I'm trying to grab data from this array, but when I do var_dump($ArrayedLevels['Attack']); it returns NULL, I know for a fact that it was able to grab the data from the SQL database, I think it has something to do with my array. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
$GrabXP = $database2->prepare("SELECT * FROM `skills` WHERE `playerName` = ?");
$MainResult = $GrabXP->fetchAll();
$ArrayedLevels = $array = [
"Attack" => $MainResult['Attacklvl'],
"Defence" => $MainResult['Defencelvl'],
"Strength" => $MainResult['Strengthlvl'],
"Hitpoints" => $MainResult['Hitpointslvl'],
"Ranged" => $MainResult['Rangelvl'],
"Prayer" => $MainResult['Prayerlvl'],
"Magic" => $MainResult['Magiclvl'],
"Cooking" => $MainResult['Cookinglvl'],
"Woodcutting" => $MainResult['Woodcuttinglvl'],
"Fletching" => $MainResult['Fletchinglvl'],
"Fishing" => $MainResult['Fishinglvl'],
"Firemaking" => $MainResult['Firemakinglvl'],
"Crafting" => $MainResult['Craftinglvl'],
"Smithing" => $MainResult['Smithinglvl'],
"Mining" => $MainResult['Mininglvl'],
"Herblore" => $MainResult['Herblorelvl'],
"Agility" => $MainResult['Agilitylvl'],
"Thieving" => $MainResult['Thievinglvl'],
"Slayer" => $MainResult['Slayerlvl'],
"Farming" => $MainResult['Farminglvl'],
"Runecrafting" => $MainResult['Runecraftlvl'],
"Hunter" => $MainResult['Hunterlvl'],
"Construction" => $MainResult['Constructionlvl'],
"Summoning" => $MainResult['Summoninglvl'],
"Dungeoneering" => $MainResult['Dungeoneeringlvl'],
Problem might be because the fetchAll() returns all the rows of your query.
$MainResult = $GrabXP->fetchAll();
This will give you all the rows. Use a foreach loop to iterate through all the rows.
If you want only the first row, add this-
$MainResult = $MainResult[0];
//The rest of your code.
$ArrayedLevels = $array = Array(
"Attack" => $MainResult['Attacklvl'],
The brackets don't work in PHP when creating a new array, use array() to create one.
Actually: as of PHP 5.4 they do work, see here: http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php
Try var_dump($MainResult);
if all good, try create your array like this:
$ArrayedLevels = array(
"Attack" => $MainResult['Attacklvl'],
"Defence" => $MainResult['Defencelvl'],
"Strength" => $MainResult['Strengthlvl'],
"Hitpoints" => $MainResult['Hitpointslvl'],
"Ranged" => $MainResult['Rangelvl'],
"Prayer" => $MainResult['Prayerlvl'],
"Magic" => $MainResult['Magiclvl'],
"Cooking" => $MainResult['Cookinglvl'],
"Woodcutting" => $MainResult['Woodcuttinglvl'],
"Fletching" => $MainResult['Fletchinglvl'],
"Fishing" => $MainResult['Fishinglvl'],
"Firemaking" => $MainResult['Firemakinglvl'],
"Crafting" => $MainResult['Craftinglvl'],
"Smithing" => $MainResult['Smithinglvl'],
"Mining" => $MainResult['Mininglvl'],
"Herblore" => $MainResult['Herblorelvl'],
"Agility" => $MainResult['Agilitylvl'],
"Thieving" => $MainResult['Thievinglvl'],
"Slayer" => $MainResult['Slayerlvl'],
"Farming" => $MainResult['Farminglvl'],
"Runecrafting" => $MainResult['Runecraftlvl'],
"Hunter" => $MainResult['Hunterlvl'],
"Construction" => $MainResult['Constructionlvl'],
"Summoning" => $MainResult['Summoninglvl'],
"Dungeoneering" => $MainResult['Dungeoneeringlvl'],
first of all try to print the structure of the variable $MainResult:
FetchAll return an array with all restuls like
resutl = [
[0] => ['first row'],
[1] => ['sec. row']
you will See The variable $MainResult looks like:
MailResult => [
[0] => ['Attacklvl' => 'foo'],
[1] => ['Defencelvl' => 'bar']
I want JSON in below format, from PHP array,
How should I write PHP array and How should I convert it to JSON to get specific output in below format
"value": [
"{\n\"user_id\": \"{{current_user.id}}\",\n\"user_phone\": \"{{current_user.phone}}\",\n\"ticket_id\": \"{{ticket.id}}\",\n\"ticket_comment\": \"{{ticket.latest_comment}}\",\n\"ticket_comment_author\": \"{{ticket.latest_comment.author.name}}\",\n\"organization_id\": \"{{ticket.organization.external_id}}\",\n\"organization_name\": \"{{ticket.organization.name}}\",\n\"requester_name\": \"{{ticket.requester.name}}\",\n\"requester_phone\": \"{{ticket.requester.phone}}\"\n}"
I tried below PHP array with json_encode, but output is not in required format,
"value" => "01GQSE92030S8MNA78WQZ09JJQ",
"user_id" => "{{current_user.id}}",
"user_phone" => "{{current_user.phone}}",
"ticket_id" => "{{ticket.id}}",
"ticket_comment" => "{{ticket.latest_comment}}",
"ticket_comment_author" => "{{ticket.latest_comment.author.name}}",
"organization_id" => "{{ticket.organization.external_id}}",
"organization_name" => "{{ticket.organization.name}}",
"requester_name" => "{{ticket.requester.name}}",
"requester_phone" => "{{ticket.requester.phone}}",
"agent_external_id" => "{{current_user.external_id}}",
"ticket_external_id" => "{{ticket.external_id}}",
"customer_external_id" => "{{ticket.requester.external_id}}"
You need to encode the second entry array to JSON, also in your desired output is need to show the \n, so add second parameter JSON_PRETTY_PRINT in json_encode here is the code.
