Pagination current page incorrect when 'use_page_numbers' - php

I'm using CI Pagination library on my website and now with $config['use_page_numbers'] set to TRUE the current page is always the first. Everything works fine, except this.
Other settings:
$config['uri_segment'] = 2;
$config['prefix'] = "p";
$route['mypage/p(:num)'] = "citate/index/$1";
This is the function that calculate the current page (the output is correct). When I'm on first page returns 1, when on third page returns 3 and so on:
function getPagCurr($offset, $limit){
if( ! $offset) return $page = 1;
else return ($offset/$limit)+1;
... though, it's not working.
I've try to set up manually, just for testing, the value of $config['cur_page'] = 2 (so this means that the second link should be considered as active) but no change at all.
CI version is latest.
It seems that the prefix is the problem here. With my actual configuration the link will be like this, which is not working.
The working link would be with the uri_segment = 3 and route mypage/p/(:num).
However, I really want to have the first link structure so here's my solution (not a good one because you have to modify some system library code):
Pagination.php (start line 166):
// Set current page to 1 if using page numbers instead of offset
if ($this->use_page_numbers AND $this->cur_page == 0)
$this->cur_page = $base_page;
..changed to:
// Set current page to 1 if using page numbers instead of offset
if ($this->use_page_numbers AND $this->cur_page == 0)
$current_page = $CI->uri->segment($this->uri_segment); //get pNUM
$current_page = substr($current_page, 1); //remove prefix
$this->cur_page = $current_page; //set current page
... and now it works!
If anybody have a better solution please tell!

Yes you are right it will not work because your segment got a p(p2)
To do this you must have to modify the core but i will say dont modify the core just extend the pagination class and modify the code with following:
Add a new class variable
var $use_rsegment = FALSE;
Then modify the create_links() around line 157
$_uri_segment = 'segment';
$_uri_segment = 'rsegment';
if ($CI->uri->$_uri_segment($this->uri_segment) != $base_page)
$this->cur_page = $CI->uri->$_uri_segment($this->uri_segment);
// Prep the current page - no funny business!
$this->cur_page = (int) $this->cur_page;
The uri rsegment is the new routed segment, now set the pagination config like this
$config['use_rsegment'] = TRUE;
So you can use both option when ever you need. When you have route set rsegment true


CI class Pagination links trouble

This is the code i currently have.
P.S. I am currently editing this, trying to solve this problem whilst waiting for someone to solve it here. Im not quite sure why this is happening.
$character = $this->uri->segment(3);
$config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'index.php/Controller/function/'.$character;
$config['total_rows'] = $this->Model->browse_total_rows();
$config['per_page'] = 1;
$config['num_links'] = 10;
$config['uri_segment'] = 4;
if(!is_numeric($character)){$data['records'] = $this->Model->get_records_filtered($character,$config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(4));}
else{ $data['records'] = $this->Model->get_records($config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment(3));}
$data['links'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
$this->load->view('browse', $data);
Whenever i go to my browse page, instead of being on the page 1 of my page on pagination. it is defaulted that im on page 2. Why? because i see this as my link.
1 2 3 >
Plus, i can't click on link 2 but i can on link 1. I don't know if this is how pagination_links works. but i find it odd. Anyways, im not sure if its related to my other problem.
The character part is for the letter chosen, so for example i only want to view results with A as their first letter the url should be.
So the per page of the pagination will be placed on the 4th segment. It has no error that way. But when i don't click on any letter and just show all results.
Whenever i click on a link(per page). The url looks like this.
but when i click on the next page, it goes as
so basically breaks the pagination and retrieves no result.
I have tried other solutions like adding IF/else statement that if character is null or not equal to range('A','Z') then the $config['base_url'] should have no .$character on the end and the uri_segment should be on 3rd. But it still goes the same as above.
The 2nd problem was solved, i used something like this.
$character = $this->uri->segment(3);
$Alphabet = range('A','Z');
$flag = 0;
$flag +=1;
Seems like, if($character==range('A','Z')) doesnt work as only now noticed when i echoed that range returns results of array so i had to loop. is there any better way to check than what ive done above?
With your pagination config, you have the pagination segment set to 4 regardless of the whether a letter is specified or not. But it should be 3 when there is no character if I'm understanding correctly.
Try something like this:
if(!is_numeric($character)) {
$config['uri_segment'] = 4;
$data['records'] = $this->Model->get_records_filtered($character,$config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(4));
} else {
$config['uri_segment'] = 3;
$data['records'] = $this->Model->get_records($config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment(3));
For checking for a character in the range, you can use
if (in_array(strtoupper($character), range('A', 'Z'))
The strtoupper() is optional. Leave it in if you want 'a' to match 'A'.

