Within CakePHP 2 I am using pagination which works great until I see the URL which is page:2, how can I make this ?page=2 ?
The next question is that I use this code for my controller which powers /domain.com/offers/top, /domain.com/offers/newest, /domain.com/offers/popular and then the categories like /domain.com/offers/tv-and-video. The thing is when it is paginated for /domain.com/offers/top instead of being /offers/top/page:2 it goes to /offers/bycategory/top/page:2.
public function bycategory($slug = null)
$userId = $this->Session->read("UserAuth.User.id");
if ($slug == 'top') {
//Get the top rated offers
$this->paginate = array(
'limit' => 15,
'order' => array(
'Offer.vote' => 'desc'
} elseif ($slug == 'newest') {
//Get the latest offers
$this->paginate = array(
'limit' => 15,
'order' => array(
'Offer.created' => 'desc'
} elseif ($slug == 'popular') {
//Get the most talked about offers
} else {
//This is the categories, so just get the category slug.
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => array('Category.slug =' => $slug),
'limit' => 15,
'order' => array(
'Offer.created' => 'desc'
$offers = $this->paginate('Offer');
// pass the value to our view.ctp
$this->set('offers', $offers);
$this->set('userId', $userId);
This is my custom route:
array('controller' => 'offers', 'action' => 'bycategory'),
'pass' => array('catslug')
how can I make this ?page=2 ?
By setting the paramType option in paginator component options as mentioned in manual.
You second issue looks like reverse routing issue. Have you setup any custom routes?
I have the following method which takes a query to search my notes:
function search( $q = null )
if ( $q == null )
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$this->paginate = array(
'order'=>'Note.datetime DESC',
'conditions' => array(
'OR' => array(
'Note.title LIKE' => '%'. $q . '%',
'Note.content LIKE' => '%'. $q . '%'
$this->set('notes', $this->paginate());
As you can see it takes a single parameter called 'q' which is used to query the model data.
I have hooked up this to the router like so:
array('controller'=>'notes','action'=>'index', 'page' => 1),
'pass' => array('page')
array('controller' => 'notes', 'action' => 'index'),
'pass' => array('page'),
'page' => '[1-9]+'
array('controller'=>'notes','action'=>'search', 'page' => 1),
'pass' => array('page','q')
array('controller' => 'notes', 'action' => 'search'),
'pass' => array('page','q'),
'page' => '[1-9]+'
This way I should be getting urls like:
domain.com/notes - loads page 1 of notes
domain.com/notes/page/2 - loads page 2 of notes
domain.com/notes/search/Hello - searches for Hello in notes
domain.com/notes/search/Hello/page/2 - shows page 2 of the above search
The pager in the view looks like:
<?php if(isset($this->request->params['named']['q'])) { ?>
<?php $this->Paginator->options(array('url'=>array('controller' => 'notes', 'action' => $action, 'q' => $this->request->params['named']['q']))); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php $this->Paginator->options(array('url'=>array('controller' => 'notes', 'action' => $action))); ?>
<?php } ?>
It works fine for the index method, but for the search method it is getting confused as when I do a search it's not matching the pager with the route as expected. For example I'm getting urls like domain.com/notes/search/2/:q
Also I don't really like having to wrap the paginator options in an if statement so if I can get it to figure out the url automatically that would be awesome as it's messy having to do this and seems to be the cause of the above problems.
I have connected the named parameter at the top of the router like so:
In the end I opted to make my search working using POST instead of GET so that everything is handled sever-side instead of doing it with messy url rewrites and trying to be clever.
