Creating a Shopping Cart with Paypal - php

I wish to use paypal to create a shop to an existing site, however I have reached a problem.
Paypal has a facility to 'add to cart' however when clicked on, it goes to their servers.The check out has no customisability what so ever, so looks completely out of sync with my site.
Is it possible to create a shopping cart on PayPal showing the list of items on MY site (so I can customise the look and feel of the shopping cart) and then only when the payment needs to be made, the user is sent to the PayPal Site.
NOTE: I'm using pure HTML,CSS & PHP. I am not using a CMS such as WordPress.
Also when I mean I want to customise the look and feel of the shopping cart, I don't mean just the button, but the way the items is shown up along with details such as Qty.

If you're working with basic PHP code that you built on your own (no framework like WP) then you'll need to build your own shopping cart.
If you were to use WP, though, you could use WooCommerce which is a great shopping cart system and would probably save you lots of time.


My first custom made cart

I have create for first time a shopping cart from scratch for a very special project.
At this time I have complete all the steps, from product selection / customization, to shopping cart product quantity update and other stuff that required.
My whole shopping cart is stored in session variable, encrypted.
My problem now, is that I don't know what is the best way to proceed to check out via PayPal.
Now I building the cart review page. The question is, how to send the cart information to paypal ?
Is it good way to add hidden fields in review page inside a form and send that information in PayPal with post method ?
This method is not so good, because an end user with knowledge, has the ability to alter that data.
Any idea on how to continue ?

Wordpress Simple Shopping Cart

i need WordPress shopping cart function with or without any pluggins. When a registered user click the add to cart button on the normal post, it needs to go to shopping cart. The checkout function should not have the shipping and payment gateways as the user click the check out button he should recieve the mail for order confirmation with the permalinks of the post bought by him, meanwhile the post permalinks has to be saved in data base which can be viewed by the user later. Admin should recieve the mail for perchasing order.
Perhaps you can use this plugin. Its a wordpress e commerce plugin and should take care of all the things you have mentioned.
Salman, Try WP e-Commerce one of my favorite and o.s plugin
For more
If you really need a simple cart other than Wordpress integrated plugin, you can go for OpenCart, which was easily administrate and user friendly with analytics and so on...
Please see my answer to similar question here.
In addition - the WP Order Cart plugin does not save orders to database, it only sends the order email to both buyer and seller - this functionality is still in development.

How to pass variables of each item through to paypals cart when selecting paypal's 'add to cart' button?

I am developing a website selling gardening products using PHP and SQL. The user searches for a plant, finds the one they want, clicks on it for more details and there they see an option to add to cart. I have signed up to Paypal's business account and used their add to cart button. But currently, when I try it out and click the button, it doesn't do anything. Obviously this is because know variables have been passed about that specific product. What do I need to do in order to get each item into the cart?
To impliment a normal POST to pass to standard form, follow this tutorial:
Integrated solutions will allow you to make these transactions without going offsite.
Using this method requires alot more security.

How to link into a cart outside of magento that was built with the cart api's

I am building a custom front end to Magento, where users selects the products they want to purchase outside of Magento. But then use Magento for the rest.
I already use the product api's to pull the product_id/sku/name/price out. So I have a list of product_id’s ready for purchase.
I will use the api's for creating and building a shopping cart.
My question is…
Once I populate a shopping cart using the apis and have the shoppingcart_id, how do I redirect the user directly into that shopping cart page in Magento?
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Redirecting is easy. This is how you can do it in Magento 1.5. Note that you need to be running within a controller action in order for this to work properly.
If you want to direct the user to the checkout page, try something like the following:
Hope this helps!

Adding item to cart via API with CS-Cart

I am building a web application which allows visitors of a site to custom-build a product, and then add that custom-built item to their shopping cart in order to purchase it. For instance, I might build a car with the following customizations:
Alloy wheels
Leather seats
I've searched around looking for a solution to my problem, but have yet to come across anything very helpful. I am using CS-Cart as my shopping cart solution.
What I need to know is how I might programmatically add this custom-built item to a user's shopping cart. Does CS-Cart provide an API for doing something like this? If not, does anyone have any suggestions on how I might achieve my goal? I basically just need to add a generic "custom build" item to the user's cart with the customizations they made somehow attached to this item.
I've been taking a look at CS-Cart and this question came up.
From reading through the CS-Cart API documentation, it looks like CS-Cart's API is more of a plugin framework than an actual web service. In other words, I believe you can write code to modify CS-Cart (or programmatically update shopping cart items) but this code needs to be written as a plugin into CS-Cart rather than simply as an API call from your third-party webapp.
So I think you have two solutions:
Build a CS-Cart plugin which has a mini-API to take your custom item from your webapp and add it into the shopping cart through CS-Cart
If you literally just need to add the item into the shopping cart, and your webapp and CS-Cart are on the same server, you may be able to skirt around CS-Cart and get your webapp to literally just add the item into CS-Cart's shopping cart PHP session
I hope this helps - I'm not mega-familiar with CS-Cart so if there are any factual errors in this I apologise.
