Create a Php file with code - php

What I'm trying to do is to make an installation file where the user enters the database, username, password, and host as a first step in a php system installation.
Also I want to create a page where user give his model page name and variable names ( $name,$email ) then automatically create a file with php code like
class Admin extends MyBase
private $name,$email;
public function setName($v)
$this->name = $v;
public function setEmail($v)
$this->email = $v;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;
public function Insert()
$sql = "insert into
return $this->MyCommand($sql);
with code format.

Finally I can do a example
if (isset($_POST["Submit"])) {
$string = '<?php
$dbhost = "'. $_POST["dbhost"]. '";
$dbuname = "'. $_POST["dbuname"]. '";
$dbpass = "'. $_POST["dbpass"]. '";
$dbname = "'. $_POST["dbname"]. '";
$prefix = "'. $_POST["prefix"]. '";
$user_prefix = "'. $_POST["user_prefix"]. '";
$dbtype = "'. $_POST["dbtype"]. '";
$fp = fopen("config.php", "w");
fwrite($fp, $string);
<form action="" method="post" name="install" id="install">
<input name="dbhost" type="text" id="dbhost" value="">
DB Host
<input name="dbuname" type="text" id="dbuname">
DB Username
<input name="dbpass" type="password" id="dbpass">
DB Pass </p>
<input name="dbname" type="text" id="dbname">
DB Name </p>
<input name="prefix" type="text" id="prefix">
DB Prefix</p>
<input name="user_prefix" type="text" id="user_prefix">
<input name="dbtype" type="text" id="dbtype">
DB Type </p>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Install">


Codeigniter: Controller issues with Closure table [duplicate]

I'm trying to add a new descendant, but having difficulties achieving it, it displays some error, Would be grateful if you could take time to review what I've done thus far.
public function index() {
public function add() {
$add_new = array(
'ancestor' => $this->input->post('ancestor'),
'descendant' => $this->input->post('descendant'),
'lvl' => $this->input->post('lvl'),
'id' => $this->input->post('id')
$cust_id = $this->closure->add($add_new);
public $table;
public $closure_table = 'closures';
public function __construct($table_name = NULL, $closure_table = NULL){
$this->table = $table_name;
if ($closure_table !== NULL) {
$this->closure_table = $closure_table;
public function add($node_id, $target_id = 0) {
$sql = 'SELECT ancestor, '.$node_id.', lvl+1
FROM '.$this->closure_table.'
WHERE descendant = '.$target_id.'
SELECT '.$node_id.','.$node_id.',0';
$query = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->closure_table.' (ancestor, descendant, lvl) ('.$sql.')';
$result = $this->db->query($query);
return $result;
<form name="home" method="post" action="<?php echo base_url().'index.php/home/add' ?>" >
<input placeholder="ancestor" type="text" name="ancestor" required/>
<input placeholder="descendant" type="text" name="descendant" required/>
<input placeholder="lvl" type="text" name="lvl" required />
<input placeholder="id" type="hidden" name="id" value="" />
<input type="submit" value="Okay" />
Message: Array to string conversion
Your model can't be called "Closure" because that's a reserved name in PHP. Change the name to something else and it should work.

codeigniter: closure table - add descendant

I'm trying to add a new descendant, but having difficulties achieving it, it displays some error, Would be grateful if you could take time to review what I've done thus far.
public function index() {
public function add() {
$add_new = array(
'ancestor' => $this->input->post('ancestor'),
'descendant' => $this->input->post('descendant'),
'lvl' => $this->input->post('lvl'),
'id' => $this->input->post('id')
$cust_id = $this->closure->add($add_new);
public $table;
public $closure_table = 'closures';
public function __construct($table_name = NULL, $closure_table = NULL){
$this->table = $table_name;
if ($closure_table !== NULL) {
$this->closure_table = $closure_table;
public function add($node_id, $target_id = 0) {
$sql = 'SELECT ancestor, '.$node_id.', lvl+1
FROM '.$this->closure_table.'
WHERE descendant = '.$target_id.'
SELECT '.$node_id.','.$node_id.',0';
$query = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->closure_table.' (ancestor, descendant, lvl) ('.$sql.')';
$result = $this->db->query($query);
return $result;
<form name="home" method="post" action="<?php echo base_url().'index.php/home/add' ?>" >
<input placeholder="ancestor" type="text" name="ancestor" required/>
<input placeholder="descendant" type="text" name="descendant" required/>
<input placeholder="lvl" type="text" name="lvl" required />
<input placeholder="id" type="hidden" name="id" value="" />
<input type="submit" value="Okay" />
Message: Array to string conversion
Your model can't be called "Closure" because that's a reserved name in PHP. Change the name to something else and it should work.

