In laravel, we can get the input value via Input::get('inputname'). I try to change the value by doing this Input::get('inputname') = "new value";. But then, I get the error message saying Can't use function return value in write context.
Is it possible for us change the input value so that when later calling on Input::get('inputname') will get the new amended value?
You can use Input::merge() to replace single items.
Input::merge(['inputname' => 'new value']);
Or use Input::replace() to replace the entire input array.
Input::replace(['inputname' => 'new value']);
Here's a link to the documentation
If you're looking to do this in Laravel 5, you can use the merge() method from the Request class:
class SomeController extends Controller
public function someAction( Request $request ) {
// Split a bunch of email addresses
// submitted from a textarea form input
// into an array, and replace the input email
// with this array, instead of the original string.
if ( !empty( $request->input( 'emails' ) ) ) {
$emails = $request->input( 'emails' );
$emails = preg_replace( '/\s+/m', ',', $emails );
$emails = explode( ',', $emails );
// Replacing the old input string with
// with an array of emails.
$request->merge( array( 'emails' => $emails ) );
// Some default validation rules.
$rules = array();
// Create validator object.
$validator = Validator::make( $request->all(), $rules );
// Validation rules for each email in the array.
$validator->each( 'emails', ['required', 'email', 'min: 6', 'max: 254'] );
if ( $validator->fails() ) {
return back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
} else {
// Input validated successfully, proceed further.
If you mean you want to overwrite input data, you can try doing:
Input::merge(array('somedata' => 'SomeNewData'));
Try this,it will help you.
$request->merge(array('someIndex' => "yourValueHere"));
I also found this problem, I can solve it with the following code:
public function(Request $request)
$request['inputname'] = 'newValue';
I'm using Laravel 8.
The following is working for me:
$request->attributes->set('name', 'Value');
I used Raham's answer to solve my problem. However, it was nesting the updated data within an array, when I needed it at the same level as other data. I used:
$request->merge('someIndex' => "yourValueHere");
A note other Laravel newbies, I used the merge method to account for an empty checkbox value in a Laravel 7 update form. A deselected checkbox on an update form doesn't return 0, it doesn't set any value in the update request. As a result that value is unchanged in the database. You have to check for a set value and merge a new value if nothing exists. Hope that helps someone.
Just a quick update. If the user doesn't check a box and I need to enter a value in the DB I do something like this in my controller:
if(empty($request->input('checkbox_value'))) {
$request->merge(['checkbox_value' => 0]);
I have a form that posts a structure field as an array. The structure array contains definitions of database table columns.
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'structure' => 'required|array|min:1',
'structure.*.name' => 'required|regex:/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]+$/',
'structure.*.type' => 'required|in:integer,decimal,string,text,date,datetime',
'structure.*.length' => 'nullable|numeric|required_if:structure.*.type,decimal',
'structure.*.default' => '',
'structure.*.index' => 'required_if:is_auto_increment,false|boolean',
'structure.*.is_nullable' => 'required_if:is_auto_increment,false|boolean',
'structure.*.is_primary' => 'required_if:is_auto_increment,false|boolean',
'structure.*.is_auto_increment' => 'required_if:structure.type,integer|boolean',
'structure.*.is_unique' => 'required_if:is_auto_increment,false|boolean',
'structure.*.decimal' => 'nullable|numeric|required_if:structure.*.type,decimal|lt:structure.*.length',
Without going into explanation of all the rules, one thing should be made sure that the length field is always null when the type is not string or decimal as you cannot assign a length to columns other than these types. So, I am trying to use the sometimes method on the $validator instance.
$validator->sometimes('structure.*.length', 'in:null', function ($input) {
// how to access the structure type here?
My question is inside the closure, how do I make sure that the length is null only for the array element that has the type set to other than string or decimal.
I have tried the dd function and it seems the whole input array is passed to the closure.
$validator->sometimes('structure.*.length', 'in:null', function ($input) {
Here is the output of the dd method.
I can use a foreach construct but wouldn't that be inefficient? Checking all the elements for a single element?
How do I check the type only for the array element under consideration?
Is there a Laravel way to do this?
How about thinking opposite? if the Type is String or Decimal, the Length field will become Required.
$validator->sometimes('structure.*.length', 'required', function ($input) {
return $input->type == 'string' or $input->type == 'decimal';
This is a great question. I took a look at the API for sometimes(). It seems, what you want to do, is currently not possible with it.