Codeigniter Pagination and MySQL Query with dynamic parameters

Let me explain my issue in detail
I have a table called products
Products : Name , views , sale_wanted , added_date
I am listing all my products in a view .
I am handling sale wanted through a flag means 0 or 1.
There are some links to sort the listing.
Most Viewed
For Sale
New Arrivals
Now when user clicks all the listing is sorted according to the parameter i am sendig.
I want to use pagination class of Codeigniter.
Here comes some issues.
When i am clicking let suppose Wanted and sending a parameter it lists all the products wanted.
Now i click on a pagination link and the wanted parameter is gone
and the list becomes without wanted parameter.
Same goes with the other Anchors.
I have to restrict it so it still has my parameter.
The second problem is that what i see Codeigniter is laking.
I need some links that user can select. Means i want to give the user functionality to select how many products he wants to see in one page.
Let suppose 5 ,10 ,15 ,20
Choosing the greater number will reduce the number of pages.
And still i want the same functionality.
The important point is that i want to handle all this just in one shot means i dont want to duplicate my code for every anchor.
I need suggestions from expert and any help regarding Pagination library.
$noOfresultsToshow=$this->uri->segment('5')//use if else for by default no of results
$typeOfresult=$this->uri->segment('4'); //Most Viewed Wanted For Sale New Arrivals
$config['total_rows'] = $countqueryresults;// mention the total rows here
$config['per_page'] = $noOfresultsToshow;
$config['uri_segment'] = $seg;
$data['yourvariable'] = $this->model_name->getData($config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment($seg),$typeOfresult);
$data['links'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
in your view file echo $links;
I have found a solution for the issue.
I have made two methods in Codeigniter Pagination library
Here they are
Defined two new variables
var $base_link = '';
var $per_page_link = TRUE;
var $per_page_array = array();
The user can define both of them while initializing
$config['per_page_link'] = TRUE;
$config['per_page_array'] = array(5,10,15,20);
Now the methods
public function create_per_page()
$CI =& get_instance();
$output = '';
$current = $CI->uri->segment(3,5);
if($this->per_page_link === TRUE AND count($this->per_page_array) > 1){
foreach($this->per_page_array as $row){
if($current == $row){
$output .= $this->cur_tag_open . $row . $this->cur_tag_close;
$output .= ' ';
$output .= ''.$row.'';
$output .= ' ';
return $output;
And the other is create_per_page_links(). I have just copied the code of create_links method in it and modified it. In the start of create_per_page_links() i have added these extra lines.
$this->per_page = $CI->uri->segment(3,5);
$this->uri_segment = $CI->uri->segment(4,1);
However, This will only work with segments on. i haven't tested it with query string. Also if per_page_link is FALSE both methods will not work.
Calling create_per_page_links will generate the following
« First < 1 2 3 4 5 > Last »
And create_per_page will generate the following
5 10 15 20
And Done

Kohana Model Saved Twice

I just installed a fresh copy of Kohana 3.2, built my database, wrote my first model, and tried testing it. Everything works fine except the model's "save" method is being executed twice--I end up with two new entries in the database instead of one. The problem only occurs when I use the "find" code shown below.
Why would the model's save get executed twice, once as expected and once because of the find?
Here's the code:
class Controller_Welcome extends Controller {
public function action_index()
$rating = ORM::factory('rating');
$rating->user_id = 1;
$rating->userlevel_id = 3;
$rating->category_id = 1;
$rating->page_id = 1;
$rating->rating = 4;
$rating->comments = 'This one is a real killer';
$rating->ratingstatus_id = 1;
$found = ORM::factory('rating')
->where('id', '=', 1)
$this->response->body($found->comments); // Test to check for found data
} // End Welcome
Thanks in advance!
There are two issues that were causing my problem:
I didn't have a favicon.ico on my server. Many browsers request one, and all URLs that aren't actual files or directories get redirected to the index page. Every time I loaded the page, the browser would request a missing favicon and get redirected to my index page--two requests. After looking at my logs, this page was what tipped me off:
After I added a favicon, I still saw the double request behavior occasionally. It turns out it was a behavior of Google Chrome--Chrome prefetches pages, so each time I changed the content, Chrome would prefetch and cache the page (adding a request).
After adding a favicon and when using a browser besides Chrome, everything behaves as expected.
$rating = ORM::factory('rating');
This line represents nothing.
If you want to create new record you should use create() instead save().
$rating = new Model_Rating;
$rating->user_id = 1;
$rating->userlevel_id = 3;
$rating->category_id = 1;
$rating->page_id = 1;
$rating->rating = 4;
$rating->comments = 'This one is a real killer';
$rating->ratingstatus_id = 1;
If you want to load single rating object with given id:
$found = ORM::factory('rating', 1);

