Back-up script and folder capitalisation - php

I have a site backup script that I am using, and it's working fine - apart from one issue. It does not respect and follow folder capitalisation, so "l" and "L" are compressed into one folder. Is there a way around that? The function is below.
Many thanks!
function BackupSite() {
$archname = './fullsite_' . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.tar.gz';
$command = 'tar -';
$command .= '-exclude ' . $archname . ' -czf ' . $archname . ' .';
$output = shell_exec($command);
$size = round(filesize($archname)/1000);


Exec Command is not working in sql server

I am working on database migration. I have written a code for executing the command that retrieves the data from database and pushes into a csv file. This Works fine in MySQL but when I try to do the same in SQL Server it does not work. Infact when I copy paste the same command into command prompt it works fine. I double checked everything. I do not understand why its not working. It returns blank output. I have already tried many of the solutions provided before. None works. Any help on this is most appreciated.
Here is the code I am using:
//$sqlsrv is used to determine the database server type
$str_query = voc_get_query_string($query);
$output_uri = 'temporary://' . user_password();
$file_path = drupal_realpath($output_uri . '.csv');
$exec_path = drupal_realpath('private://Binn\sqlcmd');
$exec_path = drupal_realpath('private://mysql');
$sql_uri = 'temporary://' . user_password();
$sql_path = drupal_realpath($sql_uri);
$fp = fopen($sql_path, 'w');
fputs($fp, $str_query);
global $databases;
if ($sqlsrv) {
$cmd = ($exec_path .
' -S ' . $databases['default']['default']['host'] .
' -d ' . $databases['default']['default']['database'] .
' -U ' . $databases['default']['default']['username'] .
' -P ' . $databases['default']['default']['password'] .
' -i ' . $sql_path . '>>'. $file_path .
' -s '. '"," -W -m10 -r1');
else {
$cmd = ($exec_path . ' ' . $databases['default']['default']
['database'] .
' -h ' . $databases['default']['default']['host'] .
' -u ' . $databases['default']['default']['username'] .
' -p ' . $databases['default']['default']['password'] . ' < '
. $sql_path .
' > ' . $file_path);
watchdog('cmd', var_export($cmd, TRUE));

Laravel mysqldump create empty file, but same command work when execute via xampp shell

running Laravel 5.2 on Xampp 321 Win7 Mysql5.6 PHP 5.6.3 I cant create BD dump file .sql
$filename = "backup-".Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d_H-i-s').".sql 2>&1";
$command = "mysqldump --user=" . env('DB_USERNAME') ." --password=" . env('DB_PASSWORD') . " --host=" . env('DB_HOST') . " " . env('DB_DATABASE') . " > " . storage_path() . "/" . $filename;
$returnVar = NULL;
$output = NULL;
//exec command allows you to run terminal commands from php
exec($command, $output, $returnVar);
return 1;
}catch(Exception $e){
return $e->errorInfo; //some error
When loading script it generates an empty file! But by doing dd ($ command) and copying paste this text, this command works fine in the Xampp shell. Any ideas please?
Solved with this code: setting absolute path of mysqldump adn adding double backslash to url var
$filename = "backup-".date("d-m-Y-H-i-s").".sql";
$mysqlPath = "D:\\xampp/mysql/bin/mysqldump";
$command = "$mysqlPath --user=" . env('DB_USERNAME') ." --password=" . env('DB_PASSWORD') . " --host=" . env('DB_HOST') . " " . env('DB_DATABASE') . " > " . storage_path() . "/" . $filename." 2>&1";
$returnVar = NULL;
$output = NULL;
exec($command, $output, $returnVar);
return 1;//ok
}catch(Exception $e){
return "0 ".$e->errorInfo; //some error

