Hello guys so I have a string where the begin part is the same
the string looks like this where the begin part is always ../images/
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
but the image2.jpg can be something like image_23423.png
how can I remove the ../images/ part?
I tought about str_replace but Could not get it to work
Thanks in advance
The basename() would be helpful for you.
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
$img = basename($img); //holds just `image2.jpg`
You could use PHP explode to separate the strings
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
$parts = explode('/', $img);
$img = array_pop($parts);
There are different ways:
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
$img = basename($img);
explode and end:
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
$parts = explode('/', $img);
$img = end($parts); // takes the last element in $parts
explode and array_pop:
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
$parts = explode('/', $img);
$img = array_pop($parts); // takes the last element in $parts and removes it
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
$img = str_replace('../images/', '', $img);
There are more ways to do this, but those are the most important ones.
This should work:
$img = str_replace('../images/', '', $img);
$imgout = str_replace("../images/", '', $img);
or use explode()
$imgout = explode('/', $img);
$imgname = $imgout[2];
pathinfo() will suitably extract the information you need from the string. See http://uk3.php.net/pathinfo
$img = "../images/image2.jpg";
$imgDetails = pathinfo($img);
$imgName = $imgDetails['basename'];
print_r($imgDetails); // Will show you what other formats you can get the filename in, including extension etc.
basename() is also exposed as a function which you could use
Try this:
$path = "../images/image2.jpg";
$path_arr = explode("/", $path);
echo $path_arr[0]; // ..
echo $path_arr[1]; // images
echo $path_arr[2]; // image2.jpg
You can do this
$subject = 'REGISTER 11223344 here';
$search = '11223344'
$trimmed = str_replace($search, '', $subject);
echo $trimmed
i want upload image from base64 png and rename it with different image type.
if ($img) {
$img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $img);
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
$data = base64_decode($img);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR . $name . = str_replace("image/", ".", $type);
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
Try with file_get_contents it has built in base64 data uri protocol wrapper:
if ($img) {
$contents = file_get_contents($img); // $img = 'data:image/png;base64,....'
// setting $file name etc.
$success = file_put_contents($file, $contents);
I'm trying to get an image from canvas and save it with my php script. But when the script proceedes, I got a simple black rectangle instead of my canvas image (web-cam snapshot).
Here is my code:
$img = $base64Img;
$img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $img);
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
$data = base64_decode($img);
$file = "photo/" . uniqid() . '.png';
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
print $success ? $file : 'Unable to save the file.';
What is the purpose of this line:
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
Don't think it is necessary.
Otherwise all seems fine.
I usually use php explode to isolate the data:
$exploded = explode(',', $img);
$base64 = $exploded[1];
$data = base64_decode($base64);
But str_replace should also do the job.
Maybe the error is in the code that loads the image?
Purpose of that line is to encode the white space in the base64 data.
This is also mentioned in this comment on php.net.
Probably it would be better to use the PHP function urlencode in such cases.
$data = base64_decode($data);
This line is probably causing the issues in this, since the data is not used as a data url but saved to a file directly.
My image src looks like this
How can I extract the image type ie; jpeg from the above src given. I am using PHP and the image type can also be png/gif/jpg.
Well you have basically two options:
Trust the metadata
Type check the image source directly
Option 1:
Probably the quicker way because it only involve splitting string, but it may be incorrect.
Something like:
$data = '.';
$pos = strpos($data, ';');
$type = explode(':', substr($data, 0, $pos))[1];
Option 2:
Use getimagesize() and it's equivalent for string:
$info = getimagesizefromstring(explode(',', base64_decode($data)[1], 2));
// $info['mime']; contains the mimetype
Test this:
$str = '...';
function getB64Type($str) {
// $str should start with 'data:' (= 5 characters long!)
return substr($str, 5, strpos($str, ';')-5);
This is the way that i made:
$uri = "......."
$img = explode(',', $uri);
$ini =substr($img[0], 11);
$type = explode(';', $ini);
echo $type[0]; // result png
I hope this helps but the correct way to do this is.
$uri = "......."
$encodedImgString = explode(',', $uri, 2)[1];
$decodedImgString = base64_decode($encodedImgString);
$info = getimagesizefromstring($decodedImgString);
echo $info['mime'];
Please don't just use the, data:image/png as that is not reliable, I could easily fake that part and send you a base64 encoded .exe file.
$encoded_string = "....";
$imgdata = base64_decode($encoded_string);
$f = finfo_open();
$mime_type = finfo_buffer($f, $imgdata, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
You can use this, if you use ajax to upload images then you will not get the correct MIME using finfo_buffer
function getMIMETYPE($base64string){
preg_match("/^data:(.*);base64/g",$base64string, $match);
echo $match[1];
$str64 = base64 string
function base64Extension($str64) {
return explode(";", explode("/", $str64)[1])[0];
Use below regex code, it returns the extension of a file.
$base64string = '...';
preg_match("/^data:image\/(.*);base64/i",$base64string, $match);
$extension = $match[1];
$str = '...';
$ext = end(explode('/', (explode(';', $str))[0]));
Result: jpeg
This solution worked best for me, piggybacking off of Option 1 presented by Boris Guery.
$data = '...';
$pos = strpos($data, ';');
$type = explode('/', substr($data, 0, $pos))[1];
In this instance the solution returns jpeg file extension, in the $type variable.
