Im currently developing a AJAX based chat, and i'm trying to get to the part where i can input commands in the chat as in this example:
"/roll 20" will give a random number between 1 and 20.
And i thought it would be best to fetch commands with regex, but i cant get the values from the string and this is what i've tried.
$message = "/roll 20";
preg_match("/roll \d+", $message, $matches);
I would like to get "/roll 20" from the message but it wont print any matches. So is it that my regex is wrong or am i handling the preg_match wrong?
ps. If you have another PHP based style to fetch commands with, i'l gladly take a look.
You'd need to use delimiters around the regex and also add regex to catch the beginning and end of a string. I've also wrapped the roll amount in parameters so you get a variable for the roll amount. So a phrase with the /roll command in the middle of the input wouldn't be caught.
$message = "/roll 20";
preg_match("#^/roll (\d+)$#", $message, $matches);
I honestly don't see why you would use regex for this. I assume you only have a fixed set of commands against which you might be matching, and that you would only issue such commands when the input starts with /. And that the command would need to come as first item in line and have parameters to the command separated by spaces.
So, using preg_match() you would need to have a series of patterns that you loop through to compare the line. This could become bulky to maintain.
I would propose a different parser-like approach, using explode to break apart the input line, inspecting the first element to see if it is a command. If so, you collect the parameters and call a function to do what you want to do.
$input = '/roll 20';
$commands = array(
'roll' => array('range'), // single parameter
'foo' => array('param1', 'param2'), // multiple parameters
'bar' => array() // no parameters
$input_array = explode(' ', $input);
$command = ltrim($input_array[0], '/');
if (strpos($input_array[0], '/') === 0 && array_key_exists($command, $commands)) {
$parameters = array();
$i = 1;
foreach($commands[$command] as $param_key) {
if(empty($input_array[$i])) {
// error we did not get expected number of parameters
// handle this error somehow
die('Not enough parameters passed for command');
} else {
$parameters[$param_key] = $input_array[$i];
// perhaps have a function defined for each command that you can call
// while passing in the parameter array
call_user_func($command, $parameters);
} else {
// this is just text content
// do whatever
No need for the relatively slow regex functionality.
Use delimiter for your regex:
preg_match("~/roll \d+~", $message, $matches);
^ ^
Use Delimiter
preg_match("#/roll \d+#", $message, $matches);
I have a server application which looks up where the stress is in Russian words. The end user writes a word жажда. The server downloads a page from another server which contains the stresses indicated with apostrophes for each case/declension like this жа'жда. I need to find that word in the downloaded page.
In Russian the stress is always written after a vowel. I've been using so far a regex that is a grouping of all possible combinations (жа'жда|жажда'). Is there a more elegant solution using just a regex pattern instead of making a PHP script which creates all these combinations?
I have a word жажда
The downloaded page contains the string жа'жда. (notice the
apostrophe, I do not before-hand know where the apostrophe in the
word is)
I want to match the word with apostrophe (жа'жда).
P.S.: So far I have a PHP script creating the string (жа'жда|жажда') used in regex (apostrophe is only after vowels) which matches it. My goal is to get rid of this script and use just regex in case it's possible.
If I understand your question,
have these options (d'isorder|di'sorder|dis'order|diso'rder|disor'der|disord'er|disorde'r|disorder') and one of these is in the downloaded page and I need to find out which one it is
this may suit your needs:
$s = "d'isorder|di'sorder|dis'order|diso'rder|disor'der|disord'er|disorde'r|disorder'|disorde'";
$s = explode("|",$s);
$matches = preg_grep("#[aeiou]'#", $s);
running example:
Uhm... Is this ok with you?
function find_stresses($word, $haystack) {
$pattern = preg_replace('/[aeiou]/', '\0\'?', $word);
$pattern = "/\b$pattern\b/";
// word = 'disorder', pattern = "diso'?rde'?r"
preg_match_all($pattern, $haystack, $matches);
return $matches[0];
$hay = "something diso'rder somethingelse";
find_stresses('disorder', $hay);
// => array(diso'rder)
You didn't specify if there can be more than one match, but if not, you could use preg_match instead of preg_match_all (faster). For example, in Italian language we have àncora and ancòra :P
Obviously if you use preg_match, the result would be a string instead of an array.
Based, on your code, and the requirements that no function is called and disorder is excluded. I think this is what you want. I have added a test vector.
// test code
$downloadedPage = "
there is some disorde'r
there is some disord'er in the example
there is some di'sorder in the example
there also' is some order in the example
there is some disorder in the example
there is some dso'rder in the example
$word = 'disorder';
preg_match_all("#".preg_replace("#[aeiou]#", "$0'?", $word)."#iu"
, $downloadedPage
, $result
$result = preg_grep("#'#"
, $result[0]
// the code you need
$word = 'also';
preg_match("#".preg_replace("#[aeiou]#", "$0'?", $word)."#iu"
, $downloadedPage
, $result
$result = preg_grep("#'#"
, $result
Working demo:
I am getting an "Array to string conversion error on PHP";
I am using the "variable" (that should be a string) as the third parameter to str_replace. So in summary (very simplified version of whats going on):
$str = "very long string";
str_replace("tag", $some_other_array, $str);
$str is throwing the error, and I have been trying to fix it all day, the thing I have tried is:
if(is_array($str)) die("its somehow an array");
serialize($str); //inserted this before str_replace call.
