PHP array_rand / Loop / array_push / implode behavior? - php

Why does this not make two arrays one within 7 numbers and one within 2 numbers in it?
It somehow combines the both into one.
When i echo $arvottuLottoRivi and $lottoLisaNumerot in my HTML page the result is:
$arvottuLottoRivi (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) : $lottoLisaNumerot
all the seven numbers.
I have now tried three different styles but same thing happens in all cases
$lottoNumerot = $_POST["lottoNumerot"];
$mahdollisetNumerot = array("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30","31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39");
$i = 0;
$l = 0;
$k = 0;
$arvottuLottoRivi = array();
$lottoLisaNumerot = array();
$tenNumbersArray = array();
$numeroidenRandomointi = array_rand($mahdollisetNumerot, 10);
$lottoRivinPituus = count($numeroidenRandomointi);;
foreach($numeroidenRandomointi as $randomNumero){
while($i <= $lottoRivinPituus){
$randomToArray = array_push($tenNumbersArray, $randomNumero);
foreach($tenNumbersArray as $randomToSite){
while($l <= $lottoRivinPituus){
if($l <= 7){
array_push($arvottuLottoRivi, $randomToSite);
foreach($tenNumbersArray as $randomToSiteLisanuimerot){
while($k <= $lottoRivinPituus){
if($k >= 7){
array_push($lottoLisaNumerot, $randomToSiteLisanuimerot);
$arvottuLottoRivi = implode(' ', $arvottuLottoRivi);
$lottoLisaNumerot = implode(' ', $lottoLisaNumerot);

When you write:
foreach($tenNumbersArray as $randomToSiteLisanuimerot){
while($k <= $lottoRivinPituus){
if($k >= 7){
array_push($lottoLisaNumerot, $randomToSiteLisanuimerot);
the while loop is equivalent to:
$k = $lottoRivinPituus + 1;
Since $lottoRivinPituus is 10, $k is always 11. Therefore, if($k >= 7) is always true, so all elements of $randomToSiteLisanuumerot are copied to $lottoLisaNumerot. Similarly, in the previous loop, the test if ($l <= 7) is always false, so nothing is copied to $arvottuLottoRivi.
I think you were trying to test the current position in the loop, not the count of all elements in the array. You can do it like this:
foreach($tenNumbersArray as $l => $randomToSite){
if($l < 7){
array_push($arvottuLottoRivi, $randomToSite);
foreach($tenNumbersArray as $k => $randomToSiteLisanuimerot){
if($k >= 7){
array_push($lottoLisaNumerot, $randomToSiteLisanuimerot);
But this wastes time iterating over elements it doesn't care about. A better way would be:
$arvotSize = min(7, $lottoRivinPituus);
for ($l = 0; $l < $arvotSize; $l++) {
array_push($arvottuLottoRivi, $tenNumbersArray[$l]);
for ($k = $arvotSize; $k < $lottoRivinPituus; $k++) {
array_push($lottoLisaNumerot, $tenNumbersArray[$k]);

I really didn't get your code.
Why don't use rand function?
$randomNumbers1 = array();
$randomNumbers2 = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < 7) {
$aNumber = rand(1, 39);
if (!in_array($aNumber, $randomNumbers1)) {
$randomNumbers1[] = $aNumber;
$i = 0;
while ($i < 2) {
$aNumber = rand(1, 39);
if (!in_array($aNumber, $randomNumbers2)) {
$randomNumbers2[] = $aNumber;
And if the seconds array cannot contains any number within the first one:
$i = 0;
while ($i < 2) {
$aNumber = rand(1, 39);
if (!in_array($aNumber, $randomNumbers2) && !in_array($aNumber, $randomNumbers1)) {
$randomNumbers2[] = $aNumber;


Multiple comparisons inside for loops don't break php code. Why?

Why this piece of code works when it is clearly wrong in the second for loop (for ($i==0; $i<$parts; $i++) {)?
Does php allows for multiple comparisons inside for loops?
function split_integer ($num,$parts) {
$value = 0;
$i = 0;
$result = [];
$modulus = $num%$parts;
if ($modulus == 0) {
for($i = 0; $i < $parts; $i++)
$value = $num/$parts;
$result[] = $value;
} else {
$valueMod = $parts - ($num % $parts);
$value = $num/$parts;
for ($i==0; $i<$parts; $i++) {
if ($i >= $valueMod) {
$result[] = floor($value+1);
} else {
$result[] = floor($value);
return $result;
Code for ($i==0; $i < $parts; $i++) runs because $i==0 has no impact on loop.
In normal for loop first statement just sets $i or any other counter's initial value. As you already set $i to 0 earlier, your loop runs from $i = 0 until second statement $i < $parts is not true.
Going further, you can even omit first statement:
$i = 0;
for (; $i < 3; $i++) {
echo $i;
And loop will still run 3 times from 0 to 2.