$array = [
"value" => [
"user_id" => "{{current_user.id}}",
"user_phone" => "{{current_user.phone}}",
"ticket_id" => "{{ticket.id}}",
"ticket_comment" => "{{ticket.latest_comment}}",
"ticket_comment_author" => "{{ticket.latest_comment.author.name}}",
"organization_id" => "{{ticket.organization.external_id}}",
"organization_name" => "{{ticket.organization.name}}",
"requester_name" => "{{ticket.requester.name}}",
"requester_phone" => "{{ticket.requester.phone}}",
"agent_external_id" => "{{current_user.external_id}}",
"ticket_external_id" => "{{ticket.external_id}}",
"customer_external_id" => "{{ticket.requester.external_id}}",
Here the live example : https://onlinephp.io/c/9efee
I would need to combine two different fields.
In the first field I generate days of the month. I want to list all days of the month.
I would like to add a second field to them, where there are items for each day. But, for example, there are no items on weekends or on other days. Ie. that field two will always have fewer items.
The second field is tightened from the DB.
I would need to do a JOIN like in MySQL for the first field.
It occurred to me that in MySQL it would be possible to make a temporary table with a given month and link it here, but I don't think it's right.
$arrayDate = [0 => '20210401',1 => '20210402',2 => '20210403',3 => '20210404',4 => '20210405',5 => '20210406',6 => '20210407',7 => '20210408',8 => '20210409',9 => '20210410',10 => '20210411',11 => '20210412',12 => '20210413',13 => '20210414',14 => '20210415',15 => '20210416',16 => '20210417',17 => '20210418',18 => '20210419',19 => '20210420',20 => '20210421',21 => '20210422',22 => '20210423',23 => '20210424',24 => '20210425',25 => '20210426',26 => '20210427',27 => '20210428',28 => '20210429',29 => '20210430'];
$arrayItem[35] = ['id' => 35, 'date' => '20210401', 'item' => 'aaaa'];
$arrayItem[36] = ['id' => 36, 'date' => '20210402', 'item' => 'bbbb'];
$arrayItem[37] = ['id' => 36, 'date' => '20210430', 'item' => 'cccc'];
// i need output
20210401 - aaaa
20210402 - bbbb
20210403 - empty
20210404 - empty
20210430 - cccc
EDIT: I use nested loops, but I still can't get the right output
foreach ($arrayDate as $date) {
foreach ($arrayItem as $item) {
if ($date == $item['date']) {
} else {
bdump($item['date']) = '20210401', '20210402', '20210430'
bdump($date) = '20210401', '20210401', '20210402', '20210402', '20210403', '20210403', '20210403', '20210404', '20210404', '20210404', '20210405', '20210405', '20210405' ....
With array_column you create a array from $arrayItem with date as key.
$dateItem is an array like
array (
20210401 => "aaaa",
20210402 => "bbbb",
20210430 => "cccc",
The output you can do with a simple foreach.
$dateItem = array_column($arrayItem,'item','date');
foreach($arrayDate as $date){
echo $date.' '.($dateItem[$date] ?? 'empty')."<br>\n";
you get a two-dimensional array with a date as a key that can be used.
array (
20210401 =>
array (
'id' => 35,
'date' => "20210401",
'item' => "aaaa",
20210402 =>
array (
'id' => 36,
'date' => "20210402",
'item' => "bbbb",
20210430 =>
array (
'id' => 36,
'date' => "20210430",
'item' => "cccc",
I have such a query and I want to get how many records have been added or updated.
$insertData = Lpis::UpdateOrCreate(['objectid' => $insert[$i]['objectid']],['identyfikator' => $insert[$i]['identyfikator'],'powierzchnia' => $insert[$i]['powierzchnia'],'teryt' => $insert[$i]['teryt'],'numer' => $insert[$i]['numer'],'wojewodztwo' => $insert[$i]['wojewodztwo'],'powiat' => $insert[$i]['powiat'],'gmina' => $insert[$i]['gmina'],'data_od' => $insert[$i]['data_od'],'shape_leng' => $insert[$i]['shape_leng'],'shape_area' => $insert[$i]['shape_area']]);
Anyone help ?