Verify custom table in magento for custom module

I have made the redirect from the question i have posted here
Now i have another form in the redirected page where i need to enter name and mobile number and if it matches in my db table helloworld it will go to one page or else to another
<p>You have successfully registered</p>
<form action="" method="post">
<label> Username </label>
<input class="input-text required-entry" type="text" name="fname" maxlength="20">
<label>Mobile No</label>
<input class="required-entry" type="number" maxlength="10" name="mobileno">
<input type="submit" name="login" value="Login">
<input type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel">
Can any one help me how no i can verify it with existing data in db and make this work ? Shall I start it with using index controller or is there any magento way?
this is my Indexcontroler.php after below answer update
class MyCustom_Helloworld_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
* this method privides default action.
public function indexAction()
if($this->getRequest()->getParams()) {
$param = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
echo $firstname = $param['fname'];
$lastname = $param['lname'];
$address = $param['address'];
$state = $param['state'];
$city = $param['city'];
$mobile = $param['mobileno'];
$model = Mage::getModel('helloworld/helloworld');
// $model->setTitle($title);
// $this->_redirectReferer();
}else {
* Initialization of Mage_Core_Model_Layout model
* Building page according to layout confuration
public function loginAction()
public function loginnAction()
if($this->getRequest()->getParams()) {
$param = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$username = $param['fname'];
$mobile = $param['mobileno'];
$check = Mage::getModel('helloworld/helloworld')
->AddFieldToFilter('mobileno', array('eq' => $mobile))
->AddFieldToFilter('fname', array('eq' => $username));
if(count($check)==1) {
}else {
you can add check like that
public function loginAction()
if($this->getRequest()->getParams()) {
$param = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$username = $param['fname'];
$mobile = $param['mobile'];
$connectionresource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$readconnection = $connectionresource->getConnection('core_read');
$table = $connectionresource->getTableName('helloworld/helloworld');
$allrecord = $readconnection->select()->from(array('helloworld'=>$table))->where('helloworld.mobileno=?', $mobileno)
->where('helloworld.fname=?', $username);
$alldata =$readconnection->fetchAll($allrecord);
if(count($alldata)==1) {
}else {

How to call class function via button click

I've got a PHP class which has 1 method for inserting data. Once I create my instance of the class, I'm not sure how to call the method. I've seen other questions about how to accomplish calling a method, but none deal with calling the method of a class instance.
My PHP is:
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "kevin";
$password = "ally";
$database = "test";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $database);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
if(isset($_POST['btnInsert']) && ($_POST['btnInsert'] == "Insert"))
$Dog = new Dog($_POST['txtName'], $_POST['txtSize'], $_POST['txtColor'], $_POST['txttype'], $_POST['txtDescription']);
class Dog
public $name = "Dog Name";
public $size = 0;
public $color = "255:255:255";
public $typeName = "type Name";
public $typeDescription = "type Description";
public function Dog($name, $size, $color, $type, $description){
$this->name = $name;
$this->size = $size;
$this->color = $color;
$this->typeName = $type;
$this->typeDescription = $description;
public function InsertDog(){
$query = "SELECT Id from tbl_type WHERE Name = $typeName";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO tbl_type($this->typeName, $this->$typeDescription)") or die("Query fail: " . mysqli_error());
$result2 = mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO tbl_Dog($this->$name, $this->$size, $this->$color, $query)") or die("Query fail: " . mysqli_error());
public function UpdateDog(){
And my form:
<form action="index.php" method="post">
Dog Name:<br />
<input name="txtName" type="text" /><br />
<br />
Size:<br />
<input name="txtSize" type="text" /><br />
<br />
Color:<br />
<input name="txtColor" type="text" /><br />
<br />
type Name:<br />
<input name="txttype" type="text" /><br />
<br />
type Description:<br />
<input name="txtDescription" style="width: 419px; height: 125px" type="text" /><br />
<br />
<input name="btnInsert" type="submit" value="Insert" />
How can I call the InsertDog() method for the $Dog instance?
Simply use:
$Dog = new Dog($_POST['txtName'], $_POST['txtSize'], $_POST['txtColor'], $_POST['txttype'], $_POST['txtDescription']);
You can simply have all your codes in one file (index.php) and then you can use:
$Dog = new Dog($_POST['txtName'], $_POST['txtSize'], $_POST['txtColor'], $_POST['txttype'], $_POST['txtDescription']);
Or second solution is add ajax to your code. So link jquery:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<input name="btnInsert" type="submit" value="Insert" />
<input name="btnInsert" type="submit" value="Insert" id="buttonId" />
and add:
$( document ).ready(function() {
$( "#buttonId" ).click(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "index.php",
data: { txtName: "DogsName", txtSize: "DogSize", txtColor: "color", txttype: "type", txtDescription: "dscr"v}
.done(function( msg ) {
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
url to your index.php must really server/index.php - so if you use localhost, it must be http://localhost/index.php
I didn't test it, but it should works

mysql post missing data from SERVER REQUEST_METHOD

I have the following code, whenever I try to insert the data, the $content is not being inserted, where might the problem be? I am using the function test input for security related issues.
// define variables and set to empty values
$title = $content = $path = $file_type ="";
$title = test_input($_POST["title"]);
$content = test_input($_POST["content"]);
$path = test_input($_POST["path"]);
$file_type = test_input($_POST["file_type"]);
function test_input($data)
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$sql="INSERT INTO articles (ArtID,Title,Content,Image_VideoLink_Path,file_type)
('','$title','$content','$path',' $file_type')";
if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql))
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));
echo "<h2 >Article Published</h2>";
echo"<a href='../mag/index.php'> View it Now </a>";
here is the code for the form:
<form method="POST" action="artPro.php">
<legend>Create New Article</legend>
Article Title:
<input type="text" placeholder="enter title here" class="span3" name="title" required>
Image/Video Path :
<input type="text" placeholder="enter image name e.g k.jpg or k.mp4 for video" name="path" class="span3" required/>
File Type :
<input type="text" name="file_type" class="span3" required placeholder="e.g: image or video"/>
<label>Article Content:</label>
<textarea name="content" rows="20" class="jqte-test span12" required id="txtmsg"></textarea>
<br><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right">Publish</button>
Try this query:
$sql="INSERT INTO articles
(Title,Content,Image_VideoLink_Path,file_type) VALUES
('$title','$content','$path',' $file_type')";
$content was not being inserted because you are giving Article ID. And I am sure that Article ID will your primary key and this will auto incremented. So, you did not need to mention Article id in sql query (statement).
