Thank you in advance. I've checked similar questions and they are not helping because the work flow is set up differently.
Trying to get working:
1.user uploads image via form field
2.(SCRIPT 1) on other page script assigns unique name (SCRIPT 2), saves image file to server and image URL is uploaded to SQL. Goes to new page at end of script.
Problem is I'm not getting errors, the script runs and the new page opens but there is no file saved on the server and no data inserted into the SQL table (the entry date adds but not the image URL). My PHP.ini instructions far exceeds the size of the images I've been testing with. The folder location is chamode 0777. I'm posting the whole script because with getting errors it's hard to see where problem lies.
Image processing
require_once 'unique_gen.php';
$page_path = $_POST['page_path'];
$imgloc = "/avatars/";
//up one directory level
$store_loc = "..".$imgloc;
$link_loc = "".$imgloc;
//Upload and characterize image file
$upload['image'] = $_FILES['image'];
if ($upload['image']["error"] > 0){
die ("File Upload Error: " . $upload['image']["error"]);
$img_ext = end(explode('.', $upload['image']['name']));
//Unique code generator
$image_name = implode('.', array(unique_generator(),$img_ext));
$image_name = implode('.', array(unique_generator(),$img_ext));
$image_name = $upload['image']['name'];
//Move file to another location
move_uploaded_file($upload['image']["tmp_name"],$store_loc.$image_name) or exit("<br>Error, IMAGE file not moved!");
//Save location as link
$link_to_img = $link_loc.$image_name;
$image_name = "";
//connect to db
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
//Insert to SQL
$sql="INSERT INTO comments (avatar, entry_date)
('$_POST[link_to_image]', now())";
//verify insert
if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql))
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));
//direct to new page using variable
header('Location:' . $page_path);
//close session
Unique generator
function unique_generator($lot_size = 15){
$alpha_s = range('a', 'z');
$alpha_l = range('A', 'Z');
$numbers = range(0, 9);
$char = array_merge($alpha_l,$alpha_s,$numbers);
$code = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $lot_size; $i++){
$key = rand(0,count($char)-1);
$code .= $char[$key];
return $code;
Try putting this at the top of your script:
This at the bottom:
I'm trying to upload the file's path into my database. But nothing is being inserted. My file gets uploaded to target directory successfully. I want to insert the path too, but can't do it. I believe I'm doing some mistake in the Insert Into statement. Please let me know what's wrong?
My upload.php code is below:
// variables
$conn = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','abcdef','trademark');
if(!$conn) {
echo "Not Connected To Server";
else {
define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'uploads/');
$fileName = $_FILES['file'];
// check for which action should be taken if file already exist
//Rename file name
if(file_exists(UPLOAD_DIR . $fileName['name']))
$updatedFileName = update_file_name(UPLOAD_DIR.$fileName['name']);
move_uploaded_file($fileName['tmp_name'], $updatedFileName);
echo"FILE SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED!! " . "<br/><br/><br/>"; //after renaming
// If no such file already exists, then upload it as it is
move_uploaded_file($fileName['tmp_name'], UPLOAD_DIR.$fileName['name']);
echo " FILE SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED!! ". "<br/><br/>";
// function to rename file
function update_file_name($file)
$pos = strrpos($file,'.');
$ext = substr($file,$pos);
$dir = strrpos($file,'/');
$dr = substr($file,0,($dir+1));
$arr = explode('/',$file);
$fName = trim($arr[(count($arr) - 1)],$ext);
$exist = FALSE;
$i = 2;
$file = $dr.$fName.'_'.$i.$ext;
$exist = TRUE;
return $file;
} // function to rename ends
$sql = "INSERT INTO file (Path) VALUES (' " . mysqli_real_escape_string( UPLOAD_DIR.$fileName['name']) . " ')";
$r = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
echo 'file info inserted';
Check syntax for function mysqli_real_escape_string
getting warning message as,
Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1
given in
I want to allow users to upload images without conflicting problems that may be caused by multiple users uploading images that potentially have the same image name. I am stumped on how to execute this and I have no idea where to start..
Here is my code:
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","database");
$q = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE users SET image = '".$_FILES['file']['name']."' WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['user']."'");
header("Location: index.php");
Any help would be amazing. Thank you!
My solution is to generate a random string for each uploaded file, i.e.:
//get file extension.
$ext = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name'])['extension'];
//generate the new random string for filename and append extension.