Here's what I made the form look like:
<?php echo $this->Form->create('search', array('url'=>array('controller'=>'notes','action'=>'search'),'class'=>'search')); ?>
<label class="placeholder" for="q">Search</label>
<?php if( isset($q) ) { $term = $q; } else { $term = ''; } ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->input('q', array('label'=>false,'id'=>'q','value'=>$term)); ?>
<button type="submit" class="btn ss-icon ss-search"></button>
<?php echo $this->Form->end(); ?>
the search method:
function search()
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$this->Session->write('q', $this->request->data['search']['q']);
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'search'));
} else {
$q = $this->Session->read('q');
$this->paginate = array(
'order'=>'Note.datetime DESC',
'conditions' => array(
'OR' => array(
'Note.title LIKE' => '%'. $q . '%',
'Note.content LIKE' => '%'. $q . '%'
$this->set('notes', $this->paginate());
and the routes:
array('controller'=>'notes','action'=>'search', 'page' => 1),
'pass' => array('page')
array('controller' => 'notes', 'action' => 'search'),
'pass' => array('page'),
'page' => '[1-9]+'
and I clean up the session if any other page but the search method is being used in the AppController:
if(strpos($this->here, Router::url(array('controller'=>'notes','action'=>'search'))) === 0 ) {
//echo 'yes';
} else {
Which gives me urls like:
domain.com/notes - loads page 1 of notes
domain.com/notes/page/2 - loads page 2 of notes
domain.com/notes/search - searches for Hello in notes (stored in session)
domain.com/notes/search/page/2 - shows page 2 of the above search
I've just baked a simple CakePHP app, and I'm trying to customize how records are paginated. I have this action in my controller:
public function index() {
$this->Recipe->recursive = 0;
$this->set('recipes', $this->Recipe->paginate());
This works fine with the default pagination. I'm trying to customize the amount of rows returned and their order by using a class property called $paginate in the same controller:
public $paginate = array(
'limit' => 1,
'order' => array(
'Recipe.title' => 'asc'
However it's taking no effect at all. The results still have the default limit and sort order. I've also tried setting up $this->paginate in my action, however this seems to get ignored also:
public function index() {
$this->paginate = array(
'limit' => 1,
'order' => array(
'Recipe.title' => 'asc'
$this->set('recipes', $this->Paginator->paginate());
What could be causing Cake to ignore the pagination options I'm setting? Does it perhaps do something funky when you bake the application which I'm not aware of?
public function index() {
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
'limit' => 1,
'order' => array(
'Recipe.title' => 'asc'
$this->set('recipes', $this->Paginator->paginate());
In my model I have this
function pieChart($conditions = null) {
//Get Data for PieChart
$this->RecordDrug->virtualFields['sum'] ='COUNT(*)';
$records = array();
'conditions' => $conditions,
'fields' => array( 'Drug.drug', 'sum'),
'order' => array('sum' => 'desc'),
'contain' => array( 'Drug', 'Record' ),
'group' => 'Drug.Drug'
return $records;
Which basically means that when this function is called by it's self, there are no conditions set. So inside my controller, I am able to define a condition, if i'd like. I want to do the exact same thing except with
'limit' => $limit,
and I assume I need to set
$limit = null
Inside the parenthesis of the function. I've tried & and , and $limit,$conditions = null
but neither of these options worked. I am not too experience with OOP but I assume there is a way to do this?
Updated code, Still not working. The first varialbe that comes inside the functions parenthesis is the one that works, the second one just act's like it's not there
function pieChart($limit = null, $conditions = null) {
//Get Data for PieChart
$this->RecordDrug->virtualFields['sum'] ='COUNT(*)';
$records = array();
'conditions' => $conditions,
'fields' => array( 'Drug.drug', 'sum','Record.unit'),
'order' => array('sum' => 'desc'),
'limit' => $limit,
'contain' => array( 'Drug', 'Record' ),
'group' => 'Drug.Drug'
return $records;
$conditions = array('Record.user_id' => $this->Session->read('Auth.User.id'));
$pieChart = $this->Record->pieChart($conditions);
Even after this conditions variable, it does not only load the users data. If I were to remove '$limit = null' it will work as intended.
