get_post_gallery full size image - php

I am trying to get all the gallery images from a single post. Here in get_post_gallery() the variable $image returns the thumbnail URL. Can any one help me with retrieving full size image URL from the post.
$gallery = get_post_gallery(get_the_ID(), false )
foreach( $gallery['src'] as $image ) {
$image_list . = '<li>' . $image . '</li>';

This work for me:
$gallery = get_post_gallery( $post, false );
$ids = explode( ",", $gallery['ids'] );
foreach( $ids as $id ) {
$link = wp_get_attachment_url( $id );
$image_list . = '<li>' . $link . '</li>';
Thanks to Matt for this code, see the original post

You can try this
<?php wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size, $icon, $attr ); ?>
where you give the attachment id of the gallery image in $attachment_id and
$size = (thumbnail, medium, large or full)
here basically you choose full as you want to display the full size image.
Let me know if this helped you . :)


How to shorten the usage of one image source retrieved via php codes

newbie here. I'm using the following code to extract the secondary image source of my wordpress posts, but I think I could shorten it someway...
Here is the code I'm currently using inside img src=""
<?php $images = get_attached_media('image'); $featured_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id(); if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { unset($images[ $featured_image_id ] ); } $harukunt = wp_get_attachment_image_src( key($images),'large'); echo '' . $harukunt[0] . ''; ;?>
Maybe I could simplify this by defining some values in the header.php file, so then I can call the image in a shorter way in the posts?
$images = get_attached_media('image');
$featured_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
if ( has_post_thumbnail()
{ unset($images[ $featured_image_id ] );
$harukunt = wp_get_attachment_image_src( key($images),'large');
echo '' . $harukunt[0] . '';
And then call the image on posts by simply using img src="<?php harukunt("$post->ID"); ?>" or something. But it isnt working this way, due to my poor knownledge.
Can anybody please help me?
You can create a function and add it to your functions.php file like this:
function get_secondary_img($post_id, $print = true ){
if(has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) {
$attachments = get_attached_media('image',$post_id);
if(count($attachments) < 2){
$attachment_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);
} else {
foreach($attachments as $key => $attachment){
if($key !== get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id)){
$attachment_id = $key;
$attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id,'large');
$src = $attachment[0];
$width = $attachment[1];
$height = $attachment[2];
$alt = get_post_meta($attachment_id,'_wp_attachment_image_alt',true);
if($print == true){
echo '<img width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" src="'.$src.'" alt="'.$alt.'" />';
} else {
return $src;
Then if you want to output the html for the image you can just do
<?php echo get_secondary_img( $post_id ); ?>
Or if you want to just return the src attribute, you can just do
$yourvariable = get_secondary_img( $post_id, false );

CMB2 - Get the first image from file_list

I am using CMB2 file_list for uploading photos e.g. photo gallery. On the home page I need to get only the first photo and not the entire gallery. Below is the function to get all the photo. How can i retrieve only the first photo in the list?
function cmb2_output_file_list( $file_list_meta_key, $img_size = 'medium' ) {
$files = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $file_list_meta_key, 1 );
echo '<div class="file-list-wrap">';
foreach ( (array) $files as $attachment_id => $attachment_url ) {
echo '<div class="file-list-image">';
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $img_size );
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
cmb2_output_file_list( 'wiki_test_file_list', 'small' );
You'd use something like this, make sure to change the meta key to the correct one, this will get the ID and URL of first file in the list:
$file_list_meta_key = 'wiki_test_file_list';
$files = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $file_list_meta_key, 1 );
$first_id = key($files);
$first_url = reset($files);

Wordpress gallery urls are broken (not shows image url)

I'm trying to store external images and make gallery with them. Even if 150x150 pixels thumbnails shown correctly, target image url is broken..
here is exaple item from gallery
<a href="">
<img width="150" height="150" src=""
class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="">
php section;
$ids = [];
foreach ( $game->images as $image ) {
$_image = $this->upload_image( $image->path );
array_push( $ids, $_image["id"] );
$imp = implode( ",", $ids );
$gallery = "[gallery ids='$imp']"; // I'm going to put shortcode inside of heredoc content
$gallery = trim( $gallery, "'" );
public function upload_image( $url ) {
$image = [];
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/media.php' );
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' );
$image["src"] = media_sideload_image( $url, null, null, 'src' );
$image["id"] = attachment_url_to_postid( $image["src"] );
return $image;
How do I fix this ?

