I have 2 tables:
competition_winners where I am storing people who won competition and table competition where I am storing info about actual competition.
So I am retrieving winners and competition's end date. But the query responsible for date doesn't return anything. I am using Opencart so performing query in model. Here is its code.
public function getWinnersByDate($date) {
$qr = "SELECT competition_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "competition_winners";
//$fcid = $qr->row['competition_id'];
$query = "SELECT cometition_id,end_date FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "competition WHERE competition_id = '" .$qr->row['competition_id'] . "'";
return $query->row;
Query works fine in PhpMyadmin. What am I missing or doing wrong?
Instead of running this in two queries You should be using JOIN (search about SQL JOIN on google).
public function getWinnersByDate($date) {
$qr = $this->db->query("
SELECT cw.competition_id, c.end_date
FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "competition_winners cw
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "competition c ON c.competition_id = cw.competition_id
return $query->rows;
I do not know Your DB structure, but the query above has no sense in it's current state - I believe You want to add some WHERE clause using the provided $date argument and that You want to select more information from competition_winners table, so please, either do it Yourself or provide us with more details on Your problem.
I am trying to optimize / speed up the performance the loading of my data, is there a way to fix this?
I have 3 tables involved:
tbl_tt_college_studentpersonalinfo - This table displays the name of students, it is join in my query
tbl_tt_college_preenrollment - This table displays the pending status of pre-enrolled students
tbl_tt_college_enlistment - This table will check the existing record the student has.
Here is my Query: - The problem that I am having is the load of data is slow, it may take 30-50 seconds. Is there a way to improve this or make it like a join query?
public function get_enlists()
$this->db->join('tbl_tt_college_studentpersonalinfo','tbl_tt_college_preenrollment.studentID = tbl_tt_college_studentpersonalinfo.studentID');
$this->db->where('tbl_tt_college_preenrollment.departmentID', $this->input->post('course'));
$this->db->where('tbl_tt_college_preenrollment.yearLevel', $this->input->post('yearLevel'));
$this->db->where("NOT EXISTS (SELECT tbl_tt_college_enlistment.studentKeyID FROM tbl_tt_college_enlistment WHERE tbl_tt_college_enlistment.studentKeyID = tbl_tt_college_preenrollment.studentKeyID AND schoolYear = '" . $this->session->userdata('currentAcademicYear') . '-' . ($this->session->userdata('currentAcademicYear') + 1) . "' AND semester = '" . $this->session->userdata('currentSemester') . "')");
$query = $this->db->get('tbl_tt_college_preenrollment');
return $query->result_array();
Here is the raw query for the reference:
SELECT studentKeyID FROM tbl_tt_college_enlistment
WHERE tbl_tt_college_studentpersonalinfo.studentKeyID = tbl_tt_college_enlistment.studentKeyID
AND schoolYear = '" . $this->session->userdata('currentAcademicYear') . '-' . ($this->session->userdata('currentAcademicYear') + 1) . "'
AND semester = '" . $this->session->userdata('currentSemester') . "'
See if this composite index on tbl_tt_college_enlistment helps:
INDEX(schoolYear, semester, studentKeyID)
If not adequate, please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE and EXPLAIN SELECT ...
i am trying to write a query which will help me recover class, batch, and institution details from db
so far i have managed to make the following work:
gallery.path_url AS insimage,
institution.id AS insid,
institution.`name` AS insname,
institution.Locality AS inslocality,
institution.RegistrationFee AS ins_reg_fee,
institution.IsTrail AS ins_is_trail,
institution.LatLong AS latlong,
r2., activity.`name` AS activityname
class., count() AS batch_count,
batch.ID AS batch_id,
batch.ClassID AS class_id,
batch.LevelID AS level_id,
batch.agegroupID AS agegroup_id,
count(*) AS num_batches,
min(Price) AS min_price,
max(Price) AS max_price
batch.ID = batchstarttimes.BatchID
AND batchstarttimes.StartTime BETWEEN '" . $sttime . "'
AND '" . $endtime . "'
) AS r1
r1.class_id = class.ID
) AS r2 ON r2.institutionid = institution.id
INNER JOIN activity ON activity.id = r2.activityid
activity.`name` LIKE '%" . $searchterm . "%'
AND institution.Locality LIKE '%" . $locality . "%'
AND institution.StatusID = 1
AND level_id = 1
AND agegroup_id = 5
) AS r3 ON r3.ProfileImageID = gallery.ID
I am stuck when i try to add two more filters batch.LevelID and batch.agegroupID
any way i can get help or someone point me to a sql visualizr tool will be helpful.
In your WHERE clause, replace:
AND level_id = 1
AND agegroup_id = 5
AND batch.LevelID = CASE WHEN " . $levelID . " = 0 THEN batch.LevelID ELSE " . $levelID . " END
AND batch.agegroupID = CASE WHEN " . $ageGroupID . " = 0 THEN batch.agegroupID ELSE " . $ageGroupID . " END
The point is to compare batch.LevelID and batch.agegroupID against themselves if you want to ignore them for the filtering (this way they'll always be true) or compare them against $levelID and $ageGroupID values for specific rows.