Pretty URLs and dynamic Vars

I am in the outlining phase of constructing a Routing system for a PHP Framework I am building.
I will need to use mod rewrite, for pretty urls. I got that part covered.
But say I want to make a page with the url like:
and I want this dynamic variable ( This news id ) to have a name when rewriting.
What I want to achieve is;
Frameworks routes to news controller, and passes 10 as argument as:
$args = array ( 'news_id' => 10 )
You can use the $_SERVER super-global to inspect the requested URI. In your example, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will be set to something like:
You can then get the requested news-id from that string.
// Use substr to ignore first forward slash
$request = explode('/', substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1));
$count = count($request);
// At this point, $request[0] should == 'news'
if($count > 1 && intval($request[1])) {
// The second part of the request is an integer that is not 0
} else {
if( $count == 1) {
// This is a request for '/news'
// The second part of the request is either not an integer or is 0
} else if($request[1] == 'latest') {
// Show latest news
} else if($request[1] == 'oldest') {
// Show oldest news
} else if($request[1] == 'most-read') {
// Show most read news
See the manual entry for $_SERVER

Help With PHP Pagination Script For Flat File Database

I have a few questions regarding a PHP Pagination Script For Flat File Database I found.
I have posted the script below.
echo '<html><body>';
// Data, normally from a flat file or some other source
$data = "Item1|Item2|Item3|Item4|Item5|Item6|Item7|Item8|Item9|Item10";
// Put our data into an array
$dataArray = explode('|', $data);
// Get the current page
$currentPage = trim($_REQUEST[page]);
// Pagination settings
$perPage = 3;
$numPages = ceil(count($dataArray) / $perPage);
if(!$currentPage || $currentPage > $numPages)
$currentPage = 0;
$start = $currentPage * $perPage;
$end = ($currentPage * $perPage) + $perPage;
// Extract ones we need
foreach($dataArray AS $key => $val)
if($key >= $start && $key < $end)
$pagedData[] = $dataArray[$key];
foreach($pagedData AS $item)
echo ''. $item .'<br>';
if($currentPage > 0 && $currentPage < $numPages)
echo '« Previous page<br>';
if($numPages > $currentPage && ($currentPage + 1) < $numPages)
echo 'Next page »<br>';
echo '</body></html>';
My first problem seems to be in line 9. I could change the line to:
$currentPage = trim(#$_REQUEST[page]);
But this change won't fix the error, it will just hide it. What needs to be done to line 9 to rid my page of the error?
Secondly, I would like to fetch the data on line 5 in a different way. I would like to get the data from a text file, let's call it "items.txt", that has entries like below, one per line.
Please recommend alternate code to fetch the desired data.
Lastly, I would like to include links to the "First page" and "Last page" as well as "Previous page" and "Next page", as is the current code.
I apologize for my sloppy posting, but would be real appreciative of anybody who could help me understand the changes needed to produce my desired results. Thanks.....
Problem With Line 9
$_REQUEST[page] has two separate problems.
1) page is being read as the name of a constant because it is not quoted. PHP then notices there is no constant called page, so it takes a guess that you meant the string page -- which it would be if page was quoted -- and triggers an error to notify you. Therefore, use $_REQUEST['page'] instead.
2) 'page' is not necessarily a key of $_REQUEST because the data is not guaranteed to be given. Therefore, you cannot refer to $_REQUEST['page'] before you ensure that it exists. This may be done by isset($_REQUEST['page']).
Your final code should look something like this, then.
if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
$currentPage = $_REQUEST['page'];
} else {
$currentPage = 'some default value';
Problem With Data Source
The file() function reads the lines of a file into an array -- for example, the fourth value of the array is also the fourth line in the file. Therefore, you can set $dataArray simply as $dataArray = file('text.dat');.
