Access Guzzle Response from Goutte - php

I'm trying to access to the Guzzle Response object from Goutte. Because that object has nice methods that i want to use. getEffectiveUrl for example.
As far as i can see there is no way doing it without hacking the code.
Or without accessing the response object, is there a way to get the last redirected url froum goutte?

A little late, but:
If you are only interested in getting the URL you were last redirected to, you could simply do
$client = new Goutte\Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '');
$url = $client->getHistory()->current()->getUri();
But, extending Goutte to serve your needs is fairly easy. All you need is to override the createResponse() method and store the GuzzleResponse
namespace Your\Name\Space;
class Client extends \Goutte\Client
protected $guzzleResponse;
protected function createResponse(\Guzzle\Http\Message\Response $response)
$this->guzzleResponse = $response;
return parent::createResponse($response);
* #return \Guzzle\Http\Message\Response
public function getGuzzleResponse()
return $this->guzzleResponse;
Then you can access the response object as desired
$client = new Your\Name\Space\Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost/redirect');
$response = $client->getGuzzleResponse();
echo $response->getEffectiveUrl();


I'm trying PHP Amp client but it's not working, keeps returning error

I'm trying Amp client to return page content but it keeps failing. I've installed the package, and trying the example given by the docs.. but I can't figure out why it's not working. Here's the code:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Amp\Http\Client\HttpClientBuilder;
use Amp\Http\Client\Request;
use Amp\Http\Client\Response;
//use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class AmpConcurrentRequestsController extends Controller
public function ampTest1()
$httpClient = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault();
$request = new Request('GET', '');
$promise = $httpClient->request($request);
/** #var Response $response */
$response = Amp\wait($promise);
$statusCode = $response->getStatus();
$body = yield $response->getBody()->buffer();
I get this error:
Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response::setContent(): Argument #1
($content) must be of type ?string, Generator given, called in
on line 72
What eventually worked for me is below code.
public function ampTest1()
// Create a new HTTP client
$httpClient = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault();
// Send a GET request to the specified URL
$request = new Request( '');
$promise = $httpClient->request($request);
/** #var Response $response */
$response = Promise\wait($promise);
// Get the response code
$code = $response->getStatus();
// Do something with the response code
echo $code;

Build correct SOAP Request Header (PHP)

I have to do requets to a SOAP API with PHP and I need the following SOAP-Header structure:
How can I build this header?
I tried
$auth = [
"ver:authentication" => [
"pw" => $this->pw,
"user" => $this->user
$options = [];
$options["trace"] = TRUE;
$options["cache_wsdl"] = WSDL_CACHE_NONE;
$client = new SoapClient("", $options);
$header = new SoapHeader("", "authentication", $auth, false);
but it does not work. The respons is "failure" which I get, when the header structure is incorrect...
please help
the solution could be object driven. In the following code an example is given. Please keep in mind, that the following code is not testet.
class Authentication
protected $user;
protected $pw;
public function getUser() : ?string
return $this->user;
public function setUser(string $user) : Authentication
$this->user = $user;
return $this;
public function getPw() : string
return $this->pw;
public function setPw(string $pw) : Authentication
$this->pw = $pw;
return $this;
The above shown class is a simple entity, which contains two properties $user fpr the username and $pw for the password. Further it contains the getter and setter functions for retrieving or setting the values for the two properties.
For the next step just fill the class with data and store it in a SoapVar object.
$authentication = (new Authentication())
$soapEncodedObject = new \SoapVar(
As you can see above, your authentication class will be stored as soap var object. It is encoded as soap object. The only thing you have to do is setting the namespace for this object. In your given example it is ver:. With this namespace prefix somewhere in your wsdl file a namespace is noted. You have to find out this namespace url and just replace the example url with the right url noted in your wsdl.
The next step is setting this as soap header. That 's quite simple.
try {
$client = new SoapClient('', [
'trace' => true,
'exception' => true,
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
// set the soap header
$header = new SoapHeader('', 'authentication', $authentication, false);
// send the request
$result = $client->someWsdlFunction($params);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
if ($client) {
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
As you can see it 's a bit different from your given example. Instead of an array it 's the soap encoded authentication object, that is given to the soap header class. For failure purposes there is a try/catch block around your soap client. In that case you can identify the error and if the client was initiated correctly, you can also see the last request and last response in xml.
I hope, that I helped you. ;)
I would strongly advise you 2 things:
Use a WSDL to PHP generator in order to properly construct your request. In addition, it will ease you the response handling. Everything is then using the OOP which is much better. Take a look to the PackageGenerator project.
Use the WsSecurity project in order to easily add your dedicated SoapHeader without wondering how to construct it neither.