Convert simple string to Required Format : PHP

I would like to Convert simple string to set based on below logic
if string is 3,4-8-7,5 then I need the set as (3,8,7),(4,8,5).
The Logic behind to building the set are we need to consider ',' as OR condition and '-' as AND condition.
I am trying my best using For loop :
$intermediate = array();
$arry_A = explode('-', '3,4-8-7,5');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arry_A); $i++) {
$arry_B = explode(',', $arry_A[$i]);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($arry_B); $j++) {
if (count($intermediate) > 0) {
for ($k = 0; $k < count($intermediate); $k++) {
$intermediate[$k] = $intermediate[$k] . ',' . $arry_B[$j];
} elseif (count($intermediate) === 0) {
$intermediate[0] = $arry_B[$j];
echo $intermediate, should give final result.
This Code works correctly, Try this
$intermediate = array();
$arry_A = explode('-',$vals );
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arry_A); $i++) {
echo substr($str, 0, -2);

I need to find all amicable numbers up to a certain number

Here is my code:
$n = 300;
$set = 0;
$set2 = 0;
for($i = 1; $i<$n; $i++)
for($j = 1; $j <$i; $j++)
$qol = $i % $j;
if($qol == 0)
$set += $j;
for($s=1; $s<$set; $s++)
$qol2 = $set % $s;
if($s == 0)
$set2 += $s;
if($set2 == $i)
echo "$set and $i are amicable numbers</br>";
I do not know what the heck the problem is!
FYI: 220 and 284 are an example of amicable numbers. The sum of the proper divisors of one number are equal to other number and vice versa (wiki).
I am having troubles following your logic. In your code how would $set2 == $i ever be true? Seems to me that $i would always be greater.
I would do it the following way:
First make a separate function that finds the sums of the proper divisors:
// Function to output sum of proper divisors of $num
function sumDiv($num) {
// Return 0 if $num is 1 or less
if ($num <= 1) {
return 0;
$result = 1; // All nums divide by 1
$sqrt = sqrt($num);
// Add divisors to result
for ($i = 2; $i < $sqrt; $i++) {
if ($num % $i == 0) {
$result += $i + $num / $i;
// If perfect square add squareroot to result
if (floor($sqrt) == $sqrt) {
$result += $sqrt;
return $result;
Next check each iteration for a match:
$n = 1500;
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++) {
// Get sum of proper devisors of $i, and sum of div. of result.
$currentDivs = sumDiv($i);
$resultDivs = sumDiv($currentDivs);
// Check for a match with sums not equal to each other.
if ($i == $resultDivs && $currentDivs != $resultDivs) {
echo "$i and $currentDivs are amicable numbers<br>";
Here a functioning phpfiddle.
Warning: Large numbers will take very long to process!

