Embedding Google+ Hangout several rooms to wordpress - php

Hello I have a question you think is very difficult to make Google Hangout interactive and dynamic real-time (I mean that unknown people can create their own public rooms infinitely whenever and other unknown persons can enter wing it in random mode free) on the wordpress platform saying the internet would be more fun
know I try but I do not understand how the dynamics of: https://www.verbling.com/community
Is there any way to embed a Google+ hangout app in a PHP-based website? Can I load the app inside an iframe without having to land on Google+ hangout page? If so, how?
any advice to help me an explanation something?

All you need is available here
It have all the sample code and workflow to develop and maintain the hangout app.
Specifically sample apps: https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/sample-apps
For Hangout buttons: https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/button

For security reasons, you can't embed a Hangout inside an iframe. You can, however, launch a Hangout Video Chat in a new window from your website using the Hangout Button.


Programticly post a text with image on google plus wall/stream

All I want to post a text with an image on Google+ wall/stream using Oauth2 and PHP. Similar to a wall post for Facebook and Tweet post for Twitter.
User click on share on Google+ button from my website, they redirect to the google app approval page, they approve and message with the image get posted on their stream/wall.
I have searched almost entire internet for this requirement. But I didn't get exact code to achieve this.
I have already checked this: Google APIs PHP client
However the code is not up to the point or clear.
Some people says that it is not possible, google only allows read operations.
But then some people says it is possible according to this: Creating new posts and comments
Google documentation is very confusing for this requirement, compare to Facebook and Twitter.
So all I want is clear answer whether is it possible or not? If yes then how?
The google plus api is read only it does not support posting in any form. Google plus domains is for posting to Google domains accounts not google plus the social media website.
Develop business apps that integrate with Google+ With the Google+
Domains API, Google Apps customers and ISVs can build custom Google+
functionality and services for people who use Google Apps at college,
at work, or at home. Organizations can develop tools to interact with
Google+ features such as posts, comments, and circles. These tools let
your users share information, reinforce communications, and grow
productivity within your organization.
Pages API is for posting to Google+ page and is in closed beta.
There is no way to programmatically post to the google+ social media website wall/stream. However there is a six year old issue request for it Write access to the streams.

Social network auto posting from PHP applications

I have PHP websites with admin panels where i add news or products. For example as you can understand from the image, i add news with header,date,photos and content. If i click any of those radio buttons, news will be posted to any social network. I had tried facebook Graph API's and worked good some but not totally as i wanted becasue had problems with tokens valid days. Anybody has any idea which and how i can use library or API?

Proper Method for Google Calendar with PHP

I am working on a website for my organization which will allow users of the website to create/modify/etc room reservations for a number of spaces in our building.
Each room has a Google Calendar which links to several monitors around the building to display what rooms are [un]available. So, my goal was to utilize these calendars by having the website I am creating edit these google calendars. The problem I am having however is that from all the documentation I have been able to find, it looks like you have to prompt each user for Google Log-In. This is what I am trying to avoid. I want individuals to be able to log-in to my website, and then on the backend my website provides the authentication to Google so that they can add/edit/remove events from the aforementioned GCals based on permissions on set on their account.
Can anyone help direct me to the proper documentation? I've found a couple of things through some intensive Google-ing of my own, but I've become extremely confused about what method I should be using.
Any assistance in getting things rolling is appreciated!
If I understand it correctly, the concept that you want is to create a website that writes into your own calendar and not on the users calendar. Exactly what this 3 part tutorial of Sample Web Page for Booking gives:
Part 1: Setting up Google Calendar
Part 2: OAuth2 and Configuring Your ‘Application’ With Google
Part 3: A Sample Web Page For Bookings
This tutorial worked for many like what has been done in this SO post - How do I connect to the Google Calendar API without the oAuth authentication?.

Can i Integrate Google Hangout for online lessons in website?

I am developing a website using CodeIgniter and i want to integrate live video streaming functionality in the website.
The admin will provide online lessons and the users who have purchased the online lessons will have access to the video lesson via a one to many video streaming feature at a particular time. After the tutorial is over, the video will be saved in the user's dashboard for future use. Can this be achieved using Google hangout?
Or please let me know if there is any other better option for the same.

Google Hangouts in my website as a chat/messaging system

I currently have Google OAuth 2.0 for authentication. Next I want to be able to use google hangouts in my website so users can chat with each other, along with showing their contact list. So basically I want it to look like how it is on gmail but on my website for hangouts. Main reason for doing this, I want my users to be able use hangouts as a mode of communication. Please let me know if this is possible and provide the necessary resources, an example/demo of this working would really be helpful.
Im afraid there's no API at the moment available (nor plans for that) to access the text chat feature of Hangouts.
yes, you can. More information about google hangouts API here https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/getting-started
