how to store data in associative array in php - php

here is my mysql table data:
snapshot is this
responsible_party_name delayedtasks
BJ Hansen 40
Chris Wolstenholme 14
Bob Strobel 8
Tim Faltemier 8
Carli Lyon 6
Mary Lynn Wilmore 6
I have store data in associative array format: I have to store data like this in key value form how could do that. Here is my array snapshot:
[0] => Chris Wolstenholme
[responsible_party_name] => Chris Wolstenholme
[1] => 14
[assigned_todo_count] => 14
i want like : in key value pair
here is the snapshot of associative array in php , how could put data in key value pair in php.


PHP Array Loop Help - WordPress ACF

I am creating a leaderboard in WordPress. The user submits their mileage along with the date and method in an ACF repeater field. I am pulling the data and need to output the following $leaderboard array:
Array ( [user1] => Array ( [walking] => 2 [overall_mileage] => 11 [swimming] => 9 ) [user2] => Array ( [running] => 54.25 [overall_mileage] => 54.25 ) )
I am calculating the mileage and inserting it into the array.
What's the best way to loop through this into a table so that it displays in a leaderboard with a breakdown as follows?
Thanks in advance

Serialized array of relations to Laravel relations

I'm facing one problem and I can't find the perfect and best optimized solution.
So I'm kindly asking for your opinion.
Here's what bothering me.
I've got a serialized array from DB that looks like this:
Here is the non-serialized version for more clarity:
[property_type] => 1
[property_feature] => Array
[0] => 3
[1] => 4
[property_offer_type] => 5
[property_built_type] => Array
[0] => 10
[properties_office_phones] => 13
[property_labels] => Array
[0] => 8
All of this keys values are stored in one single table.
This is how the table looks like:
ID | Name | Slug | .. etc
1 | A name here | a-name-here | .. other
What do you think will be the best and most optimized way to get the information related to those IDs using Laravel 8 relations, so it can be retrieved as relations just like "with()" is doing.
Thanks in advance!

How to create a three dimensional array from sql query PHP

I have 2 tables in a database, 1 of them are linked with a foreign key to the first one. Each row on table 1 is linked to multiple rows in table 2. I am trying to make a query that looks at a WHERE from table 2 and returns multiple rows from table 2 which are sorted into the rows they linked with in table 1 and then put this all into one big multi dimensional array, so it should work something like this:
$array[0][column_name][0] this would use row 1 from table 1 and give me a the first result in the column called column_name
$array[1][column_name][0] this would use row 2 from table 1 and give me a the first result in the column called column_name
$array[1][column_name][3] this would use row 2 from table 1 and give me a the 4th result in the column called column_name
How can I query this and store it in a 3 dimensional array using PHP.
I have tried to word this in as clear manner as possible, if you are unsure what I am asking, please comment and I will update my question to make it clearer.
Assume that we have two tables, Company and Employee:
ID Company_Name
1 Walmart
3 Apple
ID Company_Id Employee_Name
1 1 Sam Walton
2 1 Rob Walton
3 1 Jim Walton
4 1 Alice Walton
5 2 Jeff Bezos
6 2 Brian T. Olsavsky
7 3 Steve Jobs
8 3 Tim Cook
The easiest way to envision a multi-dimensional (nested) array is to mimic the looping required to get it: outer loop is the company, inner loop is the employees:
// ignoring database access, this is just pseudo code
$outer = [];
// select id, company_name from company
foreach $companyResult as $companyRow {
// select * from employee where company_id = ? {$companyRow['id']}
$inner= [];
foreach $employee_result as $employeeRow {
$inner[] = $employeeRow; // ie, ['id'=>'1','Company_Id'=>'1','Employee_Name'=>'Sam Walton']
$outer[] = $inner;
// yields ====>
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[Company_Id] => 1
[Employee_Name] => Sam Walton
[1] => Array
[id] => 2
[Company_Id] => 1
[Employee_Name] => Rob Walton
[2] => Array
[id] => 3
[Company_Id] => 1
[Employee_Name] => Jim Walton
[3] => Array
[id] => 4
[Company_Id] => 1
[Employee_Name] => Alice Walton
[1] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5
[Company_Id] => 2
[Employee_Name] => Jeff Bezos
[1] => Array
[id] => 6
[Company_Id] => 2
[Employee_Name] => Brian T. Olsavsky
[2] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 7
[Company_Id] => 3
[Employee_Name] => Steve Jobs
[1] => Array
[id] => 8
[Company_Id] => 3
[Employee_Name] => Tim Cook
It is also possible to do if you use associative arrays. Consider the flat file that this query produces:
select company_id, company_name, employee_id, emp.employee_name
from company
inner join employee on = employee.company_id
company_id company_name employee_id employee_name
1 Walmart 1 Sam Walton
1 Walmart 2 Rob Walton
1 Walmart 3 Jim Walton
1 Walmart 4 Alice Walton
2 5 Jeff Bezos
2 6 Brian T. Olsavsky
3 Apple 7 Steve Jobs
3 Apple 8 Tim Cook
Just use the primary IDs as the keys for your arrays:
$employeeList = [];
foreach($result as $row) {
$cid = $row['company_name'];
$eid = $row['employee_name'];
// avoid uninitialized variable
// $employeeList[$row['company_name']] = $employeeList[$row['company_name']] ?? [];
// easier to read version of above
$employeeList[$cid] = $employeeList[$cid] ?? [];
// assign it...
$employeeList[$cid][$eid] = $row;
Or, if you simply want each company row to hold an array of employee names,
$employeeList[$cid][] = $row['employee_name'];
The way that I've shown you is useful if you know the company_id and want to find the associated rows:
foreach($employeeList[2] as $amazon_guys) { ... }
But it's not at all useful if you're trying to group by employee, or some other field in the employee table. You'd have to organize the order of your indexes by your desired search order.
In the end, it's almost always better to simply do another query and let the database give you the specific results you want.