$nFn = generateRandomString().".$ext";
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","database");
$q = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE users SET image = '{$nFn}' WHERE user_id = '{$_SESSION['user']}'");
header("Location: index.php");
function generateRandomString($length = 10) {
return substr(str_shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), 0, $length);
PHP has a build in function to generate unique files on your server. This function is known as tempnam(). If you read the comments on that website carefully though, there is a small chance you'll get unwanted behaviour from that function if to many processes call it at the same time. So a modification to this function would be as follows:
function tempnam_sfx($path, $suffix){
do {
$file = $path."/".mt_rand().$suffix;
$fp = #fopen($file, 'x');
return $file;
Because the file is kept open while it's being created, it can't be accessed by another process and therefor it's impossible to ever create 2 files with the same name simply because a couple of your website visitors happened to upload pictures at the exact same moment. So to implement this in your own code:
function tempnam_sfx($path, $suffix){
do {
$file = $path."/".mt_rand().$suffix;
$fp = #fopen($file, 'x');
return $file;
$uploaddir = 'pictures'; // Upload directory
$file = $_FILES['file']['name']; // Original file
$ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // Get file extension
$uploadfile = tempnam_sfx($uploaddir, $ext);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile);
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","database");
$q = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE users SET image = '".basename($uploadfile)."' WHERE user_id = '{$_SESSION['user']}'");
header("Location: index.php");
One way you could do this, is by generating a few random numbers (and possibly attaching them to current date in number format) and give the image the number sequence.
//generate 3 sequences of random numbers,you could do more or less if you wish
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","database");
$q = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE users SET image = '".$randomNumber.".jpg' WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['user']."'");
header("Location: index.php");
Note : you could also look into generating random strings if numbers are not your thing.
I want to upload 1000 images in just one click via URL. I have 1000 Image URLs stored in MYSQL database.
So please any one give me PHP code to upload that 1000 images via URL through mysql database.
Currently I am using the bellow code:-
It upload one image per click by posting URL of image...
But i want to upload 1000 image in one click by getting URLs from databse
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM thumb") or die(mysql_error());
// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
echo "<div>";
$oid = $row['tid'];
$th= $row['q'];
echo "</div>";
$thi = $th;
$get_url = $post["url"];
$url = trim('$get_url');
$file = fopen($url,"rb");
$directory = "thumbnail/";
$valid_exts = array("php","jpeg","gif","png","doc","docx","jpg","html","asp","xml","JPEG","bmp");
$ext = end(explode(".",strtolower(basename($url))));
$filename = "$oid.$ext";
$newfile = fopen($directory . $filename, "wb");
fwrite($newfile,fread($file,1024 * 8),1024 * 8);
echo 'File uploaded successfully';
echo '**$$**'.$filename;
echo 'File does not exists';
echo 'Invalid URL';
echo 'Please enter the URL';
Thanks a lot.... …
The code you have is outdated and a lot more complex than needed. This is not a site where you get code because you ask, this is a learning environment.
I'll give you an example on which you can continue:
// Select the images (those we haven't done yet):
$sItems = mysql_query("SELECT id,url FROM thumb WHERE imported=0") or die(mysql_error());
// Loop through them:
while( $fItems = mysql_fetch_assoc($sItems) ){
$imgSource = file_get_contents($fItems['url']); // get the image
// Check if it didn't go wrong:
if( $imgSource!==false ){
// Which directory to put the file in:
$newLocation = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/Location/to/dir/";
// The name of the file:
$newFilename = basename($fItems['url'], $imgSource);
// Save on your server:
// Update the row in the DB. If something goes wrong, you don't have to do all of them again:
mysql_query("UPDATE thumb SET imported=1 WHERE id=".$fItems['id']." LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
Relevant functions:
file_get_contents() - Get the content of the image
file_put_contents() - Place the content given in this function in a file specified
basename() - given an url, it gives you the filename only
You are using mysql_query. This is deprecated (should no longer be used), use PDO or mysqli instead
I suggest you make this work from the commandline and add an echo after the update so you can monitor progress
I have this page where you can send message to multiple people and attach files into it...
