Google API request every 30 seconds - php

I'm using Live Reporting Google APIs to retrieve active users and display the data inside a mobile application. On my application I'd like to make a HTTP request to a PHP script on my server which is supposed to return the result.
However I read on Google docs that it's better not to request data using APIs more often than 30 seconds.
I prefer not to use a heavy way such as a cron job that stores the value inside my database. So I'd like to know if there's a way to cache the content of my PHP scrpit na dmake it perform an API request only when the cache expires.
Is there any similar method to do that?

Another way could be implementing a very simple cache by yourself.
$googleApiRequestUrlWithParameter; //This is the full url of you request
$googleApiResponse = NULL; //This is the response by the API
//checking if the response is present in our cache
$cacheResponse = $datacache[$googleApiRequestUrlWithParameter];
if(isset($cacheResponse)) {
//check $cacheResponse[0] for find out the age of the cached data (30s or whatever you like
if(mktime() - $cacheResponse[0] < 30) {
//if the timing is good
$googleApiResponse = $cacheResponse[1];
} else {
//otherwise remove it from your "cache"
//if you do no have the response
if(!isset($googleApiResponse)) {
//make the call to google api and put the response in $googleApiResponse then
$datacache[] = array($googleApiRequestUrlWithParameter => array(mktime(), $googleApiResponse)
If you data are related to the user session, you could store $datacahe into $_SESSION
ortherwise define $datacache = array(); as a global variable.

There is a lot of way of caching things in PHP, the simple/historic way to manage cache in PHP is with APC
Maybe I do not understard correctly your question.


How to cache facebook graph api call

I've created a function to get the likes for my facebook page using the graph api. However, the level rate limit keeps on getting reached as it's being called on every request.
How would i cache this so it doesn't make the call every time?
The code i'm currently using is:
function fb_like_count() {
$id = '389320241533001';
$access_token = 'access token goes here';
$json_url =''.$id.'?fields=fan_count&access_token='.$access_token;
$json = file_get_contents($json_url);
$json_output = json_decode($json);
if($json_output->fan_count) {
return like_count_format($json_output->fan_count);
} else{
return 0;
There are many cache mechanism in PHP that you can use depending on your project size.
I would suggest you to check memcached or Redis. These are in-memory cache mechanisms that are pretty fast and would help you to gain better performance.
You can read more about how to implement memcached here or for redis here.
The second and easier way is to use file caching. It works like this:
You send a request to Facebook API and when response is returned you save it to a file. When you want to send the second response you can check if there is any content in your file first and if there is you can return that directly to your application otherwise you will send the request to Facebook API
Simple integration is like this
if (file_exists($facebook_cache_file) && (filemtime($facebook_cache_file) > (time() - 60 * 15 ))) {
// Cache file is less than 15 minutes old but you can change this.
$file = file_get_contents($facebook_cache_file); // this holds the api data
} else {
// Our cache is out-of-date, so load the data from our remote server,
// and also save it over our cache for next time.
$response = getFacebookData() // get data from facebook and save into file
file_put_contents($facebook_cache_file, $response, LOCK_EX);
Anyway I would suggest you to use any PHP library for doing file cache.
Below you can find some that might be interesting to look at:

How to access to an external database securely?

I'm developing a mobile app which has to access to an external webapp (PHP + Codeigniter) to administrate the actions queried by ajax.
So by this way, there is a problem. If anyone see the urls used, could delete rows, or modify the user's info from the database. So I thought in this system to aboid this:
After a sucessful login I would do this:
// getToken :
$this->session->set_userdata('private_token', getToken(50));
$public_token = getToken(50);
$this->session->set_userdata('secure_token', md5("$private_token:$public_token"));
$data['token'] = $public_token;
// some stuff ...
// send $data in JSON
Then the client would the public token in the next query I would do this on the server:
$public_token = $this->input->post('token');
$data['token'] = get_public_token($public_token);
// some stuff ...
// send $data in JSON
Where get_public_token is within a helper with this code:
public get_public_token($public_token) {
$last_secure_token = $this->session->userdata('secure_token');
$private_token = $this->session->userdata('private_token');
$actual_token = md5("$private_token:$public_token");
if ($actual_token === $last_secure_token) {
$public_token = getToken(50);
$this->session->set_data('private_token', getToken(50));
$this->session->set_data('secure_token', md5("$private_token:$public_token"));
return $public_token;
} else { // you are cheating me ...
So only the user of this session could modify the data of the database.
I'm just trying to do the same explained here:
The session are encrypted, and I store them in a database too.
Do you think this method will work ok? Am I missing something important?
You should create an API for your mobile application. Create a authentication mechanism.
If your database holds user specific data, then you should create account for each user. So if the user sniffs the network and tries to call the api manually, then he could only change he's own data.
There are some API libraries for php out there, you should look into that.
Actually your solution is doing more than necessary. The only token of interest is the public_token sent back and forth. So you can throw away private_token and secure_token from session data, keeping only public_token for checking. Your current check is something like (X + 5)/2 == (14 + 5)/2 (is [received_token + 5]/2 equal to [14 + 5]/2 ?) when you can simplify to X == 14.
However if someone is sniffing the network, he can get the last token sent to a client and use it to hijack into that session. He can execute anything while the original client doesn't send a request with the outdated token, killing the session.
A better solution would be creating a secure_key after login and keep it at both ends (client and server). Then server would keep sending a new public_token at each response, but the client would send a md5(secure_key + public_token) at requests. This would narrow even more the hijacking window to the exact point where the session started. Without the original key, attackers can't create a valid md5.
However we are talking about minor hacking fans here. Anyone more zealous could hack that anyway. If you are concerned about that, then throw away all that stuff and simply use a HTTPS connection. With a trusted connection your sessions and access control rules are protected.
The better way is create API using SOAP or SAML2.
OAuth can be a very good solution: It takes care of token and has a very secured API! If you wish to support secure authentication of web application + mobile application then it can be a good/proven solution!
On the other hand, it really depends on how complex your current system is and how the system is going to be in future.

