So here is my query:
public function fetchAd($adID){
$row = $this->tableGateway->select(function(Select $select) use ($adID){
$select->join('adDetails','adDetails.adID = ads.adID',array('*'),'inner');
$select->where(array('ads.adID' => $adID));
return $row->current();
So what I'm doing I'm querying the ad table and join the adDetails table in order for me to get the details for a certain AD, the problem is that the entity AD which belongs to the model that I'm doing the query, it doesn't have the columns names(variables) from the adDetails table; so it will only return the columns from the AD table, because the entity doesn't have those fields in the exchangeArray()
I have tried to extend the AD entity to use the AdDetails entity but it returns now to object array but with the fields as null, because it can;t populate them.
So, how should I do this, in order for me to have all the columns available in the model for the tables that will join?
I'm planning to join other tables as well.
Ok I solved the problem, the thing is that it will return an array, and it won't use the ORM style, but it does the job, for now relations are not supported in ZF2 like in ZF1;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql,
$sql = new Sql($this->tableGateway->getAdapter());
$select = $sql->select();
->join('adDetails','adDetails.adID = ads.adID',array('*'),'inner');
$where = new Where();
$where->equalTo('ads.adID', $adID) ;
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$result = $statement->execute();
return $result->current();
public function fetchJoin()
$select = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
$select->from('tablea a');
$select->join('tableb b', " = a.b_id", array('field1'), 'left');
// to display query string remove comment in next line
//echo $select->getSqlString();
$resultSet = $this->tableGateway->selectWith($select);
return $resultSet;
My application works like this: α user creates a task and assigns it
to another user. I have two tables
(user table)
(task table)
my question how to make join statement by codeigniter to display
the task, its creator name and assigned to whom.
Please check following query for join in codeigniter
$user = 'user';
$task = ' task,';
$task.'.user_id = '.$user.'.user_id'
$this->db->join($user,$user.'.user_id = $task.'created_by','left');
$query = $this->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0){
$result = $query->result();
return $result;
return FALSE;
Instead of using * you can use your own custom fields that you want to show and in join use the common id in both tables like I use user_id
I want to get the field of an entity that is associated with another .
My entity Offers has a last_offer field.
Offers is related to the Products entity.
Then , with a consultation in my entity Products, I want to get the latest offer associated with the entity Offer.
public function lastAction($key)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$last_offer = $em->getRepository('MyAppBundle:Products')->findOfferByKey($key);
$response = new JsonResponse();
return $response->setData($last_offer);
My repository:
public function findOfferByKey($key){
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$dql = 'SELECT pr, of FROM MyAppBundle\AppBundle\Entity\Products pr
INNER JOIN pr.offers of
WHERE pr.key = :key';
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
->setParameter('key', $key)
return $query->execute();
My routing:
path: /{key}/last_offer
defaults: { _controller: "MyAppBundle:Products:last" }
But, this return an array.
I want to return only last_offer element.
Or to return the entity offers without being in an array.
You're specifically telling doctrine to generate/return an array with this line
I think all you need to do is remove that line and doctrine will generate/return entities instead. However, you will get a Collection back, so make sure to take that into account. Perhaps something like
public function findOfferByKey($key) {
$dql = 'SELECT pr, of FROM MyAppBundle\AppBundle\Entity\Products pr
INNER JOIN pr.offers of
WHERE pr.key = :key';
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
->setParameter('key', $key)
$results = $query->execute();
if (count($results) !== 1)
// It's up to you how to handle zero or multiple rows
return $results->current();
I see what's happening - I wasn't paying attention to your SELECT caluse. You're not selecting just the last_offer columns, you're selecting the entirety of the Products and Offers entities = $results is going to be an array of all of these together. In this scenario, $query->execute() will return an array() instead of a collection.
If you want to select just the Offer entities, you need to modify the SELECT
$dql = 'SELECT of
FROM MyAppBundle\AppBundle\Entity\Products pr
INNER JOIN pr.offers of
WHERE pr.key = :key';
But be wary that this still may return more than one row.
I want to select users from a database with Doctrine and Symfony. Depending on whether I have a supplied list of user IDs I want to only select users with these IDs. If the list is empty, then all users should be selected.
Here is the code I have created so far:
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository {
public function selectUsers (array $userIds) {
$dql = "
WHERE IN (:users)"; // OR (:users) does not contain any values
$query = $this
->setParameter("users", $userIds);
return $query->getResult();
How can I check whether the array is empty? So far, I have tried IS EMPTY, = (), = [], SIZE(:users) = 0, COUNT(:users) = 0 but all of them give me errors. What is the correct syntax here?
You can dynamically build DQL query
public function selectUsers(array $userIds)
$dql = "SELECT u FROM MyBundle:User";
$params = array();
if ($users) {
$dql .= " WHERE IN (:users)";
$params["users"] = $userIds;
return $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($dql)->execute($params);
You are building two different queries - select all, select specific users. I think you cannot build such SQL query. Maybe DQL has some shortcut how you can do it, but I would prefer SQL-ish syntax.
The only solution I have come up with so far is to calculate the count in PHP and pass it in as an additional parameter.
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository {
public function selectUsers (array $userIds) {
$dql = "
WHERE IN (:users) OR :userCount = 0";
$query = $this
->setParameter("users", $userIds)
->setParameter("userCount", count($userIds));
return $query->getResult();
However, I have a hard time believing that this is impossible to do directly in DQL.
I created 2 textension in magento along with 2 different tables. First extension store data in table-1 while second second extension store data in table-2. Now i want to display data in first extension by LeftJoin. It show data without leftjoin from first table but not showing data with leftjoin from both the tables.
This code in block.php
public function methodblock()
$collection = Mage::getModel('test/test')->getCollection();
$returnCollection = $collection->getSelect()
->joinLeft('magento_answer', 'id_pfay_test=question_id',
array('*'), null , 'left');
return $returnCollection;
On Layout side. dislplaydata.phtml
$collection = $this->testmethodblock();
foreach($collection as $rows {
echo $rows ->getData('name');
I Got the answer. I use the custom query which works for me.
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$readConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_read');
$qTable = $resource->getTableName('pfay_test');
$aTable = $resource->getTableName('answer/answer');
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$qTable.' q left join '.$aTable.' a ON a.question_id=q.id_pfay_test';
$results = $readConnection->fetchAll($query);
return $results;
How do I filter based on a joined table's columns in Propel?
$results = FooQuery::create()->joinBar()->filterByBarSurname('surname');
You have to use use method as described in the doc:
$results = FooQuery::create()
// example Query generated for a MySQL database
$query = 'SELECT foo.* from foo
INNER JOIN bar ON foo.BAR_ID = bar.ID
WHERE bar.SURNAME = :p1'; // :p1 => 'surname'
If you have to use join(), I don't think you can use filterByXXX method but the old where:
$results = FooQuery::create()
->where('Bar.surname = ?', 'surname')