I am new to laravel 4 and keep getting the same error trying to learn about some methods in DB class.
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
I get same erros trying to use "->or_where", "->order_by".
another problem is parsing the dynamic methods:
turns into
`users` where `_name` = test)
but if i try to do
then everything is fine.
You're using an incorrect syntax for orWhere and orderBy.
This is the correct syntax for orWhere:
->where('name', '=', 'John')
$query->where('votes', '>', 100)
->where('title', '<>', 'Admin');
And this for orderBy:
$users = DB::table('users')
->orderBy('name', 'desc')
Query Builder - Advanced Wheres - Laravel
All methods in Laravel 3 have changed from snake case
to camel case in Laravel 4
I am trying to build little complex query where everything wan OK until I tried to use a advanced where condition.
In the code below I am getting an error saying
ErrorException: Undefined variable: user in file D:...**\app\Http\Controllers\ApiAuthController.php on line 285
and the line 285 is $query->where("tbl_transactions.from_user_id", "=", $user->id) inside the orWhere()
public function loadTransactions()
$token = JWTAuth::getToken();
$user = JWTAuth::toUser($token);
return DB::table('tbl_transactions')
->join('tbl_users as fromu', 'fromu.id', '=', 'tbl_transactions.from_user_id')
->join('tbl_users as tou', 'tou.id', '=', 'tbl_transactions.to_user_id')
->select('tbl_transactions.id', 'tbl_transactions.from_user_id', 'tbl_transactions.to_user_id', 'tbl_transactions.amount', 'tbl_transactions.created_at', 'tbl_transactions.status', 'fromu.userid', 'tou.userid', 'tou.phone as tophone', 'fromu.phone as fromphone')
->orWhere(function ($query) {
$query->where("tbl_transactions.from_user_id", "=", $user->id)// here the problem is (undefined **$user**)
->where('tbl_transactions.to_user_id', '=', $user->id);
->orderBy('tbl_transactions.id', 'desc')
I am new to laravel.Anyone here could help me would be great.
You need to use the use clause to make the variable accessible in the closure scope. So, change this:
->orWhere(function ($query) {
To this:
->orWhere(function ($query) use($user) {
Im too lazy to link the other 100s of posts that are duplcates of this.
PHP manual - anonymous functions Example #3
My Requirements : I select baseleads table with Random Order using following conditions
beaseleads currentstatus column value have New Lead Status or
beaseleads currentstatus column value have Call Not Picking status and updated_at date is not Equal to Today Date.
My Laravel Query is below
$baseleadsData=Baseleads::inRandomOrder()->Where('process_status',0)->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('current_status','New Lead');
$query->Orwhere('current_status','Call Not Picking');
$query->OrwhereDate('updated_at', '!=', date('Y-m-d'));
Its not Working Properly. What is my Mistake.
->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('current_status','New Lead')
->orWhere('current_status','Call Not Picking')
->orWhere('updated_at', '!=', date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00');})->first();
It's been a while since I used Laravel, but have you tried
$query->where('current_status', '=', 'New Lead');
$query->Orwhere('current_status', '=', 'Call Not Picking');
instead of
$query->where('current_status','New Lead');
$query->Orwhere('current_status','Call Not Picking');
I'm not sure this will work as it looks like Laravel automatically makes the comparison. What is the error code youre getting? (You can turn debug mode on in your settings file)
you need to use method names in camelCase
use orWhere and orWhereDate
You did mistake of method name, use Orwhere to orWhere, OrwhereDate to orWhereDate and Where to where. and orWhereDate outside of where query.
->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('current_status','New Lead');
$query->orWhere('current_status','Call Not Picking');
->orWhereDate('updated_at', '!=', date('Y-m-d'))
How can I use Laravel load function with DB::table as following
DB::table('table_name)->where('field', 'value')->load('relation_1')->get();
or an alternative to this statement
You can write directly like
->select(DB::raw('count(*) as user_count, status'))
->where('status', '<>', 1)
Post::all()->where('field_name', 'value')->load('relation_1','relation_2');
I could not use load function with DB::table
I created a Model named Post and I used the where function and load
In my controller I have wrote this following code
$usersCount = User::where('activated', '=', 1)->where('group_id', '=', 1)->where('availability_date', '<=', $opportunity_date)->count();
$locations_array_result = explode(",",$locations_array_result);
foreach ($locations_array_result as $param)
$usersCount = $usersCount->whereHas('location', function($q) use($param){
$q->where('location_id', '=', $param );
This code giving following error
Call to a member function whereHas() on a non-object
Can anyone help me to find out what i have done wrong!!!
$usersCount is already a number from the 1st line of your sample.
You want instead to replace $usersCount->whereHas with User::whereHas in your foreach loop.
Taking a very wild guess here, I would think you need to get all users with these requirements
->where('group_id', '=', 1)->where('availability_date', '<=', $opportunity_date)
plus having a location_id value which exists on an array named $locations_array_result
If this is the case, this is all you need:
User::where('activated', '=', 1)->where('group_id', '=', 1)->where('availability_date', '<=', $opportunity_date)->whereIn('location_id', $locations_array_result)->get();
Following your comment below, I assume user has many to many relation with locations (defined in your model), so eager loading and then using a condition with a callback should do the job:
$users = User::where('activated', '=', 1)
->where('group_id', '=', 1)
->where('availability_date', '<=', $opportunity_date)
->with(array('location' => function($query) use ($locations_array_result)
$query->whereIn('location_id', $locations_array_result);
I have this join:
Return DB::table('volunteer')
->join('volunteer_volunteer_category', 'volunteer_volunteer_category.volunteer_id', '=', 'volunteer.id')
->select(array('*','volunteer.id AS link_id'))
->where('is_published', '=', 1)
But it unsurprisingly returns duplicate records, so I try to use distinct():
Return DB::table('volunteer')
->join('volunteer_volunteer_category', 'volunteer_volunteer_category.volunteer_id', '=', 'volunteer.id')
->select(array('*','volunteer.id AS link_id'))
->where('is_published', '=', 1)
but I want to use distinct() on a specific single field which I'd easily be able to do in SQL. It seems distinct() does not take parameters, i.e. I can't say distinct('volunteer.id').
Can anyone point me to how can I remove my duplicate records? I bet this is another forehead slapper for me.
In my project I tried distinct() and groupby() too and both of them worked:
//Distinct version.
Company_Customer_Product::where('Company_id', '=', $companyid)->distinct()->get(array('Customer_id'));
//Goup by version.
Company_Customer_Product::where('Company_id', '=', $companyid)->groupby('Customer_id')->get(array('Customer_id'));
According to this, distinct() should work in your case too, just use it with get():
Return DB::table('volunteer')
->join('volunteer_volunteer_category', 'volunteer_volunteer_category.volunteer_id', '=', 'volunteer.id')
->select(array('*','volunteer.id AS link_id'))
->where('is_published', '=', 1)
Otherwise you don't need distinct() when you use groupby() so you could just use:
Return DB::table('volunteer')
->join('volunteer_volunteer_category', 'volunteer_volunteer_category.volunteer_id', '=', 'volunteer.id')
->select(array('*','volunteer.id AS link_id'))
->where('is_published', '=', 1)