Save temporary data with CakePhp

I am looking for a solution in CakePhp, to store and read temporary datas :
I read some XML from others websites in order to display some news in my website, but on each page load, it does a call to the other xml websites.
Is there a way (memcached like) to save temp. data in CakePhp in order to store data for 1 hour and read temp. data to display them in my webpages ; then 1 hour after update them (with cron) ?
CakePHP Caching seems what you'd want.
WHICH cache you use (Redis, Memcache...etc) would be up to you though. Set your cache to last an hour, and you're all set. (read more about cache on the link above).
If you're on CakePHP 2.5+, you can use the remember method described here.
public function newest() {
$model = $this;
return Cache::remember('newest_posts', function() use ($model){
// get your data from whatever source here, and return it
return $model->getMyData();
}, 'long');
Basically, this just checks to see if the cache key exists, and if not, runs some code in order to populate it again.
If you're below 2.5, you can do the same basic thing, but without the remember:
public function newest() {
$result = Cache::read('newest_posts', 'long');
if (!$result) {
// get your data from whatever source here, and write it
Cache::write('newest_posts', $this->getMyData(), 'long');
return $result;
If you don't have a cache engine installed or are aren't wanting to mess w/ your own server, there are companies that you can use for cache, and you can just set your cache settings to connect to them. ObjectRocket (Redis) is the one I know offhand, but I'm sure there are plenty.
One of many awesome things about CakePHP, is that in this case, your code doesn't change regardless of Cache type/location/configuration you choose.

Getting a HeartBeat from a C# Application and Posting it To Website

I've got a Minecraft Software written in C# that I want to send a heartbeat to my site. I've got the way to send the beat already written.
if (Server.Uri == null) return;
string uri = "";
// create a request
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
request.Method = "POST";
// turn request string into a byte stream
byte[] postBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string.Format("ServerName={0}&Url={1}&Players={2}&MaxPlayers={3}&Uptime={4}",
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy(System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
request.ContentLength = postBytes.Length;
request.Timeout = 5000;
Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
// send it
requestStream.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length);
/* try
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Logger.LogToConsole(new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd());
Logger.LogToConsole(response.StatusCode + "\n");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.LogToConsole("" + ex);
Now, I want to be able to retrieve the heartbeat in PHP, upload it to the SQL database, and then display each user's server in a table that will be displayed on the webpage
How do I do this?
portforwardpodcast's answer isn't very well-suited for your purposes, here's a process for you to ponder
Server accesses the following page: heartbeat.php?port=25565&maxplayers=25&players=2&name=Cheese_Pizza_Palace
Your PHP script will then do the following...
Go through each value, making sure they're all the types you want them to be (integers/strings)
Connect to the database
Update the server in the database if it already exists, create it if it doesn't
Return some value so the server knows that it completed successfully.
And to display the servers
Fetch all 'active' servers
Loop through them and display each one.
Things you'll need to figure out:
How to determine uptime
How to determine "active" servers
How to update/create MySQL entries
How to (properly) connect to a database. I would suggest using PDO since you're using PHP. It's a bit difficult to learn, but it's much more secure than writing the queries directly.
How to loop through all the GET variables.
Good hunting!
I would create a simple php page accept a get variable. something like where the number us the unix timestamp. Then you need to re-work your c# to do a simple get request on a website. Finally your php should insert into a mysql table with a column for id, timestamp, server_id etc.
First you need to pull the data from the request. The $_REQUEST variable in php is nice because it works for both GET and POST:
Start out by var_dump or echo the fields you want. Once you can get the needed data into variables you are done with the first part. For the next part you need to create a database and table in MySQL. The best tool for this is phpmyadmin. If you have a host like godaddy (or some others) you can get at this from the control panel. If not you may need to install upload the phpmyadmin files yourself. It's a pretty simple tool to use:
Once your database has the correct columns, you need to insert the data from your php file. This page should help:

Resin Session in Google App Engine

I'm developing on GAE using Resin, it seems that my PHP session on the production site is short lived and doesn't get updated (i.e., making requests doesn't seem to increase it's expiry period). Local is fine, as long as I don't close the tab, the session persists.
Any pointer on this? My users are getting frustrated as they are kicked very frequently :(
I think the code is the best tutorial :)
// global mem cache service handle
// table to store session like information
$MY_SESSION_TABLE = array();
function load_mcache($key) {
$MEM_CACHE_SERVICE = MemcacheServiceFactory::getMemcacheService();
return $MEM_CACHE_SERVICE->get($key);
function save_mcache($key, $value, $cache_time) {
$MEM_CACHE_SERVICE = MemcacheServiceFactory::getMemcacheService();
$expiration = Expiration::byDeltaSeconds($cache_time);
return $MEM_CACHE_SERVICE->put($key, $value, $expiration);
// unserializing array from mem cache
// if nothing found like first time and after a minute, then add key to the table
if (!($MY_SESSION_TABLE = unserialize(load_mcache($_REQUEST['JSESSIONID'])))) {
// save something to cache on first page load because we didnt have anything
$MY_SESSION_TABLE['key1'] = date('m/d/Y H:i:s');
// using jsessionid as a mem cache key, serializing array and setting cache time to one minute
save_mcache($_REQUEST['JSESSIONID'], serialize($MY_SESSION_TABLE), 60);
// now my session table is available for a minute until its initialized again
Now for proper session functionality you need to add set and get methods or even better a small class for handling it. Little abstraction to the classes and you could choose what kind of session mechanism to use with same library on different web app scenarios.