Guzzle: Access uploaded files in history middleware

I'm trying to access an uploaded file in the history middleware for Guzzle (v6).
My actual code receives a request (so is using the ServerRequestInterface), then uses Guzzle to send the request elsewhere.
I'm trying to test uploaded files going through this layer, but I can't seem to access them in the Request object returned by Guzzle's middleware.
Example code:
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UploadedFile;
class DoNotCommitTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testUploads()
$request = new ServerRequest('GET', '');
$file = new UploadedFile('test', 100, \UPLOAD_ERR_OK);
$request = $request->withUploadedFiles([$file]);
$this->assertCount(1, $request->getUploadedFiles());
// Mock Guzzle request, assert on the request it 'sent'
$mock = new MockHandler([
function (ServerRequest $request, array $options) {
// This fails...
$this->assertCount(1, $request->getUploadedFiles());
$historyContainer = [];
$history = Middleware::history($historyContainer);
$handler = HandlerStack::create($mock);
$client = new Client(['handler' => $handler]);
If you follow execution chain, $client->send($request) at some point calls private applyOptions function, which calls Psr7\modify_request function. If you look at Psr7\modify_request function:
if ($request instanceof ServerRequestInterface) {
return new ServerRequest(
isset($changes['method']) ? $changes['method'] : $request->getMethod(),
isset($changes['body']) ? $changes['body'] : $request->getBody(),
? $changes['version']
: $request->getProtocolVersion(),
It returns new ServerRequest object without preserving your uploaded files array (ServerRequest object doesn't have the uploadedFiles as an argument in the constructor). That's why you lost your uploadedFiles array.
I created an issue and a pull request to fix it.

Using value from previous test case in PHPUnit

I am trying to assign a value to a variable inside the first testing function and then use it in other testing functions inside the class.
right now in my code the second function fails due to this error:
1) ApiAdTest::testApiAd_postedAdCreated
GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: 404
and i dont know why. this is how the code looks like:
class ApiAdTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $adId;
private static $base_url = '';
private static $path = 'api/ad/';
//start of expected flow
public function testApiAd_postAd()
$client = new Client(['base_uri' => self::$base_url]);
$response = $client->post(self::$path, ['form_params' => [
'name' => 'bellow content - guzzle testing'
$data = json_decode($response->getBody());
$this->adId = $data->id;
$code = $response->getStatusCode();
$this->assertEquals($code, 200);
public function testApiAd_postedAdCreated()
$client = new Client(['base_uri' => self::$base_url]);
$response = $client->get(self::$path.$this->adId);
$code = $response->getStatusCode();
$data = json_decode($response->getBody());
$this->assertEquals($code, 200);
$this->assertEquals($data->id, $this->adId);
$this->assertEquals($data->name, 'bellow content - guzzle testing');
in the phpunit doumintation i see i can define a
a variable inside the setUp method and then use it as i want but in my case i only know the value after the first post executes. any idea how can i use $this->adId in the second function??
Unit tests by definition should not rely on one another. You will end up with unstable and fragile tests which are then hard to debug the moment they start failing, since the cause is in another test case.
There is no guarantee in which order the tests execute in PHPUnit by default.
PHPUnit supports the #depends annotation to achieve what you want, the docs have the same warning though.

Is it possible to parse JSON with Goutte?

I'm working on crawling web sites and there is no problem for parsing HTML with Goutte so far. But I need to retrieve JSON from a web site and because of the cookie management, I don't want to do this with file_get_contents() - that doesn't work.
I can do with pure cURL but in this case I just want to use Goutte and don't want to use any other library.
So is there any method that I can parse only text via Goutte or do I really have to do this with good old methods?
/* Sample Code */
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('foo');
$crawler = $crawler->filter('bar'); // of course not working
Thank you.
After very deep search inside Goutte libraries I found a way and I wanted to share. Because Goutte is really powerful library but there are so complicated documentation.
Parsing JSON via (Goutte > Guzzle)
Just get needed output page and store json into an array.
$client = new Client(); // Goutte Client
$request = $client->getClient()->createRequest('GET', 'http://***.json');
/* getClient() for taking Guzzle Client */
$response = $request->send(); // Send created request to server
$data = $response->json(); // Returns PHP Array
Parsing JSON with Cookies via (Goutte + Guzzle) - For authentication
Send request one of the page of the site (main page looks better) to get cookies and then use these cookies for authentication.
$client = new Client(); // Goutte Client
$crawler = $client->request("GET", "");
/* Send request directly and get whole data. It includes cookies from server and
it automatically stored in Goutte Client object */
$request = $client->getClient()->createRequest('GET', '');
/* getClient() for taking Guzzle Client */
$cookies = $client->getRequest()->getCookies();
foreach ($cookies as $key => $value) {
$request->addCookie($key, $value);
/* Get cookies from Goutte Client and add to cookies in Guzzle request */
$response = $request->send(); // Send created request to server
$data = $response->json(); // Returns PHP Array
I hope it helps. Because I almost spend 3 days to understand Gouttle and it's components.
I figured this out after several hours of search , simply do this :
$client = new Client(); // Goutte Client
$crawler = $client->request("GET", "");
$jsonData = $crawler->text();
mithataydogmus' solution didn't work for me. I created a new class "BetterClient":
use Goutte\Client as GoutteClient;
class BetterClient extends GoutteClient
private $guzzleResponse;
public function getGuzzleResponse() {
return $this->guzzleResponse;
protected function createResponse($response)
$this->guzzleResponse = $response;
return parent::createResponse($response);
$client = new BetterClient();
$request = $client->request('GET', $url);
$data = $client->getGuzzleResponse()->json();
I also could get JSON with:
