Updating an online symfony2 project - php

Yesterday I uploaded my first symfony2 project to a shared server, what I did is traditional, I compressed the project to zip, and I uploaded it using firezilla, then extract it in the server, it took me some time to get it working online.
Today I want to made some updates on the code, and I need to apply these updates to the version I have only.
Is there anything that can I do to get this done without using firezilla again? I'm beginner with symfony2 and this is the first time I ever deployed a project.


Laravel app downloading all assets again on every route request

I have a strange error in my Laravel(5.6)/app. Whenever there is any route request in the app, all css, js, bootstrap and icons files reload all over again in the browser. I'm debugging this app from last 2 days. And I have no clue what's going on.
I worked on this project a few days ago and it was working fine then I started working on some other project and after a couple of days when I worked again on this project to add some new features, it is behaving like this. Whenever I request any route in the app, all the assets download and load again in the browser. I didn't provide any code sample here because I don't know where the error might be.
If there have been an error in some particular file then that particular route would have behave that way. But all routes reload all the assets all over again. So I just want your opinion is this ever happens to you and how should I tackle it?
If you wanna recreate this project then here is the GitHub link. Git Repo . Recreating this project is very easy. Just create a database. run migrations and then seed the database. For sass and js ,run 'npm run dev' if needed.
Update: Solution to this problem is, don't use buit-in server of laravel, it sucks. Use any php development stack like xampp, wamp etc. and it will work fine.

Running Wordpress repo locally through MAMP. Assets not being pulled in

Currently I am trying to run a Wordpress repo locally for development. I am not using MAMP pro even though I still have a 9 day trail. I figured since I'm going to be using the free version for now I might as well work with that. I have my Apache & MySQL server running along with the Document Root pointing to my Sites folder where my projectName repo sits. I'm still running off of the default port of Apache 8888.
After I start the servers, I open WebStart and import my DB into phpMyAdmin. Everything works perfectly fine and the copy of my db gets imported. I then make sure that my wp-config.php file has the appropriate settings to access this db. I then click on My Website. This pulls up the content of the website. However, it does not pull in any of the assets(imgs/js/css). I receive the following errors in the console:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE http://projectName.dev/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/logo-footer-1.png
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE http://projectName.dev/wp-content/themes/projectName/images/circle.png
And so the list goes on and on for pretty much every asset the project could possibly have. Now configuration is NOT my strong suit, and at this point I am at a loss of what could possibly be happening. Awhile ago I did follow a tutorial on how to setup my files so that I can access them in the web browser by simply typing the name of the project with the domain .dev, example: projectName.dev. I started having issues with this after upgrading to OS Sierra and it no longer works. Could this possibly be the reason as to why it is looking for these assets in the projectName at the .dev domain?
I apologize if this does not make sense. I am willing to provide anyone with any information on this as I need as much help as possible because I still need to level up my configuration skills. Let me know if you have questions.
The images and other assets are referenced with an absolute filepath (i.e. the URL of the server on which you first set it up). This has to be changed in all database entries. There are tutorials for this on the net, but the most simple version is to open the sql file in an editor and search & replace the general URL part in the complete database.
Be sure to keep a backup of the file - that might not work on the first try...

Laravel not showing the new changes

Any idea on this? I am currently using Laravel 4.2.
We have an existing web application already running in live. Something needs to be changed so I downloaded all the files from live server to my localhost via ftp and do the update in there. Everything is working fine in localhost but when I tried to upload(ftp) the select files (that were only updated- a blade file, a controller and a model), and and test the live site, the changes aren't showing. Checked the html elements thru browser dev tools and indeed it's just the old version. The id that I newly added in the div isn't there.
I checked in the filemanager if the files were successfully updated and it's there.
I am done doing the following:
cleared my browser cache, cleared files in /app/storage/views. What else to do?
Is updating the files thru FTP for laravel not good? Honestly I am just a newbie to this framework so your explicit explanation would be appreciated. Thanks!
Laravel compiles all files before they are deployed most times. If the files are not recompiled on the server, then it's gonna keep running the old setup. if you have terminaal access, runningphp artisan clear-compiled may fix your problem. I may be wrong but this is what i see from where i'm sitting.

WindowsAzure: Develop on deployed PHP Files

I work a lot with the WindowsAzure4E(clipse) IDE. And it's always pain to wait for the local test deployment)
Isn't there a way to develop on the deployed PHP files which must be stored somewhere to inetput or something else?
thx for your ideas.
Yes! In fact, I just got this working myself yesterday.
After installing PHP 5.3 with CGI support for IIS (making the necessary php.ini modifications of course), I simply created a new site in IIS that mapped to a role in the workspace for my Eclipse project.
Keep in mind that there's one hiccup to this and that is that the php_azure.dll file, used to access the service configuration and mount azure drives, was built to run in the azure fabric (either development or hosted). In my case, I don't NEED these features so I removed referrences to things like getconfig and poof the project loads in IIS just fine. I only need to make sure I start Azure Storage prior to launching the application.
I've been told that some folks are able to update their systems path environment variable with the location of the azure diagnostics dll (diagnostics.dll) and have it work without this modification. But this route didn't work for me. :(
I'll actually be blogging on this more this weekend as it took me a week of evenings to get things sorted out.
I found out that after the deployment the project files are copied to the folder ServiceDefinition.csx.
When you now edit the source code in this place, you can see the changes directly, without another deployment.

Joomla Database Problem

I am a beginner to Joomla, I have installed Joomla 1.5 in my server with Fantastico including sample data, also i have installed joomla in my local server. I Don't know how to upload this project from local to real server, when i completed my project , i have exported my database and import this Database in to real server after deleting all tables from real data base. But everyday this database data automatically changed to old sample data? I don't know how to fix this problem. Please any one help me!!!!!!!!
I've never used Fantastico to install Joomla, but:
To copy a Joomla installation from a server to another you'll need to:
Copy the content of your webroot (be careful about permissions)
Adjust the config parameters from the config.php or through the admin panel
Dump the database from the old website and import it into the new one.
My feeling is that you're trying to "install" Joomla again on the real server, and during the installation you're confirming the creation of the sample data (this will override the existing tables).
Are you sure you're using the right database name in your real server? Maybe you have two or more...