Returning shell_exec as string PHP detecting BPM with soundtouch/soundstrech

I am working on a php function used to upload a .wav to server (along with converting to mp3 and creating waveform image png) , and within the function I would like it to use soundtouch / soundstrech to detect the B.P.M. (Beats Per Minute). I know it will not be the most accurate but for my purposes it will be all I need.
I was able to get the B.P.M. of a .wav file using soundtouch / soundstrech along with ffmpeg within a test.php file using deven's php-bpm-detect wrapper But When I try to integrate it within my PHP function it returns the B.P.M. as zero.
I am wondering if there is a simpler way to get the bpm as a string from the following shell exec without having to use a separate php library?
I would like to perform this and have it return as a string:
$song_bpm = shell_exec('soundstretch ' . $file_path . ' -bpm');
test.php (This works and returns the proper bpm:)
require "class.bpm.php";
$wavfile = "38a2819c20.wav";
$bpm_detect = new bpm_detect($wavfile);
$test = $bpm_detect->detectBPM();
echo ' bpm of ' . $wavfile . ' is: ' . $test . ' ';
PHP Function: (returns bpm as zero)
function upload_a_sound($user_id, $file_temp, $file_extn, $name, $uploader, $keywords) {
$timecode = substr(md5(time()), 0, 10);
$mp3name = 'beats/' . $timecode . '.mp3';
$file_path = 'beats/' . $timecode . '.wav';
move_uploaded_file($file_temp, $file_path);
shell_exec('ffmpeg -i ' . $file_path . ' -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192k -f mp3 ' . $mp3name . '');
require ('classAudioFile.php'); // This creates a spectogram .png file of .wav
$AF = new AudioFile;
$AF->getVisualization ('images/song/' . $timecode . '.png');
$imageloc = 'images/song/' . $timecode . '.png';
require ('class.bpm.php'); //Deseven's class to get bpm,
$bpm_detect = new bpm_detect($file_path);
$song_bpm = $bpm_detect->detectBPM(); //when used here this returns 0
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `content` VALUES ('', '', '$name', '$uploader', '$keywords', '$file_path', '$imageloc', '$mp3name', '$song_bpm')"); // I will update this to mysqli soon, for now it works
I also found this which works, but not when I integrate it into my function:
// create new files, because we don't want to override the old files
$wavFile = $filename . ".wav";
$bpmFile = $filename . ".bpm";
//convert to wav file with ffmpeg
$exec = "ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i \"" . $filename . "\" -ar 32000 -ac 1 \"" . $wavFile . "\"";
$output = shell_exec($exec);
// now execute soundstretch with the newly generated wav file, write the result into a file
$exec = "soundstretch \"" . $wavFile . "\" -bpm 2> " . $bpmFile;
// read and parse the file
$output = file_get_contents($bpmFile);
preg_match_all("!(?:^|(?<=\s))[0-9]*\.?[0-9](?=\s|$)!is", $output, $match);
// don't forget to delete the new generated files
// here we have the bpm
echo $match[0][2];
I've updated my class so it's supporting absolute and relative paths now.
And the straightforward solution:
exec('soundstretch "test.wav" -bpm 2>&1',$average_bpm);
foreach ($average_bpm as $line) {
if (strpos($line,"Detected BPM rate") !== false) {
$line = explode(" ",$line);
$average_bpm = round($line[3]);
echo $average_bpm;
Just keep in mind that $average_bpm will contain the error if anything goes wrong.

WkHtmlToPdf Passing Variables via shell_exec()

Here is a sample of my script
$clientid = $_POST['clientid'];
$from_day = $_POST['stat_from_day'];
$from_month = $_POST['stat_from_month'];
$from_year = $_POST['stat_from_year'];
$to_day = $_POST['stat_to_day'];
$to_month = $_POST['stat_to_month'];
$to_year = $_POST['stat_to_year'];
$from_date_string = $from_day . ' ' . $from_month . ' ' . $from_year ;
$to_date_string = $to_day . ' ' . $to_month . ' ' . $to_year ;
$baseurl = "";
$part1 = "?Search=" . $clientid . " from_day=" . $from_day . " from_month=" . $from_month . " from_year=" . $from_year ;
$part2 = " to_day=" . $to_day . " to_month=" . $to_month . " to_year=" . $to_year ;
$time = mktime();
$formatted_time = date("d_M_Y", $time);
$command = "xvfb-run -a /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf --ignore-load-errors";
$url = $baseurl . $part1 . $part2 ;
$html = file_get_contents($url);
$output_dir = '/var/www/stats/pdf/';
$output = $clientid . '_Search_Export_' . $formatted_time . rand(10000, 99999) . '.pdf';
$generate = shell_exec($command . ' ' . $url . ' ' . $output_dir . $output) ;
The problem i seem to be having is with the $command, basically when it runs wkHTMLtoPDF it runs it via a Command Line, and &variable= bit causes the script to error as via command line & is another command, my question is how do i get the variables to be passed correctly so that the script this then sends to, will be able to use $_GET variables that i require for the script to then work ?
I have done a bit of looking up and found something along the lines of using $argv1;
Replacing $_GET to make it work from command line
However i cannot seem to find a reference that closely matches my needs.
Change this:
$url = $baseurl . $part1 . $part2 ;
To this:
$url = "\" . $baseurl . $part1 . $part2 . "\";
Actually wkhtmltopdf accepts and passes POST data to the server-side page being printed/exported to pdf.
All you need is --post fieldName value.
xvfb-run -a /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf --ignore-load-errors --post username blablabla --post bla2 answer2
You can have as many as that in the command to pass as many post parameters as you want