Insert into ordered php array, move values

I have numbered array like
[0] => value 0
[1] => value 1
[2] => value 2
[3] => value 3
[4] => value 4
//keys 5-8 aren't set (I'm only demonstrating there could be a gap)
[9] => value 5
[10] => value 6
Is there any way to shuffle the array to move values when I add new to the specific position? So if i do something simillar to $array[1] = 'new value' it will change original value of 1 to new value of 2, 2 to 3 etc. up to 4 (then there is empty place in the example)?
Like this:
[0] => value 0
[1] => new value
[2] => value 1
[3] => value 2
[4] => value 3
[5] => value 4
[9] => value 5
[10] => value 6
Thank you very much for your help
Use array_splice .. Keep linear, not associated array, but places in array that need to be empty (for now) assign to null
Should work.
You could use the array_slice(). Check the examples below:

PHP - Ranking in different dates starting from multidimensional array

I'm storing in a multi-dimensional array the progressive score of n players in different days.
So I've something like
[0] => Array
[day] => 2014-10-01
[player] => John
[score] => 1500
[1] => Array
[day] => 2014-10-02
[player] => John
[score] => 1510
[2] => Array
[day] => 2014-10-01
[player] => Mary
[score] => 1400
[3] => Array
[day] => 2014-10-02
[player] => Mary
[score] => 1600
What I need a day-by-day rank for a given player, comparing his score with all other players's one, for each day.
So the input will be player's id (in this case "John") and the output should be a JSON object like
[{"day"="2014-10-01", "rank": 1}, {"day"="2014-10-02", "rank": 2}]
What's the best way to approach this problem?
To give you an idea of the dimension of my data, consider that I've the scores of 100 players in 100 different days (so I've a table of approximately 10.000 records).
EDIT (27/11/14): the multi-dimensional array is the result of a pre-processing on data stored in
a MySQL database.
This database contains information about each game played in this form:
|Date |WinnerId|LoserId|PtsEarned|PtsLost|
|2014-10-01|John |Mary |10 |-10 |
|2014-10-02|Mary |John |20 |-20 |
So I don't know If I can easily use the method suggested in the "duplicate" answer.
With my first approach, it takes about 7-8 seconds to output the result I need... so I think It's not the most efficient way to face the problem...
EDIT (28/11/14): I tried ranking data directly in MySql, and it takes about 2 seconds to give me back the ranking position of one player in a specific day; repeating the same query 100 times is a way too long process...
With a different approach I manage to create a php array with "pre-processed" data in the same time (2 seconds), but I miss the last step, i.e. how to do a rank using php functions on a multi-dimensional array (my first question). Any idea?