Here is my code
$inboxfrom = $_SESSION['loginusername'];
$inboxto = $_POST['inboxto'];
$inboxsubject = $_POST['inboxsubject'];
$inboxcontent = $_POST['inboxcontent'];
$inboxtime = date('g:i A', time()+(6*60*60));
$inboxdate = date('Y-m-d', time()+(6*60*60));
mysql_connect("", "root", "")or die("Cannot Connect toDb");
$count = 0;
function generateRandomString($length = 8){
$string = "";
$possible = "0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz"; //character that can be used
for($i=0;$i < $length;$i++){
$char = substr($possible, rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
if (!strstr($string, $char)){
$string .= $char;
return $string;
if (count($inboxto) != 0){
$count = 0;
while ($count < count($inboxto)){
$recepient = $_POST['inboxto'][$count];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO Inbox_tbl(InboxTo, InboxFrom, InboxSubject, InboxContent, InboxTime, InboxDate,InboxStatus,ToDelete,FromDelete)VALUES ('$recepient','$inboxfrom','$inboxsubject','$inboxcontent','$inboxtime','$inboxdate','Unread','No','No')");
$recepient_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Accounts_tbl WHERE UserID='$recepient'");
if (mysql_result($recepient_result, 0, "UserTypeID") == 1){
$notiurl = "LMSadmin_inbox.php";
} else if (mysql_result($recepient_result, 0, "UserTypeID") == 2) {
$notiurl = "LMSteacher_inbox.php";
} else {
$notiurl = "LMSstud_inbox.php";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO Noti_tbl(NotiTo,NotiFrom,NotiContent,NotiDate,NotiTime,NotiType,NotiUrl)
VALUES('$recepient','$inboxfrom','has sent you a message','$inboxdate','$inboxtime','Message','$notiurl')");
$countto = 0;
$cont = generateRandomString(128);
$folder = "./Attachments/".$cont;
$name = $_FILES['file']['name'];
if (!empty($name)){
while (is_dir($folder)){
$cont = generateRandomString(128);
$folder = "./Attachments/".$cont;
mkdir($folder, 0700, true);
while ($countto < count($_FILES['file']['name'])){
$name = $_FILES['file']['name'][$countto];
$type = $_FILES['file']['type'][$countto];
$tmp_name = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$countto];
$folder = "Attachments/".$cont."/";
move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $folder.$name);
$fileurl = $cont."/".$name;
$dummypost = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Inbox_tbl ORDER BY InboxID DESC");
$msgid = mysql_result($dummypost, 0, "InboxID");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO Attachments_tbl(FileUrl,FileName,AttachType,AttachID)
header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
now the result after I put multiple recepients and multiples is that... The first recepient will get the attachments.. meaning the folder of attachment will be randomy generated and the files would be put in there.... but on the next recepient the attachments would not be moved on their respective folder.. I can see the folder have been made but the files arent moved..
MY question is.. does the "temp_name" disappear after you use the "move_uploaded_file" code? Because I think thats is the reason the files arent not move.. Is so can you suggest any alternate code i can use?
move_uploaded_file() relocates the file to the set target location with rendering the tmp_name useless afterwards.
What you should do is to create a "puffer" folder where you originally move the uploaded file, and then call copy() as many times as you need to deliver the file to the recipient folders. When the file is put to every needed location, you can unlink() the file from this puffer folder.
Alternatively, you might put the file to only one location (to eliminate redundancy and overuse of storage space), and make links in your Attachments_tbl to this same file in a set attachments folder. However, this needs remodelling of how your system works to make sure that the (now one and only) attachment file is only removed after every record pointing to it is removed also.
Yes, the file is moved, this is why you can't find it. I suggest that you:
Move the inner while loop (the one for the uploaded files) before the first while loop (for the recipients), and move the uploaded files to a location that you specify
Create a new inner while loop that copies the files from the location you specified earlier to each user's attachments folder
I have created a form that allows a user to upload multiple files to a directory. Now I am trying to grab the names of the files from the form input fields and store them into a database.
I am trying to get the array values of the input fields ie; the ['file']['name'] and the ['file']['tmp_name'] and insert them into a database. With the below code I have only managed to get the word "array" to be inserted into the database and not the actual names of the files themselves.
I think I need to loop through the array using a foreach loop but I am uncertain as to how to go about writing it and where to insert it into my code. Below is the code so far:
#connect to the database
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
//Upload Handler to check image types
function is_image($file) {
$file_types = array('jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'); //acceptable file types
if ($img = getimagesize($file)){
//echo '<pre>';
//print_r($_FILES); //will return an array of information for testing
//print_r($img); //will return an array of information for testing
if(in_array(str_replace('image/', '', $img['mime']), $file_types))
return $img;
return false;
//form submission handling
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//file variables
$fname = $_FILES['files']['name'];
$ftype = $_FILES['files']['type'];
$fsize = $_FILES['files']['size'];
$tname = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'];
$ferror = $_FILES['files']['error'];
$newDir = '../uploads/'; //relative to where this script file resides
for ($i = count($fname) -1; $i >=0; $i--) {
if ($ferror[$i] =='UPLOAD ERR OK' || $ferror[$i] ==0)
move_uploaded_file($tname[$i], ($newDir.time().$fname[$i]));
echo '<li><span class="success">'.$fname[$i].' -- image has been accepted<br></span></li>';
echo '<li><span class="error">'.$fname[$i].' -- is not an accepted file type<br></span></li>';
$sqlInsert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO files (file_names) VALUES('$fname')") or die (mysql_error());
Thanks for any help.
When uploading multiple files (with the same field name) another dimension is added to the array. Say I upload a.html and b.html, I'll get:
$_FILES['files']['name'][0]; // a.html
$_FILES['files']['name'][1]; // b.html
$_FILES['files']['size'][0]; // size of a.html
$_FILES['files']['size'][1]; // size of b.html
To iterate through:
for(var $i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['files']['name']); $i++) {
echo 'File name ' . $_FILES['files']['name'][$i] . ' has size ' . $_FILES['files']['size'][$i];
This is explained at