Blog Post Associated with category - php

Hi I have been trying for a few hours now but I can't seem to figure it out for myself, I'm using the fish pig word-press plugin and I want to display word press blog post Associated with Magento category. There is a tab in the magento back end for doing so but I can't get it to display in the front-end
<action method="setEntity"><type><![CDATA[cms_page]]></type></action>
I think the key to getting it to display is the "set Entity" but I can't get it right.
I have tried to change it to many things but it still ain't working

If you're trying to display associated blog posts on the Magento category page, this isn't possible. At the time of writing, associating a blog post with a Magento category is just a quick way to associate that post with all of the products in the category.
I will be working on an update in the future that will allow you to show associations on the category page, but currently this would require some custom development on your part. To do this, you would need to query the database to extract the post/category relationships and then load a post collection based on that.


Adding custom attribute search in existing wordpress sidebar search in WordPress

Hi all, I hope all devs are fine. For better understanding I am creating 3 sections.
I am new to wordpress development and Just have learned a little bit about plugin development and how they work.
User Requirements
Client Wants to add search products by users/vendors in an existing search form which is inside sidebar.php. it is ajax based search.
In our case user/vendors would be either individual or Pro.
how will it work
So when customer selects individual along with other existing attributes (size, color) it should show me products of all the individual users. If nothing is selected it should show all products from both users
What I have done so far
I copied the file (Sidebar) in my child theme and manipulated it to add two check boxes.
I saw the theme's database. BUT i don't know how to make check boxes work to get desired output.
I am stuck on this problem for five days. Brain's not working anymore

How to create custom categories that are visible only on the back end in WordPress?

For a blog with many companies/authors contributing to it, I would like to build custom categories for posts that are only visible on the back-end, and not able to be crawled by Google.
When an author creates a post, they can select
Company 1
Company 2
Company 3
from the list of categories, but these categories won't affect anything on the front-end, or be visible on the front-end. The client would like to be able to sort all posts by which company wrote them. Is there some functionality I can add to make these categories only visible on the back-end, or a plugin that would work for creating these?

Common scenario in Wordpress: best practices

I'm facing a common scenario in the creation and the managing of a website that I'm still surprised I'm having difficulties in finding a good solution using Wordpress.
Let's say that I have a Wordpress website featuring food recipes. I have custom post types such as recipes and authors (of the recipes).
With the help of Advanced Custom Field plugin and Toolset plugin, it has been very easy to create the two custom post types and creating their custom fields together with the relationships between the objects.
Now, let's say that in multiple locations of the website I want to show a section called Spotlight Recipes where I show 3 featured recipes that I manually change every week.
What I would like to have in this situation, is a new item in the backend sidebar menu called Website Settings for example, that will allow me to manually choose the three recipes that will be featured in the section described above.
Let's say that I also want to display a section called Authors of the month and I always want to be able to manually choose the 5 authors that will be shown. It would be great if these could be also chosen inside the "Website Settings" backend page.
I think this is a very common scenario but I can't find a solution that I like. So I'm wondering: how websites using Wordpress solve this? Should I create a new custom post type called "MySettings" and create one instance of this, creating all its custom fields, and use it as a "singleton settings object"? It doesn't really appeal to me.
The best setup would be to add a new taxonomy for your Recipe custom post type. Then create a new category in that taxonomy named "Spotlight recipes".
You can add a custom taxonomy for users also.
There could be several scenarios for limiting the number of recipes shown. If you are declaring a recipe as recipe of the week as you add it then all you would need in your widget query is 3 parameters:
1) Set category to spotlight category of new taxonomy
2) Limit posts to 3 or 4
3) Sort by most recent
This way only the most recent recipes are shown at all times. It will also let you keep an archive of recipes of the week.

Display Team Member Categories on Individual Team page

I am working on a website for a show that I am producing called Puppet Playlist. I am trying to find a way to display the categories that each team member is added into on their own individual pages.
Think of it this way, each artist will work on specific shows. Each show is it's own category. I have on each show page (portfolio posts) a team-member display which shows whatever team members are in that specific category.
What I'm hoping for, is a way to display the shows that the team member has worked on (meaning I want to display a list of the categories that the team member has been added to).
I've seen all of the get_the_categories and get_the_terms, but none seem to be working on my site, and it might partially be because I have no idea where to post them to. I'm using the Joyn Theme by Swift Ideas.
I would like a clear explanation of what to add and where to add it to in order to get the categories to display properly. I'm familiar with code, but am definitely not a coder/developer.

Navigating through custom post types in WordPress

I want to redesign my website using WordPress (as CMS) and Bootstrap (as front-end).
Now, I've been pretty successful at doing so, but I have one specific problem.
I have a tutorial website and I want the navigation structure to look like this :
If the user is on my 'website-name/tutorials' then display to him all of the tutorial series titles in an unordered list (so for example C++, XHTML and CSS - but not individual tutorials in each series)...
If the user clicks on some specific serie, then display an ordered list of the elements (so, if he clicks C++, then URL will be 'website-name/tutorials/cplusplus' and he will be able to see all of the tutorial in an ordered list).
If the clicks on one specific tutorial, then the URL goes (for example) 'website-name/tutorials/cplusplus/installing-the-program' and user gets all the content related to the tutorial.
Now, I have been experimenting with this and concluded that the best solution is to create custom post type named "Tutorial" and then make every single tutorial that post type.
However, since on 'website-name/tutorials/cplusplus' I want to display the list of tutorials in "C++" tutorial series and on 'website-name/tutorials' I want to display only the tutorial names, I don't know how to do that.
I tried to do that using Hiearchical posts (so, for example, I made a parent post named "C++" and it's children were all of the tutorials in the C++ serie).
However, I have a problem with that, because my C++ tutorial series has 100 tutorials, but it shows me 101 list elements (I made the website display all the custom post types in an ordered list), with the first one on the list being C++ (the parent post).
So, I'd like to echo the series name only on the 'website-name/tutorials' not on the beginning of the list.
I researched and people seem to use archive in custom post types, rather than parent/child system for this kind of navigation.
I just wanted some of the WP experienced users here to tell me, which is the better solution for my problem? Dealing with these parent/child problems or switching from parent/child posts to archive posts?
If I understand fully perhaps using standard posts and categories will do the trick? Your '/tutorials/' page can display the full list of all posts and when a user clicks on a specific category (e.g. C++) only the relevant posts will display.
You can use the following code to list posts of a specific category:
<?php query_posts( 'cat=20' ); ?>
Changing "20" with the chosen category ID.
Hope this helps!