Get image caption in Wordpress

I have this code to retrieve the image url for the images in a gallery and it works ok but i cannot figure out how i could get the caption for each image.
I tried searching all over but i cannot seem to put all the information out there together! Any suggestions on how i could retrieve the captions?
function show_related_gallery_image_urls( $content ) {
global $post;
// Only do this on singular items
if( ! is_singular() )
return $content;
// Make sure the post has a gallery in it
if( ! has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'gallery' ) )
return $content;
// Retrieve all galleries of this post
$galleries = get_post_galleries_images( $post );
$image_list = <<<END
<div class="side_bar">
<div class="related">
<h3>Related Images</h3>
// Loop through all galleries found
foreach( $galleries as $gallery ) {
// Loop through each image in each gallery
foreach( $gallery as $image ) {
$src = $image;
$image_list .= '<a href="' . $src . '" rel="' . get_the_title() . '">'
. '<img src="' . $src .'" />'
. '</a>';
$image_list .= '</div></div>';
// Append our image list to the content of our post
$content .= $image_list;
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'show_related_gallery_image_urls' );
I hope i explained myself well! Thanks!
This hasn't been tested by try it, I cleaned up some of your code a bit:
1) Combined the first 2 IF statements into 1
2) Used get_post_gallery() (Codex) which returns the src and the image ID. We use the image ID to return the caption, we can also get the description and more if we needed to.
3) Removed the containing Foreach Statement since both my method only returns 1 gallery, not multiple so no need to loop through.
function show_related_gallery_image_urls( $content ) {
global $post;
// Only do this on singular items
if( ! is_singular() || !has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'gallery' ) )
return $content;
// Retrieve all galleries of this post
$galleries = get_post_gallery( $post, false );
$image_list = <<<END
<div class="side_bar">
<div class="related">
<h3>Related Images</h3>
// Loop through each image in each gallery
$i = 0; // Iterator
foreach( $gallery['src'] as $src ) {
$caption = wp_get_attachment($gallery['id'][$i])['caption'];
$image_list .= '<a href="' . $src . '" rel="' . get_the_title() . '">'
. '<img src="' . $src .'" />'
. '<div class="caption">'
. $caption
. '</div>'
. '</a>';
$i++; // Incremenet Interator
$image_list .= '</div></div>';
// Append our image list to the content of our post
$content .= $image_list;
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'show_related_gallery_image_urls' );
function wp_get_attachment( $attachment_id ) {
$attachment = get_post( $attachment_id );
return array(
'alt' => get_post_meta( $attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ),
'caption' => $attachment->post_excerpt,
'description' => $attachment->post_content,
'href' => get_permalink( $attachment->ID ),
'src' => $attachment->guid,
'title' => $attachment->post_title
On a sidenote, there is a gallery filter function where you can change how the gallery is displayed post_gallery Filter, here's a question that kind of shows how to edit it. There's also a great WordPress Stack Exchange where that may be helpful in the future!

Store results of a php foreach loop as an array

I am using a foreach loop to generate a set of thumbnail links. I am using Wordpress and for one reason or another the place my PHP is executing is not the place I would like to render the list. So my question is: can I replace the echo statement with something that will store all of the generated html (for each image, not just the last one) and allow me to generate it further down the same page?
Thanks for any help. Here's my php so far:
foreach ($gallery_images as $galleryID) {
$attachment = get_post( $galleryID );
$thumb_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $galleryID, 'thumbnail' ); //thumbnail src
$full_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $galleryID, 'full' ); //full img src
echo '<img src="' . $thumb_img[0] .'">';
}//end forEach
You can store the results to an array so that you can "echo" the results later:
$links = array();
foreach ($gallery_images as $galleryID) {
$attachment = get_post( $galleryID );
$thumb_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $galleryID, 'thumbnail' ); //thumbnail src
$full_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $galleryID, 'full' ); //full img src
$links[] = '<img src="' . $thumb_img[0] .'">';
And then later in your code, you can print it out:
echo implode("\n", $links);
$arr = array();
foreach(...) {
$arr[] = '<a href=........';
