Wordpress custom metabox checkbox to display text on front page - php

I'm creating a video site in wordpress that will feauture both videoes and live streaming. The live streaming is occational and I'm trying to add a checkbox in the "new post" section where the user can check the box to display an alert that they are streaming live on the front page.
This is my code so far, but it does not save that the chebox is checked.
function register_post_assets(){
add_meta_box('live-tv', __('Live TV'), 'add_featured_meta_box', 'post', 'advanced', 'high');
add_action('admin_init', 'register_post_assets', 1);
function add_featured_meta_box($post){
$featured = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'live-tv', true);
echo "<label for='live-tv'>".__('Is this a live broadcast post?', 'foobar')."</label>";
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='live-tv' id='live-tv' value='1' ".checked(1, $featured)." />";
function save_featured_meta($post_id){
if (isset($_REQUEST['live-tv']))
update_post_meta(esc_attr($post_id, '_featured-post', esc_attr($_REQUEST['featured-post'])));
add_action('save_post', 'save_featured_meta');
I'm also wondering how i can check if the checkbox is checked to display content on the front page. Thank you so much for your time and any help will be appreciated!

You have an error in your save_featured_meta function:
It has to be like this:
function save_featured_meta($post_id)
if (isset($_REQUEST['live-tv']))
update_post_meta(esc_attr($post_id), '_featured-post', esc_attr($_REQUEST['featured-post']));
You didn't close the esc_attr() at the right place.


Creating Coupon counter click

I am trying to create a coupon click counter.
I received the default number of clicks using the code
<?php $couponusers = get_field('coupon_users'); ?>
And I displayed the default number of clicks using the code,
<p><?php echo $couponusers ?></p>
Now, I want to increase the value of ‘coupon_users’ whenever a click is made. Any suggestions on how to do this?
The page I need help with: https://deals.onlinerockershub.com/bluehost-web-hosting/
Add this action to your functions.php
function coupon_callback() {
// Add here cookie check
if(is_page('1')){ // ID of "Thank you for coupon click" page
update_field('coupon_users',$couponusers); // or similar
add_filter( 'wp', 'coupon_callback' );

Add a div to custom post type's page

Good morning everyone, i have a problem with wordpress.
When I click add button I add the structure of an html page.
I would like to add this structure into a new div under the box add section.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Edit 1:
Maybe I find a solution.
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'add_custom_meta_box', 'post_type');
function add_custom_meta_box($post_type) {
global $post;
if ($post_type == 'minisites') {
add_meta_box('sections_meta_box', 'Add Section', 'show_custom_meta_box');
echo '<div id="htmlBox" class="postbox"></div>';
So, in this way I create a div when a meta box is created, after I set the content of this div with jQuery. Correct?

reCAPTCHA doesn't render when placed in certain places on the page

I'm trying to add a reCAPTCHA to WooCommerce Checkout on WordPress. When I use the following snippet the captcha loads and works correctly:
add_action( 'woocommerce_review_order_before_payment', 'woocommerce_checkout_recaptcha_field' );
function woocommerce_checkout_recaptcha_field( ) {
echo '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="XXXXXXXXXXXX"></div>';
However as soon as I move it next to the terms and conditions checkbox:
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_before_terms_and_conditions', 'woocommerce_checkout_recaptcha_field' );
function woocommerce_checkout_recaptcha_field( ) {
echo '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="XXXXXXXXXXXX"></div>';
The captcha stops loading. I can see the captcha beginning to load as the page makes a gap for it but then after a split second it disappears again.
Anyone got any ideas?

Savings settings in a custom PHP plugin for WordPress

First, I'd like to pre-emptively apologize for doing anything naive or foolish. I'm a novice programmer, but I'm trying to learn. Right now, I'm trying to develop a plugin for wordpress as part of my internship. The plugin does what it needs to do for the most part, but I just can't seem to make the settings page work the way I want. I know the initialization part of the plugin is working properly, but I'm having trouble with using the settings page. Specifically, I don't where or how to use _POST in order to save the information. I also don't where to place the update_option function call after I've received the information from the settings page. Here's my code right now:
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'menu' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'plugin_admin_init' );
function plugin_admin_init() { // whitelist options
register_setting( 'plugin_options', 'plugin_options', 'plugin_options_validate' );
add_settings_section('plugin_main', 'Main Settings', 'plugin_section_text', 'plugin');
add_settings_field('plugin_text_string', 'REE View Count Settings', 'plugin_setting_string', 'plugin', 'plugin_main');
function menu() {
add_options_page( 'REE View Count Options', 'REE View Count', 'manage_options', 'plugin', 'plugin_options_page' );
// generates the settings web page
function plugin_options_page() {
echo '<div class="wrap">';
echo '<h2>Options</h2>';
echo '<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="post">';
// In the line above, I don't know what to put. The file name of the plugin?
// The URL of the settings page on the admin page? Or what I have currently?
// Both the first and last options bring up a 404 page.
echo '<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="' . esc_attr_e('Save Changes') . '" />';
echo '</form>';
//update_option('plugin_options', $_POST['plugin_options']);
// Where should I try to update the option? And how?
echo '</div>';
//from add_settings_section parameter 3, in plugin_admin_init
function plugin_section_text() {
echo '<p>Main description of this section here.</p>';
//Function from 3 paramter of add_settings_field in plugin_admin_init that outputs input HTML
function plugin_setting_string() {
$options = get_option('plugin_options');
echo 'value of options is: ' . $options;
echo "<input id='plugin_text_string' name='plugin_options' size='40' type='text'
value='{$options}' />";
//Validation function from register_setting in plugin_admin_init
function plugin_options_validate($input) {
echo "this is input: " . $input;
$newinput = trim($input);
if(!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $newinput)) {
$newinput = 10;
update_option('plugin_options', $newinput);
return $newinput;
Note: I don't actually use these exact function/variable names - I have them prefixed with the actual plugin name.
Can you help me? I want to take the information the admin inputs into the settings page and update the database with the that information (which in this case is just a single number). I understand that I need to use PHP _POST, but I don't know how. Furthermore, I don't where to post to, because when I use action="the_file_name.php," I get a 404 error upon submission. What should the action of the form be so that I can use the information that I got from the admin submission and use it for later? And after I do that, how do update the setting? And by how, I mean where do I place update_option? I apologize if this seems rambly or vague - I feel like I'm somewhat over my head.
If it helps, I've been building this settings page in the same file as the plugin itself, with the help of this guide: http://ottopress.com/2009/wordpress-settings-api-tutorial/
Unfortunately, I don't see anything in that guide that speaks of updating information, just creating the page itself.
You want to point to action="options.php". It handles updating the values. Check out the following links to get more detailed info.

Wordpress custom field - Hide blank field

I am using a custom field plugin for Wordpress so that users of the CMS can keep post items organized. I setup the fields and in my loop I display the like this..
<p><strong>Business Phone:</strong> <?php the_field('business_phone'); ?></p>
How would I hide or change the color of the title if there is no information entered into the field? I've gotten this far. Am I on the right track?
if ( get_group('business_phone',TRUE) ) {
echo 'I see a phone number!!';
} else {
echo 'I don\'t see a phone number!!';
ok.. I'll check out the Wordpress forum.
