I have an existing script that I'm trying to modify to rather than select a file from PC to upload but to add in a URL of the image in question. I've been trying to use the get file function and I can work it to grab the file from the url and upload to the server but I want it to capture the file and pass onto the remainder of the existing script to complete the resizing etc.
See below....
$thumburl = "http://url of image file";
$thumb = file_get_contents($thumburl);
$space = $_POST['thumb']['size'];
move_uploaded_file($_POST['thumb']['tmp_name'], $config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$thumb);
#chmod($config['TMP_DIR']. '/' .$thumb, 0644);
$ff = $config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$thumb;
$fd = $config['TMB_DIR']. '/' .$thid. '.jpg';
createThumb($ff, $fd, $config['img_max_width'], $config['img_max_height']);
copy($fd, $config['TMB_DIR']. '/1_' .$thid. '.jpg');
copy($fd, $config['TMB_DIR']. '/2_' .$thid. '.jpg');
copy($fd, $config['TMB_DIR']. '/3_' .$thid. '.jpg');
#unlink($config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$thumb);
$thumburl = "http://url of image file";
$thumb = file_get_contents($thumburl);
$space = $_POST['thumb']['size'];
move_uploaded_file($_POST['thumb']['tmp_name'], $config['TMP_DIR']. '/thumbs/' .$thumb);
#chmod($config['TMP_DIR']. '/' .$thumb, 0644);
$thumburl = "http://url of image file";
$thumbContent = file_get_contents($thumburl);
$thumb = tempnam($config['TMP_DIR'] . '/thumbs/', 'FOO');
file_put_contents($config['TMP_DIR'] . '/thumbs/' . $thumb, $thumbContent);
#chmod($config['TMP_DIR'] . '/thumbs/' . $thumb, 0644);
I am trying to upload the binary image to the storage using Laravel Intervention Image but it gives me error as Unable to init from given binary data.
I am using this code
$image = base64_decode($postData['image']);
$destinationPath = storage_path($destinationFolder);
if (!File::exists($destinationPath)) {
File::makeDirectory($destinationPath, 0777, true, true);
$filename = ($fileName != '') ? $fileName : $folderName . '_' . time() . '.jpg';
$imageResult = Image::make($image)->resize($imageWidth, $imageHeight, function ($constraint) {
})->save($destinationPath . $filename, imageQuality($image));
if ($imageResult){
return '/image/' . $filename;
return false;
The binary image data is
In addition to using RAUSHAN KUMAR's answer, you can also use InterventionImage like this
Route::get('test', function() {
$image = '';
$image = imagecreatefromwebp($image);
return Image::make($image)->resize(100)->response();
By calling the route 'test' you will see the image.
As this is a webp type image, so i need to use imagecreatefromwebp() to upload the images. I have written this piece of code for that.
$destinationFolder = 'uploads/';
$folderName = $folder . '_' . $adId;
if ($folderName != '') {
$folderNames = explode('_', $folderName);
$folderPath = implode('/', array_map(function ($value) {
return $value;
}, $folderNames));
$destinationFolder .= $folderPath . '/';
$destinationPath = storage_path($destinationFolder);
if (!\File::exists($destinationPath)) \File::makeDirectory($destinationPath, 0777, true, true);
$fileName = $folder . '_' . $adId . '_0_' . time() . '.jpg';
$fileName = ($fileName != '') ? $fileName : $folderName . '_' . time() . '.jpg';
$im = imagecreatefromwebp($data);
$imageResult = imagejpeg($im, $destinationPath . $fileName, 100);
if ($imageResult) return '/image/' . $fileName;
return "/DefaultImage.jpg";
If you still wants to use your code, you can remove data:image/webp;base64, then use base64_decode after you remove it.
Image Intervention can decode your base64 image you can try this
$imageResult = Image::make($postData['image'])->resize($imageWidth, $imageHeight, function ($constraint) {
I am trying to upload a tmp file and then copy it. But it is not appearing in the second folder, is there an overlay or something I have to watch?
$uploadPath = '/.../..../image/';
$uploadPathpreview = '/.../..../blog/';
if ($counter == 0){
$preview_file = $uploadPath . DS . 'preview_' . date("Ymd-Hi-") . $img_name;
$preview_file_save = $uploadPathpreview . DS . 'preview_' . date("Ymd-Hi-") . $img_name;
if(move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $preview_file)){
$tmp = $preview_file;
$new = $preview_file_save;
The file in image exists by the way. And I tried it without the if()
I am trying to upload an image from customer product page (upload file option), the image is uploaded to system/upload folder and renamed with: filename + md5 hash string. So, for example I upload image.jpg, the file will be uploaded to system/upload/image.jpg.392da1267fbfa4be65f7859bb0b974d9.
Now I want to see that image uploaded by customer from admin page (I created a new module page), how can I resize and display the image file? I can get the file name from table oc_upload in database, but the phisical file is using modified name which has no extension, I cannot resize this file because it is located in system/upload folder and its extension is changed. The image resize tool can only resize images in image folder with some allowed extensions configured in Settings page.
Any idea how to display images uploaded by customer? Do I need to copy the renamed uploaded file to image folder using its original name and then resize and display it? I appreciate any of your ideas. Thank you.
