When I run this query on phpmyadmin
FROM `product_stock`
WHERE `product_warehouse_id` =5
LIMIT 100000
it loads the data by section 50 by 50 till its stops. But when i do it in a normal php page it takes a while to load and sometimes i get server error. How can I aproach something similar to the way phpmyadmin loads the result?
this is tutorial how to add paging on mysql long queries.
The MySQL LIMIT takes a couple of possible arguments. A single value specifies to return all of those results to the caller. If you pass two values:
LIMIT 0, 50
Then you're passing the start row and the page size. The 10000 in your example is really just a short form for:
LIMIT 0, 10000
See the MySQL help documents on SELECT for some more detail.
I recommend if you're not going to use all data for all columns, do not use:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE 1 AND fieldkey = 'value'
If the data size is very large, causes performance problems in Mysql.
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM tablename WHERE 1 AND fieldkey = 'value'
In the SELECT statement, use comma separated names of the columns you want to display, this will help you the server to respond faster without problems and you can paginate through the results easyly.
Also verify that the data on "fieldkey" are indexed, this helps to the query to work faster.
You can paginate the results of your query with something like this:
php- Paginate data from array
This is what I wanted I had to do it with logic at the end it works, below the sample code:
while ($limit <= 1000){
$q1 = "SELECT *
FROM product_stock
WHERE product_warehouse_id = 5
LIMIT $start, $limit";
$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());
while($stock_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($r1)){
echo $stock_info[product_stock_id]."<br />";
$start = $limit + 1;
$limit += 50;
Suppose i have 1kk records in my database.
Now i need to select some data, and also i need to know how many fields did i select, so my question is:
Is it better to run one query to count data like this:
SELECT COUNT("id") from table where something = 'something'
And after that run one more querio for selection like this:
SELECT 'some_field' from table where something = 'something';
Or Maybe it's better to just select data and then just count it with php like:
Or maybe there is even better ways to do it, for example do it all in one query?
Reading between the lines, I think what your are probably after is SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. This allows you to select part of a result set (using a LIMIT clause), and still calculate the total number of matching rows in a single operation. You still use two queries, but the actual search operation in the data only happens once:
// First get the results you want...
$result = mysql_query("
FROM `table`
WHERE `something` = 'something'
LIMIT 0, 10
// ...now get the total number of results
$numRows = mysql_query("
$numRows = mysql_fetch_row($numRows);
$numRows = $numRows[0];
If you fetch all that 1000 records then you can count while you are fetching:
$res=mysql_query("SELECT 'some_field' from table where something = 'something'");
while($r = mysql_fetch_*($res)) {
//> Do stuff
This way you make only one query and you don't use mysql_num_rows();
One query would be:
SELECT Count(*) AS NumRows, some_field from table
GROUP BY some_field where something = 'something';
I have a table as below,
ID Name Age
100 A 10
203 B 20
Now how do i select only row1 using MySQL SELECT command and then I've to increase +1 to it to select row2. In short I'll be using for loop to do certain operations.
Sounds like you've got a mix up. You want to select all the rows you want to iterate through in your for loop with your query, and then iterate through them one by one using php's mysql functions like mysql_fetch_row
You should not try to use tables in a linear fashion like this. Set your criteria, sorting as appropriate, and then to select the next row use your existing criteria and limit it to one row.
You'd probably be better off retrieving all rows that you need, then using this. Note the LIMIT is entirely optional.
$query = mysql_query(' SELECT ID, Name, Age FROM table_name WHERE condition LIMIT max_number_you_want '))
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)
// Do stuff
// $row['ID'], $row['Name'], $row['Age']
Lots of small queries to the database will execute much slower than one decent-sized one.
You should get the result into an array (php.net : mysql_fetch_*).
And after you'll can loop on the array "to do certain operations"
Yep, this is a pretty common thing to do in PHP. Like the others who have posted, here is my version (using objects instead of arrays):
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
// Results are now in the $row variable.
// ex: $row->ID, $row->Name, $row->Age
I have a table with roughly 1 million rows. I'm doing a simple program that prints out one field from each row. However, when I started using mysql_pconnect and mysql_query the query would take a long time, I am assuming the query needs to finish before I can print out even the first row. Is there a way to process the data a bit at a time?
I am not looking to retrieve a small set of the data, I'm looking for a way to process the data a chunk at a time (say fetch 10 rows, print 10 rows, fetch 10 rows, print 10 rows etc etc) rather than wait for the query to retrieve 1 million rows (who knows how long) and then start the printing.
Printing one million fields will take some time. Retrieving one million records will take some time. Time adds up.
Have you profiled your code? I'm not sure using limit would make such a drastic difference in this case.
Doing something like this
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
echo $row->field."\n";
outputs one record at a time. It does not wait for the whole resultset to be returned.
If you are dealing with a browser you will need something more.
Such as this
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
echo $row->field."\n";
if (($i++ % 1000) == 0) {
Do you really want to print one million fields?
The customary solution is to use some kind of output pagination in your web application, showing only part of the result. On SELECT queries you can use the LIMIT keyword to return only part of the data. This is basic SQL stuff, really. Example:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (some conditions) LIMIT 40,20
shows 20 entries, starting from the 40th (off by one mistakes on my part may be possible).
It may be necessary to use ORDER BY along with LIMIT to prevent the ordering from randomly changing under your feet between requests.
