_title VARCHAR(50),
PRIMARY KEY( id_movie )
CREATE TABLE `locations` (
id_movie_fk INT,
location VARCHAR(50),
I've set up an sqlFiddle example.


Need help in joining two tables from mysql database for a photography project

I am working on a photography project and I am facing a bit issue with joining tables and retrieving data from mysql database.
I have created two tables for this project. One table named cm_team is for team members and another table named cm_events for photography events..Assume to shoot a event, we require 6 persons and the id of the person is stored in cm_events table.
As you can see from the above images.. I am storing the id's of members of cm_team in cm_events table.. I wish to obtain the name of the team member in the respective highlighted fields in the cm_events table..Any help is highly appreciated.
for example my desired output should be: instead of 5 under team_lead heading, I should get the name corresponding to 5 i.e Arjun
Something like this? (cleaner and faster than subqueries)
# some more event cols ..
`team_lead`.`cm_name` AS `team_lead`,
`candid_photo`.`cm_name` AS `candid_photo`,
`candid_video`.`cm_name` AS `candid_video`,
`traditional_photo`.`cm_name` AS `traditional_photo`,
`traditional_video`.`cm_name` AS `traditional_video`,
`helper`.`cm_name` AS `helper`
FROM cm_events `event`
JOIN cm_team `team_lead` ON `team_lead`.`cm_code` = `event`.`team_lead`
JOIN cm_team `candid_photo` ON `candid_photo`.`cm_code` = `event`.`candid_photo`
JOIN cm_team `candid_video` ON `candid_video`.`cm_code` = `event`.`candid_video`
JOIN cm_team `traditional_photo` ON `traditional_photo`.`cm_code` = `event`.`traditional_photo`
JOIN cm_team `traditional_video` ON `traditional_video`.`cm_code` = `event`.`traditional_video`
JOIN cm_team `helper` ON `helper`.`cm_code` = `event`.`helper`
With Sub queries
id int, name varchar(10));
insert into t values
(1 , 'aaa'),
(2 , 'bbb');
create table t1 (
id int, team_lead int,team_a int);
insert into t1 values
select, (select from t where = t1.team_lead) team_lead,
(select from t where = t1.team_a) team_a
from t1;
| id | team_lead | team_a |
| 1 | aaa | bbb |
| 2 | bbb | bbb |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

How to join and sum a column in two tables based on another column using mysqli and php (just using query)

I have 2 tables about blood bank:
in donates table I have 2 fields showing how many donations we have:
| blood_group | amount |
| A+ | 2 |
| B- | 3 |
| O+ | 4 |
| A+ | 3 |
| O+ | 1 |
in orders table I have 2 column that how many requests we submit based on blood group:
| blood_group | amount |
| A+ | 4 |
| B- | 3 |
| O+ | 4 |
| AB- | 6 |
My problem is I want to use mysqli query to get an array that show me this result based on these conditions:
show how many we need group by blood_group
if we don't need any blood_group or we don't have any request for that blood type show zero (not showing null)
not showing negative number for our blood shortage
I manage to do this so far:
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "test");
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$sql ="SELECT donates.blood_group as blood_group,
donates.amount as donates_amount,
orders.amount as orders_amount,
FROM `donates`
LEFT JOIN `orders`
ON donates.blood_group = orders.blood_group
GROUP BY donates.blood_group";
// Perform queries
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
if (!$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql)) {
echo "SQLSTATE error: " . mysqli_sqlstate($con);
echo "<br>";
echo "SQLSTATE error: " . mysqli_error($con);
$result = mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
That query shows me sum of blood_groups but here is the main question:
So here are the main questions:
how to subtract (donates_amount and orders_amount)
how to make them positive (subtract which one first)
how to show the result even if one blood group is not presented on the other (full join)
Use union all and group by:
select blood_group, sum(donate_amount) as donate_amount,
sum(order_amount) as order_amount
from ((select blood_group, amount as donate_amount, 0 as order_amount
from donates
) union all
(select blood_group, 0 as donate_amount, amount as order_amount
from orders
) od
group by blood_group;
The only caveat is that a blood group needs to be in one of the tables. If you have a separate table of all of them, you should use that. For instance:
select bg.*,
coalesce(donate_amount, 0) as donate_amount,
coalesce(order_amount, 0) as order_amount
from blood_groups bg left join
(select blood_group, sum(amount) as donate_amount
from donates
group by blood_group
) d
on d.blood_group = bg.blood_group left join
(select blood_group, sum(amount) as order_amount
from donates
group by blood_group
) o
on o.blood_group = bg.blood_group ;
In either of these queries, you can get the difference using - and show negative numbers as 0 using greatest(). For instance:
greatest(sum(donate_amount) - sum(order_amount), 0)
To answer your first question :
how to subtract (donates_amount and orders_amount)
You must use SUM() function with a minus sign:
SUM(donates.amount - orders.amount);
this will subtract the total sum of two tables
But we have some problem here: you may have null values (because you may not have some of the blood groups present in one of tables) that give the wrong result. you must change the null values to zero with COALESCE() function:
SUM(COALESCE(donates.amount,0) - COALESCE(orders.amount,0))
We must extra check if the result does not equal to null:
COALESCE(SUM(COALESCE(donates.amount,0) - COALESCE(orders.amount,0)),0)
how to make them positive (subtract which one first)
And at last if you want to avoid negative numbers you must use mysqli math functions named ABS() that give you absulute value:
ABS(COALESCE(SUM(COALESCE(donates.amount,0) - COALESCE(orders.amount,0)),0))
so your query will look like this:
$sql = "SELECT donates.blood_group as blood_group,
COALESCE(donates.amount,0) as donates_amount,
COALESCE(orders.amount,0) as orders_amount,
ABS(COALESCE(SUM(COALESCE(donates.amount,0) - COALESCE(orders.amount,0)),0)) as needed_amount
FROM `donates`
LEFT JOIN `orders`
ON donates.blood_group = orders.blood_group
GROUP BY donates.blood_group";
how to show the result even if one blood group is not presented on
the other (full join)
In order to make full join you must use union with the invers form of your query. so that you find other records in orders table and unite the results into one results:
$sql = "SELECT donates.blood_group as blood_group,
COALESCE(donates.amount,0) as donates_amount,
COALESCE(orders.amount,0) as orders_amount,
ABS(COALESCE(SUM(COALESCE(donates.amount,0) - COALESCE(orders.amount,0)),0)) as needed_amount
FROM `donates`
LEFT JOIN `orders`
ON donates.blood_group = orders.blood_group
GROUP BY donates.blood_group
SELECT orders.blood_group as blood_group,
COALESCE(donates.amount,0) as donates_amount,
COALESCE(orders.amount,0) as orders_amount,
ABS(COALESCE(SUM(COALESCE(orders.amount,0) - COALESCE(donates.amount,0)),0)) as needed_amount
FROM `orders`
LEFT JOIN `donates`
ON orders.blood_group = donates.blood_group
GROUP BY orders.blood_group";