A possible alternative could be to use an After Validation Hook. For example:
$validator->after(function ($validator) {
$attributes = $validator->getData()['structure'];
foreach($attributes as $key => $value) {
if(! in_array($value['type'], ['string', 'decimal']) && ! is_null($value['length'])) {
$validator->errors()->add("structure.{$key}.length", 'Should be null');
I have a data coming from the HTML Page. And i want to check whether the date and the place values already exists. If they exists, it should throw an error saying Data is already present, if those date and place data is not there it should allow the user to save it.
Here is the code which i have written to save it,
public function StoreSampling(Request $request)
$date = Carbon::createFromFormat('d-m-Y', $request->input('date'))->format('Y-m-d');
$doctorname = Input::get('doctorselected');
$product = Input::get('product');
$product= implode(',', $product);
$quantity = Input::get('qty');
$quantity =implode(',',$quantity);
$representativeid = Input::get('representativeid');
//Store all the parameters.
$samplingOrder = new SamplingOrder();
$samplingOrder->date = $date;
$samplingOrder->doctorselected = $doctorname;
$samplingOrder->products = $product;
$samplingOrder->quantity = $quantity;
$samplingOrder->representativeid = $representativeid;
return redirect()->back()->with('success',true);
I searched some of the Stack over flow pages. And came across finding the existence through the ID And here is the sample,
$count = DB::table('teammembersall')
->where('TeamId', $teamNameSelectBoxInTeamMembers)
->where('UserId', $userNameSelectBoxInTeamMembers)
if ($count > 0){
// This user already in a team
//send error message
} else {
But i want to compare the date and the place. And if they are not present, i want to let the user to save it. Basically trying to stop the duplicate entries.
Please help me with this.
There are very good helper functions for this called firstOrNew and firstOrCreate, the latter will directly create it, while the first one you will need to explicitly call save. So I would go with the following:
$order = SamplingOrder::firstOrNew([
'date' => $date,
'place' => $place
], [
'doctorname' => Input::get('doctorselected'),
'product' => implode(',', Input::get('product')),
'quantity' => implode(',',Input::get('qty')),
'representativeid' => Input::get('representativeid')
if($order->exists()) {
// throw error
// success
You need to modify your query to something like this:
$userAlreadyInTeam = SamplingOrder::where('date', $date)
->where('place', $place) // I'm not sure what the attribute name is for this as not mentioned in question
// any other conditions
if (userAlreadyInTeam) {
// Handle error
} else {
// Create
You do not need to use count() as your only trying to determine existence.
Also consider adding a multi column unique attribute to your database, to guarantee that you don't have a member with the same data and place.
The best way is to use the laravel unique validation on multiple columns. Take a look at this.
I'm presuming that id is your primary key and in the sampling_orders table. The validation rule looks like this:
'date' => ['unique:sampling_orders,date,'.$date.',NULL,id,place,'.$place]
p.s: I do not see any place input in your StoreSampling()
Im trying use "$this->input->post();" of Codeigniter to do not need specify each field in my form. But im getting troubles when try insert into Database.
Look my controller:
public function cadastrar(){
$var = $this->input->post(null, TRUE);
My controller is simplified here because i know how to handle database in codeigniter.
The result of this post was:
Array ( [nome] => Raphael [sobrenome] => Schubert [cpf] => 893.528.432-89 [rg] => 4529875231908472 [telefone] => (53) 2980-5792 [celular] => (53) 9 2180-7529 [rua] => Israel de Almeida [numero] => 859 [cep] => 88.312-000 [bairro] => São Vicente [cidade] => ITAJAÍ [estado] => Santa Catarina [email] => [tipo] => pf [cnpj] => 34.827.481/2834-78 [inscricaoestadual] => 34120489032814930128 [razaosocial] => Teste [nomefantasia] => Disney [dataaberturaempresa] => 10/21/15 [proprietario] => Marcos Aurelio )
I normaly use this way to insert:
$data = array(
'user_name' => $this->input->post('user_name',TRUE);
'user_phone' => $this->input->post('user_phone',TRUE);
'user_role' => $this->input->post('user_role',TRUE);
And works...
But i was trying to use just $this->input->post(); to get all fields from form. Because my actualy application will have hundreds of fields and i was trying to do not write each line.
So my model actually was:
public function inserir($var){
But i`m getting and error saying:
Message: Undefined property: Clientes::$db
Message: Call to a member function insert() on null
My table name is: "tb_usuarios"
I changed all fields in database to accept NULL to see if i`m get some field name wrong... but not work...
Any tips??
There is no need to catch the POST var inside $var. You can see POST variable inside the model very well. So all you need to do in the controller is:
public function cadastrar(){
,and inside your model:
public function inserir(){
if( count($this->input->post()) > 0):
The fields names in your form must correspond to the column names inside your table.