Here is my aggregation code for mongodb collection :
$mongo_db_name = "db_".$tenant_id;
$con = new MongoClient($this->config->item('mongo_instance'));
$db = $con->$mongo_db_name;
$collection = $db->$module;
$options = array('cursor' => array("batchSize" => 4 ));
array('$group'=>array('_id' => array('id'=>'$id', 'accountnm' => '$account_name', 'legal___corporate_name_cstm' => '$legal___corporate_name_cstm', 'funded_by_cstm' => '$funded_by_cstm', 'approval_amount_cstm' => '$approval_amount_cstm', 'payback_amount_cstm' => '$payback_amount_cstm', 'factor_rate_cstm' => '$factor_rate_cstm', 'daily_ach_amount__1_cstm' => '$daily_ach_amount__1_cstm', 'total_commission_owed_cstm' => '$total_commission_owed_cstm', 'total_commission_paid_cstm' => '$total_commission_paid_cstm', 'upfront_amount_due_cstm' => '$upfront_amount_due_cstm', 'upfront_amount_due_date_cstm' => '$upfront_amount_due_date_cstm', 'date_modified' => '$date_modified'))),
$data = $collection->aggregate($pipeline,$options);
I am getting this error with the above code
array (size=4) 'ok' => float 0 'errmsg' => string 'Each element of
the 'pipeline' array must be an object' (length=54) 'code' => int 14
'codeName' => string 'TypeMismatch' (length=12)
If I try to encode the pipeline using json_encode the result is 'null'.
If I use find(array('deleted'=>'0')); it returns all documents as expected.
Can anyone help me about where I am going wrong or whatmust I do to resolve this ?
aggregation pipeline takes objects in array so your pipeline should be like
but if you have pipeline with array as tages and not object you will get above error(each element of pipeline must be an array..).
in your code there are array for match and group so its failing.
array('$group'=>array('_id' => array('id'=>'$id', 'accountnm' => '$account_name', 'legal___corporate_name_cstm' => '$legal___corporate_name_cstm', 'funded_by_cstm' => '$funded_by_cstm', 'approval_amount_cstm' => '$approval_amount_cstm', 'payback_amount_cstm' => '$payback_amount_cstm', 'factor_rate_cstm' => '$factor_rate_cstm', 'daily_ach_amount__1_cstm' => '$daily_ach_amount__1_cstm', 'total_commission_owed_cstm' => '$total_commission_owed_cstm', 'total_commission_paid_cstm' => '$total_commission_paid_cstm', 'upfront_amount_due_cstm' => '$upfront_amount_due_cstm', 'upfront_amount_due_date_cstm' => '$upfront_amount_due_date_cstm', 'date_modified' => '$date_modified'))),
you can print your pipeline and see that your pipeline stages are having array and not object.
I am using PHP array and outputing to JSON string. I want to convert "0" in the json format to lets say calling them "items". Since while importing this to oracle db it says expecting names instead of zero. When I change the index ( 0, 1, 2 ) to be called just items, it works normally.
Here is the PHP array, and I am outputting it as json.
$data = array(
'INDIVIDUAL_FIRST_NAME' => $firstname,
'INDIVIDUAL_LAST_NAME' => $lastname,
'GENDER' => $gender,
'DATE_OF_BIRTH' => $result['Birthday'],
'EMAIL_ID' => $result['Email'],
'MOBILE_NUMBER' =>$result['Phone'],
'MOBILE_COUNTRY_CODE' => substr($result['Phone'], 1, 3),
'OCCUPATION' => null,
'ADDRESS_LINE1' => $result['Address_street'],
'TOWN' => $result['Address_city'],
'POSTAL_CODE' => $result['Address_zip'],
'COUNTRY' => $result['country_name'],
'CUSTOMER_NUMBER' => $result['Owner'],
'POLICY_START_DATE' => $result['paid_thru_date'],
'POLICY_END_DATE' => $result['duedate'],
'REPAYABLE_AMOUNT' => $result['repayable_amount'],
'FINANCE_TERM_MONTHS' => $result['finance_term_months'],
'MONTHLY_INSTALLMENT' => $result['monthly_installment'],
'AMOUNT_INSURED' => $result['amount_insured'],
'CURRENCY_ID' => $result['Abbreviation']
$jsonArray[] = $data;
$mainInfo = array(
'SRC_NAME' => 'AEX',
"RUN_NUMBER" => 1,
"RUN_DATE" => date("Ymd"),
"RUN_NO_OF_RECORDS" => $arrayCount,
"YTD_NO_OF_RECORDS" => $arrayCount
$finalArray = array_merge($jsonArray , $mainInfo);
Here is the output
"ADDRESS_LINE1":"Vaskivuorentie 22B",
"ADDRESS_LINE1":"Vaskivuorentie 22B",
"ADDRESS_LINE1":"Vaskivuorentie 22B",
What I am trying to do is make it look like instead of 0 have 'items' : {} and then move on, so I can import it to oracle.
How can I achieve this with php?
Don't use array_merge, put the array in an element of $mainInfo:
$mainInfo['items'] = $jsonArray;
Create index variable and make it to zero
$index = 0
And change this $jsonArray[] = $data; to this $jsonArray['item' .$index++] = $data;
Hope that helps