Just got the solution by copying the resize() method in admin/model/tool/image.php to my controller and modify it to resize image from system/upload folder.
private function resizeImageUpload($old_filename, $width, $height, $new_filename = '') {
$extension_arr = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif');
$old_image = $old_filename;
if (!empty($new_filename)) {
$extension = pathinfo($new_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$new_image = 'cache/system/upload/' . utf8_substr($new_filename, 0, utf8_strrpos($new_filename, '.')) . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . '.' . $extension;
} else {
$extension = pathinfo($old_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$new_image = 'cache/system/upload/' . utf8_substr($old_filename, 0, utf8_strrpos($old_filename, '.')) . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . '.' . $extension;
if (!in_array($extension, $extension_arr)) return '';
if (!is_file(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image) || (filectime(DIR_UPLOAD . $old_image) > filectime(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image))) {
$path = '';
$directories = explode('/', dirname(str_replace('../', '', $new_image)));
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$path = $path . '/' . $directory;
if (!is_dir(DIR_IMAGE . $path)) {
#mkdir(DIR_IMAGE . $path, 0777);
list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize(DIR_UPLOAD . $old_image);
if ($width_orig != $width || $height_orig != $height) {
$image = new Image(DIR_UPLOAD . $old_image);
$image->resize($width, $height);
$image->save(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image);
} else {
$success = copy(DIR_UPLOAD . $old_image, DIR_IMAGE . $new_image);
if ($this->request->server['HTTPS']) {
return HTTPS_CATALOG . 'image/' . $new_image;
} else {
return HTTP_CATALOG . 'image/' . $new_image;
I'm currently getting to know more with uploadify, which by the way is what I'm using on my Wordpress plugin. I got the uploading of file correctly; it's job is to upload single .pdf files only. When I tried uploading the same file twice and checked the folder where the uploaded files will be stored, I only have a single file. I guess it's being overwritten knowing the file already exists on the folder. What bugs me is that how will I change the filename of the second uploaded file(the same file) such that it will result into 'filename(2)', 'filename(3)' and so on.
Here's my code, enlighten me on where should I start configuring on my uploadify.php:
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
$name = $_FILES['Filedata']['name'];
$tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
$targetPath = $targetFolder;
$targetFile = rtrim($targetPath,'/') . '/' . $_FILES['Filedata']['name'];
$path = pathinfo($targetFile);
$newTargetFile = $targetFolder.$name;
// Validate the file type
$fileTypes = array('pdf'); // File extensions
$fileParts = pathinfo($_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
if (in_array($fileParts['extension'],$fileTypes)) {
// i think somewhere here , will i put something, but what's that something?
echo $newTargetFile;
} else {
echo 'Invalid file type.';
return $newTargetFile;
Change this:
$newTargetFile = $targetFolder.$name;
To this:
$i = 2;
list( $filename, $ext) = explode( '.', $name);
$newTargetFile = $targetFolder . $filename . '.' . $ext;
while( file_exists( $newTargetFile)) {
$newTargetFile = $targetFolder . $filename . '(' . ++$i . ')' . '.' . $ext;
Try this:
function get_dup_file_name($file_name) {
$suffix = 0;
while (file_exists($file_name . ($suffix == 0 ? "" : "(" . $suffix . ")"))) {
return $file_name . ($suffix == 0 ? "" : "(" . $suffix . ")");
How do I check if file name exists, rename the file?
for example, I upload a image 1086_002.jpg if the file exists, rename the file as 1086_0021.jpg and save, if 1086_0021.jpg is exist, rename 1086_00211.jpg and save , if 1086_00211.jpg is exist, rename 1086_002111.jpg and save...
Here is my code, it only can do if 1086_002.jpg exist, rename the file as 1086_0021.jpg, maybe should do a foreach, but how?
//$fullpath = 'images/1086_002.jpg';
if(file_exists($fullpath)) {
$newpieces = explode(".", $fullpath);
$frontpath = str_replace('.'.end($newpieces),'',$fullpath);
$newpath = $frontpath.'1.'.end($newpieces);
file_put_contents($newpath, file_get_contents($_POST['upload']));
Try something like:
$fullpath = 'images/1086_002.jpg';
$additional = '1';
while (file_exists($fullpath)) {
$info = pathinfo($fullpath);
$fullpath = $info['dirname'] . '/'
. $info['filename'] . $additional
. '.' . $info['extension'];
Why not just append a timestamp onto the filename? Then you won't have to worry about arbitrarily long filenames for files which have been uploaded many times.
I hope this helps
$fullPath = "images/1086_002.jpg" ;
$fileInfo = pathinfo($fullPath);
list($prifix, $surfix) = explode("_",$fileInfo['filename']);
$x = intval($surfix);
$newFile = $fileInfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $prifix. "_" . str_pad($x, 2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fileInfo['extension'];
while(file_exists($newFile)) {
$newFile = $fileInfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $prifix. "_" . str_pad($x, 2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fileInfo['extension'];
file_put_contents($newFile, file_get_contents($_POST['upload']));
I hope this Helps
I feel this would be better. It will help keep track of how many times a file with the same name was uploaded. It works in the same way like Windows OS renames files if it finds one with the same name.
How it works: If the media directory has a file named 002.jpg and you try to upload a file with the same name, it will be saved as 002(1).jpg Another attempt to upload the same file will save the new file as 002(2).jpg
Hope it helps.
$uploaded_filename_with_ext = $_FILES['uploaded_image']['name'];
$fullpath = 'media/' . $uploaded_filename_with_ext;
$file_info = pathinfo($fullpath);
$uploaded_filename = $file_info['filename'];
$count = 1;
while (file_exists($fullpath)) {
$info = pathinfo($fullpath);
$fullpath = $info['dirname'] . '/' . $uploaded_filename
. '(' . $count++ . ')'
. '.' . $info['extension'];
You can change your if statement to a while loop:
$newpath = $fullpath;
while(file_exists($newpath)) {
$newpieces = explode(".", $fullpath);
$frontpath = str_replace('.'.end($newpieces),'',$fullpath);
$newpath = $frontpath.'1.'.end($newpieces);
file_put_contents($newpath, file_get_contents($_POST['upload']));