The message Message: Call to a member function insert() on null means you forgot to load the database library, just like remiheens said.
But my advice is, to use form validation for your fields, so you may be sure all necessary fields are completed using the required data format for each one of them. Although this may require allot of coding, there is no other safe way from errors on database operations. You cannot trust the user to insert the data correctly, that's why you need form validation.
In here $var = $this->input->post(null, TRUE); you use null. null is not valid input name. name = ''
and this will works $this->input->post('user_name',TRUE);
cz of it has input tag name (name = 'user_name').
We use ,TRUE) next to input post field to allows XSS Protection
$var = $this->input->post(null, TRUE); Is Wrong
while you trying this, it shows
Message: Undefined property: Clientes::$db and Message: Call to a member function insert() on null.
will not work
public function cadastrar(){
$var = $this->input->post(null, TRUE);//will never give valid response
Works well
public function cadastrar(){
$data = array(
'user_name' => $this->input->post('user_name',TRUE);
'user_phone' => $this->input->post('user_phone',TRUE);
'user_role' => $this->input->post('user_role',TRUE);
This is because your database isn't loaded into codeigniter instance. ($this->db)
Just try to autoload "database" library (config/autoload.php) or load/connect your database in your model with :
Don't forget to edit your config/database.php ;)
I handle hundreds of fields everytime but I also validate basically each one. I always do this:
$customer['name'] = $this->input->post('customer_name');
$customer['age'] = $this->input->post('customer_age');
$customer['country'] = $this->input->post('customer_country');
$customer['city'] = $this->input->post('customer_city');
// validations
if(isAgeValid($customer['age']) == FALSE)
echo 'Hold on, your age...hmm check it out!';
The function that handles the insertion only has this:
public function add($data)
$data = $this->security->xss_clean($data);
$this->db->insert('customers', $data);
return $this->db->insert_id();
Pretty clean and simple. Now, if you don't want to validate the fields or just want to validate some of them and want to insert the others without validation this is what I purpose based on the previous code:
// validations..
$customer = array();
foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
$customer[$key] = $value;
$data = array(
'user_name' => $this->input->post('user_name');
'user_phone' => $this->input->post('user_phone');
'user_role' => $this->input->post('user_role');
public function inserir($data)
$this->db->insert('***', $data);
if ($this->db->affected_rows() > 0) {
return true;
I'm using the filter_input_array function to clean $_POST vars submitted from an HTML form.
The problem is that in certain cases I am using the FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING flag and it allows an empty string i.e. $value = '', but if that form field was left empty, in some cases, it needs to be left as NULL.
The problem occurs when the database query fails due to a foreign key check failing, this happens because the field was submitted as an empty string instead of NULL.
So before I go out rewriting a tonne of queries to make an empty-string check, could anyone tell me how I can configure this filter_input_array input array so that this input string is sanitized and yet either some text value or NULL, but not ''.
You can create a custom filter:
$filter = array('filter' => FILTER_CALLBACK, 'options' => function ($input) {
$filtered = filter_var($input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
return $filtered ? $filtered: null;
And then use it in $args:
$args = array(
'value' => $filter
$inputs = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $args);
You can use one of the built-in flags called FILTER_FLAG_EMPTY_STRING_NULL. This will replace empty strings with NULL.
I am grabbing the values from the parameters in the URL in the controller using
Is there a way to add more values to the Input:all() in the controller?
I have tried $_POST['para'] = "value and $_GET['para'] = "value" but no luck.
I've gone through the docs but cannot find anything.
More Info
Here is what is returned
"param_1" => "value",
"param_2" => "value",
"param_3" => "value",
I would like to add another param into the Input:all()
"param_1" => "value",
"param_2" => "value",
"param_3" => "value",
In laravel 5, you can use
Request::merge(['New Key' => 'New Value']);
or by using request() helper
request()->merge(['New Key' => 'New Value']);
You should never need to add anything to Input. You should assign Input like so...
$arr = Input::all();
And then add to $arr like so...
$arr['whatever'] = 'whatever';
If you need to get that value in another part of the stack, try to pass it through yourself.
Best way to add data into the input::all() in laravel.
Solution 1
add Request package at the top of the page.
use Request;
Then add following code into your controller.
Request::merge(['new_key' => 'new_value']);
Solution 2
You can assign all the Input::all(); to a variable and then you can add new data to the variable. Like below.
$all_input = Input::all();
$all_input['new_key'] = 'new_value';
Add an input value on the fly inside a request instance
public function store(Request $request){
$request->request->add(['new_key' => 'new_value']);
Remove data from an input value on the fly inside a request instance
public function store(Request $request){