Wordpress - Display Post from categories - php

I need to display a limited post from a specific category but with a page title , little description of page and also a read more link mention it, whats the procedure to i get this or guide me some details about the wordpress coding because i am very new in it.
I dont need to paste code in page.php i need to display this only on one specific page.
Basically i want to make a custom news column on page and i need to get post from category news but limit of five and when the new post added in category automatic display on home page i try lots of plugins but i still didn't get the exact solution all the time differs that's why i need to make a proper and permanent coding.

Creating a custom page template and then adding wp_query on it should work. After creating the template, you can create a page then set the template to the new custom page template you created. For example: create a News Page Template. In your theme, create news-template.php then add this code:
* Template Name: News Page Template
// add your markup here and wp_query


Populating a WordPress Page with posts from a Category or Tag

I have a WordPress for my science journalism blog and I would like to add a page that contains a subset of the blog posts. For example, having a page populated by a certain category (i.e. review articles) or tags (i.e. physics).
There seems to be a way to do this by making a new php page, but I am not sure how to get to a blank template to add the code base.
Alternatively, I would prefer having a way to do this without having to mess with the code at all. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
This happens automatically with WordPress; read the docs:
When a viewer clicks on a link to one of the Categories on your site,
he or she is taken to a page listing the Posts in that particular
Category in chronological order, from newest Posts at the top to
oldest at the bottom.
Read https://codex.wordpress.org/Category_Templates
You don't have to make a category or tag template page, but you can if you want to. This is theme-dependent; your theme may already have different archive page templates.
The URL for a category or tag archive page will be:
Read https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks#Category_base_and_Tag_base
Go to Appearance>Settings>Reading to set number of posts per page and either excerpt or full post.
I think you should be able to get at a category by going to http://example.com/category/mycategory
And to tags by visiting http://example.com/tag/mytag
You should be able to add categories to the main menu, and add tag pages via a custom link OR use a tag cloud?
Hope this helps.

How to make Wordpress Custom page

i m a newbie to wordpress. I have started theme development and encountered these problems. I think these kind of problem does have a solution, but i m not able to find it out.
I m trying to make a custom page. Uptill now i have made header, footer and main index page.
I see that whenever my theme is activated, I see these default index page, with header and footer assign to it.
I have also made some cutom about us , contact us pages using the Add Pages Functionality of wordpress.
My Problem:
1.Now I m trying to make custom product page where I will have more than 100 images on that pages, and then i can change the images, add the images and description and the link url in future. I have made some html code and put it in the text Tab . I can also see the images on the frontend of the Custom page. But my template breaks. Images goes up and description goes far below.
Also i wanted to add fancybox to all the images which are goin to be replaced or added. But again my template breaks.
So can we make custom.php page and do some coding or anything which you feel is the right way of doing it, Please let me know.
Firstly create product.php page in templates folder using below code on top
Template Name: My Product Page
// write your code here
Then, assign the above template to the page in admin.
Then, that page you can call in menu.
For more detail, check here :- http://codex.wordpress.org/Page_Templates
Actually you don't really need to create a custom template for this unless if you are planing to use that same template on another page.
If your page name is products , just create a file called page-products.php in your theme root. and write your code inside that page.
If your planing to develop themes first be comfirtable with wp template hierarchy.

Make a Custom template for a specific category in wordpress

I am having issue with a custom category template. I want to create a new template for my specific category "VIDEOS" so that all posts under this category show in new style. Basically, i want to show posts with videos in a new way as 3 posts in one row with featured images and a featured slider on top of that page showing 4 new posts of that category ?
But i am confused... Can i do this in wordpress ? Because my home page also has a featured slider. Can i create a new slider for that page template but one thing is sure. I need to work with only one category for that custom template i.e. videos.........
Just create category-[id].php & you will be ready to use that. Wordpress will automatically load that file for that ID of category.
You can also do same task via slug like category-files.php etc as well
Yes, certainly possible with WordPress.
Find the slug or the category id. Your slug for the category may be videos. So create a custom template named category-videos.php. This template will be used for the category archive VIDEOS.
If you know the category id, you can create template named category-<category_id>.php.
For other people landing on this page and wondering what to do when they go to their theme's folder and don't find a file called "category.php", what you need is to find the next file in the hierarchy, copy it, and rename it category-[slug or id].php (this should be archive.php, followed by index.php).
For a listing of the category hierarchy, see the official documentation: http://codex.wordpress.org/Category_Templates

How can my website show only links of posts in wordpress and one feature article?

I looked in documentation but have no clue. My goal is that the main div should contain a featured post I choose and under a set of catgeories in a div, it should display links to posts that include a certain tag. HELP?
You can create a custom page template that outputs the posts as you described using custom queries, create a page that uses this template, then set your site's home page to be this page.

Custom URL rewrite in wordpress

I am trying to achieve a custom URL structure with Wordpress. Basically, my site functions as my blog and my portfolio. I want to have an "Articles" section and a "Portfolio" section. I want the articles to display on the Articles page, and the portfolio on the Portfolio page. Should be easy, except on top of that I want custom URLs...
I want the URLs setup like this:
Articles page:
Specific article:
Portfolio page:
Specific design:
I can figure out how to do only one rewrite of this type, but WP doesn't have built in functionality to do both. I'm just wondering where I should start or what I should do...
The problem also becomes, I want to retain category functionality in both areas, so maybe it needs to be achieved with Custom Fields? and add a new rewrite rule based on the custom field of a post? I have idea where to start...
Thanks for any help you can give.
This actually isn't that hard to do. I'll go down, page by page, what you would need to do to achieve this.
Articles Page
Create a new template in your theme folder (/wp-content/themes/your-theme/) called discusses.php and just add the following content:
Template Name: Discusses Template
You don't need any more content. Go into the Pages section of WordPress Admin and create a new page called Articles page and set the URL to be /discusses/. Set the template of this page to be Discusses Template. Now, go into the Settings → Reading section in Admin and set the Posts page to Articles page. Now all your blog posts will appear under the URL /discusses/
Specific Article
The easiest way to have all your articles appearing as /discussed/title is to rename the default category (in Posts → Categories) to discussed. Then set your permalinks to be:
This will render the links you need for each post.
Portfolio Page & Specific Design Page
Assuming this will be some kind of custom design, the easiest thing to do would be to create a custom template and Page in the pages section, as you did for the articles page, and throw your custom HTML and CSS into that. I would then set each specific design page to be a child page of that in the pages section. You can use the WPdb classs to make custom queries to populate the Portfolio page.