SELECT data from two tables with same name

I've tried to find a way to select data from two tables within the same query as follows:
Suppose I have this as table1
id | item | qty
1 | 1bb1 | 12
2 | 1cc1 | 10
and as table2
id | item | qty
6 | 1bb1 | 12
7 | 1vv1 | 4
And I have an imported file which contains data item as $sheetData[$i]['A'] from an excel sheet that I need to use it to find out if BOTH tables have this item or not.
My code as follows :
$query1="SELECT * FROM table1.item,table2.item WHERE item ='".$sheetData[$i]['A']."'";
$result1= mysql_query($query1);
echo "This Item Found in Both Tables";
echo $sheetData[$i]['A'];
echo "<br />";
echo "Item Could Not Be Found in both tables";
echo $sheetData[$i]['A'];
Its basically I want to find out if the imported item found in both tables or not. I hope this makes sense for you!
Any help would be really appreciated
Compiler can't decide which item needs to compare. item from table1 or item from table2
So write query as:
SELECT A.* , B.*
FROM table1 A, table2 B
WHERE A.item = B.item AND
A.item = '".$sheetData[$i]['A']."'
Try with -
"SELECT, t1.item, t1.qty, id_2, t2.qty qty_2 FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2 ON t2.item = t1.item
WHERE table1.item ='".$sheetData[$i]['A']."'"
Try to avoid using mysql, it is deprecated now. mysqli/PDO instead.
Try something like this:
FROM table1
WHERE item = ?
FROM table2
WHERE item = ?) AS t
This will return 2 if the item exists in both tables, 1 if it exists in only 1 table and 0 if the item doesn't exists in any of the two tables.

