Using sleep() delays all output - php

I've built an IRC bot using a PHP bot framework called Philip ( When the command !hello is sent into the chat by anyone, the bot should say "hello..." into the channel, wait 45 seconds, say "foo", wait 15 seconds, then say "bar" (I know that doesn't make any sense, just trying to get this code to work).
Here's the code that I've tried so far:
Attempt #1
$bot->onChannel('/^!hello$/', function($event) {
$event->addResponse(Response::msg($event->getRequest()->getSource(), "hello..."));
$now = time();
while ($now + 45 > time()) {
$event->addResponse(Response::msg($event->getRequest()->getSource(), "foo"));
while ($now + 60 > time()) {
$event->addResponse(Response::msg($event->getRequest()->getSource(), "bar"));
Attempt #2
$bot->onChannel('/^!hello$/', function($event) {
$event->addResponse(Response::msg($event->getRequest()->getSource(), "hello..."));
$event->addResponse(Response::msg($event->getRequest()->getSource(), "foo"));
$event->addResponse(Response::msg($event->getRequest()->getSource(), "bar"));
With both of those attempts, the bot will wait the full 60 seconds before outputting anything at all. So instead of sending one message, then waiting, then sending another message, then waiting, then sending a third message, it just waited all 60 seconds then sent messages.
Any idea as to how I can get this to work as I would like it to?

If you take a look at the fwrite() docs, it has the following tidbit:
Writing to a network stream may end before the whole string is written. Return value of fwrite() may be checked:
function fwrite_stream($fp, $string) {
for ($written = 0; $written < strlen($string); $written += $fwrite) {
$fwrite = fwrite($fp, substr($string, $written));
if ($fwrite === false) {
return $written;
return $written;
So in your Phillip::send method, you could incorporate a similar solution to hold the method until the fwrite to the socket is completed and return a success boolean, etc.

Sleep freezes the thread you are currently in.
You should either do the message sending on a new thread (and sleep there causing the main thread not to freeze) using "pthreads" or you should use a timer.


PHP pcntl_alarm - pcntl_signal handler fires late

The title really says it all. I had a Timeout class that handled timing out using pcntl_alarm(), and during ssh2_* calls, the signal handler simply does not fire when it should.
In its most basic form,
print date('H:i:s'); // A - start waiting, ideally 5 seconds at the most
// SSH attempt to download remote file /dev/random to ensure it blocks *hard*
// (omitted)
print date('H:i:s'); // B - get here once it realizes it's a tripeless-cat scenario
with a signal handler that also outputs the date, I would expect this (rows B and C might be inverted, that does not matter)
"A, at 00:00:00"
"C, at 00:00:05" <-- from the signal handler
"B, at 00:00:05"
but the above will obtain this disappointing result instead:
"A, at 00:00:00"
"C, at 00:01:29" <-- from the signal handler
"B, at 00:01:29"
In other words, the signal handler does fire, but it does so once another, longer, timeout has expired. I can only guess this timeout is inside ssh2_*. Quickly browsing through the source code yielded nothing obvious. What's worse, this ~90 seconds timeout is what I can reproduce by halting a download. In other cases when the firewall dropped the wrong SSH2 packet, I got a stuck process with an effectively infinite timeout.
As the title might reveal, I have already checked other questions and this is definitely not a mis-quoting of SIGALRM (also, the Timeout class worked beautifully). It seems like I need a louder alarm when libssh2 is involved.
This modification of the Timeout yields a slightly less precise, but always working system, yet it does so in an awkward, clunky way. I'd really prefer for pcntl_alarm to work in all cases as it's supposed to.
public static function install() {
self::$enabled = function_exists('pcntl_async_signals') && function_exists('posix_kill') && function_exists('pcntl_wait');
if (self::$enabled) {
// Just to be on the safe side
pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, static function(int $signal, $siginfo) {
// Child just died.
$status = null;
static::$expired = true;
return self::$enabled;
public static function wait(int $time) {
if (self::$enabled) {
static::$expired = false;
// arrange for a SIGALRM to be delivered in $time seconds
// pcntl_alarm($time);
$ppid = posix_getpid();
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException('Could not fork alarming child');
if ($pid) {
// save the child's PID
self::$thread = $pid;
// we are the child. Send SIGALRM to the parent after requested timeout
posix_kill($ppid, SIGALRM);
* Cancel the timeout and verify whether it expired.
public static function expired(): bool {
if (self::$enabled) {
// Have we spawned an alarm?
if (self::$thread) {
// Yes, so kill it.
posix_kill(self::$thread, SIGTERM);
self::$thread = 0;
// Maybe.
$status = null;
// pcntl_alarm(0);
return static::$expired;
Can pcntl_alarm() be made to work as expected?