Get number by loop on if - PHP

I have this piece of code that loops 1 through 99 and is a formula.
function getExperienceByLevel ($maxLevel)
$levels = array ();
$current = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxLevel; $i++)
$levels[$i - 1] = floor ($current / 4);
$current += floor($i+300*pow(2, ($i/9.75)));
return $levels;
First you initiate it like so $aLevels = getExperienceByLevel(99); then to see how much EXP you need to get to level 6 you do this echo $aLevels[5]; since it's an array.
Now I'm trying to do reverse. Get Level by EXP.
function getLevelByExp($exp)
$aLevels = getExperienceByLevel(99);
for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++)
if ($exp > $aLevels[$i-1])
return $i;
So I try to do this:
$aLevels = getExperienceByLevel(99);
echo getLevelByExp(131);
When called upon getLevelByExp(131); or any number inside, it seems to return a 1 even though it should be 2 since Level 3 is 167 EXP and Level 2 is 80 EXP. Here's a reference image:
function getLevelByExp($exp) {
$aLevels = getExperienceByLevel(99);
for ($i = 99; $i >= 1; $i--)
if ($exp > $aLevels[$i-1])
return $i;
You are returning as soon as $exp > $aLevels[$i-1]. On the first runthrough of your original loop, $aLevels[$i-1] = $aLevels[0] = 0, so it will always return right away for any non-negative $exp value.
You are doing two mistakes: You are indexing your levels array wrong. And you're checking it the wrong way. Use this:
function getExperienceByLevel($maxLevel) {
$levels = array ();
$current = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxLevel; $i++) {
$levels[$i] = floor ($current / 4);
$current += floor($i+300*pow(2, ($i/9.75)));
return $levels;
function getLevelByExp($exp) {
$levels = getExperienceByLevel(99);
$current = 0;
foreach($levels as $level => $required) {
if($required>$exp)return $current;
$current = $level;
return $current;
echo getLevelByExp(131);
// returns 2
if ($exp > $aLevels[$i-1])
if ($exp > $aLevels[$i-1] && $exp < $aLevels[$i])
checked and it is working
working example
You need the opposite conditional, and to compare to the next level, so you can determine that a given exp level does not fit into any higher level. This code works for me:
if ($exp < $aLevels[$i])
return $i;
Nice and simple. Try it out:
I think you should do it like
function getLevelByExp($exp)
$aLevels = getExperienceByLevel(99);
for ($i = 1; $i < count($aLevels); $i++)
if ($exp >= $aLevels[$i-1] && ($exp - $aLevels[$i-1] < $aLevels[$i] - $aLevels[$i-1]))
return $i;
Check out