MySQL INNER JOIN. Pull data from one table with data from another

I am just getting started in learning how to do INNER JOINS correctly and I can't think of the best/easiest way to do this.
I am building a url shortener and I am trying to build a query that will get all long_url.destination's matching a slug "test". One slug might point to multiple long_url.destination's(URL shuffling, GEO matching, etc...). So I need the slug to get all long_url.destination's with the same short_url.slug.
Before I was running another query to get the short_id from the slug, then running another query to select all rows in long_url that had a matching short_id.
I think it might be quicker if I use an inner join, but I am unsure how to properly set it up.
I want to get all destination columns in table long_url with only the slug data in short_url without having to run a separate query to get the short_id from the slug.
Table: short_url
Columns: short_id | slug | enabled | timestamp
example: 1 test 1 1323343922
Table: long_url
Columns: long_id | short_id | destination | geo | enabled | timestamp
example: 1 1 US 1 132334922
example: 2 1 UK 1 132334922
I got this so far:
SELECT destination, geo FROM long_url INNER JOIN short_url
ON long_url.short_id = short_url.short_id WHERE enabled = 1;
function get_long_urls($slug) {
$query = "SELECT....";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$stmt->execute(array(':slug' => $slug));
$results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return (array) $results:
example $results = array(
'' => 'US',
'' => 'UK',
Thanks for any help.
select long_url.destination
, long_url.geo
from long_url
join short_url
on long_url.short_id = short_url.short_id
where short_url.slug = :slug
and long_url.enabled = 1
You don't need to qualify all column names like I did, because in this particular query there wasn't any ambiguity. All I really did is add a bound parameter placeholder.
SELECT destination, geo FROM long_url LEFT JOIN short_url
ON (long_url.short_id = short_url.short_id) WHERE enabled = 1

How to combine results from multiple tables with different columns?

I have several tables with different numbers and types of columns, and a single column in common.
| person | beardID | beardStyle | beardLength |
| person | moustacheID | moustacheStyle |
I want to fetch all the results that match a given value of the shared column. I can do it using multiple select statements like this:
SELECT * FROM beards WHERE person = "bob"
SELECT * FROM moustaches WHERE person = "bob"
But this requires multiple mysql API calls, which seems inefficient. I was hoping I could use UNION ALL to get all the results in a single API call, but UNION requires that the tables have the same number and similar type of columns. I could write a SELECT statement that would manually pad the results from each table by adding columns with NULL values, but that would quickly get unmanageable for a few more tables with a few more columns.
I'm looking for a result set roughly like this:
| person | beardID | beardStyle | beardLength | moustacheID | moustacheStyle |
| bob | 1 | rasputin | 1 | | |
| bob | 2 | samson | 12 | | |
| bob | | | | 1 | fu manchu |
Is there a way to achieve this that's fast and maintainable? Or am I better off running a separate query for each table?
I'm not looking for a cartesian product. I don't want a row for every combination of beard-and-moustache, I want a row for every beard and a row for every moustache.
So if there are 3 matching beards and 2 matching moustaches I should get 5 rows, not 6.
this should be working fine:
SELECT * FROM `beards` b LEFT OUTER JOIN `mustaches` ON (0) WHERE person = "bob"
SELECT * FROM `beards` b RIGHT OUTER JOIN `mustaches` ON (0) WHERE person = "bob"
you don't have to handle the columns by yourself. the left and right outer join do this job.
unfortunately mysql doesn't have a full join. that's why you have to do it this way with a union
SELECT * FROM `customer` b LEFT OUTER JOIN `charges` ON (0) LEFT OUTER JOIN `day` ON (0)
SELECT * FROM `customer` b RIGHT OUTER JOIN `charges` ON (0) LEFT OUTER JOIN `day` ON (0)
SELECT * FROM `customer` b LEFT OUTER JOIN `charges` ON (0) RIGHT OUTER JOIN `day` ON (0)
this is a local test i made
Join on person....
t1.(asterix), t2.(asterix)
beards t1
moustaches t2 On t2.person = t1.person
FROM beards
JOIN moustaches
ON moustaches.person = beards.person
WHERE person = "bob"
I had fun with this, not sure it's entirely manageable with what more you have to add, but it accomplished the goal.
create table beard (
person varchar(20)
,beardID int
,beardStyle varchar(20)
,beardLength int )
create table moustache(
person varchar(20)
,moustacheID int
,moustacheStyle varchar(20))
insert into beard
select 'bob', 1, 'rasputin', 1
union select 'bob', 2, 'samson', 12
insert into moustache
select 'bob', 1, 'fu manchu'
declare #facialhair table (
person varchar(20)
,beardID int
,beardStyle varchar(20)
,beardLength int
,moustacheID int
,moustacheStyle varchar(20))
declare #i int
declare #name varchar(20)
set #name = 'bob'
set #i = (select COUNT(*) from beard where person = #name)
+ (select COUNT(*) from moustache where person = #name)
print #i
while #i > 0
insert into #facialhair (person, beardID, beardStyle, beardLength)
select person, beardID, beardStyle, beardLength
from beard
where person = #name
set #i = #i-##ROWCOUNT
insert into #facialhair (person, moustacheID, moustacheStyle)
select person, moustacheID, moustacheStyle
from moustache
where person = #name
set #i = #i-##ROWCOUNT
select *
from #facialhair
I think you would be better by making queries for data in each table.
One of other possibilities is to concatenate data from all columns into one big string (you could choose some sign to separete column's values), then you should be able to use union all clause to combine results from each query - but then you will have to parse each row.. And data types will be lost.