Is there any option to check if API take more than 10 second to call in PHP?

Actually, I am implementing a cron, where I need to call more than 50 APIs. So, I want to implement something like, if an API takes more than 10 seconds to call, I will skip that.
Actually, I am using PHP 5.6. I have tried to implement Round-Robin. I haven't got anything to check if an API takes more than 10 seconds to call.
You can use ReactPHP tools for this purpose. Here examples how to work with timers
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$i = 0;
$loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function(React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer $timer) use (&$i, $loop) {
if ($i == 0) {
// send request
} elseif($i < 10){
// check response
} else {
// cancel request and cancel timer

How to only use my max api calls php

I am using the raw blockchain api and the docs say that I can do 1 request every 10 seconds, how would I make sure that I don't go over this limit? I'd prefer to keep it server side with php. Thank you for the response
After each call to the API add to your internal time counter 10 seconds to know when the next call will be allowed.
class ApiRequest{
private $nextRequestTime = time();
private function allowRequest(){
$local_time = now();
if($local_time >= $this->nextRequestTime ){
$this->nextRequestTime = ($local_time + 10);
return true;
return false;
public function doRequest($request){
// process the $request...
When function ApiRequest::allowRequest() returns false you know that you should process the request later.

PHP Timeout not working on webservice

I am trying to force PHP to NEVER try to connect and send information to a webservice over
a set period of time. I am using below and for some reason it will run over the time allowed and I can't figure out why. For example if I set it to 30 seconds, I will see that it takes a lot longer in some cases. I need to figure out a way to 100% kill connection if it takes too long.
$intTimeout = $this->getTimeout();
$client = new SoapClient("{$this->url}?WSDL", array('trace' => 0, 'connection_timeout'=>$intTimeout));
try {
$this->response = $client->someService($objPerson);
catch(Exception $e) {
function getTimeout()
$intTimeout = #$this->timeout ? $this->timeout : 60;
$_SESSION['old_sock'] = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $intTimeout);
return $intTimeout;
function restoreTimeout()
$intCurSockTime = #$_SESSION['old_sock'];
if($intCurSockTime) ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $intCurSockTime);
the problem is: default_socket_timeout is counting before socket responds, as long as it gets response, it will wait forever.
this is a good example using curl with timeout as fallback:
similar question: PHP SoapClient Timeout