I have spent all day on it, and no its not something stupid like variables around the wrong way - it is something bizarre. I have even dumped it to a file and its a string.
My hypothesis:
The string is too long and php can't deal with it, turns into an array.
The $str value in this case is nested and called recursively, the general flow could be explained like this:
//pass by reference
function the_function ($something, &$OFFENDING_VAR, $something_else) {
while(preg_match($something, $OFFENDING_VAR)) {
$OFFENDING_VAR = str_replace($x, y, $OFFENDING_VAR); // this is the error
So it may be something strange due to str_replace, but that would mean that at some point str_replace would have to return an array.
Please help me work this out, its very confusing and I have wasted a day on it.
//This function gets called with multiple different "Target Variables" Target is the subject
//line, from and body of the email filled with << tags >> so the str_replace function knows
//where to replace them
function perform_replacements($replacements, &$target, $clean = TRUE,
$start_tag = '<<', $end_tag = '>>', $max_substitutions = 5) {
# Construct separate tag and replacement value arrays for use in the substitution loop.
$tags = array();
$replacement_values = array();
foreach ($replacements as $tag_text => $replacement_value) {
$tags[] = $start_tag . $tag_text . $end_tag;
$replacement_values[] = $replacement_value;
# TODO: this badly needs refactoring
# TODO: auto upgrade <<foo>> to <<foo_html>> if foo_html exists and acting on html template
# Construct a regular expression for use in scanning for tags.
$tag_match = '/' . preg_quote($start_tag) . '\w+' . preg_quote($end_tag) . '/';
# Perform the substitution until all valid tags are replaced, or the maximum substitutions
# limit is reached.
$substitution_count = 0;
while (preg_match ($tag_match, $target) && ($substitution_count++ < $max_substitutions)) {
$target = serialize($target);
$temp = str_replace($tags,
$target); //This is the line that is failing.
$target = $temp;
if ($clean) {
# Clean up any unused search values.
$target = preg_replace($tag_match, '', $target);
How do you know $str is the problem and not $some_other_array?
From the manual:
If search and replace are arrays, then str_replace() takes a value
from each array and uses them to search and replace on subject. If
replace has fewer values than search, then an empty string is used for
the rest of replacement values. If search is an array and replace is a
string, then this replacement string is used for every value of
search. The converse would not make sense, though.
The second parameter can only be an array if the first one is as well.
I am going to parse a log file and I wonder how I can convert such a string:
[5189192e][game]: kill killer='0:Tee' victim='1:nameless tee' weapon=5 special=0
into some kind of array:
$log['5189192e']['game']['killer'] = '0:Tee';
$log['5189192e']['game']['victim'] = '1:nameless tee';
$log['5189192e']['game']['weapon'] = '5';
$log['5189192e']['game']['special'] = '0';
The best way is to use function preg_match_all() and regular expressions.
For example to get 5189192e you need to use expression
This says that the first 7 characters are digits last character is e you can change it to fits any letter
it is almost the same but fits every letter in the end
more advanced example with subpatterns and whole details
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('\[[0-9]{7}e\]\[game]: kill killer=\'([0-9]+):([a-zA-z]+)\' victim=\'([0-9]+):([a-zA-Z ]+)\' weapon=([0-9]+) special=([0-9])+\', $str, $matches);
$str is string to be parsed
$matches contains the whole data you needed to be pared like killer id, weapon, name etc.
Using the function preg_match_all() and a regex you will be able to generate an array, which you then just have to organize into your multi-dimensional array:
here's the code:
$log_string = "[5189192e][game]: kill killer='0:Tee' victim='1:nameless tee' weapon=5 special=0";
preg_match_all("/^\[([0-9a-z]*)\]\[([a-z]*)\]: kill (.*)='(.*)' (.*)='(.*)' (.*)=([0-9]*) (.*)=([0-9]*)$/", $log_string, $result);
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[3][0]] = $result[4][0];
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[5][0]] = $result[6][0];
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[7][0]] = $result[8][0];
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[9][0]] = $result[10][0];
// $log is your formatted array
You definitely need a regex. Here is the pertaining PHP function and here is a regex syntax reference.
Trying to replace a string, but it seems to only match the first occurrence, and if I have another occurrence it doesn't match anything, so I think I need to add some sort of end delimiter?
My code:
$mappings = array(
'fname' => $prospect->forename,
'lname' => $prospect->surname,
'cname' => $prospect->company,
foreach($mappings as $key => $mapping) if(empty($mapping)) $mappings[$key] = '$2';
$match = '~{(.*)}(.*?){/.*}$~ise';
$source = 'Hello {fname}Default{/fname} {lname}Last{/lname}';
// $source = 'Hello {fname}Default{/fname}';
$text = preg_replace($match, '$mappings["$1"]', $source);
So if I use the $source that's commented, it matches fine, but if I use the one currently in the code above where there's 2 matches, it doesn't match anything and I get an error:
Message: Undefined index: fname}Default{/fname} {lname
Filename: schedule.php(62) : regexp code
So am I right in saying I need to provide an end delimiter or something?