PHP LFTP data mirror output

I'm using a Linux local computer and need to backup/mirror some very large file structures regularly. I only have access to SFTP.
I was after a simple one click solution. I originally tried to write the little script in BASH but I've never used it before and am not up to scratch with the syntax so I resorted to PHP. (I do understand PHP is not designed for this kind of work, but I'm on a tight time scale and don't have the time to get into BASH atm)
parse_str(implode('&', array_slice($argv, 1)), $_GET);
$error = array();
$lPrefix = '/home/hozza/Sites/';
$archiveLocation = '/home/hozza/Backups/';
$lDir = isset($_GET['l']) ? $_GET['l'] : $error[] = 'Local Directory Required';
$rDir = isset($_GET['r']) ? $_GET['r'] : $error[] = 'Remote Directory Required';
$bookmark = isset($_GET['b']) ? $_GET['b'] : $error[] = 'lftp Bookmark Required';
//Check for args
if(count($error) == 0) {
$archiveName = end(explode('/', $lDir)) . '_' . date('Y-m-d_H-i');
//Validate local dir
if(is_dir($lPrefix . $lDir)) {
//preserve Sublime Text 2 config SFTP files
$ST2_SFTP_conf = false;
if(file_exists($lPrefix . $lDir . '/sftp-config.json')) {
$ST2_SFTP_conf = file_get_contents($lPrefix . $lDir . '/sftp-config.json');
unlink($lPrefix . $lDir . '/sftp-config.json');
//Start mirror
$lftOutput = explode("\n", shell_exec('lftp -e "mirror -e -p --parallel=10 --log=' . $archiveLocation . 'logs/' . $archiveName . '.txt ' . $rDir . '/ ' . $lPrefix . $lDir . '/; exit top" ' . $bookmark));
//Tar regardless of lftp error or success
$tarOutput = shell_exec('cd ' . $lPrefix . ' && tar -czf ' . $archiveLocation . $archiveName . '.tar.gz ' . $lDir);
//Output completion or errors
shell_exec('notify-send -i gnome-network-properties -t 0 "Mirror & Archive Complete" "' . $archiveName . '\n\n' . implode('\n', $lftOutput) . $tarOutput . '"');
//put back ST2 SFTP conf
if($ST2_SFTP_conf != false) file_put_contents($lPrefix . $lDir . '/sftp-config.json', $ST2_SFTP_conf);
else shell_exec('notify-send -i error -t 0 "Mirror & Archive Error" "' . date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . date('H-i') . '\n' . $lDir . ' \n Does not exist! D:"');
else shell_exec('notify-send -i error -t 0 "Mirror & Archive Error" "' . date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . date('H-i') . '\n' . implode('\n', $error) . '"');
It can be run for many sites via a short-cut like so...
terminator -T "Mirror & Archive" -e "php ~/Programs/mirror.php l=local-dir_path r=./ b=lftp-bookmark-name"
If no password is in the LFTP bookmark (there shouldn’t be as it's stored in plain text) the terminal prompts for a password, after the script has run, a nice notification is given with some info about files/folders/speed etc.
However, when the script is running in a terminal, only the "input password" bit is output to the terminal, I would like all the output displayed in the terminal (normally that would display what file/folder is currently working with etc.)
Anyone know how to do that?
IIRC the reason that you see the password prompt output to the terminal is that it is using stderr. You could try redirecting stdout to stderr for your commands which should show you the 'real-time' progress. Tack this on to the end of the shell_exec() command: 1>&2
shell_exec('lftp -e "mirror -e -p --parallel=10 --log=' . $archiveLocation . 'logs/' . $archiveName . '.txt ' . $rDir . '/ ' . $lPrefix . $lDir . '/; exit top" ' . $bookmark . ' 1>&2')
However, this will preclude you from having anything returned by shell_exec for logging purposes. What I would suggest is something like:
$log_stem = '/tmp/' . time() . '_'; // ie: /tmp/1357581737_
$lfOutfile = $log_stem . 'lftp.log';
$tarOutfile = $log_stem . 'tar.log';
shell_exec('lftp -blah | tee ' . $lfOutfile ' 1>&2' );
shell_exec('tar -blah | tee ' . $tarOutfile ' 1>&2' );
$lfOut = file_get_contents($lfOutfile);
$tarOut = file_get_contetns(tarOutfile);
// remove tmp files
Which will capture a copy of the output to a file before redirecting the output to stderr so you can watch it live.
However, if you want to run this via cron I would recommend against writing anything to stderr that is not an error, otherwise cron will send a warning email every time it is run.
I think the last answer was close:
Either this:
shell_exec('lftp -blah |& tee ' . $lfOutfile );
shell_exec('tar -blah |& tee ' . $tarOutfile );
Or if that still doesn't work try this:
shell_exec('lftp -blah 2>&1 | tee ' . $lfOutfile );
shell_exec('tar -blah 2>&1 | tee ' . $tarOutfile );