This is commonly needed for pagination. You can use the limit keyword in your select query. Search for limit here:
The LIMIT clause can be used to constrain the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two numeric arguments, which must both be nonnegative integer constants (except when using prepared statements).
With two arguments, the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10; # Retrieve rows 6-15
To retrieve all rows from a certain offset up to the end of the result set, you can use some large number for the second parameter. This statement retrieves all rows from the 96th row to the last:
SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 95,18446744073709551615;
With one argument, the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set:
SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5; # Retrieve first 5 rows
In other words, LIMIT row_count is equivalent to LIMIT 0, row_count.
You might be able to use
combined with a flush to output the data set to the browser. I know flush can be used to output data to the browser at an incremental state as I have used it before to do just that, however I am not sure if mysqli::use_result is the correct function to retrieve incomplete result sets.
This is how I do something like that in Oracle. I'm not sure how it would cross over:
my_counter integer := 0;
for cur in (
select id from table
) loop
-- do whatever your trying to do
update table set name = 'steve' where id = cur.id;
my_counter := my_counter + 1;
if my_counter > 500 then
my_counter := 0;
end if;
end loop;
An example using the basic mysql driver.
define( 'CHUNK_SIZE', 500 );
$result = mysql_query( 'select count(*) as num from `table`' );
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
$totalRecords = (int)$row['num'];
$offsets = ceil( $totalRecords / CHUNK_SIZE );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $offsets; $i++ )
$result = mysql_query( "select * from `table` limit " . CHUNK_SIZE . " offset " . ( $i * CHUNK_SIZE ) );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) )
// your per-row operations here
unset( $result, $row );
This will iterate over your entire row volume, but do so only 500 rows at a time to keep memory usage down.
It sounds like you're hitting the limits of various buffer sizes within the mysql server... Some methods you could do would be to specify the field you want in the SQL statement to reduce this buffer size, or play around with the various admin settings.
OR, you can use a pagination like method but have it output all on one page...
function q($part) {
$off = $part*SIZE_OF_PARTITIONS;
return( execute_and_return_sql('SELECT `field` FROM `table` LIMIT $off, $size'));
$ii = 0;
while ($elements = q($ii)) {
Use mysql_unbuffered_query() or if using PDO make sure PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY is false.
Also see this similar question.
Edit: and as others have said, you may wish to combine this with flushing your output buffer after each batch of processing, depending on your circumstances.
I'm trying to fetch random no. of entries from a database by using
it returns a column of database.
If I want to save all the entries in a array, then which php function do I have to use to save the column.
Something along the lines of this?
$result = mysql_query("SELECT QNO FROM TABLE ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10");
$rows = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$rows[] = $row[0];
Updated to not use the $i variable as pointed out in the first post and the comment.
Look at some examples for how to run a query and get a result set.
Once you have the result in a variable, do this:
$myarray = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result))
$myarray[] = $row[0];
With PDO:
$qryStmt = $dbc->query('SELECT QNO FROM TABLE ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10');
$a = $qryStmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_COLUMN );
BTW: If you just want to get one row by random, this is much faster esp. for large tables:
select * from table limit 12345,1;
where 12345 is just a random number calculated from the count() of rows.
see here, which is more for rails, but have a look at the comments too.
But be careful: in limit 12345,2 - the second row is not random but just the next row after the random row. And be careful: When I remember right (eg. SQLServer) rand() could be optimized by databases other than mysql resulting in the same random number for all rows which makes the result not random. This is important, when your code should be database agnostic.
a last one: do not mix up "random" with "hard to predict", which is not the same. So the order by example "select top 10 ... order by rand()" on SQLServer results in two different result sets when run twice, BUT: if you look at the 10 records, they lie close to each other in the db, which means, they are not random.
I'm working with php and I want to do a next button that's step to the next 10 records (like when you browse question with stackoverflow)
I don't know how to do that but I'm thinking to do it with Top n record ? Do you think that's a good idea ? Any suggestion?
As for doing it in PHP, you can easily make the button send a POST or GET request for the starting amount. For instance, a user would make the initial request and that is just yoursite.com/search.php, and the next button would send them to the same page with the same search criteria only send an additional field of "start", (i.e. yoursite.com/search.php?start=10). And in the code, you can simply check for it:
if(isset($_POST['start'])) {
//code to add to the search string to start at $_POST['start']
Edit 1: This article is the best I could find as to how to replicate MySQL's LIMIT function. Also, this one has a more definitive query to reference, but it's the same idea.
I know in MySQL you can use LIMIT X, Y where X is the lower bound of the return and Y is the upper bound. So if you wanted to return 10-20 you would use LIMIT 10, 20. Not sure what the MS-SQL equivalent is.
doesn't mssql have something like LIMIT in mysql? so you could do:
select xxx from yyy LIMIT 0,10
for first 10 results, then do LIMIT 10,20 for next 10 results etc.
You can use MySQL's limit
Set a variable called:
$limit = 10;
$pl = $_GET["page"] * $limit;
if(!isset($_GET["page"]) || $_GET["page"] == 1)
$pl = 0;
and in your query do
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM table LIMIT %d,%d"
Btw this is from memory but i think it works.
Would this be any help to you?
for MySQL:
$rowsPerPage = 10;
$offset = ((int)$_GET['page'] - 1) * $rowsPerPage;
$result = mysql_query(
sprintf('select xxx from yyy LIMIT %d,%d', $offset, $rowsPerPage)