String[] strings = base64String.split(",");
String extension;
switch (strings[0]) {//check image's extension
case "data:image/jpeg;base64":
extension = "jpeg";
case "data:image/png;base64":
extension = "png";
default://should write cases for more images types
extension = "jpg";
$type will return "data:image/jpeg"
then $extension returns "jpeg"
$type = explode(';', $httpFileRequest)[0];
$extension = explode('/', $type)[1];
This is how I do:
$string = '...';
// $string = 'data:video/mp4;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAA...';
function getMimeType($string)
$string = explode(
stristr($string, ';base64,', true)
return false;
preg_match('/^data:(.*)\/(.*)/', $string[0], $match);
return [
'type' => $match[1],
'extension' => $match[2],
// array(2) { ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["extension"]=> string(4) "jpeg" }
// array(2) { ["type"]=> string(5) "video" ["extension"]=> string(3) "mp4" }
Best Way to get base64 image file type
$type = explode('/', mime_content_type($base64_string))[1];
It's works for me and it's the best way to get base64 image file type. it only returns file extenstion like 'png', 'jpg', etc
$photo = ...
$ext = explode('/',explode(':',substr($photo,0,strpos($photo,';')))[1])[1];
return : jpeg
This is best solution worked for me...
$str = "";
$name = time() . '.' . explode('/', explode(':', substr($str, 0, strpos(str, ';')))[1])[1];
Result: 1564650041.jpg
I am trying to take a base64 encoded string and return it as an image in php using $_POST. On line one if I use $_POST['imgdata'] it returns error from the preg_match if i were hard code the base64 string instead of using $_POST it all works and returns the image. how can i make this work by using the $_POST
$imgstr = '';
does not work
$imgstr = $_POST['imgdata'];
full code
$imgstr = $_POST['imgdata'];
// Grab the MIME type and the data with a regex for convenience
if (!preg_match('/data:([^;]*);base64,(.*)/', $imgstr, $matches)) {
// Decode the data
$content = base64_decode($matches[2]);
// Output the correct HTTP headers (may add more if you require them)
header('Content-Type: '.$matches[1]);
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($content));
// Output the actual image data
echo $content;
As was noted the "+" should not be missed, the rest is straight forward. Use $_REQUEST if you are not sure is it post or get.
// requires php5
define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'images/');
$img = $_REQUEST['img'];
$img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $img);
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
$data = base64_decode($img);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR . uniqid() . '.png';
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
print $success ? $file : 'Unable to save the file.';
This is the One., Would you like the following i think.,
$imgstr = 'image/png;base64,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';
echo base64_decode($data[1]);
The above code will generates the output as per your wish.,Try this..This may help you.
Sorry For The Delay Reply.,Now Only I Recover My StackOverFlow Account After a long time.
Note : Ignore the empty space's in before the starting '' tag on the PHP file you are using for image decode.,If any empty is on that file means it throws Error message and it doesn't create or show the original image after the decodes.
. 'EX4IJTRkb7lobNUStXsB0jIXIAMSsQnWlsV+wULF4Avk9fLq2r'
. '8a5HSE35Q3eO2XP1A1wQkZSgETvDtKdQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==';
$data = base64_decode($data);
$im = imagecreatefromstring($data);
if ($im !== false) {
header('Content-Type: image/png');
else {
echo 'An error occurred.';
source: documentation.
check out imagecreatefromstring.
Not sure why the regex isn't working for you, I copied the base64 post data and your code and it worked fine. You can try this instead which doesn't use regex and may be a little faster and use less memory.
$imgstr = $_GET['imgdata'];
list($type, $imgstr) = explode(';', $imgstr);
list(, $type) = explode(':', $type);
list(, $imgstr) = explode(',', $imgstr);
$content = base64_decode($imgstr);
Please check below code it is working fine for me,
$data = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $data);
$data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data);
$data = base64_decode($data); // Decode image using base64_decode
$file = uniqid() . '.png'; //Now you can put this image data to your desired file using file_put_contents function like below:
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
You can capture parts by this regex :
$imgstr = '';
preg_match("/data\:image\/(.*)\;base64/",$imgstr, $match);
echo $match[1];
^^^^ Return file extension.
$data = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $imgstr);
data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data);
$data = base64_decode($data);
^^^^ Create file from base64.
I need your help with a RegEx in PHP
I have something like:
vacation.jpg and I am looking for a RegEx which extracts me only the 'vacation' of the filename.
Can someone help me?
Don't use a regex for this - use basename:
$fileName = basename($fullname, ".jpg");
You can use pathinfo instead of Regex.
$file = 'vacation.jpg';
$path_parts = pathinfo($file);
$filename = $path_parts['filename'];
echo $filename;
And if you really need regex, this one will do it:
$success = preg_match('~([\w\d-_]+)\.[\w\d]{1,4}~i', $original_string, $matches);
Inside matches you will have first part of file name.
Better answers have already been provided, but here's another alternative!
$fileName = "myfile.jpg";
$name = str_replace(substr($fileName, strpos($fileName,".")), "", $fileName);
You don't need regex for this.
Approach 1:
$str = 'vacation.jpg';
$parts = explode('.', basename($str));
if (count($parts) > 1) array_pop($parts);
$filename = implode('.', $parts);
Approach 2 (better, use pathinfo()):
$str = 'vacation.jpg';
$filename = pathinfo($str, PATHINFO_FILENAME);