Apparently your regexp matches fname}Default{/fname} {lname instead of Default.
As I mentioned here use {(.*?)} instead of {(.*)}.
{ has special meaning in regexps so you should escape it \\{.
And I recommend using preg_replace_callback instead of e modifier (you have more flow control and syntax higlighting and it's impossible to force your program to execute malicious code).
Last mistake you're making is not checking whether the requested index exists. :)
My solution would be:
class A { // Of course with better class name :)
public $mappings = array(
'fname' => 'Tested'
public function callback( $match)
if( isset( $this->mappings[$match[1]])){
return $this->mappings[$match[1]];
return $match[2];
$a = new A();
$match = '~\\{([^}]+)\\}(.*?)\\{/\\1\\}~is';
$source = 'Hello {fname}Default{/fname} {lname}Last{/lname}';
echo preg_replace_callback( $match, array($a, 'callback'), $source);
This results into:
[vyktor#grepfruit tmp]$ php stack.php
Hello Tested Last
Your regular expression is anchored to the end of the string so you closing {/whatever} must be the last thing in your string. Also, since your open and closing tags are simply .*, there's nothing in there to make sure they match up. What you want is to make sure that your closing tag matches your opening one - using a backreference like {(.+)}(.*?){/\1} will make sure they're the same.
I'm sure there's other gotchas in there - if you have control over the format of strings you're working with (IE - you're rolling your own templating language), I'd seriously consider moving to a simpler, easier to match format. Since you're not 'saving' the default values, having enclosing tags provides you with no added value but makes the parsing more complicated. Just using $VARNAME would work just as well and be easier to match (\$[A-Z]+), without involving back-references or having to explicitly state you're using non-greedy matching.
Ok this is really difficult to explain in English, so I'll just give an example.
I am going to have strings in the following format:
and I need to extract the data to be an array
array('key'=>'value','key1'=>'value1', ... )
I was planning to use regexp to achieve (most of) this functionality, and wrote this regular expression:
to work with preg_match and this code:
for ($l = count($matches),$i = 1;$i<$l;$i+=2) {
$parameters[$matches[$i]] = $matches[$i+1];
However the regexp obviously returns only 4 backreferences - first and last key-value pairs of the input string. Is there a way around this? I know I can use regex just to test the correctness of the string and use PHP's explode in loops with perfect results, but I'm really curious whether it's possible with regular expressions.
In short, I need to capture an arbitrary number of these key-value; pairs in a string by means of regular expressions.
You can use a lookahead to validate the input while you extract the matches:
(?=(?:\w++-[^;-]++;?)++$) is the validation part. If the input is invalid, matching will fail immediately, but the lookahead still gets evaluated every time the regex is applied. In order to keep it (along with the rest of the regex) in sync with the key-value pairs, I used \G to anchor each match to the spot where the previous match ended.
This way, if the lookahead succeeds the first time, it's guaranteed to succeed every subsequent time. Obviously it's not as efficient as it could be, but that probably won't be a problem--only your testing can tell for sure.
If the lookahead fails, preg_match_all() will return zero (false). If it succeeds, the matches will be returned in an array of arrays: one for the full key-value pairs, one for the keys, one for the values.
regex is powerful tool, but sometimes, its not the best approach.
$string = "key-value;key1-value";
$s = explode(";",$string);
foreach($s as $k){
$e = explode("-",$k);
Use preg_match_all() instead. Maybe something like:
$matches = $parameters = array();
$input = 'key-value;key1-value1;key2-value2;key123-value123;';
preg_match_all("/(\w+)-([^-;]+)/", $input, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$parameters[$match[1]] = $match[2];
to first validate if the input string conforms to the pattern, then just use:
if (preg_match("/^((\w+)-([^-;]+);)+$/", $input) > 0) {
/* do the preg_match_all stuff */
EDIT2: the final semicolon is optional
if (preg_match("/^(\w+-[^-;]+;)*\w+-[^-;]+$/", $input) > 0) {
/* do the preg_match_all stuff */
No. Newer matches overwrite older matches. Perhaps the limit argument of explode() would be helpful when exploding.
what about this solution:
$samples = array(
"good" => "key-value;key1-value;key2-value;key5-value;key-value;",
"bad1" => "key-value-value;key1-value;key2-value;key5-value;key-value;",
"bad2" => "key;key1-value;key2-value;key5-value;key-value;",
"bad3" => "k%ey;key1-value;key2-value;key5-value;key-value;"
foreach($samples as $name => $value) {
if (preg_match("/^(\w+-\w+;)+$/", $value)) {
printf("'%s' matches\n", $name);
} else {
printf("'%s' not matches\n", $name);
I don't think you can do both validation and extraction of data with one single regexp, as you need anchors (^ and $) for validation and preg_match_all() for the data, but if you use anchors with preg_match_all() it will only return the last set matched.