Writing merge sort in PHP

I have tried to write a basic merge sort in PHP involving a small array, yet the problem is it takes about a minute or so to execute, and returns:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried
to allocate 35 bytes) in /Users/web/www/merge.php on line 39
Does anyone have an idea where the code might be going wrong (if at all)? I've been staring at this for a good hour now.
$array = array(8,1,2,5,6,7);
function merge_sort(&$list){
if( count($list) <= 1 ){
return $list;
$left = array();
$right = array();
$middle = (int) ( count($list)/2 );
// Make left
for( $i=0; $i < $middle; $i++ ){
$left[] = $list[$i];
// Make right
for( $i = $middle; $i < count($list); $i++ ){
$right[] = $list[$i];
// Merge sort left & right
// Merge left & right
return merge($left, $right);
function merge(&$left, &$right){
$result = array();
while(count($left) > 0 || count(right) > 0){
if(count($left) > 0 && count(right) > 0){
if($left[0] <= $right[0]){
$result[] = array_shift($left);
} else {
$result[] = array_shift($right);
} elseif (count($left) > 0){
$result[] = array_shift($left);
} elseif (count($right) > 0){
$result[] = array_shift($right);
return $result;
function print_array($array){
echo "<pre>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "</pre>";
In your merge function, you call count on right instead of $right. PHP assumes this is a string constant (at least in 5.3.9) and when casted into an array that always has one element. So count(right) is always one, and you never exit the first merge.
Try this approach. Instead of shifting it, slice.
Also, for in while loop for the merge function, you need to do an and && comparison instead
of ||
function mergeSort($array)
if(count($array) == 1 )
return $array;
$mid = count($array) / 2;
$left = array_slice($array, 0, $mid);
$right = array_slice($array, $mid);
$left = mergeSort($left);
$right = mergeSort($right);
return merge($left, $right);
function merge($left, $right)
$res = array();
while (count($left) > 0 && count($right) > 0)
if($left[0] > $right[0])
$res[] = $right[0];
$right = array_slice($right , 1);
$res[] = $left[0];
$left = array_slice($left, 1);
while (count($left) > 0)
$res[] = $left[0];
$left = array_slice($left, 1);
while (count($right) > 0)
$res[] = $right[0];
$right = array_slice($right, 1);
return $res;
Have a look at this, the algorithm is already implemented, using array_push and array splice instead of just array_shift.
I implement merge sort this way
function mergeSort($Array)
$len = count($Array);
return $Array;
$mid = (int)$len / 2;
$left = mergeSort(array_slice($Array, 0, $mid));
$right = mergeSort(array_slice($Array, $mid));
return merge($left, $right);
function merge($left, $right)
$combined = [];
$totalLeft = count($left);
$totalRight = count($right);
$rightIndex = $leftIndex=0;
while ($leftIndex < $totalLeft && $rightIndex < $totalRight) {
if ($left[$leftIndex] > $right[$rightIndex]) {
}else {
$combined[] =$left[$leftIndex];
while ($rightIndex<$totalRight){
$combined[] =$right[$rightIndex];
return $combined;
Here is the class in PHP to implement the Merge Sort -
class mergeSort{
public $arr;
public function __construct($arr){
$this->arr = $arr;
public function mSort($l,$r){
if($l===null || $r===null){
return false;
if ($l < $r)
// Same as ($l+$r)/2, but avoids overflow for large $l and $r
$m = $l+floor(($r-$l)/2);
// Sort first and second halves
$this->mSort($l, $m);
$this->mSort($m+1, $r);
$this->merge($l, $m, $r);
// Merges two subarrays of $this->arr[]. First subarray is $this->arr[$l..$m]. Second subarray is $this->arr[$m+1..$r]
public function merge($l, $m, $r)
if($l===null || $m===null || $r===null){
return false;
$n1 = $m - $l + 1;
$n2 = $r - $m;
/* create temp arrays */
/* Copy data to temp arrays $L[] and $R[] */
for ($i = 0; $i < $n1; $i++)
$L[$i] = $this->arr[$l + $i];
for ($j = 0; $j < $n2; $j++)
$R[$j] = $this->arr[$m + 1+ $j];
/* Merge the temp arrays back into $this->arr[$l..$r]*/
$i = 0; // Initial index of first subarray
$j = 0; // Initial index of second subarray
$k = $l; // Initial index of merged subarray
while ($i < $n1 && $j < $n2)
if($L[$i] <= $R[$j])
$this->arr[$k] = $L[$i];
$this->arr[$k] = $R[$j];
/* Copy the remaining elements of $L[], if there are any */
while($i < $n1)
$this->arr[$k] = $L[$i];
/* Copy the remaining elements of $R[], if there are any */
while($j < $n2)
$this->arr[$k] = $R[$j];
$arr = array(38, 27, 43, 5, 9, 91, 12);
$obj = new mergeSort($arr);
I was looking for a optimized Mergesort algorithm in PHP. There are 5 algorithms in the answers, so I tested those, and mine too. Using PHP 7.2.7, these are the times:
Sorting 1000 random numbers:
Avanche 1 0.0396 seconds
Avanche 2 0.0347 seconds
Kartik 0.0291 seconds
Kripa 0.0282 seconds
Samuel 0.0247 seconds
Mine 0.0144 seconds
Sorting 10 random numbers:
Avanche 1 0.000222 seconds
Kartik 0.000216 seconds
Kripa 0.000159 seconds
Avanche 2 0.000144 seconds
Samuel 0.000128 seconds
Mine 0.000098 seconds
So, although I encourage to whom read it to make it faster (that was I was looking for, and I believe it can be done), I let you my implementation too, cause seems to be faster than the other answers:
//This function needs start and end limits
function mergeSortRec(&$a,$start,$end){
$center=($start+$end)>>1; //Binary right shift is like divide by 2
mergeSortRec($a, $start, $center);
mergeSortRec($a, $center+1, $end);
//Mixing the 2 halfs
$left=$start; $right=$center;
//Main loop
while($left<$center && $right<=$end){
//Copy the rest of the first half
while($left<$center) $aux[]=$a[$left++];
//Copy the rest of the second half
while($right<=$end) $aux[]=$a[$right++];
//Copy the aux array to the main array
foreach($aux as $v) $a[$start++]=$v;
//This is the function easier to call
function mergeSort(&$a) {
If you post a new answer, let me a comment to test it and add it.
Edit: I did some new optimizations, for those looking for a better implementation.
Your merge sort accepts a list by reference
function merge_sort(&$list)
So you need to assign it the new merged and sorted list. So instead of
return merge($left, $right);
$list = $this->merge($left, $right);
That should do it, just remove the exit and fix the count variable
MergeSort in PHP
class Solution
function mergeSort(&$arr)
if(count($arr) > 1) {
$mid = floor(count($arr)/2);
$left = array_slice($arr, 0, $mid);
$right = array_slice($arr, $mid);
// Merge the results.
$i = $j = $k = 0;
while(($i < count($left)) && ($j < count($right))) {
if($left[$i] < $right[$j]) {
$arr[$k] = $left[$i];
} else {
$arr[$k] = $right[$j];
while($i < count($left)) {
$arr[$k] = $left[$i];
while($j < count($right)) {
$arr[$k] = $right[$j];
$s = new Solution();
$tmp = [12, 7, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7];