Also, it's not recommended to use the variables directly in the query, as it's vulnerable to SQL injections attacks. Read about prepared statements here.
I have a query and i want random result on advertisement table. Advertise table have own id but when i use RAND(advertise.id) it won't work and i don't know how it will. I am using laravel framework so if possible i can use PHP also to show random advertise result. Here is code can anyone tell me where i use RAND() Mysql function.
SELECT providers.id,
adv__managements.id AS 'adv_id',
FROM userinformation INNER JOIN providers ON userinformation.user_id = providers.user_id
INNER JOIN adv__managements ON adv__managements.range = providers.range
INNER JOIN plans ON plans.user_id = userinformation.user_id
where GetDistance('km'," . doubleval($info->lat) . ", " . doubleval($info->lon) .", " . doubleval(\Auth::user()->userinfo->latitude) . ", " . doubleval(\Auth::user()->userinfo->longitude) . ") < providers.range AND plans.active = 1 LIMIT 3
And can anyone tell how to convert this query into laravel ?
I create a custom feed for OpenCart.
I am trying to get a list of order details from OpenCart 1.54, however, I cannot find any JSON. Is there a way to return an error message, if the query fails?
Here is the URL to access:
My plugin files are here:
On my test site, this works fine:
public function getOrderProducts($orderid) {
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT op.*, pr.sku, pr.quantity as stock FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "order_product` op INNER JOIN `product` pr on op.product_id = pr.product_id WHERE op.order_id = '" . $this->db->escape($orderid) . "'");
return $query->rows;
I have no order prefix in my database. Here is the response:
[{"order_product_id":"1","order_id":"1","product_id":"43","name":"MacBook","model":"Product 16","quantity":"1","price":"500.0000","total":"500.0000","tax":"89.5000","reward":"600","sku":"macproduct1","stock":"927"}]
On several live sites, the code fails and I receive a blank white page. Here is the route itself:
// example function - getOrders from the database
private function getOrderProducts() {
if($this->request->get['email'] != "info#mysite.com")
return $this->model_feed_api->getOrderProducts($this->request->get['orderid']);
My code for getOrders work fine:
public function getOrders($beginDate, $endDate) {
$query = $this->db->query("select o.*, os.* from `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` o LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "order_status os ON (o.order_status_id = os.order_status_id) where o.Date_Added >= $beginDate AND o.Date_Added <= $endDate");
return $query->rows;
The route for getOrderProducts actually works. If I put in a bad email, it returns INVALID EMAIL. Is there a way to return an exception message?
Maybe it's order_id (note underscore). It's a common name of the order ID value for OpenCart.
Change that code into
So I have 2 tables:
user_selection (id, user_id, fiche_id)
fiche (id, title, ...)
(fiche = sheet)
I have a research request which gives me some fiche ids
SELECT fiche.*, IF(fiche.fiche_type_id = 2,fiche.instance,fiche_type_texte.type_texte) AS type_texte, IF(fiche.fiche_type_id = 2,CONCAT(fiche.affaire," - ", fiche.titre),fiche.titre) AS titre, IF(fiche.fiche_type_id = 1,fiche.date_publication,fiche.date_texte) AS date_publication
FROM enviroveille_bascule.fiche
LEFT JOIN enviroveille_bascule.fiche_type_texte ON(fiche.fiche_type_texte_id = fiche_type_texte.id)
LEFT JOIN enviroveille_bascule.fiche_x_keyword ON(fiche_x_keyword.fiche_id = fiche.id)
LEFT JOIN enviroveille_bascule.fiche_x_theme ON(fiche_x_theme.fiche_id = fiche.id)
LEFT JOIN enviroveille_bascule.fiche_echeance ON(fiche_echeance.fiche_id = fiche.id)
LEFT JOIN enviroveille_bascule.fiche_x_activite ON(fiche_x_activite.fiche_id = fiche.id) LEFT JOIN enviroveille_bascule.fiche_x_nomenclature ON(fiche_x_nomenclature.fiche_id = fiche.id)
WHERE 1 = 1
AND fiche_echeance.fiche_echeance_type_id IN(2)
GROUP BY fiche.id
I'd like to know if all results from my research query is in the user selection.
So I tried :
// fiche_ids is an array of fiche.id resulting from research request
FROM " . $this->bdd . $this->table_user_selection . "
WHERE user_id = '" . $user->datas_user['id'] . "'
AND fiche_id IN ('" . implode("','", $fiche_ids) . "')
if($ds['nb'] == count($fiche_ids) && count($fiche_ids) > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
That works well
Problem is that I have some research request giving 10K+ results.
And I have to do it several time on the same page, which makes server lags.
Is there a easy way to know if all my results are in my selection?
Note that selection may contain more fiche_id than the research result.
The best would be to be able do this in one SQL request.