This way:
function pieChartTwo($limit = null, $conditions = null) {
I have a form with a search input:
echo $this->Form->create('Job', array('url'=>array('controller'=>'jobs', 'action'=>'search'), 'action'=>'search', 'inputDefaults' => array( 'label' => false, 'div'=>false)));
echo '<br/>'.$this->Form->input('search', array( 'label' => false, 'div'=>false));
echo $this->Form->submit('Search', array('div' => false));
in my controller I have the paginate array like so:
public $paginate = array(
'Job' => array(
'fields' => array('Job.id', 'Job.name', 'Job.description', 'Job.tag_words'),
'limit' => 5,
'order' => array(
'Job.name' => 'asc'
and then my search function is:
public function search () {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$conditions = array();
$search_terms = explode(' ', $this->request->data['Mix']['search']);
foreach($search_terms as $search_term){
$conditions[] = array('Mix.name Like' =>'%'.$search_term.'%');
$conditions[] = array('Mix.description Like' =>'%'.$search_term.'%');
$conditions[] = array('Mix.tag_words Like' =>'%'.$search_term.'%');
$searchResults = $this->paginate('Mix', array('Mix.published'=>1, 'OR' => $conditions));
$this->set('searchResults', $searchResults);
That works for the first page of results but in my view I have the previous/next helpers and clicking to go to page two just brings up an empty page. How am I meant to keep the search term and be able to go to page two?
The Paginator::sort method uses a get to pass the parameters, you should pass the search term as GET then in your view, before you call the pagination links try this:
$this->Paginator->options = array(
'url' => $this->passedArgs
That should have your search term persist with your pagination links.
I am working on my first project experimenting with CakePHP. Basically I have a site where I want users to be able to search through different workouts stored in a MySQL database.
When users enter a search term, I want to simply return any workouts whose names contain the search term. On top of that, I want them to be able to apply filters to narrow down the search to specific muscle groups.
The filters are passed to the search action through a querystring, and the search term is passed using the post method.
First off, here are the two models I care about right now:
class Workout extends AppModel {
public $name = 'Workout';
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'MuscleGroup' =>
'className' => 'MuscleGroup',
'joinTable' => 'workouts_muscle_groups',
'foreignKey' => 'workout_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'muscle_group_id',
'unique' => true,
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''
class MuscleGroup extends AppModel {
public $name = 'MuscleGroup';
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Workout' =>
'className' => 'Workout',
'joinTable' => 'workouts_muscle_groups',
'foreignKey' => 'muscle_group_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'workout_id',
'unique' => true,
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''
Now below is the search action in my WorkoutsController:
function search() {
$hasFilters = false;
$filters = array(
"abs" => false,
"back" => false,
"biceps" => false,
"chest" => false,
"forearms" => false,
"legs" => false,
"shoulders" => false,
"triceps" => false
if($this->params['url']['abs'] == "1")
$filters['abs'] = $hasFilters = true;
if($this->params['url']['back'] == "1")
$filters['back'] = $hasFilters = true;
if($this->params['url']['biceps'] == "1")
$filters['biceps'] = $hasFilters = true;
if($this->params['url']['chest'] == "1")
$filters['chest'] = $hasFilters = true;
if($this->params['url']['forearms'] == "1")
$filters['forearms'] = $hasFilters = true;
if($this->params['url']['legs'] == "1")
$filters['legs'] = $hasFilters = true;
if($this->params['url']['shoulders'] == "1")
$filters['shoulders'] = $hasFilters = true;
if($this->params['url']['triceps'] == "1")
$filters['triceps'] = $hasFilters = true;
$query = $this->request->data['search'];
//insert code here to actually perform the search!
I was really hoping for an easy way to do this but I have been poking around the documentation all night and can't seem to find any relevant examples. In EntityFramework I could simply say something like:
List<Workout> results = context.Workouts.Where(w => w.Name.Contains(searchTerm) && w.MuscleGroups.Any(g => g.Id == mg_id)).ToList();
Note: no idea if that C# syntax is anywhere near correct, but the ease of accessing data from the model was somewhere close to that from what I remember.
How can I get the equivalent of that from CakePHP?
Try to use MuscleGroup IDs for filtering, instead of their names. I guess the user will select them from a list, anyway.
Then, the find() should work like this:
'conditions' => array(
'Workout.name LIKE' => '%'.$searchTerm.'%',
// List of included MuscleGroups:
'MuscleGroup.id' => array(1, 5, 9, 17)
Note that you need to take care that the related MuscleGroup is included in the Workout query, either by setting $this->Workout->recursive = 1 or (recommended) by using the more flexible ContainableBehavior.