Detecting a timeout for a block of code in PHP

Is there a way you can abort a block of code if it's taking too long in PHP? Perhaps something like:
//Set the max time to 2 seconds
$time = new TimeOut(2);
if ($time->timeExpired()){
echo 'This function took too long to execute and was aborted.';
It doesn't have to be exactly like above, but are there any native PHP functions or classes that do something like this?
Edit: Ben Lee's answer with pcnt_fork would be the perfect solution except that it's not available for Windows. Is there any other way to accomplish this with PHP that works for Windows and Linux, but doesn't require an external library?
Edit 2: XzKto's solution works in some cases, but not consistently and I can't seem to catch the exception, no matter what I try. The use case is detecting a timeout for a unit test. If the test times out, I want to terminate it and then move on to the next test.
You can do this by forking the process, and then using the parent process to monitor the child process. pcntl_fork is a method that forks the process, so you have two nearly identical programs in memory running in parallel. The only difference is that in one process, the parent, pcntl_fork returns a positive integer which corresponds to the process id of the child process. And in the other process, the child, pcntl_fork returns 0.
Here's an example:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
// this is the child process
} else {
// this is the parent process, and we know the child process id is in $pid
That's the basic structure. Next step is to add a process expiration. Your stuff will run in the child process, and the parent process will be responsible only for monitoring and timing the child process. But in order for one process (the parent) to kill another (the child), there needs to be a signal. Signals are how processes communicate, and the signal that means "you should end immediately" is SIGKILL. You can send this signal using posix_kill. So the parent should just wait 2 seconds then kill the child, like so:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
// this is the child process
// run your potentially time-consuming method
} else {
// this is the parent process, and we know the child process id is in $pid
sleep(2); // wait 2 seconds
posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL); // then kill the child
You can't really do that if you script pauses on one command (for example sleep()) besides forking, but there are a lot of work arounds for special cases: like asynchronous queries if you programm pauses on DB query, proc_open if you programm pauses at some external execution etc. Unfortunately they are all different so there is no general solution.
If you script waits for a long loop/many lines of code you can do a dirty trick like this:
class Timouter {
private static $start_time = false,
public static function start($timeout) {
self::$start_time = microtime(true);
self::$timeout = (float) $timeout;
register_tick_function(array('Timouter', 'tick'));
public static function end() {
unregister_tick_function(array('Timouter', 'tick'));
public static function tick() {
if ((microtime(true) - self::$start_time) > self::$timeout)
throw new Exception;
//Main code
try {
//Start timeout
//Some long code to execute that you want to set timeout for.
while (1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Timeouted!";
but I don't think it is very good. If you specify the exact case I think we can help you better.
This is an old question, and has probably been solved many times by now, but for people looking for an easy way to solve this problem, there is a library now: PHP Invoker.
You can use declare function if the execution time exceeds the limits.
Here a code example of how to use
define("MAX_EXECUTION_TIME", 2); # seconds
$timeline = time() + MAX_EXECUTION_TIME;
function check_timeout()
if( time() < $GLOBALS['timeline'] ) return;
# timeout reached:
print "Timeout!".PHP_EOL;
$data = "";
declare( ticks=1 ){
# here the process that might require long execution time
sleep(5); // Comment this line to see this data text
$data = "Long process result".PHP_EOL;
# Ok, process completed, output the result:
print $data;
With this code you will see the timeout message.
If you want to get the Long process result inside the declare block you can just remove the sleep(5) line or increase the Max Execution Time declared at the start of the script
What about set-time-limit if you are not in the safe mode.
Cooked this up in about two minutes, I forgot to call $time->startTime(); so I don't really know exactly how long it took ;)
class TimeOut{
public function __construct($time=0)
$this->limit = $time;
public function startTime()
$this->old = microtime(true);
public function checkTime()
$this->new = microtime(true);
public function timeExpired()
return ($this->new - $this->old > $this->limit);
And the demo.
I don't really get what your endTime() call does, so I made checkTime() instead, which also serves no real purpose but to update the internal values. timeExpired() calls it automatically because it would sure stink if you forgot to call checkTime() and it was using the old times.
You can also use a 2nd script that has the pause code in it that is executed via a curl call with a timeout set. The other obvious solution is to fix the cause of the pause.
Here is my way to do that. Thanks to others answers:
class Timeouter
private static $start_time = FALSE, $timeout;
* #param integer $seconds Time in seconds
* #param null $error_msg
public static function limit($seconds, $error_msg = NULL)
: void
self::$start_time = microtime(TRUE);
self::$timeout = (float) $seconds;
register_tick_function([ self::class, 'tick' ], $error_msg);
public static function end()
: void
unregister_tick_function([ self::class, 'tick' ]);
public static function tick($error)
: void
if ((microtime(TRUE) - self::$start_time) > self::$timeout) {
throw new \RuntimeException($error ?? 'You code took too much time.');
public static function step()
: void
Then you can try like this:
try {
//Start timeout
Timeouter::limit(2, 'You code is heavy. Sorry.');
//Some long code to execute that you want to set timeout for.
declare(ticks=1) {
foreach (range(1, 100000) as $x) {
Timeouter::step(); // Not always necessary
echo $x . "-";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); // 'You code is heavy. Sorry.'
I made a script in php using pcntl_fork and lockfile to control the execution of external calls doing the kill after the timeout.
#!/usr/bin/env php
print "\n\n\n";
print "./fork.php PATH \"COMMAND\" TIMEOUT\n"; // TIMEOUT IN SECS
print "Example:\n";
print "./fork.php /root/ \"php run.php\" 20";
print "\n\n\n";
$PATH = $argv[1];
$LOCKFILE = $argv[1].$argv[2].".lock";
$TIMEOUT = (int)$argv[3];
$RUN = $argv[2];
$fp = fopen($LOCKFILE,"w");
if (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
print "Already Running\n";
$tasks = [
function killChilds($pid,$signal) {
exec("ps -ef| awk '\$3 == '$pid' { print \$2 }'", $output, $ret);
if($ret) return 'you need ps, grep, and awk';
while(list(,$t) = each($output)) {
if ( $t != $pid && $t != posix_getpid()) {
posix_kill($t, $signal);
$pidmaster = getmypid();
print "Add PID: ".(string)$pidmaster." MASTER\n";
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
$pidslave = posix_getpid();
if($pidslave != $pidmaster){
print "Add PID: ".(string)$pidslave." ".strtoupper($task)."\n";
if ($pid == -1) {
exit("Error forking...\n");
else if ($pid == 0) {
while(pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1);
echo "Do stuff after all parallel execution is complete.\n";
function execute_task($task_id) {
global $pidmaster;
global $TIMEOUT;
global $RUN;
print("SET TIMEOUT = ". (string)$TIMEOUT."\n");
print("FINISHED BY TIMEOUT: ". (string)$TIMEOUT."\n");
### END ###
Test Script run.php
print "test... $i\n";
